01-18-2015 Sunday Evening Bulletin.pub

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The Lord’s Day Evening January 18, 2015 Six O’clock

Welcome and Announcements Prelude ................................................................... Dr. Steve Murphey

Dear Father, You’re such an outrageously generous God. Your kindness and love appeared to me out of nowhere—like a helicopter of hope, rescuing me from a hopeless existence; like a geyser of grace in the middle of an arid desert; actually, more like a resurrection to life from the tomb of my sin and death. So great is the gospel, so stunning your sovereign love. I wasn’t seeking you, Father, but you were seeking me—running to me, running after me—not to harm me, but to heal me from both paralyzing guilt and foolish pride. I praise you for your multiplied mercies. And what a “bath” in the gospel you gave me—washing me, once and for all, through the new birth. Now you continue to renew, revive, and refresh me through the ministry of the Holy Spirit—poured forth like a healing waterfall. All of these blessings come to us so freely because you’ve given Jesus for us so fully. fully Now that you’ve justified me by your grace, the rest of my life is defined by heirheir-ship and hope. hope Though I sometimes feel, and act, like a fatherless, futureless orphan, nothing could be farther from the truth. The saints in heaven are happier but no more secure than I am. You will bring to completion the good work you’ve begun in us and in the entire universe. Hallelujah, what a Savior Jesus is! Hallelujah, what a salvation is ours! So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ magnificent and merciful name.

Songbook 70 ...................................... Pra

Grace Moment ........................................

Corporate Prayer (excerpts from A Diary of Privat

O Father in Heaven, who didst fashion my limbs to serve Thee sorrow and contrition of heart I acknowledge before Thee the fa Too long, O Father, have I tried Thy patience; too often have I to keep; yet Thou art still willing that I should come to Thee in Thee to drown my transgressions in the sea of Thine own infinite

Songbook 72 ........................................... (Children will be dismissed to 4 Cor Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading....................................

Sermon .................................................. “The Longest Prayer in the

Songbook 80 ........................................... Call to Worship ..................................................................... Psalm 23 Recited by 1st grade Sunday School class

Benediction Postlude

Invocation ......................................................... Dr. Sean Michael Lucas

From The Gospel Transformation Bible Nehemiah chapter 9 is the longest recorded prayer in the Bible. It confesses before a faithful God the history of a faithless people. As Christ’s followers we are grafted into this family (Gal. 3:7–9), and we can share in this prayer for mercy from our covenant-keeping God. The prayer unfolds history as God’s acts of grace and mercy—from creation (Neh. 9:6), to the Abrahamic covenant (Neh. 9:7–8), to the deliverance from Egypt (Neh. 9:9–11), to God’s wilderness provisions (including the law [Neh. 9:12–15]), to a kingdom in a rich land (Neh. 9:22–25). This outpouring of God’s faithfulness is interrupted by two sections which confess the people’s rebellion against him (Neh. 9:16–21, 26–31). But there are repeated appeals to a merciful God, “abounding in steadfast love” (Neh. 9:17; see also Ex. 34:6; Deut. 7:9). The focus is on God’s “covenant and steadfast love” (Neh. 9:32), ever the basis on which his people approach him.

January 18, 2 6:00 p.m

Praise God. We can know and name the Christ in whom all the promises of God are “yes” and “Amen” (2 Cor. 1:20). The Old Testament people of God knew that God was full of grace and truth. We today see grace and truth itself embodied in Jesus Christ (John 1:14–18).

Presbyterian Church Hattiesburg, Mi