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J. Phys. Chem. 1901, 85,4148-4153


Deactivation Mechanism of Excited Acridine and 9-Substituted Acridines in Water Kunlhlko Kasama, Kolchl Klkuchl, Yoshlyukl Nlshlda, and Hlroshl Kokubun’ Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University. Aoba, Aramaki, Sendai 980, Japan (Received: December 3 1, 1980: In Final Form: August 10. 1981)

The deactivation processes of excited acridine, deuterated acridine, and 9-substituted acridines (9-methyl,9-propyl, 9-chloro, and %amino) have been investigated in alkaline and acidic water. The photoreaction does not occur with the irradiation of 365-nm light. In acidic water the fluorescence lifetime T depends only slightly on the temperature and the lowest triplet yield +sT is negligibly low for all of the acridines. In alkaline water T decreases and +ST increases with increasing temperature; the intersystem crossing occurs through both temperaturedependent and temperature-independent processes. For all of the acridines except for 9-aminoacridine, the temperature-dependent process was attributed to the S1(a,a*)+ (+Ai?)Sz(n,a*) T3(a,a*)transition and the temperature-independent process mostly to the Sl(a,a*) T2(n,a*)transition. The fact that the frequency factor of the temperature-dependent process increases with decreasing the energy gap between S2(n,a*)and S3(a,a*) was interpreted by the vibronic interaction between these states. In the case of 9-aminoacridine,the temperature dependence of r was tentatively attributed to the Sl(a,a*) (+a) T2(n,a*)transition, because the energy level of T2(n,a*)was considered to be higher than that of Sl(a,a*)in contrast to the other acridines.




Introduction It is well-known that the electronic relaxation of acridine (A-h,) depends on the nature of the solvent; the lifetime T of the lowest excited singlet state S1 is 10.3 ns in water and 0.72 ns in ethanol at 298 K1 and 12.5 ps in isooctane2 and 33.3 ps in n-hexane3 at room temperature. Such solvent dependence of T was interpreted in terms of the hydrogen bond interaction which causes an interchange of the electronic character in S,: a,a*character in protic solvents and n,a* character in aprotic However, the fluorescence has been observed even in aprotic solvents such as ether-isopentimes and n-octane6 at 77 K, and we recently observed the fluorescence in benzene at 296 K.7 These results indicate that the nature of S1 is of a,a*character in all solvents. In previous works, we investigated the deactivation mechanism of A-h, in poly(viny1 alcohol) film (PVA)s and nonreactive solvents such as water and b e n ~ e n e .In ~ PVA and alkaline water T decreases and the lowest triplet yield GST increases with increasing temperature. In benzene @sT is unity in the range of 278-336 K. It was concluded that (i) in PVA the energy level of T3(a,a*) is 420-540 cm-’ higher than that of Sl(a,a*) and the temperature-dependent intersystem crossing occurs through the Sl(a,n*) (+a) T3(a,a*) transition, (ii) in water the observed activation energy is larger than the energy gap between Sl(a,a*)and T3(a,a*) (1700-1900 cm-’), so that the temperature-dependent intersystem crossing occurs through the Sl(n,a*)==(+hE) Sz(n,a*) T3(a,a*)transition, and (iii) in benzene the energy levels of Sl(a,a*),S2(n,a*),and T3(a,a*) are located close to one another and the intersystem crossing occurs effectively through the latter transition without thermal activation. The deactivation



(1) H. Kokubun, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn., 42, 919 (1969). (2) Y. Hirata and I. Tanaka, Chem. Phys. Lett. 41, 336 (1976). (3) V. Sundstrom,P. M. Rentzepis, and E. C. Lim, J.Chem. Phys., 66, 4287 (1977). (4) N. Mataga, Y. Kaifu, and M. Koizumi, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn., 29, 373 (1956). ( 5 ) S. J. Ladner and R. S. Becker, J . Phys. Chem., 67, 2481 (1963). (6) L. A. Klimova, G. N. Nersesova, B. A. Progovskaya, and G. S. Ter-Sarkisyan, Teor. Eksp. Khim., 12, 233 (1976). (7) K. Kasama, K. Kikuchi, S. Yamamoto, K. Uji-ie, Y. Nishida, and H. Kokubun, J.Phys. Chem., 86, 1291 (1981). (8) K. Kikuchi, K. Uji-ie, Y. Miyashita, and H. Kokubun, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jpn., 60, 879 (1977). 0022-3654/81/2085-4148$01.25/0

mechanism of excited acridine is strongly affected by the relative positions of the energy levels of S1(a,a*), S2(n,a*), and T3(a,a*) which depend on the nature of solvent. The energy levels are also changed with the introduction of a substituent to the parent molecule: in general a conjugative substituent causes a small-to-moderate blue shift for n-a* transition and a large red shift for a-a* transition, while an inductive substituent causes the reverse. In the present work we studied the substituent effect on the deactivation of excited acridine and acridinium ion in order to elucidate the deactivation mechanism.

