- Guide - Beltway Park Church

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W/ - Guide It’s time – it’s imperative – we reclaim our Bibles (John 16:12-14). Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, and that His followers possess the ability hear and know the voice of God (John 10:1-5). The foundation and basis of God’s communication – His voice to us – is the Bible. We can discern what is true, and what is false, by regularly engaging God and growing in our knowledge of Him through scripture. Without this foundation, we are setting ourselves up to be deceived (2 Corinthians 11:14; Matthew 24:24-25). When we engage the Bible, the Spirit can shape us and lead us to the abundant life God desires for us (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; John 10:10) GET THINGS STARTED What were you taught about the Bible growing up, if anything? What place or role did scripture have in your spiritual journey as a child or adolescent? What was modeled for you by your parents or church leaders concerning the Bible and how to engage it? GO DEEPER 1. From John 16:12-14, what will the Holy Spirit do when He comes? 2. According to John 10:1-5, why do the sheep follow the shepherd (but not the thief or stranger)? What point is Jesus making to His followers in this passage? 3. In 2 Timothy 3:16 and Hebrews 4:12, what does the Spirit accomplish in us through scripture? Without the foundation of scripture, what can the enemy accomplish in us (Matthew 24:24-25)? MAKE IT PERSONAL 1. For you, what makes reading or engaging the Bible the most challenging (e.g. it’s boring, it’s difficult to understand, I get distracted too easily, I don’t have time, I’m not spiritual enough, etc.)? Do you really believe the Bible can be trusted? 2. How else has God spoken to you? How did you know that it was God leading you or speaking to you? 3. What is a realistic goal for you when it comes to engaging the Bible? PRACTICE IT NOW Take time as a Life Group to intentionally pray for the Holy Spirit to guide into all truth, especially through the Bible. Ask God to increase your desire to engage Him through scripture. Ask Him to make the Bible come alive to you, to awaken your heart and soul to what He wants to show you in it. Ask God to speak to you in other ways too, to make His voice abundantly clear. Take time also to pray over and to encourage those who may feel they are not spiritual enough or knowledgeable enough to understand the Bible.