2014 newsletter

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New Member Orientation October 5th Page 5

Fine Arts Dedication October 12th Page 6

Volunteer Recognition October 19th Page 7

Visitation Reception October 21st Page 7

Women’s Fellowship Dinner October 23rd Page 7

Fall Festival October 26th Page 5

Season of Service October 26th Page 4

“RightNow” Launch October 26th Page 4

F ro m P a s to r Mi k e I don’t normally wade into political issues, but I am going to make an exception this year. I encourage you, before you vote on the ballot initiatives, to look carefully at Amendment 2 on Medical Marijuana. The amendment appears to permit people with diseases such as cancer, ALS, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, or MS to receive marijuana, which may help alleviate some of their pain; however, there are loopholes that could allow marijuana to be used for recreational purposes. That concerns me. Amendment 2 places no restriction on the location of “Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers,” which means “pot shops” may become like the notorious “pill mills” that at one time sprung up around Florida. There are approximately 35 McDonald restaurants in the county. Do we want the estimated 57 dispensaries for “Medical Marijuana” in our county? Amendment 2 allows “caregivers” to dispense medical marijuana. Caregivers do not need medical training, they just need to be 21. It may be easier to get a Medical Marijuana caregivers license than a Florida driver’s license. That is scary. Amendment 2 states that a “Physician’s certification” is necessary. It is a document signed by a physician stating that in the physician’s professional opinion, “ the patient suffers from a debilitating medical condition and the potential benefits of the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the health risks for the patient.” However, the reality is that in states which permit “Medical Marijuana” many people are receiving prescriptions for marijuana who do not have cancer, ALS, or MS, but instead suffer from headaches, backaches, leg cramps or the inability to sleep well. I am not going to tell you how you should vote on Amendment 2, but I encourage you to read the amendment carefully before you vote and know what you are voting for or against. Do the people of Florida want to “open this door?” Pastor Mike Loudon

8:15 & 10:30 am Classic Services

This is my Body... This is my Blood Zac McGowen

10:30 am Vine Service

At the Lord’s Table - A Covenant Dr. Mike Loudon

8:15 & 10:30 am Classic Services

Adventures and Missing the Point Kenny Ellis

10:30 am Vine Service

Jesus is Awesome Zac McGowen

8:15 & 10:30 am Classic Services

What is a Christian? Dr. Mike Loudon

10:30 am Vine Service

We Are Created Zac McGowen

8:15 & 10:30 am Classic Services

What is a Protestant? Dr. Mike Loudon

10:30 am Vine Service

We are Worshippers Kenny Ellis


Looking Ahead to

October 26th

October 19th

October 12th

October 5th

Sunday Mornings at FPC


November 2nd November 2nd November 2nd November 14-16th November 16th November 27-28th

Third Grade Bible Presentations Congregational Meeting Alexander Frey Concert 3G Guys Weekend Ringing His Praises Concert Thanksgiving - Church Closed

