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Maine Office of Tourism Visitor Tracking Research 2015 Calendar Year Annual Report
Canadian Visitors Prepared by
May 2016 1 1
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Table of Contents
Research Objectives and Methodology
Canadian Overnight Visitors: Traveler Description Trip Experience
6 11
Canadian Day Visitors: Traveler Description
Trip Experience
Introduction and Methodology
Research Objectives and Methodology
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
The Maine Office of Tourism has commissioned DPA to conduct a visitor research program designed to provide information on tourism activity in Maine and explore the motivations of visitors. The Maine Office of Tourism Visitor Research Program is conducted online, with survey participants recruited from two national online panels – Research Now and Instantly (formerly Usamp).
Information is gathered on an ongoing basis through three surveys: –
Maine Overnight Visitor Survey • Includes travelers living in New England, NJ, NY, PA, DE, MD, DC, and Eastern Canada • Have taken an overnight trip to Maine in the past four weeks
Maine Day Visitor Survey • Includes travelers living within Maine or within a 100-mile radius of Maine’s borders • Have taken a day trip in Maine that is at least 50 miles from home within the past four weeks
National Omnibus Survey • Includes a nationally balanced sample of US residents • To determine the incidence of travel nationwide and Maine’s share of that travel
Research Objectives and Methodology •
Survey results were collected during calendar year 2015 for travel to Maine occurring from December 2014 through November 2015. The number of respondents participating in each survey is: – – –
Maine Overnight Visitor Survey – 2,779 Maine Day Visitor – 1,755 National Omnibus Survey – 17,812
This report highlights data on Canadian visitors to Maine, also comparing them to U.S. visitors where appropriate. Reported results are based on: – –
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
350 Canadian overnight visitors, and 193 Canadian day visitors.
Statistically significant differences between 2014 and 2015 are highlighted throughout this report. A statistically significant increase from the previous year is indicated by green text, and a significant decrease from the previous year is indicated by red text.
Canadian Overnight Visitors: Traveler Description
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Overnight Visitor Demographics •
Canadian overnight visitors are 44 years old, on average. Average household income among these visitors is just over $100,000, and three in four have a college degree. Two-thirds are employed full-time.
Overnight Canadian Visitors Age: < 35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 + Mean Age (Years) Income: < $50,000 $50,000 - $99,000 $100,000 + Mean Income (Thousands) Female College Degree or Higher Married Employed Full Time
2014 (n=465)
2015 (n=350)
29% 27% 24% 21% 43.5
29% 24% 22% 25% 43.8
19% 42% 39% $99,740 55% 75% 62% 63%
17% 42% 41% $101,360 52% 72% 59% 65%
Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Two in five Canadian overnight visitors are from Ontario, contributing a larger share than any other province.
Province of Residence 46% Ontario 44%
23% Quebec 23%
2014 (n=465) 2015 (n=350) 22% New Brunswick 25%
8% Nova Scotia 7%
State/ Province of Residence Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
One-fourth of Canadian overnight visitors are in Maine for the first time, similar to the proportion of first-time visitors in 2014.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Repeat vs. First Time Visitors
Repeat Visitor
First Time Visitor 29%
2014 (n=465)
2015 (n=350)
Q11. Was this your first visit in Maine? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
One-third of Canadian overnight visitors traveled to Maine with children.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Travel Party Composition 2.7
2.9 Percent Traveling with Children Average Number of People in Travel Party
2014 (n=465)
2015 (n=350)
Q18. Including yourself and any children, how many people were in your immediate travel party on this specific trip to Maine? Q19. How many of these people were: Children? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Canadian Overnight Visitors: Trip Experience
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
The vast majority of Canadian overnight visitors stay in paid accommodations while visiting Maine. •
The proportion of Canadian visitors staying in paid accommodations is significantly greater than the proportion of U.S. visitors (81% versus 70% of U.S. visitors).
