21 Group Time Guide: 4-5th Grade

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Worth It: Lesson 1 – Oct 20/21 Group Time Guide: 4-5th Grade

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Worth It: Lesson 1 – Oct 20/21 Group Time Guide: 4-5th Grade

Group Time Guide Supplies Needed: Whiteboard, marker, eraser.

1. Getting Started Tell kids to meet someone new, and talk about this question: What would be the worst job ever? What would be the best job ever?

2. Discussion Questions • What happened to Bowie in the Source? What do you think is the best way for him to get his disguises back? What was Mr. Corbin’s idea? • What do your grownups do for work? • Why is it important that people work to earn money? (To have enough for food, a home, and other things we need.)

3. Hands-On Option Look Up and Read: Proverbs 6:6-11. These verses show us the value of working hard to prepare for the challenges we may face in life, and the consequences for being lazy. Do This: Pull out the whiteboard and dry erase marker. Ask kids to help you come up with five ways you can earn money at home. If they need help, some examples include: raking leaves, helping clean, and washing the car. Then, encourage them to come up with five “Expectations.” These are things they do that they don’t earn money for. Examples include: Homework, making your bed, and cleaning your room. Say This: These lists may look different for different families. The adults in our lives determine if we get anything for doing chores. They decide if you earn money, or if it’s just an expectation. Both work and expectations are very important for us to do. Challenge: We don’t get to choose though if we get money for doing our chores. We can however choose to have a positive attitude either way. This week, let’s do our work, and our expectations with a positive attitude!

4. Wrap-Up and Prayer Ask: What was the best part of your week? What was something tough that happened this week? Do This: Pray with the kids. If they’ve mentioned things that would be good to talk to God about, you can talk about them in your prayer.