FP C R ecei ves Gi ft of Over $1,000, 000 Yes, you read it right! This past July, First Presbyterian Church received a generous gift from the estate of Mrs. Norma Horan-Vogt in the amount of $1,048,868. With the approval of the session the entire amount was placed in the FPC Forever Endowment Fund. We are thankful and forever grateful to Mrs. Vogt for remembering First Presbyterian Church and naming us in her will. This is the highest single contribution the church has received for the FPC Forever Endowment, and we are indeed blessed. The FPC Forever Endowment Fund was created in 2013 to maximize the sustainability of First Presbyterian Church in the decades to come. Our goal is to build an endowment fund of $50,000,000 which would fund the church’s annual operating budgets and allow all contributions to go towards missions. This means that if times are bad, the bills will still get paid and when times are good, 100% of contributions to the church will be available to support missions and special projects. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” describes our efforts in establishing an effective planned giving program for our church. Fifteen years ago the General Endowment Fund had a total of $10,000. Many steps have been taken since then, and it had grown to almost $1,000,000. With the receipt of Mrs. Vogt’s gift our FPC Forever Endowment Fund has doubled to nearly $2,000,000. Of course,the goal to build our FPC Forever Endowment to $50,000,000 will take time. We have seen great progress in the last 15 years, but we are not yet at the level required to assure sustainability. We hope that you will share in our vision that FPC will continue its mission and ministry beyond our lifetimes and ask that you remember FPC Forever in your will. Norma Knapp Horan-Vogt passed away November 21, 2013, as a result of natural causes. Norma was born May 8, 1921 in Beacon, NY. She and her family moved to Lakeland, where she has lived most of her life. Norma was employed by Publix supermarkets for many years where she served as the administrative assistant to Bill Hollis. She was a longtime member of First Presbyterian Church in Lakeland. Norma was preceded in death by her beloved husbands, Douglas Horan and Kenneth Vogt. If you would like more information about the FPC Forever Endowment Fund, please contact Elena Nicholas, Director of Finance & Administration at [email protected] or 686-7187.

S eptember S essi on R epo r t The September FPC Session meeting proved to be the shortest meeting of the year at only an hour in length. A few motions were considered including live streaming the worship services, calling a congregational meeting for Nov. 2 in order to elect new session members, and naming the FPC fitness room the “George Asche Fitness Center.” Six members were removed from the roll, and four entered the church triumphant. Active membership stands at 1,540.


FPC S eas on of S e rv i c e B e g i n s Oc to b e r 2 6 th


Ted Engstrom, former head of Youth for Christ, tells a story about cleaning out one of his desk drawers and finding an old flashlight that had sat idle for more than a year. He tried the light but, as expected, it didn’t work. He unscrewed the bottom and tried to shake out the batteries, but they wouldn’t move. After a little bit of pounding, the batteries came loose revealing a terrible mess of acid-induced corrosion. The result of them sitting around and doing nothing caused irreparable damage… and a mess. It’s the same for us. We weren’t made to do nothing with our faith. We were made to live it out. At the end of October you will see a banner go up in the Welcome Center heralding FPC’s “Season of Service.” FPC is an active church year-round, but during

November and December, something wonderful happens: we are given an abundance of opportunities to live out our faith in the community. From working with the Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution to ringing a bell for the Salvation Army… from collecting toys for the Rudolph Round-up to working with our Medical Benevolence Foundation these two months are filled with the sights and sounds of FPC at work in the name of Jesus Christ. So, here’s the challenge: get involved. Donate your time, a toy, work on a service project, do something and do so in the name of Jesus Christ. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many…” (Mark 10:45). Let’s follow our Lord’s lead and serve our community during this very special season. -Pastor Zac

New Digit al D i s c i p l e s h i p Op p o rtu n i ty Our church is always looking for ways to serve you as you live out your faith throughout the week. We are inviting you to have a free account to an exciting new video library called RightNow Media. It’s essentially the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” because you will have instant access to thousands of great videos for kids, youth, parents, married couples and more. You can view these videos from your phone, tablet or computer. You can also view them in a group setting through a TV or projector. There are over 2,000 videos from some great teachers along with Biblebased children’s programs. On October 26th, you will be receiving an email with simple instructions to create an account and begin enjoying this new resource. We’ll keep you posted!