Paid Accommodations
Unpaid Accommodations 18%
Unpaid Accommodations (NET)
Paid Accommodations (NET)
70% Hotel/motel/resort
5% Inn/bed & breakfast
Cabin/cottage/condo/rented vacation home
At the home/cabin/cottage/condo of a friend/associate
2014 (n=465)
At your second home/cabin/cottage/condo
2015 (n=350)
3% 1%
2% At a free campground
Q21. In which of the following types of accommodations did you spend the most nights on this trip in Maine? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
The Maine Highlands and the Maine Beaches are the regions visited by the largest proportion of Canadian overnight visitors. •
The Maine Lakes and Mountains region saw a decrease in Canadian visitation in 2015.
Primary Region of Visit 22%
The Maine Highlands
23% 24%
Maine Beaches
22% 12%
Downeast & Acadia
16% 10% 10%
Greater Portand & Casco Bay
2015 (n=350)
9% 15%
Maine Lakes and Mountains
9% 5% 5%
Aroostook County
Kennebec & Moose River Valley
2014 (n=465)
4% 3%
Q22. What region in Maine was your primary destination? (Please check all that apply). Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
The most widely cited primary trip purpose for Canadian VFR travelers was a general visit to see friends or relatives.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Primary Purpose of Overnight VFR Trips
General visit to see friends or relatives
51% 27%
Holiday visit
22% 8%
Family reunion
9% 28%
2014 VFR (n=121) 2015 VFR (n=84)
Class reunion
6% 0% <1% 1% 4%
Q9. What was the primary purpose of your most recent visit to friends or relatives in Maine? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Canadian business travelers are most likely to be in Maine for a general meeting.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Primary Purpose of Overnight Business Trips 39%
Convention, Conference, or Trade Show
Training or Professional Development
2014 Business (n=88) 2015 Business (n=74)
Sales or Service
Other 4%
Q8. What was the primary purpose of your most recent business trip in Maine? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. *Please note small sample size.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Shopping is the most frequently selected travel interest among Canadian overnight visitors. •
Shopping ranks higher as an interest area among Canadian overnight visitors than among U.S. visitors (63% versus 50%). Most Important Interest Areas
Interest Areas
28% 23%
2014 (n=465)
2015 (n=350) 68% 63%
Shopping Food, beverage, or culinary
51% 49% 49%
Touring or sightseeing
30% 29%
History or culture 20%
Active outdoor activities (not water) Family fun or children's activities
21% 22%
Water activities
2% 3%
Q29. Which of the following interest areas did you want to pursue during this trip to Maine? Please check all that apply. Q30. Of these interest areas you selected, please rank them in order of their importance in your decision to come to Maine, with 1 being the most important. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
When analyzing both interest and importance in deciding to visit, touring/sightseeing and shopping rank highest among Canadian visitors.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Interest Areas Importance Index 2014 (n=465)
2015 (n=350) 28%
Touring or sightseeing
26% 25% 26%
Shopping 15%
Food, beverage, or culinary
12% 13%
Family fun or children's activities History or culture
11% 4% 8% 7% 7%
Water activities
Active outdoor activities (not water) Other
7% 2% 2%
Importance Index = percentage selecting category as interest area X percentage ranking same interest area as #1 most important
Q29. Which of the following interest areas did you want to pursue during this trip to Maine? Please check all that apply. Q30. Of these interest areas you selected, please rank them in order of their importance in your decision to come to Maine, with 1 being the most important. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
General sightseeing is the most common touring or sightseeing activity among Canadian overnight visitors.
Touring or Sightseeing Activities Base: Those who report touring or sightseeing as an interest area for this Maine trip 71% 69%
Sightseeing 61%
Driving for pleasure
56% 50% 53%
Enjoying the ocean views or rocky coast 44%
Enjoying the mountain views
19% 19%
Taking tours of communities or local architecture
Viewing fall colors
Nature cruises or tours
2015 (n=172)
19% 22%
Wildlife viewing or bird watching
2014 (n=230)
18% 15% 10%
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
For Canadian overnight visitors, the top food/beverage/culinary activity is eating lobster or other local seafood.
