[PDF](9.25.16) When Your Witness Stands Trial (HANDOUT) - Rackcdn.coma840889f6edeece2449a-7cb0212497b1f0709aaf19e7666e41dc.r56.cf2.rackcdn.com/...
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When Your Witness Stands Trial by Pastor Cary Nack
INTRODUCTION Background on the book… Series Key Verses: 1 Th. 1:7-8 Big Idea: SCRIPTURE 1Th. 2:1-12 EXPOSITION I. The Lord uses witnesses that are ________ _____ ____ ___________. (2:1-2)
II. The Lord uses witnesses that have ___________ _____________. (2:3)
III. The Lord uses witnesses that ______ ____ ______ ______ ________. (2:4)
IV. The Lord uses witnesses that have ______________ ___ _____________. (2:5)
V. The Lord uses witnesses that ___________ ______________. (2:6)
The Church God Blesses…Verse By Verse Thru 1 Thessalonians Wk #2 9.25.16
VI. The Lord uses witnesses that genuinely ________ ____ ____ ________. (2:7-8)
VII. The Lord uses witnesses that __________ ________. (2:9)
The Church God Blesses…Verse By Verse Thru 1 Thessalonians Wk #2 9.25.16