2017 Prospectus


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2017 Prospectus

American Chemical Society National Expositions Also Featuring the Career Fair

www.acs.org/expositions Have a question? Contact us at 1.800.227.5558 ext. 4486 or email [email protected]


2017 ACS Exhibitor Prospectus

About ACS The American Chemical Society (ACS) is the world’s largest scientific society and one of the world’s leading sources and authorities in scientific information. ACS is at the forefront of the evolving worldwide chemical enterprise and the premier professional home for chemists, chemical engineers and related sciences around the world. Twice annually, the ACS sponsors a national meeting–five days of symposia, tutorials, and poster sessions that cover every area of chemistry. More than 10,000 scientists attend each meeting to present new multidisciplinary research, participate in more than 8,000 presentations and network with colleagues. Programming for the ACS National Meetings is planned by our technical divisions and secretariats to cover all scientific fields. • Gain access to our bench-level scientists who work in the fields of chemical and life sciences. • Attract attendees at every stage of their career, from students to entry-level scientists. • Interact with attendees and colleagues during scientific and educational activities. • Network with attendees during social events and networking mixers. • Access the exclusive attendee sponsorship opportunities to promote your company. • Explore your competition in a non-threatening environment. • Develop business-to-business contacts and valuable partner connections.

NEW in the exhibit hall, the ACS Career Fair provides companies like yours a robust avenue to more fully reach the thousands of highly-qualified candidates who attend the ACS National Meeting and Exposition at less cost and with greater efficiency than public boards or classified ads. The ACS Career Fair gives you access to a concentrated, global talent pool of chemical science and engineering professionals with a multitude of in demand skills and expertise. Employers can choose to post open positions and selectively meet with candidates from our career fair in a quiet and private interviewing office, or choose to participate with a more traditional open booth that guarantees increased foot traffic. Can’t decide? Our staff can work with you to help you ensure that your career fair and exposition experience are as productive as possible. Please contact [email protected] to discuss your recruitment needs. 253rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition

San Francisco, CA Meeting: April 2 – 6, 2017 Exposition & Career Fair – April 2 – 4 (Sunday 6 – 8:30 PM and Monday/Tuesday 9 – 5PM) Theme: Advanced Materials, Technologies, Systems and Processes

254th ACS National Meeting and Exposition

Washington, DC Meeting: August 20 – 24, 2017 Exposition & Career Fair: August 20 – 22 (Sunday 6 – 8:30 PM and Monday/Tuesday 9 – 5PM) Theme: Chemistry’s Impact on the Global Economy


2017 ACS Exhibitor Prospectus

Primary Product Categories of our Exhibitors Laboratory Equipment & Services R&D & Manufacturing Academic & Educational Services Testing & Measuring Instrumentation Chemicals, Reagents, & Raw Materials Other

Scientific Computer & Data Management Technical Literature, Websites & Databases Accessible Products Career Development & Training Analytical Research Business Management




NIST has exhibited at both the Spring and Fall ACS meetings for many years. By exhibiting at the East coast and West Coast Annual meetings NIST is able to personally talk to U.S. and global customers, attendees and industry from the Far East and the Far West regions of the world. The ACS meetings serve as a great venue for NIST to promote all of our products, services and research. Linda Diane Decker Exhibits Coordinator NIST





ACS exhibitions are an excellent opportunity for members of Parr’s Technical and Customer Service teams to meet with researchers individually, face-to-face, to discuss their research needs. These conversations allow us to quickly determine whether our high pressure reactor systems or bomb calorimeters may be useful for their work. Parr has been an exhibitor at both the Spring and Fall National ACS meetings for 20 years, and we believe them to be a crucial means for us to keep in touch with our current customers, meet potential customers, introduce our new products, and stay abreast of current trends in chemistry research. Tim Lehman Director of Sales & Marketing Parr Instrument Company

Have a question? Contact us at 1.800.227.5558 ext. 4486 or email [email protected] 3

2017 ACS Exhibitor Prospectus


Who’s Coming to the ACS National Meetings? Geographic Distribution Spring Attendees

Profressional Discipline of Spring National Meeting Attendees

Geographic Distribution Fall Attendees

Profressional Discipline of Fall National Meeting Attendees



2017 ACS Exhibitor Prospectus

Who’s Coming to the ACS National Meetings?

