14 Group Time Guide: Pre-K 2

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Easter Musical: Lesson 4 – April 13/14 Group Time Guide: Pre-K 2

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Easter Musical: Lesson 4 – April 13/14 Group Time Guide: Pre-K 2

Group Time Guide Supplies Needed: Tape, Easter Eggs

1. Introductions and Snack Circle Up: Have each Kid-O give you a high five, and then sit down. Try to get them each sitting in a circle. Encourage each Kid-O to say their name. Do This: Give kids hand sanitizer, then hand each of them a snack.

2. Discussion Questions • What did Jesus do for Judas and the other disciples in our Bible Adventure? (Washed their feet.) • What do you think being a “servant” means? (Helping others, being kind to them, or doing nice things for them.)

3. Hands-On Option Do This: Tape two parallel lines on the floor, about five feet apart. Have half of the kids stand on each line. Give each kid on one side an Easter egg. Tell them they have to try to toss the egg to the person across from them. If they drop it, they can pick up the egg and try again. The Point: That game took some teamwork. Jesus loved and served others, even when they weren’t nice to Him. He showed us that it’s important to work with other people, because God loves them all!

4. Big Idea, Memory Verse, Stickers, and Prayer Do This: Practice the Big Idea and Memory Verse with the kids, as time allows. You could use different voices, or simply have them repeat after you. Give each kid a sticker. Encourage them to talk about what they learned with their grown-ups. Do This: Pray! “Dear God, we love you. Thank you for loving us. Help us to love others like you do. Amen.”