01-18-2015 Sunday Morning Bulletin.pub

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The Lord’s Day January 18, 2015 Eight Thirty and Eleven O'clock “And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD his God.” (Micah 5:4)

you are a holy God; we know that you are the true King of the World. And yet, we pretend that we are powerful, that we are perfect, that we are king. Forgive us, Lord, for worshipping ourselves—the idols of our own hearts—rather than you. Root out all self-worship and replace it with a whole-souled worship of you, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Assurance of Pardon ......................................... Romans 5:1

Please switch all communications devices to silent mode. Thank you.

Welcome and Announcements +Prelude............................................................. June Nixon “Improvisation: Thee We Adore, O Savior”

Call to Worship ................ Psalm 19:1-2; Romans 1:20; John 1:1-3 Minister: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. People: Ever since the creation of the world, God’s invisible attributes are clearly perceived in the things that have been made—his eternal power and divine nature. Minister: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made. All: We worship you, O Creator God, who made all things through Jesus Christ our Lord. Praise the Lord!

Choral Introit ................................................ J. Marty Cope “Praise to the Lord”

Sanctuary Choir

We come to our Creator and Redeemer God through Jesus Christ, confessing our sins as those confident that “since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Thanks be to God!

Affirmation of Faith .... The Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 3 Q 6. Did God create people so wicked and perverse? A. No. God created them good and in his own image, that is, in true righteousness and holiness, so that they might truly know God their creator, love him with all their heart, and live with God in eternal happiness, to praise and glorify him. Q 7. Then where does this corrupt human nature come from? A. The fall and disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in Paradise. This fall has so poisoned our nature that we are all conceived and born in a sinful condition. Q 8. But are we so corrupt that we are totally unable to do any good and inclined toward all evil? A. Yes, unless we are born again by the Spirit of God.

*Ascription of Praise (Hymn 735) ...................... gloria patri Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, amen.

Prayer of Intercession and The Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn 120 ......................................................... royal oak “All Things Bright and Beautiful”

Corporate Confession of Sin O Lord God, we confess the many ways that we suppress your truth in unrighteousness. We know that you are a powerful God; we know that

(Four and Five-year olds dismissed to Children’s Church)

+Doxology (Hymn 731) ....................................OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heav’nly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Choral Anthem ........................................... Keveren/Cottrell “Christ Be with Me”

Sanctuary Choir Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me. Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger. Christ in the hearts of all who love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. Christ in hearts of all who love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. Amen. © 2010 Kevko Music. All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-716217

Prayer of Illumination Scripture Reading ..... Genesis 2:4-25 ................ Pew Bible p. 2 Minister: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God!

Sermon ............................................... Dr. Sean Michael Lucas “Beginnings (3): In God’s Garden”

Sacrament of Baptism (11:00am) Anna Elizabeth Gray, covenant child of Jarrod & April Gray, by Dr. Sean Michael Lucas with Ruling Elder Wyche McMullan assisting.

*Prayer of Adoration

Offertory ............. “Meditation on repton” ...........Robert Hobby

Our Father, who art in heaven; hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Please complete the black Fellowship Folder and pass down the pew.

Presentation of God’s Tithe and Our Offerings

*Hymn 119 ..................................................... forest green “I Sing the Almighty Power of God”

*Benediction Choral Response *Postlude ................. “Holy, Holy, Holy” .............. Robert Hebble *Please stand if you are able. +The ushers may seat worshipers. Presiding Minister - Dr. Sean Michael Lucas Assisting Elders - Rev. Ben Griffith (8:30); Ruling Elder Charles Greer IV (11:00) Visitors - Visitors are encouraged to pick up a copy of the First Presbyterian Church newsletter in the Narthex or at the Welcome Center in the Fellowship Hall.

Notes on the Service We continue in this narrative of beginnings by looking at Genesis 2. Here in God’s Garden, we see the great love our God had for our first parents in providing everything needful for them: creation, covenant, and callings all combined to provide the boundaries for God’s people in the garden. And yet, Adam and Eve weren’t meant to remain in Eden; rather, they were to expand the borders of Eden until the world became Paradise. Even though Adam and Eve fell into a condition of sin and misery—and so brought us all into that same condition—through Jesus Christ, we are being restored and made new. Our Creator is our Redeemer; grace is transforming nature. And so, those who were former rebels are now enabled and empowered to worship God.

