Accessibility Testing Services for Massachusetts

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Request for Quotations

Accessibility Testing Services for Massachusetts Department of Transportation Registry of Motor Vehicles Modernization (RMVM) Program D O C UM E NT N U M B ER : RFQ 13-001 D ATE O F I S SUE : N O VEM B ER 15, 2013


Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES RENDERED ........................................................................................................... 12 CONTRACT TERM ......................................................................................................................................... 14 INVOICING ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 PROCUREMENT GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 14 CONTENTS OF QUOTE................................................................................................................................. 16 SUBMISSION OF QUOTES ........................................................................................................................... 19 EVALUATION OF QUOTES ......................................................................................................................... 24 CONTRACT NEGOTIATION AND EXECUTION .................................................................................. 26 GLOSSARY OF TERMS................................................................................................................................. 27

EXHIBIT A .................................................................................................................................................................. 29



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INTRODUCTION 1.1 RMV Overview The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Registry of Motor Vehicles Division (the “Department” or “RMV”), as further defined in Section 10.0 – Glossary of Terms, is responsible for the issuance of all driver’s licenses/permits and MA identification cards, vehicle registrations and titles, the collection for the associated fees and sales tax; and for the maintenance and update of driving history records. In addition, the RMV is directly responsible for vehicle safety and administers the Safety and Emissions inspection program, vehicle insurance, Excise Tax billing and is the enforcement tool via either license/registration suspensions or non-renewals for the collection of unpaid Parking Tickets, Excise Tax, Child Support, and default Warrants. Additionally, the Merit Rating Board, a separate division that is part of the RMV with the Registrar acting as Chairman, administers the Safe Driver Insurance Plan and provides the driving records to Massachusetts Automobile insurers who use this information to adjust private passenger automobile insurance premiums. The RMV and MRB both utilize the same system known as the Automated License and Registration System (ALARS). ALARS was implemented in 1985 and introduced a number of innovative concepts for the time including an integrated license and registration system, automated adjudication and cash accounting that was tied to the clerk and the transaction. This innovation enabled the RMV to create more successes in the 1990s like citation payments, the Electronic Vehicle Registration Program (EVR), and Internet transactions. The mission of the RMV has expanded in the past 28 years with the addition of many new requirements and programs resulting in an increasingly complex application that is at the end of its useful life.

1.2 Procurement Overview The MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles Modernization (RMVM) team is seeking quotes from qualified vendors on statewide contract ITS52 that can provide testing of the accessibility features of software and documentation to be delivered and configured by Deloitte Consulting LLP (Deloitte) under the Contract entered into by the RMV and Deloitte Consulting LLP in March, 2013. Refer to ALARS MDI RFR: Request for Response, Automated License and Registration System (ALARS) Modernization Development and Implementation (MDI) Project, RFR_ALARSMOD_2011_005 available on Comm-PASS for more detailed background on the ALARS MDI Project. The RMV will contract with an Accessibility Testing Services Contractor to independently test and evaluate all applications and functionality of the RMV Modernization Program, including but not limited to the ALARS MDI Project from inception to completion, ensuring they adhere to ITD Enterprise Information Technology Accessibility Standards and the Web Accessibility Standards, Version 2 (collectively the “ITD Accessibility Standards”) issued by “ITD”, available online at For purposes of this engagement the successful bidder must test the configured software and documentation, for the proposed system and documentation purposes, delivered by Deloitte to the RMV against the ITD Accessibility Standards using the subset of the Assistive Technology/Information Technology Environment List (the “AT/IT Environment List”) in Exhibit A hereto. Page 3 of 36


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Quotes should demonstrate the Bidder’s experience with systems and supporting technologies used to implement the RMV Modernization applications. Additionally, the Quote should demonstrate the Bidder’s ability to accurately test and evaluate all RMV Modernization applications for adherence to the ITD Accessibility Standards as aforementioned. The RMV will award a single Accessibility Testing Services Contract based upon criteria specified in the RFQ. This RFQ is issued pursuant to Statewide Contract ITS52-Solution Provider (ITS52). Only authorized vendors with a contract under ITS52 are eligible to submit a Quote. A RMV Procurement Management Team (PMT) is responsible for conducting an evaluation of the Quotes to this RFQ in order to select the Apparent Successful Bidder. The Contact Person for this procurement is Susan Butler, listed on the cover of the RFQ. If legislation that governs any of the requested services is subsequently enacted or revised, the Accessibility Testing Services Contract will be amended to comply with the new or revised legislation. The RMV and the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor will negotiate any changes and costs resulting from legislative changes. If the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor does not comply with the new or revised legislation, the RMV may terminate the Contract. Bidders must submit a Quote for all of the services requested by this RFQ. The PMT will disqualify any Quote that indicates a Bidder (alone or with subcontractors or partnering companies) is unable or unwilling to provide all of the required mandatory services requested. The Accessibility Contractor must act as the prime contractor, but may partner or subcontract with other companies. For definitions of terms used in this RFQ, refer to the Glossary of Terms in Section 10.0. This RFQ and all Quotes hereto, including the Quote of the Apparent Successful Bidder, shall become public record and can be obtained from the RMV by submitting a request by e-mail to [email protected]. This RFQ does not commit the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) or the RMV to approve a contract, pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a Bidder’s response to this RFQ or to procure or contract for products or services. The RMV reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals received as a result of this RFQ and to contract for some, all or none of the products and services as a result of this RFQ. The RMV further reserves the right to negotiate with any or all qualified Bidders and to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFQ if it is determined by the RMV to be in the best interest of the RMV or MassDOT.

1.3 RMVM Program Overview Program Background The existing ALARS system was originally implemented in 1985 and since that time has continued to serve the RMV well, processing 6 million transactions daily and collecting $1 Billion in revenue annually. Since the deployment of the existing ALARS system, the mission of the RMV has continued to expand public expectations of technology and service have increased. The current system has aged and the technical limitations have impeded the ability of the system to keep up with increasing business demands. The Registry of Motor Vehicles and the Merit Rating Board (MRB) determined to undertake a project that will result in the replacement of ALARS which supports the operations of both Page 4 of 36


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agencies. With the new system, both the RMV and MRB will be able to more effectively achieve their core missions. ALARS currently supports licensing drivers, registering and insuring vehicles, Safe Driver Insurance Plan (SDIP) administration and other initiatives that further public safety and security. ALARS also integrates with law enforcement, courts, car dealers and the insurance industry, providing critical information to numerous business partners in those areas. After 28 years, ALARS is nearing the end of its useful life. The marketplace no longer supports many of its underlying technologies and it has become both expensive and a high risk to maintain. Each change made to the system to respond to new legislation, federal mandates or to support new business processes threatens the stability of this complex system. The Registry of Motor Vehicles Modernization (RMVM) program has given the RMV and MRB an opportunity to analyze their current business processes and develop a vision for new future business processes through the implementation of a new RMVM solution. This vision to be implemented by the RMVM solution will leverage new technology in a way that improves the customer experience, increases public safety and security and offers both agencies the flexibility to meet the demands of a changing world.

Program Vision The RMV has a clear vision for this program, epitomized by the motto “To be the National Leader in Putting the Customer First – across Service, Information, Safety, and Security” within one comprehensive and customer-centric system. The RMV vision includes objectives in several areas: • • • •

Service – To provide respectful, personalized and contextual service Information – To transform data into information to support analytics, benchmarking and innovating Safety – To promote safety through timely, efficient and transparent administration of motor vehicle laws Security – To establish, maintain, control and provide data that is reliable and secure

The new RMVM solution will include improvements along 3 key areas: People, Process and Technology.