Participated in Food, Beverage, or Culinary Activities Base: Those who report food, beverage, or culinary as an interest area for this Maine trip 45% 43%
Ate lobster or other local seafood Consumed other locally produced Maine foods (i.e. blueberries, maple syrup, or apples)
39% 36% 33% 35%
Enjoyed unique Maine food or beverages (i.e. whoopie pies or Moxie)
37% 32%
Going to local brew pubs or craft breweries 25% 25%
Visited Farmer's Markets
2015 (n=179)
21% 22%
Enjoying local food at fairs or festivals
19% 19%
Enjoyed high-end cuisine or five-star dining
13% 14%
Ate farm to table or organic cuisine Other
2014 (n=269)
5% 3%
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Two-thirds of Canadian overnight visitors interested in water activities spent time at the beach while in Maine.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Water Activities Base: Those who report water activities as an interest area for this Maine trip 66% 64%
Going to the beach 26%
Pool swimming (indoor or outdoor)
40% 44%
Outdoor swimming (lake, ocean, river)
Canoeing or kayaking
17% 17%
Fishing (ocean, lake, stream, river, ice)
17% 16% 11% 12%
Water skiing or jet skiing Surfing Motor boating Sailing White water rafting Other
2014 (n=100) 2015 (n=75)
5% 11% 4% 9% 16% 7% 6% 7%
3% 1%
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Canadian overnight visitors with outdoor activity interests are most likely to go hiking/climbing/backpacking or explore State/National Parks. •
Nordic skiing and snowmobiling are both less popular outdoor activities among Canadian overnight visitors in 2015 as compared to 2014.
Active Outdoor Activities – Non-Water Base: Those who report outdoor activities as an interest area for this Maine trip Hiking, climbing, or backpacking
Exploring State and National Parks
35% 35%
20% 23%
Bicycling or mountain biking
14% 16%
Riding all-terrain vehicles Hunting (game or bird)
3% 4%
Snowshoeing Snowmobiling Other
2015 (n=91)
Alpine skiing or snowboarding Nordic skiing
2014 (n=94)
4% 17% 3% 4% 3% 6% 1% 7% 4%
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. **Please note small sample size.
Three in five Canadian visitors who are interested in history or culture activities visited historic sites or museums while in Maine.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
History or Culture Activities Base: Those who report history or culture as an interest area for this Maine trip 62% 59%
Visiting historic sites or museums 44%
Visiting art museums or local artisan exhibits
37% 39%
Getting to know the local people and/or culture
33% 14% 18%
Participating in nightlife or other evening entertainment
Painting, drawing, or sketching
Attending popular music concerts or events
6% 4% 8% 6%
Attending sports events Other
2015 (n=102)
12% 13%
Attending plays, musicals, or theatrical events Attending operas or classical music events
2014 (n=138)
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report
Canadian overnight visitors who are interested in shopping are most Canadian Visitors likely to do some general shopping at malls or downtown or outlet shopping. •
Among those interested in shopping, a higher proportion of Canadian overnight visitors did some general shopping at malls or downtown than U.S. visitors (57% versus 38%).
Shopping Activities Base: Those who report shopping as an interest area for this Maine trip 63%
General shopping at malls, downtown
57% 54%
Outlet shopping
54% 37%
Shopping for gifts or souvenirs
Shopping for unique, locally produced goods
2014 (n=314)
2015 (n=221)
Shopping for products with the 'Made in Maine' identifier
17% 18%
Shopping for antiques, local arts and crafts
13% 1% 1%
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report
Amusement/theme parks and outdoor fun centers are the most popular Canadian Visitors family fun/children’s activities among Canadian overnight visitors to Maine. •
The proportion of Canadian overnight visitors spending time at amusement/theme parks has increased from 2014 to 2015, while the proportion riding horseback has decreased.