Decision Influencer

Decision Maker

Decision Influencer

Decision Maker

Decision Influencer

Decision Maker

Decision Influencer

Decision Maker

Decision Influencer

Decision Maker






Attendee Purchasing Power

Chemicals/reagents Computer systems/software Laboratory instruments Laboratory equipment Publications

Products of Interest to our Meeting Attendees Accessible Products Academic & Educational Services Analytical Research Business Management Career Development

Chemicals, Reagents, & Raw Materials Lab Equipment & Supplies Manufacturing Services Scientific Computer & Data Management Technical Literature, Websites & Databases

Testing & Measuring Instrumentation Other













2017 ACS Exhibitor Prospectus

Standard Exhibitor


Exhibiting Options Small Chemical Business

Shared Booth


$2,500 – non corner $2,700 – corner

Additional $1,500 per added company 1st Nat’l/Mtg. – $500 2nd Nat’l/Mtg. – $1,000 3rd+ Nat’l/Mtg. – $1,600 Proof of employment of 50 or less

$1,600 Proof of non-profit status with educational and charitable support to science

10X10 exhibit draped exhibit space

Only available for 10x20 or larger booths

Only 10x10 booth within designated area

Standard ID Sign

Standard ID sign

Only 10x10 booth within designated area

Table-top $850

One skirted 6-ft table with drape within the designated area

Standard ID sign; First 30 receive a skirted Standard ID sign; Receive a skirted table, Standard ID; Receive two chairs along table, two chairs, and wastebasket two chairs, and wastebasket with the skirted table

One free technical pass to visit symposia

One free technical pass to visit symposia

One free technical pass to visit symposia

One free technical pass to visit symposia

One free technical pass to visit symposia

Five exhibitor badges per 10x10

Five exhibitor badges per 10x10

Five exhibitor badges per 10x10

Two exhibitor badges per 10x10

Two exhibitor badges per 10x10

Unlimited expo-only passes

Unlimited expo-only passes

Unlimited expo-only passes

Unlimited expo-only passes

Unlimited expo-only passes

Corporate listings in meeting materials

Corporate listings in meeting materials

Corporate listings in meeting materials

Corporate listings in meeting materials

Corporate listings in meeting materials

Exclusive right to sponsorship and workshop opportunities

Exclusive right to sponsorship and workshop opportunities

Exclusive right to sponsorship and workshop opportunities

Exclusive right to sponsorship and workshop opportunities

Exclusive right to sponsorship and workshop opportunities

**All exhibitors must abide by the rules and regulations of the show. Visit www.acs.org/expositions for details including the cancellation and change fee policy.

Special Offers and Upgrade Opportunities ACS Green Chemistry Institute® Bundle Exclusively for companies that produce or promote environmentally-friendly products and services June 13 – 15, 2017 Reston, VA Exhibit at the 2017 GCI conference and a 2017 ACS national meeting and receive a special bundle rate of $2,900 for a 10X10 booth at each show.

NEW Recruiters’s Package For an additional $395, the Recruiter’s Package provides exhibitors the unique opportunity to promote your company’s visibility and brand while having the ability to post up to 5 jobs in the ACS Career Fair Database further attracting attendees’ attention and increasing traffic to your booth. Recruiting vendors will also receive special demarcation on the expo floor, be featured on the ACS Career Fair website, and will be highlighted on dedicated promotions.

Floor Plans 253rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition (San Francisco) https://acs.expoplanner.com/acsspring17/floorplan

254th ACS National Meeting and Exposition (Washington, DC) https://acs.expoplanner.com/acsfall2017/floorplan

To reserve a booth or receive additional information: Contact [email protected] Call – 202-872-4486 Booth space is now open to current exhibitors and then will be open to all after November 20, 2016.