Program Goals and Expected Benefits The RMVM Program has three clear goals for the new RMVM solution: 1. Implement efficient, customer focused service delivery, 2. Revise business policies and processes to expand innovative, self-service and alternative service options, 3. Enable RMV/MRB to lead and respond to internal, technological, regulatory and administrative changes in a timely, cost effective manner. 1. Implement efficient, customer focused service delivery Citizens and business partners increasingly expect to do business with government in a convenient, efficient manner that minimizes the need for in person contact and maximizes the use of web, phone, kiosks, and mobile channels. The RMVM solution will enable these channels, including:

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RMVM web customer account (personal or for a business) will enable the customer to securely view his or her record and electronically conduct a wide variety of business transactions. • For transactions that do require a visit to a branch office, the RMVM web application will support pre-staging the visit, enabling the customer to arrive prepared, thus insuring his or her business is concluded in a single visit. • The application will enable business partners that conduct portions of the RMV transaction today to report the results electronically. Simple examples include the automated reporting of driving school results and electronic reporting of issued citations. • The new system will support multiple service channels, including mobile, web, voice and in-person with each channel utilizing the same rules and processes. • The new system will support the electronic submission, scanning, and verification of credentials further reducing the need for branch visits. For example, a customer could submit a scanned copy of their birth certificate that can be electronically validated with the Department of Public Health, thus eliminating the need for a customer to appear in a RMV branch with a paper copy of a birth record in hand. • Customers will be able to notify the RMV of their preferred method of contact – e.g. text or email – enabling the registry to proactively notify the customer of pending events (for example, upcoming license or registration renewals) via their preferred method of contact resulting in improved communications between the RMV and our customer base Achieving this goal is expected to reduce the walk-in traffic to branch offices by providing the customer with quicker, easier and real-time options to conduct RMV business and increasing customer satisfaction. It will also allow the RMV to re-allocate resources to higher value compliance activities and the difficult cases that only an RMV expert can handle.

2. Revise business policies and processes to expand innovative self-service and alternative service options The RMVM project will allow the RMV/MRB and MassDOT to take a step back and look at the business process holistically and rationalize all of these policies and procedures. These processes, when piled one on top of another become unreliable, expensive to administer, opaque as few know how they work and generally not responsive to today’s business needs. Customers will no longer receive inconsistent and at times conflicting information. Revising dated policies and procedures will allow solutions to be implemented to expand innovative service delivery options. Solutions will include: •

Identifying and revising policies, statutes, and regulations to support modernized business processes.

Establishing processes that enable greater interaction and collaboration between state agencies and business partners.

Reducing the dependence on paper, in terms of forms, processing and handling as well as to support alternative business processes. The enabling of scanning at the point of service will eliminate the batching, transportation, storage and manual lookup of applications and supporting documentation.

Processes (such as citations) that traditionally relied on paper submission will be automated thus insuring not only quicker and more accurate entry, but also quicker adjudication and a noticeable reduction in misplaced and unaccounted for paper. Page 6 of 36


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Focus more on business outcomes, rather than specific administrative processes. RMVM modernization will enable executive level and public facing dashboards. This will increase effectiveness and accountability of business partners, managers and staff by defining, establishing and aligning goals and allowing progress against those goals to be visibly and easily measured via an executive dashboard.

Achieving this goal will create a responsive, transparent, and publicly accountable agency. 3. Enable RMV/MRB to lead and respond to internal, technological, regulatory and administrative changes in a timely, cost effective manner. Over the past 20 years, the RMV/MRB have gone from leading change to having to explain why a seemly simple change takes months and costs far more than seems reasonable. This is an artifact of using dated technology and frequently results in the change either not being done or being half done with frequent manual workarounds. The dated technology has put the RMV/MRB in a position of wanting to avoid change. RMVM has the potential to completely alter this prospective and turn both agencies into the leader and change advocates they once were when the RMV’s system was young and much more agile. •

Design and implement a system that is easy to use and adaptable to change.

Establish specific outcome based business and technological goals and measure our progress towards those goals.

Use the analytical capabilities of new ALARS to identify areas where business and regulatory changes that would affect public safety should be made. By analysing ALARS data from both a historical and forward looking “what if” prospective, the agencies can go from being reactive and generally avoiding change to proactive and leading/advocating for change.

Leverage and extend the capabilities of RMVM (as appropriate) to other areas within MassDOT and to other agencies. The RMV has data on 5.6m of the 6.5m Massachusetts residents and with the RMVM implementation; we will establish secure accounts with the vast majority of our customers and enable many different venues for customer service. Certainly this can be leveraged in a manner that would allow other agencies to offer more citizen centric, timely and secure customer service than is currently available today.

Achieving this goal will allow MassDOT to leverage the capabilities of the new RMV system and offer services to other agencies both in and outside of MassDOT. The Commonwealth is challenged to provide more service for less cost. RMVM will be the one of the first major systems implemented in the Commonwealth using a SOA architecture which will enable these services to be extended to other agencies. The RMVM implementation will remove the barriers of security and technology that now prevent expansion. The RMV and MassDOT intend to lead the way in leveraging the capabilities of this system to bring additional services to the transportation community in a cost effective citizen centric manner.

Program Approach To achieve the objectives above, the Registry of Motor Vehicles has engaged Deloitte Consulting to be the systems integrator for the RMVM program. The implementation work has been structured around a series of five Task Orders that will cover the duration of the program from initiation through post-implementation support.

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Figure 2-1 Master Plan for the RMVM Program Q2




Task Order 1


Task Order 2

Task Order 2


Task Order 3

Task Order 3


Task Order 4


Task Order 5













Task Name










Task Order 1

Task Order 4 Task Order 5

An overview of the Task Orders is provided below: Task Order 1 – Requirements and Proof of Concept: The purpose of Task Order 1 is to enable Deloitte to gain a detailed understanding of RMV’s Requirements and to establish the foundation and structure to guide the program, to mitigate risk, and to refine the Scope and cost of the Program. Task Order 1 will also include documenting the high level requirements through the use of process models and Joint Application Requirements (JAR) sessions. The specific services provided during this Task Order will be related to Program inception, including developing the overall plan for the Program, assessing Requirements, conducting an in-depth Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) assessment and developing a SOA roadmap. Deloitte will also build and exercise the base functional capability and infrastructure, including security and run-time governance, in a non-production “proof of concept” or “sandbox” environment. Task Order 2 – Customer accounts and basic CRM/Customer Service: Task Order 2 will allow citizens to establish customer accounts and perform customer account management and appointment management. It will provide a customer view and basic CRM/customer service capabilities to RMV clerks and Contact Center agents, including the ability to add/update customer contact information. It will provide interfaces to external systems and to the legacy ALARS system, scanning functionality, business intelligence, and converted data to support capabilities delivered in Task Order 2. Task Order 3 – Revenue Operations, Vehicle Management, and MAB Placards: Task Order 3 will support revenue operations including payments, cash drawer, reconciliation, disbursements/refunds, and business partner accounts, and DVD billing. It will provide features to manage the vehicle record and MAB placards. Task Order 3 will provide features such as citation payments and reinstatement payments, 3rd-party license permit exams, and POS scanning. It will provide interfaces to external systems and to the legacy ALARS system, scanning functionality, business intelligence, and converted data to support capabilities delivered in Task Order 3. Task Order 4 –Vehicle and non-DL/CDL: The purpose of Task Order 4 is to provide nonDL/CDL license and credentials and the remainder of the Vehicle capabilities, including registration and titling, vehicle safety and compliance, medical affairs/plates, an interface to the IRP system, confidential records, reducible load permits (overweight permits), red light blue light, aircraft, excise tax, and Uninsured Motorist, To support these capabilities, Task Order 4 will deliver the related confidential records management; citations, sanctioning, hearings, compliance and reinstatement; interfaces to external systems and to the legacy ALARS system; scanning functionality, business intelligence, and converted data; and customer service and customer portal processes.