H ow S houl d One Interact W i th N on- Chr ist ians? When the famous missionary E. Stanley Jones was in India he met with Mahatma Gandhi. In the course of the visit Dr. Jones asked the question: “Mr. Gandhi, what must the Christian do to win India for the Lord Jesus Christ?” Gandhi replied, “There are four things that the Christian must do. First, let Christians live like Jesus Christ. Second, do not compromise your faith. Third, learn all you can about the non-Christian religions. Fourth, let everything you do be characterized by love.” (Story Told by Dr. James M. Boice of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.) Think deeply about the implications of what the famed Mahatma Gandhi, a brilliant man and a devout Hindu, said. What does it mean for us to “live like Jesus Christ?” What would you have to change to do that? What does it mean to not compromise our faith? When are we guilty of doing this? How much are we willing to listen to others about their faith or truly listen to their views? How truly loving are we? There’s the kicker. Do we simply want to “get our point across” and win an argument or do we sincerely exhibit the love of Jesus Christ as we talk with non-believers? We often think that a large percentage of Lakeland is made up of Christian people, but how many are truly believers? How many trust Jesus Christ and have surrendered their life to him? How many are attending worship? Look around your neighborhood, how many are part of a Christian community? How many have no church home? How many need to know the Savior of humankind? How do you reach them? Live like Jesus Christ. Do not compromise your faith. Learn all you can about what these people believe. Let everything you do be characterized by love. Pastor Mike

S eeki ng Membershi p Come join us on Sunday, October 5th to meet some new friends and learn more about what membership means at FPC with Pastor Mike, Pastor Zac, and Pastor Kenny. We will meet in Room B from 11:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. with a complimentary lunch provided. Our culture values independence and is very suspicious of “organized” religion. This makes it easy to dismiss the importance of church membership. At FPC, membership is not simply a hoop to jump through or a way to be part of “the club.” Rather, it is an invitation to make your devotion to Jesus practical and specific by committing yourself to the family of God in a specific church. To RSVP contact Bev at 863-686-7187 or [email protected].

Fal l Festi val Mark your calendars now and plan to join the whole FPC family on Sunday, October 26th, on the front lawn following the 10:30 a.m. Worship services. There will be events and entertainment for all ages including games, inflatables, train ride, a cake walk and BINGO. We will be serving a FREE BBQ lunch and plenty of sweet tea and lemonade. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the friends you have and make some new ones. Don’t miss it!


3G G u y s We e k e n d Like previous men’s retreats, the weekend of November 14-16th will give all of us a much-needed opportunity to rest, laugh, play, build some new friendships, and keep our faith growing. This year’s spiritual focus will be on the four most important relationships in life. This is an awesome opportunity for three generations of men to unite around our faith. Registration needed by October 15th. For more information contact Kenny at 863-686-7187 or [email protected].

F in e A rts N e w s

October 12th is Fine Arts Dedication Sunday, where the congregation acknowledges and blesses the hard work of the many volunteers who give their time and talent to the glory of God at First Presbyterian Church. We invite you to personally thank the choirs and performing ensembles of our church during this special service of recognition. And remember, we always have additional space for new members. If you enjoy the liturgical arts, we would love to add you to our list of volunteers. The Clarion Brass will be guest musicians on October 26th for Reformation Sunday. This wonderful ensemble always adds power and energy to our 10:30 Classic service. Clarion Brass will also participate in the Glory of Christmas concert on December 8th.

F u n F i c ti o n The All-Girl Filling Station’s Last Reunion by the beloved Fannie Flagg will be the center of discussion at the Jerry Crane Book Club meeting on October 16th at 10:00 AM in the parlor. Fannie Flagg is at her hilarious and superb best in this new comic mystery novel. This book is filled with humor, warmth, tenderness and heart. It is a fabulous, fun-filled story spanning decades and generations and centered on a little known aspect of America’s twentieth century. All are welcome!

S t ewar ds h i p a n d Go d ’ s W o rl d The global mission committee attempts to be involved in all regions of the world. We support missionaries and their work in Asia, Africa, Central America, Mexico, and the Middle East. We have hands-on mission outreach by our own church members in Haiti, Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, and Thailand. We have built schools and hospitals in several 3rd world countries and continue to work closely with our co-workers in these countries. We also work with Presbyterian theological seminaries in Mexico, Egypt, Kenya, and Malawi who develop new pastors in some difficult places. We also try hard to lend financial support to church members who would like to travel with us on our overseas mission trips. Again, all of this is only possible through your generous contributions which never go unnoticed by the mission team. Many thanks for all your encouragement and support.