2017 ACS Exhibitor Prospectus $100 - $1000 BRONZE

$1,500 - $2,500 SILVER

More than $5,000 PLATNIUM

$3,000 - $5,000 GOLD

Exhibitor Workshops $1,500 per 2.5 hours (receive a free pre or post show attendee list); Reserve through the ExpoPlanner System

Attendee E-Blasts Internet Lounge (Pre or Post Show mailing list also included) $3,000 $5,000 (co-sponsorship) E-mail to all registered Meeting attendees that opt-in Signage on all Meeting Mail and charging stations located in multiple areas of the Convention Center

Green Exhibitor $300 per table/sign Sign with skirted-­table for literature distribution in Green Pavilion

Satellite Exposition $1,500 Table-top display near ACS technical sessions

Coffee Breaks Starting at $3,000 Branded coffe station near a technical session

Attendee Networking Lounges $5,000 (co-sponsorship) $10,000 (exclusive per location) Branding within attendee lounges located with the Convention Center and contracted hotels

Corporate Logo $250 Corporate logo next to your exhibitor description

New MobileApp Gamification $1,500 Each sponsor receives a QRC code for booth placement so attendees can scan to win prizes

Sci-Mix Poster Session $3,500 Largest interdivisional poster session; includes two skirted tables, two chairs

Registration Envelope Imprint $6,500 Company’s logo and tagline on our registration package

New Featured Exhibitor $1,000 Corporate description expanded to 100-­words and listed before other exhibitors within meeting materials New Private Offices inside Expo $500 per hour Office space to speak with current and prospective clients; Reserve time slot through the ExpoPlanner System New Presentation Lounge $750 per 30 mins. Open forum inside the Expo to promote your products and services to meeting attendees; Reserve time slot through the ExpoPlanner System New Session Digital Plasma Ad $1,000 Rotating ad displayed on technical session room signs

MobileApp /Online Technical Program Banner Ad $1,750 Hyperlink ad placed on the conference mobile app and online technical program used by meeting attendees

New Conference Geo Map $5,000 (co-­sponsorship) Corporate branding on the attendee registration geo placed in a highly visible area

Registration Insert $6,500 Company’s promotional flyer inserted within the registration package

Conference Website Banner Ad $1,750 Hyperlink ad on the official meeting website

New Coat/Bag Check $5,000 (exclusive) Check in your coat and luggage at the branded coat check station

WiFi $10,000 (co-sponsorship) Add your corporate logo on the meeting’s WiFi page within the Convention Center. Signage also included.

New Water Cooler/Scooter $2,500 Brand the highly used water coolers (Ctr. only) and scooters used by our meeting attendees

New Meeting Bag $5,000 (co-­sponsorship) Have your logo placed on the attendee meeting bag. Minimum of 5 exhibitors is needed. Exclusive sponsorship isoffered at $50,000.

Onsite Program Ads - Premium Placement Full Page - $5,000 Inside Front Cover - $15,000 Inside Back Cover - $15,000 Back Cover - $15,000

Digital ProgramLinks $100 per link Link text within corporate description

Meeting Program Ad Half Page - $2,500 (Also appears in the Digital Program)

*Gold sponsorship includes 2 additional technical passes, 2 additional exhibitor personnel passes, and a featured exhibitor sponsorship.

New Digital Exhibitor Directory Ad Placement $1,000 Digital interacvtive exhibitor directory with advertisement space

(Also appears in the Digital Program)

New MobileApp Elite $15,000 Corporate branding on the conference mobile app to include the splash page, banner ad, and two gamification posts. *Platinum sponsorship includes 2 additional technical passes, 2 additional exhibitor personnel passes, and a featured exhibitor sponsorship.

Extend Your Reach – Sponsorship Opportunities Must be an exhibitor or recruiter to purchase sponsorship opportunities

All sponsors will be recognized through signage and ads throughout the meeting by noted level.