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Task Order 5 – DL and CDL: The purpose of Task Order 5 is to provide DL and CDL related license and credentials, the Merit Rating Board (MRB) SDIP capabilities, the Medical Affairs Branch (MAB) medical reviews and handicapped placards and plates, and driver records related to these features. To support these capabilities, Task Order 5 will deliver the related confidential records management; citations, sanctioning, hearings, compliance and reinstatement; interfaces to external systems and to the legacy ALARS system; scanning functionality, business intelligence, and converted data; and customer service and customer portal processes. This final task order includes retirement of the interim integration components developed for the Financial/Revenue Operations integration into the ALARS legacy Cash module and any interim interfaces to the legacy ALARS system for AAMVA interfaces.

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1.4 RFQ Information The table below captures the details of the Accessibility Testing Services Request for Quote. Table 1-1: Accessibility Testing Services Procurement Details RFQ Name: RFQ Number: Purchasing Procurement Type:

Accessibility Testing Services for RMV Modernization RFQ_13-001 MassDOT – RMV ITS52

Acquisition Method:

This is a time and materials procurement. However, should Agency determine that additional work related to the project described in this RFQ is required following the completion of the time and material engagement described herein, it reserves the right to secure the successful Bidder at the hourly rates included in its bid to complete additional work related to that engagement during the unexpired term of the engagement.

Procurement Category:

Accessibility Testing Services

Procurement Management Team Contact Person:

Susan Butler Procurement Contact Person Massachusetts Department of Transportation Registry of Motor Vehicles Division 25 Newport Avenue Extension Quincy, MA 02171 [email protected] The Procurement Contact Person will be the sole contact person for any issues pertaining to the ALARS MDI Program

1.5 Bidders

Any vendors previously awarded contracts for any of the Active RMV Modernization Projects are prohibited from performing Accessibility Testing services under this RFQ. The RMV will reject Quotes received from any such vendor or any joint venture with any such vendor. Any Bidders and or subcontractors submitting a response to this RFQ must affirmatively declare that they are not and have not performed services for the RMV Modernization Program. The Accessibility Testing Services Contractor will report directly to the RMVM Executive Program Director or his designee. The provision of all services to be provided by the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor will be set forth in a Statement of Work (SOW). This engagement will incorporate a task order approach in line with the ALARS MDI Project contract which is expected to run through 2016. Page 10 of 36


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RFQ Schedule The following table outlines the estimated schedule of important action dates: Table 1-2 Accessibility Testing Services RFQ Schedule Date Fri., November 15, 2013

Event RFQ Release on Comm-PASS

Tues., November 19, 2013

Vendor Questions Due by 3:00pm est

Thur., November 21, 2013

Post Responses to Vendor Questions

Mon., December 2, 2013

RFQ Responses Due by 3:00pm est

Fri., December 6, 2013

MassDOT reserves the right to request a BAFO

Wed., December 18, 2013

Notification of Apparent Successful Bidder

12/19/2013 – 01/17/2014

Negotiation of Master Services Agreement hereunder.

On or about first quarter of 2014

Commencement of Accessibility Testing Services

The dates in Table 1-2 may change and are not binding on the RMV. Any change to Table 12 will be posted on Comm-PASS. The RMV will reject any responses not received by the Submission Deadline in Table 1-2. Quotes not received by RFQ Responses Due date will be disqualified. After the deadline for response submission the RMV reserves the right to extend a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) Opportunity to all or a selected number of responders. Responders may also, prior to selection, be asked to submit additional information specific to project specifications and cost.

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SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE RENDERED 2.1 Scope of Work and Deliverables Deloitte will submit the required deliverables (including configured software and documentation) as described in Section 1.3, Program Overview, specifically Program Approach, to the RMVM Executive Program Director for approval and acceptance. The RMV will then provide a link to those deliverables to the successful Bidder. All access to Deloitte deliverables will be provided through MassDOT’s network and will require testers to have VPN access.

Currently the ALARS system is comprised of 6.3 million lines of code which will be re-written as part of the Modernization effort. The RMV is in the process of developing business requirements and a high level system design. It is expected at the end of Task Order 1, the RMV will have a better understanding of the deliverables in each subsequent Task Order. Please refer to the MassDOT issued Request for Response Number RFR_ALARSMOD_2011_005 on Comm-PASS.

The successful bidder is required to test and evaluate the software as customized and configured by Deloitte to ensure it has clearly met in all material respects the ITD Accessibility Standards. This includes software for internal and external end-users. For all deliverables the following testing phases will be followed: A. The successful Bidder will evaluate whether the software meets in all material respects the ITD Accessibility Standards. The successful Bidder will provide the RMV with a list of all areas where the software does not meet, in all material respects the ITD Accessibility Standard, including without limitation areas where the software is simply unusable by users of the AT/IT Environment List. As Deloitte upgrades or updates the software, when Deloitte makes that upgrade or update available to the RMV and the successful Bidder for testing, the successful Bidder will re-test the software against the ITD Accessibility Standards. B. For all deliverables, the RMV will provide a link to those deliverables to the successful Bidder. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of each deliverable, successful Bidder will test and review the work product of the deliverable and evaluate whether the deliverable has clearly met in all material respects the ITD Accessibility Standards. Within that timeframe, the successful Bidder will also submit a written report documenting the findings of the assessment. If after the first round of testing of the software or a deliverable or any subsequent round of testing, the Bidder identifies accessibility defects in the software or rejects Deloitte’s deliverable due to accessibility defects, the RMV will deliver such results to Deloitte, upon receipt of such rejection. Upon delivery by Deloitte to the RMV of a revised deliverable, the RMV will forward such revised deliverable to the Bidder for retesting. The successful Bidder will then have five (5) business days from receipt of the updated deliverable or software to (1) test and review the work product to evaluate whether the deliverable has clearly met in all material respects the ITD Accessibility Standards, and (2) submit an updated written report documenting the findings of the subsequent assessment. The RMV reserves the right to negotiate tighter timeframes for the winning bidder’s deliverables should the needs of the project so require. Page 12 of 36


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The successful Bidder will document the findings resulting from its testing and deliver such findings to the RMV. The documentation regarding the findings must include relevant screenshots and reference pertinent sections of the ITD Accessibility Standards in its discussion of the following elements (1) an overview of accessibility features that are currently incorporated into the deliverable and (2) specific elements that are not in compliance with the ITD Accessibility Standards, with recommendations for remediation, mitigation, workarounds or accommodations.

2.2 Vendors-Independent Perspective The successful Bidder is charged with independently evaluating the software delivered to the RMV to determine whether it complies with the required ITD Accessibility Standards. The successful Bidder must be independent from Deloitte Consulting LLC and have the freedom to identify any deviations from the ITD Accessibility Standards of the delivered software. Deloitte Consulting LLC and any subcontractors employed by Deloitte consulting LLC for purposes of providing software development or related services are not eligible to bid on the RFQ. 2.3 Qualifications Bidders must have demonstrable experience in working with and testing similar software solutions in a large scale business environment, preferably in the public sector and preferably with the software solution to be implemented in this project. 2.4 VPATs VPATs for the relevant software are separately posted to Comm-PASS along with this RFQ. The successful Bidder is required to review and consult such VPATs in performing its analysis.