Family Fun/Children’s Activities Base: Those who report family fun/children’s activities as an interest area for this Maine trip 16%
Amusement or theme parks
37% 22%
Outdoor fun centers (mini-golf, go-carts, batting cages, etc.)
32% 27% 31%
Water parks 21%
Animal parks or zoos
29% 26% 24%
Children's museums 14% 12%
Agricultural fairs Summer camps Spectator sports Horseback riding Other
2014 (n=129) 2015 (n=80)
2% 7% 7% 7% 21%
6% 5% 9%
Q31. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Three-fourths of Canadian overnight visitors plan to travel to Maine again in the next two years.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Future Travel Likelihood 74%
74% I already have specific plans to travel in Maine
Definitely will travel to Maine Probably will travel to Maine Might/Might not travel to Maine
51% Probably will not travel to Maine Definitely will not travel to Maine
3% <1% 1% 2014 (n=465)
Top 2 Box 1%
1% 2015 (n=350)
Q38. How likely will you be to travel in Maine/take a day trip in Maine in the next two years? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Canadian Day Visitors: Traveler Description
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Day Visitor Demographics • •
Canadian day visitors average about 43 years old, with average annual household incomes around $90,000. Nearly three-quarters have a college degree, and two-thirds are employed full-time. Canadian day visitors in 2015 appear slightly younger, on average, than day visitors in 2014. The proportion who are married has also declined.
Canadian Day Visitors Age: < 35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 + Mean Age (Years) Income: < $50,000 $50,000 - $99,000 $100,000 + Mean Income (Thousands) Female College Degree or Higher Married Employed Full Time
2014 (n=167)
2015 (n=193)
20% 23% 30% 27% 46.8
29% 24% 27% 21% 43.2
18% 42% 40% $98,220 43% 65% 65% 61%
21% 45% 34% $90,020 53% 72% 50% 66%
Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
New Brunswick continues to supply the highest proportion of Canadian day visitors to Maine, followed closely by Quebec. •
2015 showed a slight shift in Canadian day visitor origin as compared to 2014, with a greater proportion of day visitors arriving from Quebec.
Province of Residence
59% New Brunswick 50%
2014 (n=167)
Quebec 47%
2015 (n=193)
5% Nova Scotia 3%
Q2. In what State or Province do you reside? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Nearly one-fifth of Canadian day visitors are visiting Maine for the first time. •
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
U.S. day visitors are much less likely to be visiting Maine for the first time (4%).
Repeat vs. First Time Visitors
Repeat Visitor 89%
11% 2014 (n=167)
First-Time Visitor
17% 2015 (n=193)
Q10. Was this your first trip to Maine? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Similar to overnight visitors, Canadian day visitors travel in parties of three people, and one-third travel with children.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Travel Party Composition 2.7
2.9 Percent Traveling with children
2014 (n=167)
Average Number of People in Travel Party
2015 (n=193)
Q14. Including yourself and any children, how many people were in your immediate travel party on this trip? Q15. How many of these people were: Children Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Canadian Day Visitors: Trip Experience
The Maine Beaches and The Maine Highlands regions draw the largest proportions of Canadian day visitors. • •
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Downeast & Acadia and Aroostook County attract the next highest proportions of Canadian day visitors. Canadian day visitors are more likely than U.S. day visitors to spend time in the Downeast/Acadia region, The Maine Highlands, and Aroostook County.
Primary Region of Visit 18%
The Maine Highlands
23% 23% 23%
Maine Beaches 20%
Downeast & Acadia
18% 17% 16%
Aroostook County 8%
Greater Portand & Casco Bay
6% 5% 5%
2015 (n=193)
4% 5%
Kennebec & Moose River Valley
Maine Lakes and Mountains
2014 (n=167)
4% 3%
Q20. What region in Maine was your primary destination? (Please check all that apply). Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
The most widely cited primary trip purpose for Canadian VFR day visitors is a general visit to see friends or relatives.