First Presbyterian Church Directory Ministry Staff Dr. Sean Michael Lucas ........................................................... Senior Minister Rev. Norman A. Bagby, Jr. .............................. Minister of Visitation/Senior Adults Rev. C. Knox Baird. ............................................ Minister of Missions/Outreach Rev. Ben Griffith ............................................................. Minister of Students Dr. David H. Jussely. ........................................ Minister of Teaching/Discipleship Mrs. Kathy C. Young .......................................... Director of Children’s Ministry Music Ministry Staff Dr. Larry D. Smith ................................................................. Choir Director Dr. Samuel Porter .......................................................................... Organist Mrs. Loleeta Rhett ......................... Arts and Discipleship Coordinator, Accompanist Mrs. Kerrin Hightower .............................................. Children’s Choir Director Support Staff Mrs. Sara Sealy ................................................................. Financial Secretary Mrs. Tracy Ross ..................................................................... Office Manager Mr. Rodney Gillentine ..................................................... Properties Supervisor Mr. Don Hill .............................................................................. Custodian Mr. Bill Rose .............................................................................. Custodian

2015 CHURCH OFFICERS That’s what the Heidelberg Catechism teaches us. God created human beings good, in his own image, so that we might know and love God, but human beings rebelled in Adam and Eve. Their fall “has so poisoned our nature” that every human being descended from them is born in a sinful condition. That’s why we must be born again by the Spirit, made new and transformed. As those who are born again, we praise and worship God. We are called to worship this morning with portions that remind us that the creation declares God’s glory and so we must join creation’s song. We do so this morning with two familiar hymns: “All things bright and beautiful” and “I sing the Almighty power of God.” But we also praise and worship God through Word and sacrament. As we baptize Anna Gray this morning, we do so in the confidence that the same Spirit who hovered over the waters of creation also hovers over the waters of the baptismal font; the same Word who brought light into the world is the same Word that will shine in Anna’s heart; and the same creative power that brought the world into existence is the power that can make her new. We pray that it will be so for her and for all our covenant children.

If you would like a copy of today’s sermon, please call the church office (601-268-0303). The entire service, as well as just the sermon, is available on CD. You may also download the sermon only from our website at www.fpcpca.net.

The Session Class of 2015 Frank Aderholdt Charles Greer IV Arrington Rhett Bill Turpin

Class of 2016 Hugh Bolton William R. Stanway Grant Bennett Matthew Boyd

Class of 2017 Keith Easterling Matthew Wiggins

Class of 2018 John Elder Robert T. Jackson Jr.

Elders Emeriti James L. Duncan II Richard A. Johnson

John M. Faust William C. Scruggs

John R. Jackson Jr.

The Diaconate Class of 2015 Grant Dyess John Elder Ron Keller Dennis McGaughran Drew Middleton D Palermo Stuart Rich Lee Rouse

Class of 2016 Neal Gregg Michael Griffin George Null Chris Parsons Erin Riley Tommy Shook Chad Smith

Class of 2017 Josh Blair Robert Dews Dan Didier Jarrod Gray Andrew Harwell Eric Jordan John Kosko B.J. Null Nathan Starns Craig Thieling Wade Wicht

Church Treasurer

Assistant Treasurers

Grant Dyess

Ron Keller Drew Middleton Michael Griffin

Class of 2018 Kevin Arnold Bobby Blass Drew McMullan Gene Smith Schaeffer Smith

Thanks to those serving today: Duty Deacons for January: Chad Smith, John Kosko, Andrew Harwell, D Palermo, Dan Didier, Lee Rouse, Schaeffer Smith, Gene Smith, Chris Parsons, Michael Griffin Ushers for January: Jack Van Devender, Mark Kolvites, Rob Acord, Edward Allegretti, Sid Sytsma, Justin Woodyear, Josh Bellew, Jay Beiring, Trey Sutton, Andrew Rogers

Nursery Volunteers for Today: Melissa Cain, Amanda Cain, Josh & Rachel Jussely, Betty Arnold, Sarah Arnold Nursery Volunteers for Jan. 25: Jeremy & Tinkye Cooper, Kelly Childress, Angela Johnson, Adam & Laura Pennebaker Greeters for today: 8:00 - Need a volunteer 9:30 - Jim & Carolyn Hardy 10:30 - Marcia Gatewood

January 18, 2015