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3.0 CONTRACT TERM The RMV anticipates the initial duration of the contract to extend from the first quarter of 2014 through 12/31/2016 with a renewal option at the discretion of the RMV up through 12/31/2017. Bidders may assume an anticipated start date on or about the first quarter of 2014. The RMV requires Bidders to submit a Quote as requested hereunder for Accessibility Testing Services and expects that the Bidder will propose a schedule of rates and committed availability. Should the RMV determine that additional work related to the project described in this RFQ is required following the completion of the engagement described herein, it reserves the right to secure the successful Bidder at the hourly rates included in its bid to complete additional work related to that engagement during the unexpired term of the agreement and any extentions exercised thereof.

4.0 INVOICING The Accessibility Testing Services Contractor must bill the RMV by submitting an accurate invoice to the RMVM Executive Program Director. The invoices must itemize the cost of the deliverables and services billed and present clearly the basis for any calculations for items such as Prompt Payment Discounts (PPDs). The RMV and the Apparent Successful Bidder will negotiate the frequency and format of each invoice prior to the execution of the Accessibility Testing Services Contract. However, the RMV anticipates that invoices will be due from the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor and payable by the RMV after the achievement by the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor of various milestones, which will be defined in the Accessibility Testing Services Contract. A milestone may encompass one (1) or more deliverables. Payment for deliverables will be after RMV’s acceptance of deliverables in conformance with the Accessibility Testing Services Contract. The RMV will pay the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor for deliverables accepted by the RMV pursuant to the terms of this RFQ and the Accessibility Testing Services Contract through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).

5.0 PROCUREMENT GENERAL INFORMATION 5.1 RFQ Release on Comm-PASS This RFQ has been distributed electronically on Comm-PASS. Comm-PASS is the official system of record for all procurement information and is publicly accessible at no charge at Information contained in this document and in each tab of the solicitation, including all Exhibits, Attachments, and Response Forms comprises all components of the solicitation. Bidders are solely responsible for obtaining all information distributed for this solicitation via Comm-PASS, by using the browse and search tools offered on each record-related tab on the main navigation bar (Solicitations and Forums). All records on Comm-PASS are comprised Page 14 of 36


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of multiple tabs, or pages. For example, solicitation records contain Summary, Rules, Issuer(s), Intent or Forms & Terms and Specifications and Other Information tabs. It is each Bidder’s responsibility to check Comm-PASS for: • •

Any addenda or modifications to this solicitation, by monitoring the “Last Change” field on the solicitation’s Summary tab. Any Bidders’ forum records related to this solicitation.

The Commonwealth accepts no responsibility and will provide no accommodation to Bidders who submit a Quote based on an out-of-date solicitation or on information received from a source other than Comm-PASS. •

Bidder Communication with RMV

Bidders are prohibited from communicating directly or indirectly with any employee of the RMV, or any member of the PMT, except as specified in the RFQ or in the ordinary course of business. No MassDOT employee or representative is authorized to provide any information or respond to any question or inquiry regarding the RFQ. Violation of this prohibition may be considered sufficient cause by the RMV to disqualify a Quote and/or an Apparent Successful Bidder for the Accessibility Testing Services. A Bidder may contact the Contact Person if the RFQ is incomplete or if the Bidder is experiencing difficulty obtaining any required documents electronically through CommPASS. •

RFQ Amendments

The PMT may, at any time prior to the execution of the Contract, for any reason and without penalty, amend the RFQ or change the procurement requirements, performance specifications, and budget or procurement schedule. Notice of an amendment will be posted on Comm-PASS. In such case, the PMT will post a notice and an amendment to the RFQ on Comm-PASS. If the PMT makes a significant change to the procurement, one that modifies the scope and requirements of the original procurement, the PMT will cancel the procurement and begin a new procurement by posting a new RFQ on Comm-PASS. The RMV will post a notice of the cancellation on Comm-PASS. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to check Comm-PASS for any notice or amendment, supplement or clarification to the RFQ. Only a written notice, amendment, supplement or clarification posted on Comm-PASS will bind the RMV. Bidders who are not subscribed to Comm-PASS must check the Last Change Date and the Update Tab to obtain the latest information on a closed solicitation. •

Responses Public Property of RMV

All Quotes and related or attached information submitted in response to the RFQ are subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, MGL Chapter 66, Section 10 and Chapter 4, Section 7, Clause 26. Any statements in Quotes that are inconsistent with these statutes will be disregarded. Therefore, any documents submitted in response to the RFQ become public records and are subject to mandatory disclosure upon the request of third parties, after Contract execution. Page 15 of 36


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All Quotes and other documents submitted in response to the RFQ become the property of the RMV. The RMV is under no obligation to return any documents submitted by a Bidder.

6.0 CONTENTS OF QUOTE 6.1 General Each Quote must include a Business and Technical Response and detailed Cost Response.

Bidder Responses Responders must include the following in their quote:  A signed cover letter including agreement to all of the terms of this RFQ.  Separate (a) Business and Technical and (b) Cost Responses. The Business and Technical Response must not include any cost information; the RMV reserves the right to discard bids in which the Business and Technical Response includes cost information.  Business and Technical Response must include: 1. Executive Summary providing a concise summary of the Bidder’s response. The Summary should be prepared in such a way that it might be read independently of other detail. This section should highlight those aspects of the response (other than cost) which the Proposer believes makes it unique in meeting the needs of the RMVM Program. 2. Proposed approach to how the Bidder will provide the services described herein, generally describing the methodology, timelines and keys to success. The bid must include a narrative statement of work describing services, knowledge and relevant experience, and approach for providing the deliverables described in this RFQ, based on the form of Statement of Work included hereto as Attachment A. 3. A specific response to each of the items listed in Section 2.0 Scope of Services to be Rendered. 4. A description of all dependencies and/or assumptions made by the Bidder. 5. A full description of Bidder company resources to be utilized for this contract including any outsourced resources (contracted non-company managed resources). Bidders must provide a list of staff assigned to the project, their roles and a copy of their resume or description of relevant experience, and any relevant certifications held by them. 6. A description of all software to be used for evaluating all customized software, including software for code inspection and automated testing, and assistive technologies for user training. Minimum requirements are described in Exhibit A of this RFQ. 7. A minimum of three (3) references for customers (either currently under active contract with the Bidder or previously under contracts which expired Page 16 of 36


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within the past three (3) years that are similar in size, scope and complexity to the RMVM Program and for which the Bidder provided services similar to those described in this RFQ. This section must include the scope and duration of the engagements and the standards that were tested. Experience with assessments based on the Section 508 Standards or the ITD Accessibility Standards are required  Cost Response must: • Include both a per screen price and an hourly rate by resource for the engagement described in this RFQ, in case the RMV decides to extend this engagement to additional work that is related to that described in this RFQ but beyond its scope. 6.2.2

Statement of Work

Using the template Statement of Work form attached hereto as Attachment A, the Bidder must provide a draft Statement of Work (in electronic editable form) that incorporates the Bidder’s proposed changes to the template SOW in redline form. The Bidder’s changes to the template should include the requirements of the RFQ and the Bidder’s proposed plan as outlined in its response for meeting the requirements.


Corporate/Business Reference

The Bidder must provide corporate references from at least three (3) entities for which the Bidder has, within the last three (3) years, successfully completed a scope of services of similar scale to, or larger than, the scope of work contemplated by this RFQ. Experience with any Commonwealth of Massachusetts agency must be included as a reference, in addition to the above references. References must include the following information: • • • • •

Client organization’s name and address Name and title, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address for a contact person Brief description of the contract requirements (including a description of the products and services offered, as appropriate) Cost of the effort at contract signing and the final cost of the effort, with a brief explanation of any difference Start and end dates for the effort, commencing with the signed contract and the actual start and end dates, with a brief explanation of any difference.