V ol unteer A ppreci ati on S un day FPC realizes the importance of the contributions our volunteers make to the life of our church, and we are planning a Volunteer Recognition Sunday on October 19th, 2014. Please join us that day in the Welcome Center. There will be donuts and coffee after the 8:15 service and cake and coffee after the 10:30 services. Representatives of various ministries will be present to talk with anyone who might be wondering about a place they could make a significant contribution to our church programs. Everyone is invited to stop by the display tables and to personally thank each of our dedicated volunteers.

C ongregati onal C are Featured M inist r y FPC has dedicated teams of volunteers who visit hospitalized, home bound and nursing home members. There is also a Birthday Card writing team, which hand addresses cards sent to every member. To recognize and thank these people, a reception is planned for the evening of Tuesday, October 21st, 6:30-8:00 in the Youth Room. Visitation stories will be shared, and there will be very special dessert treats! This is also an open invitation for anyone interested in learning about these ministries. Spouses and friends are welcome! The reception is a good way to explore one’s place and calling as part of the body of Christ at FPC. Because of the size of our church family, there is always a need for more volunteers. For more information, contact Pastor Marilyn Cummings at 686-7187 or email [email protected]. Please RSVP to her by Friday, October 17th.

W omen’ s Fal l Fel l ow shi p Dinner The theme of the women’s fall fellowship dinner is S I M P L I F I E D. After a short presentation about simplicity, a delightful, delicious Greek meal catered by Louis Pappas Market Cafe will be served. The event is Thursday, October 23rd at 6:15 p.m., in Room A at the church. Sign-up will be available in the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings starting on October 5th. FPC women of all ages are invited to take a break, relax, and enjoy being together in a festive atmosphere.

Technol ogy and C hi l d D evel opment Class Ever had any questions about how much electronic media for which child at what age? How are you balancing the incredible opportunity of the internet with the dangers of cyber bullying, porn, and abduction? Can we give too much too early? Can we be so restrictive that we inhibit our child’s potential? The St. Andrews Counseling Ministry will be hosting a 3 week series on Wednesday evenings this fall on October 8th for parents of Preschool children, October 15th for parents of Elementary aged children, and October 22nd for parents of Middle and High Schoolers. Each week we will have someone in the field to help us consider the parenting issues before us. This is a series designed both for FPC families and for anyone who shares these concerns. We will be doing a survey of our church to see how we compare to national averages. Contact Dr. Suich at [email protected] with any questions.


Harry Pettit Receiving Award

8 • To Ashley Link who was recognized as a Polk Emerging Leader. • To Harry Pettit on receiving “The Human Rights Award for 2014” from Lakeland Church Women United. • To Harold Snow as he was selected to board the Honor Flight of West Central Florida to Washington, DC for the day on September 30th. Those selected spend the day touring Washington memorials. His daughter Jane Stovall joined her dad as his Guardian. Kyle Cummings Mark Elliott Shelly Gerber Ryan Gregory James Melton III Anthony Nicolo Buzz Tarver Jerre Wilson

Barbara Arnold

David Baughman Chase Burns Lizabeth Engle Katherine Fitzwater Ann Marshall Dick McFarlin Betsy Sklenicka




Co n g ra tu l a ti o n s

Byron Bailey Nancy Hurd Mason Prahl Jeff Robinson Martha Willoughby

The Nursery staff and Ms. Jo attended CPR/First Aid classes at FPC on September 6th. The classes were instructed by Central Florida Health and Safety. It is comforting to know that all of our staff in the Nursery are now CPR certified. The nursery staff will also be attending a 4 hour class to complete a course in Babysitting Basics sponsored by American Red Cross, in the very near future. At FPC we offer third graders the opportunity to learn how to use, enjoy and respect the Bible through scavenger hunts, serious study, puzzles and games. These classes take place for a month, starting in the Bell Room on Sunday, October 12, and ending with each F u n F i c ti o n child being presented an engraved Bible on November 2. Please contact Ms. Jo ASAP at 863-686-7187 or [email protected] to confirm your child’s attendance for this program, and also how your child would like his or her name to be engraved on their personal Bible.



