2018 Summer Trips Participant Form - Constant Contact

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2018 Summer Trips Participant Form Sr High Mission Trip | Virginia Beach, VA June 24-30 | $499 Per Student*

Wilderness Trail | Troutdale, VA July 6-12 | $499 Per Student*

Jr High Mission Trip | Charleston, SC July 22-27 | $499 Per Student*

(Check ALL That Apply)

Student Information: Name:


Cell: ____________________________________________



School & Grade:





T-Shirt Size: ____________________________________________

Contact Parent Name: ____________________________________________

Contact Parent Email: ____________________________________________

Contact Parent Cell: ____________________________________________ * A non-refundable $100 minimum deposit is due for each trip by March 1, 2018. Remaining balance is due by May 1, 2018.


The Hill Youth Ministry At CUMC 103 Market Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (919) 260-1424 | [email protected] www.christmethodist.org

2018 Summer Mission Trips

Sr High Mission Trip | WorkCamp Virginia Beach, VA | June 24-30 At WorkCamps, teenagers come together to serve individuals and communities while building strong, long-lasting relationships with their friends and youth leaders. In six short days, hundreds of teenagers from youth groups across the country repair and transform homes while growing closer to Jesus.

2018 Wilderness Trail Hiking Trip Troutdale, VA | July 6-12

What is Wilderness Trail? Wilderness Trail is a backpacking ministry.  That means that their primary focus is ministry, and they use backpacking as a tool to accomplish that.  Backpacking is over night hiking, carrying everything you need in a pack.  It means setting up a different camp every night and then hiking to a new camp the following day. We go hiking for 5 days and 4 nights, in groups of 10 people.

Do I need previous experience? You don't need to know anything about backpacking in order to participate in Wilderness Trail; they provide everything you need and will guide you through it!  The routes we choose are designed to be challenging but possible for all of our wide range of participants. 

Who can participate? Youth ages 12 and up are eligible to participate.  Ages 12 to 13 must have an adult chaperone in order to participate.

Where do we go backpacking? Jr High Mission Trip | Week of Hope Charleston, SC | July 22-27 Week of Hope is packed with practical  acts of love and service. Students build meaningful connections as they serve people through our strong partnerships with local ministries and nonprofit organizations. They'll learn Christ-like empathy and compassion for others as they meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional  needs of disadvantaged children, youth, and adults.

Wilderness Trail takes hikers into the mountains of southwest Virginia and northern Tennessee. Our hiking area goes as far south as Elizabethton, TN. In Virginia we hike on the old Appalachian trail which is now know as the Iron Mountain trail. 

Wilderness Trail Website For more information on Wilderness Trail, please visit their website at www.wtrail.com.


Grit is the engine that drives perseverance in life. It’s the core strength that helps us face and overcome challenges and obstacles. And it’s the essential characteristic that sustains our lifelong pursuit of Jesus. Without grit, our faith wavers, distractions derail us, and our focus blurs.

Spiritual grit is fueled by a passion for Jesus and enables us to endure whatever life throws at us. As we pursue a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus, a passion for him grows —helping us gain the courage we need to run the marathon of life. In the summer of 2018, join us as we dig deeper into the encounter Jesus has with Peter on the beach after his resurrection, in John 21:3-19. We’ll discover how Peter finds the grit he needs to plant and build the church, and we’ll follow the call to a gritty faith ourselves.


Gritty Faith in 2018