6.2.4 Meeting or exceeding the Bidder’s Supplier Diversity Program Plan. Each Quote shall include a statement explaining how the Bidder proposes to meet or exceed the Supplier Diversity Program (“SDP”) Plan the Bidders submitted to the Operational Services Division in the Bidder’s response to the RFR for ITS52. In particular, Bidders must explain (1) what is the Bidder’s SDP Plan under ITS52; and (2) and how would the Bidder’s proposed approach to providing services under the Accessibility Testing Services Contract be in furtherance or exceed the goals within the SDP Plan. Page 17 of 36


RFQ 13-01

6.2.5 Conflict of Interest Statement Each Quote shall include a statement indicating whether or not the Bidder or any of the proposed subcontractors or Employees has a possible conflict of interest in connection with this procurement and, if so, the nature of that conflict. Any questions about conflicts of interest should be addressed to the State Ethics Commission at (617) 371-9500 or (888) 485-4766. The State Ethics Commission’s website may be accessed at 6.3 Cost Response

Costs that are not specifically identified in a Quote, and accepted by the RMV as part of the Contract, will not be compensated under the Contract. The RMV will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Bidders in responding to the RFQ. The RMV will not reimburse travel-related expenses such as airfare, meals, lodging or car rental. The Cost Response that Bidders must submit to the RMV is included in Response Form as follows: Response Form A: Resource Hourly Rate Table and Per Screen Rate Table Costs must be presented based on the RMV’s fiscal year, which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30; the anticipated commencement date for Accessibility Testing Services is January 2014. The RMV will not make any advance payments regardless of how they are classified (e.g., down payment, startup costs, deposit, etc.). All payments are contingent upon delivery or completion of certain milestone deliverables within the Task Orders and the RMV’s acceptance of the milestone deliverables in accordance with the evaluation and approval procedures set forth in the Accessibility Testing Services Contract and as described in this RFQ. Unless adjusted pursuant to a change order, all prices for deliverables and all hourly rates (for any additional services provided under this RFQ 13-001 are fixed as set forth in the Accessibility Testing Services Contract at the time of execution. Change requests should not in all cases subject the RMV to changes in the price cap, e.g. changes within scope should not be considered a chargeable change. The RMV will not pay the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor’s cost for responding to a change request. Any Bidder that offers a prompt pay discount under the ITS52 Solution Providers Contract is required to include the same or more favorable discounts in their Quote for Accessibility Testing Services Project. The RMV requires Bidders to provide all of the costs for the Accessibility Testing Services Project in a form substantially similar to Response Form A.

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RFQ 13-01

7.0 SUBMISSION OF QUOTES 7.1 Business and Cost Response The Bidder’s Quote must include one (1) sealed package with the following: •

The Business Response describes the Bidder’s proposal to meet the general business requirements of the RFQ. The Cost Response contains the Bidder’s cost proposal. One (1) sealed original and six (6) sealed copies of each Business and Cost Response must be submitted. One (1) sealed electronic copy of the Business and Cost Response must be submitted.

7.2 General • • • • • • • •

Each Bidder must review this section carefully prior to submitting its response in order to avoid disqualification. The Response of the Apparent Successful Bidder, including all amendments, attachments, exhibits, Bidder presentations/demonstrations, clarifications, and supplements, becomes part of the Accessibility Testing Services Contract. All responses must comply with the guidelines in Section 7.4.1 Environmental Response Submission Compliance regarding the use of recycled and environmentally preferable products. The RMV requests that narrative be a font size of 12 point. Text in tables and/or graphics may be smaller provided it is legible. The response should be double sided on 8 ½ X 11” paper, the proposal will be evaluated on the basis of content, not length. Responses transmitted by facsimile or solely electronically are not acceptable. Responses should include a Table of Contents and Table of Exhibits All attachments to a response should be identified clearly and separated by tabbed dividers. Responses must not include videotapes, animation, audiotapes, software, or promotional information.

7.3 Response Delivery Bidders must submit their responses by mail or by hand (which includes delivery by a courier) directly to the address in Section 7.6 Addressing Responses. If Bidders submit their responses by hand, the PMT requires the following: • •

Bidders must submit their Responses between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays, to the address in Section 7.6 Addressing Responses. If delivery is to be made prior to the RFQ deadline date, please notify the Procurement Contact Person 24 hours in advance of the anticipated delivery date and time via email at the address noted in Table 1-1 Accessibility Testing Services Procurement details. Responses must be brought to the first floor lobby security desk, Registry of Motor Vehicles Headquarters, 25 Newport Avenue Extension, Quincy, MA. Upon delivery, Bidders should ask the security officer to contact the Procurement Contact Person on Page 19 of 36


RFQ 13-01

floor one in the Modernization office. Responses must not be left at the lobby or in the RMV Mailroom. • Whether a Response is delivered by hand or by mail, it must be received by the date and time specified in Table 1-2 Accessibility Testing Services RFQ Schedule. A late Response will be rejected. If the location at the address in Section 7.4 Response Labeling and Packaging is unexpectedly closed on the Submission Deadline, the RMV will post the new Submission Deadline on Comm-PASS as soon as possible. • All Quotes must be valid for a period of 90 days after the date and time of submission in Table 1-2 Accessibility Testing Services RFQ Schedule. Bidders must submit seven (7) paper copies and one (1) electronic copy in word searchable format of its Quote by hand (which includes delivery by a courier) or by mail directly to the address in Section 7.6.

7.4 Response Labeling and Packaging All responses must comply with the following conditions: • Each Response must include two separately packaged and sealed sections for the Business Response and Cost Response as described in Section Business Response Packaging and Cost Response Packaging, respectively. The appropriate electronic discs should be included in each sealed envelope. • The RMV requires that components of each Response be delivered in specific formats for ease of review. All components of the Business and Technical Response must be provided in searchable PDF format with commenting rights enabled and in MS Word/Excel 2007 format. • Files must not be encrypted, password protected, or otherwise restricted. Bidders must not format their responses to restrict or prevent the RMV from printing or copying electronic copies in whole or in part.


Environmental Response Submission Compliance

In an effort to promote greater use of recycled and environmentally preferable products and minimize waste, all responses submitted should comply with the following guidelines: • •

All copies should be printed double sided All submittals and copies should be printed on recycled paper with a minimum post-consumer content of 30 percent or on tree-free paper (i.e., paper made from raw materials other than trees such as kenaf) • Unless absolutely necessary, all responses and copies should minimize or eliminate the use of non-recyclable or non-reusable materials such as plastic report covers, plastic dividers, vinyl sleeves, and GBC binding. Three-ringed binders, glued materials, paper clips, and staples are acceptable. • Bidders should submit materials in a format that allows for easy removal and recycling of paper materials. • Bidders are encouraged to use other products that contain recycled content in the Response documents. Such products may include, but are not limited to, folders, binders, paper clips, envelopes, and boxes. • Unnecessary samples, attachments, or documents not specifically requested should not be submitted. Page 20 of 36


RFQ 13-01

7.5 Originals Signed by Bidder At least 1 copy of the Technical/Business and Cost Responses respectively must contain originals of any documents that are signed by the Bidder’s Authorized Signatory. The submission containing the originals of signed documents must be labeled clearly as “Original” on the cover. A Bidder must designate all other hard copy submissions by a number from 1 to 6.