K ids B ibl e s a n d L i fe -Sa v e rs


Mary Conover Dot Read Maria Turner

Amy Bonini Mary Clary Erin Garzon Brett Labozzetta Barbara McKown Emma Schindler Sarah Wright

Gerald Black Pamela Burton Susanne Coffman Margie Flatt

Colleen Castor Jon Freed Sara Hubbard Jaime Tyler Jeremy Williams






Amy Eckenroth Anne Mitchell Ernie Neff

Devon Dillon Anna Shouppe

Tami Grove Barry Hawk Mike Parrish Jerold Slaughter Wayne Wiswedel

Roy Anderson Fiona Broonmfeild Tristan Giggy Davis Lowe Eliza Trice Sharlott Williams






Pat DuBose Isabel Randall

Kelsey Cook Cooper Ellis Jean Hornbeck Helen Kantner

Elton Denson Donna Grant Laura Hogan Nelson Hughes Mitchell Stevens Heather Watson Sharlotte Wilkerson Art Zinszer

Morag Betz Earl Galbraith Emily Rice Andy Sowell

Christina Moore Julie Wilkerson







Sarah Coleman Susan Holmes Rebecca Merritt Kyli Tomlinson Tracy Wilson

Lisa Gilbert Ashley Romeu Jerry Ruthven Faith Taylor

Taylor Hammersla Harriet McIntosh Cole Spurlock Matthew Valentine

Holden Dykhuizen Bryan Stone James Young

Herbert Britain Tina Hill James Nixon Carrie Stute Jennell Thornton Janice Varnadoe Jacob Wilkerson






Sadie Fitzsimmons Megan Lewis Teresa Lyle Glen Varnadoe

Ned Laderer Debbie Nipper Diane Thompson

Heather Betz Jeanne Boland Rosemary Gorman Diane Kegley Kailaya Kelleher Mattie Lewis Robert Rochwal

Jim Bigley Jaime Branning Peter Fritschen Jeffrey Nave, Jr Wayne Smith

Amanda Franklin Nancy Garman Paul Irwin Clayt Liljequist Mitchell Meinke Linda Peach Betty Slaughter







Adam Antaya Craig Betz Donna Cobb Dee Dubose Jo Hamilton Jackie Hutchinson Andrew Ilic Gabriel Leach Ken Loar Katie Sherrouse

Cory Austwick Ann Caroline Bean Shannon McManus Dennis Ross Jaquae Smith Bryden Tyler

Sean Byers Jessica Hart Alex Ison Alice Lewis Gary Smith

Matthew Barber Taylor Daugherty Kevin Hamer George Hudson Laurie Melton Stacey Naughton Shelia Pryde Judi Sellers Vicki Smith


October 4th Lock-in: Middle and High school students may arrive at the church at 5:00 p.m. There will be food provided, games, movies, and an evening devotional. Students will stay on the church grounds during this event. Halloween youth night: Kids are welcome to come in their Halloween costume on October 29th. We will have prizes for the best costumes!

Birthday Calendar - October 2014





Y o u th E v e n ts



Alexander Frey Organist, Pianist, Conductor Sunday, November 2, 4:00 p.m. Tickets: $12 Chanticleer An Orchestra of Voices Monday, January 26, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $20 Ringing His Praises FPC Handbell Choirs Sunday, November 16, 4:00 p.m. FREE Alma College Choir An Orchestra of Voices Thursday, February 26, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: Adults- $8; Students- $5 The Glory of Christmas Glorious Holiday Music Sunday, December 8, 7:00 p.m. FREE

Songs of Life Hymns for the Journey Monday, April 19, 4:00 p.m. FREE