2016 Position Paper Transportation Funding Must be a

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2016 Position Paper

Transportation Funding Must be a Priority this Session A strong transportation system is one of the most effective economic development tools available to the State for sustaining and growing our economy. Efficient and reliable transportation systems enhance business productivity and competitiveness, in turn creating a wide array of jobs. Investment in transportation also improves the quality of life for the citizens of Minnesota by reducing time stuck in traffic, minimizing hazardous crashes, and providing independent mobility for everyone. The need for investments in our transportation infrastructure continues to grow while funding falls further and further behind. As outlined in the bipartisan report of the Transportation Finance Advisory Committee, Minnesota needs an additional $1.0 billion per year in new funds just to maintain the current system and $2.5 billion per year in new funds to create an effective multi-modal transportation system and elevate Minnesota’s economic competitiveness with other states. Minnesota’s transportation infrastructure is crumbling, creating unsafe conditions and negatively impacting our economy and quality of life. It is clear there are different expectations for a solution to this issue within the legislature and a compromise will be required for passage of a transportation funding bill this session. ACEC/MN supports a Real Solution for transportation funding that is: 

LONG-TERM: A multi-year commitment so that planning, design, and construction of our infrastructure can be completed effectively and efficiently.

DEDICATED: Funds are for transportation purposes only.

COMPREHENSIVE and BALANCED: Addresses the demanding needs for all modes of transportation across the state in both urban and rural areas.

Who We Are: ACEC/MN represents firms that plan, design, and help oversee construction of the state’s transportation system, which all Minnesotans rely on now and will continue to rely on for the next several generations. In this capacity, ACEC/MN bears a great responsibility for providing innovative solutions that will be both effective and efficient. We believe efficiency includes enhancing financial effectiveness, minimizing the impact of construction on the traveling public and businesses, using 21st century materials and practices, and prioritizing projects with the greatest community benefit. Our member firms, with over 7,000 dedicated employees, help make the state’s economy stronger and businesses more competitive, and improve the quality of life for all Minnesota citizens.  

American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota 10201 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 240 Minnetonka, MN 55305 P: 952-593-5533 F: 952-593-5552 www.acecmn.org