Addressing Responses Responses should be addressed and labeled clearly on the outside of the sealed packages as follows:

[Bidder's Name] Response to RFQ 13-001, Accessibility Testing Services Project, for Registry of Motor Vehicles RMV Modernization Program Susan Butler Communications and Accessibility Lead Registry of Motor Vehicles Modernization Program 25 Newport Avenue Extension Quincy, MA 02171

Business and Cost Response Packaging The Business and Technical Response provides the Bidder’s proposal to meet the requirements of the RFQ, including all associated costs. One (1) original and 6 copies of each Business and Technical and Cost Response, including all attachments must be submitted in sealed packaging. One (1) sealed electronic copy (e.g., a compact disc) of the Business and Technical Response, including all attachments must be submitted. The electronic file must be in MS Word/Excel 2007 format and labeled “Business and Technical and Cost Response XYZ” where XYZ is the Bidder name or initials. Each jewel case must clearly indicate the name of the Bidder, RFQ Name, RFQ number, and “Business and Technical and Cost Response.” 7.7

Disqualification of Responses The following identifies the criteria by which the RMV will disqualify the Bidder’s Response: • Late Responses: The PMT will disqualify late Responses, unless, under exceptional circumstances, the Registrar grants an exception due to the closing of state government offices, strikes, or Acts of nature. • Noncompliance of Response: The PMT will disqualify any Response that it determines to be non-responsive to, or that fails to comply with, material or mandatory terms, specifications, or requirements of the RFQ (including the instructions governing the submission or format of Responses), unless the PMT determines that the nonresponsiveness is not substantial, in which case it may seek clarification of the Response or apply appropriate penalties in the evaluation of the Response, or both. Non-compliance Page 21 of 36


RFQ 13-01

shall include, but not be limited to, a Bidder’s failure to address any required item in the RFQ including, without limitation, the submission of a Response in the incorrect format as well as failure to comply with the guidelines specified in Section 7. • Collusion: The PMT will disqualify any Response if it reasonably believes that the Response is the result of collusion or unfair trade practices by one or more Bidders agreeing to act in a manner intended to avoid or frustrate fair and open competition. • Debarred Bidder or Subcontractor: The PMT will disqualify any Response submitted by a Bidder who is subject at that time to any state or federal debarment order or determination, or any Response that designates a subcontractor subject to any such order, including, but not limited to, an order or determination under Executive Order 147, MGL Chapter 152, Section 29F and MGL Chapter 152, Section 29C. If the Bidder replaces the designated subcontractor without a material effect on the Bidder’s Response, the PMT may give the Bidder the opportunity to select another subcontractor prior to Contract execution. • Other Grounds for Disqualification: The PMT may disqualify any Response on grounds other than those specified in this Section. The PMT makes the final determination as to whether a Response should be disqualified and has full discretion in making this determination, except in the case of late Responses. The PMT reserves the right to reject any or all bids (responses) in whole or in part and for any reason deemed necessary. The PMT is not responsible for Bidders who fail to check for amended RFQs and submit inadequate or incorrect responses. Bidders are advised to check the “last change” field on the summary page of the RFQs for which they intend to submit a response to ensure that they have the most recent RFQ files. Bidders may not alter (manually or electronically) the RFQ language or any RFQ component files. Modifications to the body of the RFQ, specifications, terms and conditions, or which change the intent of this RFQ are prohibited and may disqualify a response. The PMT reserves the right not to enter any agreement under this RFQ. 7.8

Correction and Clarification of Responses •

In its sole discretion, the PMT may determine whether non-compliance with any of the above requirements is insubstantial. In such cases, the PMT may seek clarification, allow the Bidder to make minor corrections, apply appropriate penalties in evaluating the Response, or apply a combination of all 3 remedies.

The PMT will retain full discretion to allow corrections or clarifications to a Response.

A correction is a minor informality or obvious error in a Response. Bidders will be accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to an opportunity to correct minor errors in a Response. Minor errors may be matters of form, rather than substance, and include clerical, transposition, or mathematical errors, and insignificant mistakes that, in the opinion of the PMT, can be corrected without prejudice to other Bidders and without changing the substantive elements of the Response. The PMT may review submissions from any Bidder to correct a minor mistake in its Response; in doing so, the PMT will accord fair and equal treatment to all Bidders. Mistakes in a Response may be corrected either at the PMT’s or the Bidder’s request.

Clarifications are explanations of what is stated in a Response. If the RMV requires a clarification of any particular section of a Response, the RMV will provide all Bidders with the same notice and opportunity for clarification of the identified section in the Response. The PMT may provide this opportunity to Bidders as part of their Bidder presentations/ demonstrations. A clarification may not be used as an opportunity by a Bidder to submit supplemental information or to change a Response, unless the PMT Page 22 of 36


RFQ 13-01

specifically requests these submissions or changes in connection with the clarification of all Responses. •

If the RFQ needs clarification, the PMT may clarify the unclear Section of the RFQ, and all Bidders will be given the opportunity to revise their Responses with respect to that Section of the RFQ. However, the PMT is not required to clarify the RFQ if only 1 Bidder misunderstood the RFQ or if the ambiguity is not a material element of the procurement. If the clarification required is significant, the RMV may cancel the procurement and re-issue the RFQ.

No correction or clarification of prices, terms, and conditions, or the submission of supplemental information prejudicial to the interests of other Bidders or to fair competition will be permitted.

7.9 •

7.10 •

Contract Amendments The RMV reserves the right to amend this contract. The RMV may negotiate changes to the original performance measures, reporting requirements or payment methodologies tied to performance at any time during the contract duration if they are consistent with the specifications of this RFQ. The RMV reserves the right to negotiate and execute contract amendments with the contractor(s) in which the RMV determines as necessary to result in the intent of the RFQ, to amend the specifications for necessary requirements, or to result in a better valued contract. Negotiation would be with the successful contractor(s) of this RFQ. Amendments may include, but are not limited to, contract dollars, contract performance, increased or decreased obligations, scope of work, quantity, etc. Contract The Contract will consist of, in order of importance, the MassDOT Terms and Conditions, the MassDOT Contract Form, RFR Assistive Technology Testing ITS52, the vendor’s response thereto, this RFQ, the vendor’s response thereto, and any Statement of Work negotiated by the parties. In the event of a conflict in language between any of the above-mentioned documents, the provisions and requirements set forth or referenced in the MassDOT Terms and Conditions and this RFQ, with any and all amendments, shall govern. In the event that an issue is addressed in the Response that is not addressed in the RFQ, no conflict in language shall be deemed to occur.


Duration of Bids Bids will be considered valid for a minimum of ninety (90) calendar days.

7.12 Public Record No references to the confidentiality of bid submissions will be honored; all bids submitted will be public record.

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RFQ 13-01

8.0 EVALUATION OF QUOTES The PMT will conduct a comprehensive and impartial evaluation of the Quotes received in response to this RFQ. The RMV reserves the right to alter the composition of the PMT or to designate other staff to assist in the evaluation process. The PMT will evaluate each Bidder based on its responses to this RFQ and shall select the Bidder whose Quote, in the aggregate, provides the “best value” for the RMV and MassDOT. The PMT anticipates that it will complete its evaluation of Quotes and notify the Apparent Successful Bidder selected to perform Accessibility Testing Services by the date specified in Table 1-2. 8.1 Selection and Notice of Award The Apparent Successful Bidder will be the Bidder whose Quote represents the best value for the RMV and MassDOT. The PMT will notify this Bidder in writing and post its name on CommPASS. No Bidder may make any public announcement concerning its selection for the Contract prior to the RMV’s release of that information on Comm-PASS. Notice to an Apparent Successful Bidder that it may be awarded the Contract does not constitute acceptance of all the terms of a Quote by the RMV and does not impose any contractual obligation on the RMV. Contract award is contingent upon the successful conclusion of negotiations and Contract execution with the Apparent Successful Bidder. 8.2 Evaluation Criteria The RMV will use the following approach to evaluating the responses. Qualified vendors and sub-contractors must be able to demonstrate technical expertise and prior experience testing systems for compliance with accessibility standards, laws and regulations. Responses to this RFQ will be evaluated based on the criteria listed below. The criteria are listed in descending order of importance with the most important criteria in each section listed first. The Business and Technical elements will be scored separately from Cost. Cost: •

Each Bidder will be assigned points based on the estimated ratio of its total price to the lowest total price with the lowest total price receiving the maximum points in this category.