Primary Purpose of Day VFR Trips
General visit to see friends or relatives
49% 9%
Holiday visit
Family reunion
18% 0% 15%
2014 VFR (n=36*) 2015 VFR (n=46*)
0% 9% 0% 5% 6% 3%
Q9. What was the primary purpose of your most recent visit to friends or relatives in Maine? *Please note extremely small sample size. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Canadian day visitors traveling for business are most likely to be in Maine for a general meeting.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Primary Purpose of Business Day Trips 37%
Training or Professional Development
4% 25%
Convention, Conference, or Trade Show 18%
2014 Business (n=26*) 2015 Business (n=24*)
Sales or Service 8%
Other 6%
Q8. What was the primary purpose of your most recent business trip in Maine? *Please note extremely small sample size. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Shopping is the most frequently selected travel interest among Canadian day visitors. •
Similar to overnight visitors, Canadian day visitors are much more likely than their U.S. counterparts to list shopping as an interest area (71% versus 54%).
Most Important Interest Areas
Interest Areas 2014 (n=167)
2015 (n=193)
71% 54% 53%
Food, beverage, or culinary 35% 33%
Touring or sightseeing 15%
Active outdoor activities (not water)
Water activities
24% 24%
History or culture
15% 21%
Family fun or children's activities
18% 20%
4% 5%
Q17. Which of the following interest areas did you want to pursue during this trip to Maine? Please check all that apply. Q18. Of these interest areas you selected, please rank them in order of their importance in your decision to come to Maine, with 1 being the most important. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Shopping overwhelmingly ranks highest among Canadian day visitors when analyzing both interest and importance in deciding to visit.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Interest Areas Importance Index 2014 (n=167)
2015 (n=193) 52%
Water activities
9% 11%
Food, beverage, or culinary
8% 10% 16%
Touring or sightseeing Active outdoor activities (not water)
9% 4% 9% 7% 8%
Family fun or children's activities Other
2% 4%
History or culture
2% 4%
Importance Index = percentage selecting category as interest area X percentage ranking same interest area as #1 most important
Q17. Which of the following interest areas did you want to pursue during this trip to Maine? Please check all that apply. Q18. Of these interest areas you selected, please rank them in order of their importance in your decision to come to Maine, with 1 being the most important. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Sightseeing and driving for pleasure are the most common touring/ sightseeing activities among Canadian day visitors who are interested in these types of activities.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Touring or Sightseeing Activities Base: Those who report touring or sightseeing as an interest area for this Maine trip 76%
68% 69%
Driving for pleasure
59% 49% 49%
Enjoying the mountain views
47% 46%
Enjoying the ocean views or rocky coast
2015 (n=64*)
Taking tours of communities or local architecture
22% 17%
Wildlife viewing or bird watching
21% 7%
Nature cruises or tours Other
2014 (n=58*)
Viewing fall colors
4% 1%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. *Please note small sample size.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
The top food/beverage/culinary activity among Canadian day visitors is eating lobster or other local seafood.
Participated in Food, Beverage, or Culinary Activities Base: Those who report food, beverage, or culinary as an interest area for this Maine trip 37%
Ate lobster or other local seafood
Consumed other locally produced Maine foods (i.e. blueberries, maple syrup, or apples)
44% 36% 31% 34%
Enjoyed unique Maine food or beverages (i.e. whoopie pies or Moxie)
28% 33%
Going to local brew pubs or craft breweries
27% 30%
Visited Farmer's Markets
18% 14%
Enjoyed high-end cuisine or five-star dining
2015 (n=101)
21% 22%
Enjoying local food at fairs or festivals
Ate farm to table or organic cuisine
2014 (n=90)
11% 9%
7% 6%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Two-thirds of Canadian day visitors who are interested in water activities spent time at the beach while in Maine.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Water Activities Base: Those who report water activities as an interest area for this Maine trip 75%
Going to the beach
68% 58%
Outdoor swimming (lake, ocean, river)
Pool swimming (indoor or outdoor)
42% 15% 15%
Canoeing or kayaking
12% 14%
Fishing (ocean, lake, stream, river, ice)
11% 13%
Surfing Motor boating White water rafting
Water skiing or jet skiing Sailing Other
2014 (n=30*) 2015 (n=47*)
1% 11% 0% 7% 6% 5% 11% 2% 9% 1%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. *Please note extremely small sample size.