Business and Technical • •

The response conforms to the submission requirements of Sections 6 and 7 (including affirmative responses to the requirements of those sections). The substance of the Bidder’s response on the following points satisfactorily meets the requirements of the RFQ and indicates an adequate up to exceptional approach and understanding of the requirements including without limitation, clarity, comprehensiveness, relevance, accuracy, methodology and approach to deliverables. The Bidder’s proposal contains strengths and shows no deficiencies on the following topics. o Proof of understanding of ITD Accessibility Standards as they are documented at o Sample framework of the methodology and tasks for the Accessibility Testing Services project based on projects of similar size and complexity, completed by the vendor. Page 24 of 36


RFQ 13-01

General understanding of Registry of Motor Vehicles licensing and registration business and transactions. o Corporate references. o The response illustrates the Bidder’s previous experience providing similar assistance testing applications for accessibility. The Bidder demonstrates a clear understanding of the standards and process for testing software against those standards. o Proof of experience with current testing tools o The Bidder’s offered insight into product and process risks o

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RFQ 13-01

9.0 CONTRACT NEGOTIATION AND EXECUTION The Apparent Successful Bidder may conduct contract negotiations only with individuals designated by the RMV. The negotiated terms referred to in that definition will be embodied in a Statement of Work or similar agreement to be drafted by the RMV which will incorporate by reference other documents referred to in the definition. It is essential that the Accessibility Testing Services Contract negotiations are conducted as swiftly as possible and in the most efficient manner. Each Bidder acknowledges and agrees that, if it is selected as the Apparent Successful Bidder, it will be fully prepared to participate in the Accessibility Testing Services Contract negotiations promptly following receipt of notice. It will cause its personnel that have the authority to negotiate and approve the terms and conditions of the Accessibility Testing Services Contract to be present at such negotiations, or, at a minimum, available during such negotiations. If the RMV is unable to negotiate the terms of the Accessibility Testing Services Contract with the Apparent Successful Bidder in a reasonable period of time as determined by the RMV, the RMV may disqualify the Apparent Successful Bidder. An Apparent Successful Bidder may also be disqualified if, in the RMV’s judgment, the Apparent Successful Bidder: o o o o

Negotiates in bad faith Unreasonably delays the negotiation process Requests changes to any of the terms of ITS52; or Demands that the RMV execute the Bidder’s own Contract form

If an Apparent Successful Bidder is disqualified for any reason once the Accessibility Testing Services Contract has been awarded to it, or if a Contract is terminated for any reason, the RMV may award the Contract to the next highest ranked Bidder if the terms proposed by such Bidder remain substantially the same as those in its original Response (or as amended during the negotiation process). In the alternative, the RMV may cancel the procurement and begin a new procurement or may pursue any other option permitted under applicable state law. The RMV may negotiate with the Apparent Successful Bidder a change in any element of Accessibility Testing Services Contract performance or cost identified in the RFQ or in the Apparent Successful Bidder’s Response that results in lower costs or a more cost-efficient or better value commodity or service than was presented in the Apparent Successful Bidder ’s original Response. Language negotiated by the RMV and the Apparent Successful Bidder may fill in the gaps and spell out their understanding of their responsibilities under the Contract. Clarifications may not negate, modify, or replace language in the MassDOT Terms and Conditions or the MassDOT Standard Contract Form.

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RFQ 13-01

10.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS The table below is limited to RMV-specific acronyms/terms that are used throughout the RFQ. RMV-specific acronyms/terms that are defined and used in only one section of the RFQ are not listed. Terms in the RFQ referring to one gender should be construed to include the other gender. Additional definitions may be found in the Procurement Regulations, 801 CMR 21.00. ACRONYM/TERM ALARS ALARS MDI Contract ALARS Modernization Development and Implementation Project (ALARS MDI Project)

TITLE/DEFINITION The current Automated Licensing and Registration System that the RMV has implemented. The contract for New ALARS entered into by the RMV and the ALARS MDI Solution Vendor as defined in the ALARS MDI RFR. The project to design, develop, and implement New ALARS, including, without limitation, the replacement for the ALARS currently in place at the RMV.


ALARS MDI Request for Response: The RMV’s RFR RFR_ALARSMOD_2011_005. The ALARS Rules Project Bidder (or Bidders) to which the RMV awards the ALARS Rules RFQ Services. The ALARS MDI Accessibility Testing Services Project Bidder to which the RMV votes to award the contract, but which has not yet executed the contract. Party who submits a Quote to this RFQ. Commonwealth Procurement Access & Solicitation System: The official system of record for all procurement information in the Commonwealth, which can be accessed at Commercial Driver’s License


The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles. See also, RMV.


Driver’s License


Electronic File Transfer Without limitation, any officer, director, member, partner, full or part-time employee, temporary employee, contract employee, individual consultant, volunteer, trainee, student intern, agent or subcontractor of the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor, or any of the aforementioned who are employed or retained by a subcontractor or consultant of the Accessibility testing Services Contractor, who will work on the Contract and who will: 1) have direct or indirect access to the RMV Information, whether the RMV Information is in paper, electronic or other form, and wherever the Employee is located; and/or 2) work on premises owned or leased by the RMV or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or an agency thereof. Executive Order 504: An Order signed by Governor Patrick on September 19, 2008 that recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and specifically outlines how all state agencies in the Executive Branch must address the security and confidentiality of personal information. Information Technology Division: A Commonwealth division within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance that is responsible for overseeing IT policies, standards and architecture and promoting cross-

ALARS MDI RFR ALARS Rules Project Vendor Apparent Successful Bidder Bidder Comm-PASS


EO 504


Page 27 of 36



MRB MassDOT New ALARS PMT PPD Public Records

Quote RFQ RMV Information

RMV Modernization Program



Statement of Work (SOW)


RFQ 13-01

agency collaboration and adoption of shared services. Mandatory technical, business and procedural specifications in this RFQ are identified with the words “ must”, “mandatory”, or “is required”. However, Contractors must assume that every specification included herein is a mandatory specification, unless it is clearly indicated to be otherwise. Failure to respond to a mandatory specification will constitute cause for rejection of the proposal. Merit Rating Board Massachusetts Department of Transportation A new integrated system that the RMV is seeking to implement and is intended to replace, supersede and improve upon the existing ALARS Procurement Management Team: The group is responsible for conducting a comprehensive and impartial evaluation of the Bidders’ Quotes to this RFQ and selecting the accessibility testing contractor. Prompt Payment Discount Defined in Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 4, Section 7, Clause 26 as materials made or received by a state agency, unless they fall within a specified exemption to the definition. A description of services and an estimate of cost for services submitted in response to this RFQ, consisting of the Business and Technical Response and the Cost Response. Request for Quotations: The RMV’s RFQ 13-001, Accessibility Testing Services for ALARS RMVM Project. Registry of Motor Vehicles Information: Confidential information maintained or created by or submitted to the RMV. The program at the RMV that provides oversight of delivery and quality, management of program risk, strategic communication, stakeholder management, and strategic decisions as it builds and implements a strategy to align the RMV’s technology with its business vision. The Vendor Assist Project, the ALARS Rules Project, Data Cleanup, SOA POC, and the ALARS MDI Project are all projects within the umbrella of the RMV Modernization Program. Steering Committee: The RMV’s key executives who will oversee the RMV Modernization Program and assist in the resolution of the RMV Modernization Program, including but not limited to issues, review of scope changes and assessment of program performance. Group of high-level stakeholders that will be responsible for providing oversight and guidance and strategic direction for the RMV Modernization Program, including components of this RFQ. A detailed description of the scope of services to be performed by the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor and the rights and obligations of both the Accessibility Testing Services Contractor and the RMV. Some of the specific deliverables or work efforts may be broken down into one or more Task Orders entered into under the terms of the SOW. The Division within MassDOT that is responsible for providing driver’s licensing, vehicle title, and registration information, which includes, for purposes of this Agreement, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, the MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles Division and the Merit Rating Board Page 28 of 36