Hiking/climbing/backpacking is the most common activity among Canadian day visitors who are interested in outdoor activities.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Active Outdoor Activities – Non-Water Base: Those who report outdoor activities as an interest area for this Maine trip 43%
Hiking, climbing, or backpacking
50% 27%
Exploring State and National Parks
44% 17%
Bicycling or mountain biking
Riding all-terrain vehicles
31% 2% 12%
Alpine skiing or snowboarding
Nordic skiing
2015 (n=47*)
1% 3%
3% 3%
Hunting (game or bird)
1% 2%
2014 (n=25*)
22% 3%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. *Please note extremely small sample size.
Half of Canadian day visitors who are interested in history or culture enjoyed visiting historic sites or museums while in Maine.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
History or Culture Activities Base: Those who report history or culture as an interest area for this Maine trip 54% 54%
Visiting historic sites or museums
Getting to know the local people and/or culture
43% 36% 39%
Visiting art museums or local artisan exhibits 9%
Attending plays, musicals, or theatrical events
14% 30%
Participating in nightlife or other evening entertainment Attending popular music concerts or events
Attending operas or classical music events
2015 (n=40*)
12% 11% 11%
Attending sports events Painting, drawing, or sketching
2014 (n=25*)
11% 5%
2% 2%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. *Please note extremely small sample size.
Canadian day visitors who are interested in shopping are most likely to do some general shopping at malls/downtown or shop at the outlets.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Shopping Activities Base: Those who report shopping as an interest area for this Maine trip 69%
General shopping at malls, downtown
65% 51%
Outlet shopping
60% 23%
Shopping for gifts or souvenirs
23% 20%
Shopping for unique, locally produced goods
2015 (n=136)
Shopping for products with the 'Made in Maine' identifier
13% 18%
Shopping for antiques, local arts and crafts
2014 (n=131)
11% 2% 2%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
Visiting amusement/theme parks is the most popular family fun/children’s activity among Canadian day visitors to Maine.
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Family Fun/Children’s Activities Base: Those who report family fun/children’s activities as an interest area for this Maine trip 13%
Amusement or theme parks
46% 47%
Outdoor fun centers (mini-golf, go-carts, batting cages, etc.)
39% 33%
Water parks
21% 22% 18%
Animal parks or zoos 10%
Horseback riding
18% 5%
Children's museums
2014 (n=30*) 15%
Spectator sports Summer camps Agricultural fairs Other
2015 (n=39*)
10% 10% 8% 4% 9% 2% 6%
Q19. In which of the following activities did you participate during this trip? Please check all that apply. Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year. *Please note extremely small sample size.
Canadian day visitors report a strong intent to travel to Maine again in the next two years. •
2015 Annual Report Canadian Visitors
Three-fourths of Canadian visitors indicate they either already have plans to return or definitely will travel to Maine again in the next two years.
Future Likelihood to Travel to Maine
I already have specific plans to travel in Maine
81% 75% 32%
Definitely will travel to Maine Probably will travel to Maine Might/Might not travel to Maine
Probably will not travel to Maine
50% Definitely will not travel to Maine
14% <1% 3% 1% 2014 (n=167)
Top 2 Box
<1% 3% 0% 2015 (n=193)
Q30. How likely will you be to travel in Maine/take a day trip in Maine in the next two years? Red text indicates a significant decrease from the previous year and green text indicates a significant increase from the previous year.
DPA 201 Lafayette Center Kennebunk, ME 04043 207.985.1790 www.digitalresearch.com