RFQ 13-01

Exhibit A: Selections from AT/IT Environment List IT Acquisition Accessibility Compliance Program Generic Assistive Technology and Information Technology (AT/IT) Environment List Version 2.0\ This Generic Assistive Technology and Information Technology Environment List is intended for ITS52 vendors, the ITD Accessibility Technology Lab staff, and third party accessibility testers. All ITS52 vendors, RMVM Assistive Technology Lab staff, and third party testers are subject to the following rules. Testers are only required to: 1. Test contract deliverables against the most current versions of the operating systems, GUI desktops, applications, browsers, and assistive technology listed below, unless otherwise indicated in the RFR or RFQ by the procuring agency. Prior versions are referenced only to enable the vendor to anticipate potential user problems. 2. Test the portion of contract deliverables that constitute administrator or end user interfaces (prototype or final), rather than back end system elements, against the operating systems, GUI desktops, applications, browsers, and assistive technology listed below and 3. Test contract deliverables against the most current version of the GUI desktops and applications listed below. This requirement only applies if an interaction between the IT system being delivered and the user’s implementation of such desktops and/or applications is a required feature of such system.

Update: September 10, 2009 – Version 1.1 - The Generic Assistive Technology and Information Technology Environment List has been updated to reflect the most recent versions of the software included on the list. Update: April 23, 2010 – Version 1.2 - The Generic Assistive Technology and Information Technology Environment List has been updated to reflect the most recent versions of the software included on the list. Update: May 24, 2011 – Version 1.3 – The Generic Assistive Technology and Information Technology Environment List has been expanded and updated to reflect the most recent versions of the software included on the list. Update: February 10, 2012 – Version 1.4 - The Generic Assistive Technology and Information Technology Environment List has been expanded and updated to reflect the most recent versions of the software included on the list. Update: March 12, 2013 – Version 2.0 – Mobile platforms, operating systems, and related assistive technologies have been added. The list has also been updated to reflect the most recent versions. Page 29 of 36


Commonly Supported Operating Systems

Operating System

GUI Desktops

Range Of Supported Versions


Vendor Website

Apple Macintosh

Macintosh / X-Windows

OS 9 - OSX 10.8+ (Mountain Lion)


Microsoft Windows


Windows XP - Windows 7–8+


Linux - Red Hat


Enterprise Linux V4–6+ / Desktop


Linux - SuSE


SUSE 9 - Enterprise Desktop 10–11+ SUSE

Linux - Ubuntu


Ubuntu for Desktop 10-12+


Operating System


Range of Support Versions

AT Included in Mobile OS

Vendor Website


iPhone, iPad

iOS 4 – iOS 6+

VoiceOver, Zoom, Siri


Screen Magnifier, Speech Recognition


Microsoft Windows Phone

HTC, Nokia, Samsung

Windows Phone 8+

Nokia Symbian OS**


Nokia Symbian OS 9.x+

None-Need Nokia External Apps s/Library


Operating System

Android OS

GUI Desktops

Nexus, Samsung

Range Of Supported Versions

RFQ 13-01


Android 3.0 Honeycomb -Android 4.2 TalkBack, Magnifier Jelly Bean

Vendor Website


** On 11 February 2011, Nokia announced that it would use Microsoft's Windows Phone OS as its primary smartphone platform, and Symbian would be phased out.

Page 31 of 36



RFQ 13-01

Common Desktop Applications by Operating System Type


Versions Supported

Operating System


Vendor Website






Office Suite

Open Office



PDF Documents Adobe Reader Web Browser FireFox

8.x-9.x 4.x-19.x

Linux Linux

Adobe Mozilla

Web Browser





Web Browser


Ongoing Updates, Current 25+


Google ures.html






Office Suite

Microsoft Office 2008 - 2011



PDF Documents Adobe Reader



Adobe efault.mspx

Database Database

FileMaker Pro MySQL

10.x-12+.x 4.x-5+.x

Macintosh Macintosh

FileMaker MySQL

Office Suite


iWork ‘09



Office Suite

Open Office




Web Browser


4.x-current (19.x)



Web Browser Web Browser

Safari Opera

4.x-5+.x 10.x-12+.x

Macintosh Macintosh

Apple Opera

Web Browser


Ongoing Updates Current 25+


Google ures.html







Microsoft Access




Page 32 of 36




Versions Supported

Operating System

RFQ 13-01


Vendor Website

Office Suite

Microsoft Office 2003-2013



Office Suite

Open Office







Web Browser

Internet Explorer 7.x–10+.x



Web Browser




Web Browser




Web Browser



Google ures.html

PDF Documents Adobe Reader

4.x–current (19.x) 10.x-12+.x Ongoing Updates, Current 25+

Page 33 of 36




RFQ 13-01

Common Mobile Applications by Operating System Type


Versions Supported

Operating System


Vendor Website




Apple iOS


Office Suite



Apple iOS


PDF Documents Adobe Reader PDF Documents PDF Expert

4.x-5.x 4.x-5.x

Apple iOS Apple iOS

Adobe Readdle

Web Browser



Apple iOS


Database Office Suite

HanDBase 5+.x Quickoffice Pro 1.x-2+.x

Android Android

PDF Documents Adobe Reader



DDH Software Google Adobe

Web Browser


4.x-current (19.x)


Mozilla zilla.firefox

Web Browser


Ongoing Updates, Current 25+



Office Suite

Office Mobile


Windows Phone



Windows Phone


http://blogs/ obe-reader-for-windows-8-tablets/

Windows Phone


PDF Documents Adobe Reader Web Browser

Internet Explorer 8.x-10+.x Mobile

Page 34 of 36



RFQ 13-01

Commonly Encountered Independent Assistive Technologies Type

Assistive Technology

Versions Supported

Operating System


Vendor Website

Braille Translation Duxbury Braille and Embossing Translator

10.7 - 11.1+ Windows

Duxbury Systems

Screen Reader

JAWS for Windows

10.0 – 14+.0


Freedom Scientific

Screen Reader


7.2 – 8.1+


GW Micro

Screen Reader


2010-2012+ Windows


Screen Magnification


9.0 – 10+.x Windows

AI Squared

Screen Magnification


10.0 – 12+.0


Freedom Scientific

Text to Speech


1000 v1112


10.0 – 12+.x


Kurzweil Educational Systems Nuance magic.asp


Apple iOS

AI Squared

http:/ _ios_devices/

Voice Recognition Dragon Dictate


Apple iOS


Screen Reader

Mobile Speak



Code Factory

Screen Reader

Mobile Accessibility



Code Factory

Voice Recognition Dragon Naturally Speaking Professional Screen Magnification

Zoom Text

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Assistive Technology

Versions Supported

Operating System

RFQ 13-01


Vendor Website

Voice Recognition Dragon Go!




Screen Reader


Windows Mobile

Code Factory http:/

Mobile Speak

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