Experimental Section Materials. Acridine (C.P. grade, Tokyo Kasei) was recrystallized from an ethanol-water mixture after pretreatment with activated charocal in ethanol. Deuterated acridine (Ad,) (Merck Sharp and Dohme) was purified by vacuum sublimation. 9-Chloroacridine (9-CA) was synthesized and purified according to the method of Albert and Ritchie, and further purified by vacuum sublimation immediately before the experiment. 9-Aminoacridine (9AA) was precipitated by neutralizing 9-aminoacridine hydrochloride (G.R. grade, Nakarai Kagaku) solution and purified by the method of thin-layer chromatography. 9-Methylacridine (9-MA) was prepared from a mixture of diphenylamine and glacial acetic acid in the presence of anhydrous zinc chloride according to the procedure of Bernthsen.lo 9-Propylacridine (9-PA) was prepared from a mixture of diphenylamine and n-butyric acid in a manner similar to that for 9-MA.ll G.R. grade ethanol and methanol (Wako Junyaku) were used without further purification. Water was distilled twice. Apparatus and Procedure. The absorption spectrum was recorded on a Hitachi EPS-3T spectrophotometer. The fluorescence spectrum was measured with a modified Hitachi EPU spectrophotometer the spectral response of which was calibrated in units of relative quanta per wavenumber using quinine sulfate in 1.0 N sulfuric acid, 4-(dimethylamino)-4’-nitrostilbene in o-dichlorobenzene,12 (9) A. Albert and B. Ritchie, “Organic Synthesis”, Vol. 22, L. I. Smith, Ed., Wiley, London, 1942, p 5. (10) A. Bernthsen, Ann. Chem., 244, 1 (1884). (11) A. Volpi, Gazz. Chim., 21, 228 (1891). (12) E. Lippert, W. Nagele, I. Seibold-Blankenstein, U. Steiner, and W. Voss, Z . Anal. Chem., 17, l(1959).

0 1981 American Chemical Society

Deactivation Mechanism of Excited Acridines

Wavenumber (crn-1)

Flgure 1. (a) Absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence spectra of A-ds. (b) Absorption, fluorescence, and So TI absorption spectra Of 9-AA.

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 85, No. 26, 1981 4149

I 10000

I 15000



Wavenumber (cm-1)

Flgure 2. Triplet-triplet absorption spectra of (a) A-d9 and (b) 9-AA.


and 2-aminopyridine in 1.0 N sulfuric acid.13 The phosphorescence spectrum was measured with a photon counter NF RC-545A, an HTV-R649 photomultiplier, and an Ushio USH-102D high-pressure mercury lamp as an exciting light source. The T-T absorption spectrum in the visible region was measured with an ordinary flash apparatus. The T-T absorption spectrum in the near-infrared region was measured with a HTV R-406 photomultiplier and an Ushio J6B-24-300W halogen lamp as a monitoring light source. Either a Hoya U-2 filter or a Toshiba UVP filter was used for the excitation. When r was longer than 8 ns, it was measured with an RCA 1P 28 photomultiplier and a Tektronix 7904-7814 sampling oscilloscope and an N2laser (fwhm, 7 ns) as an exciting light source. When T was shorter than 10 ns, it was measured with a phase fluorometer modulated a t 10.7 MHz. The fluorescence yield aFwas determined by using quinine sulfate in 1.0 N sulfuric acid (aF= 0.546 a t 298 K14) as a standard solution. The pH of the sample solution at 296 K was adjusted to be 12.7 for the alkaline solution or 1.2 for the acidic solution by the addition of NaOH or H2S04. Sample solutions were degassed by freeze-pump-thaw cycles.

Results and Discussion (1)Energy Levels of S I ( r , r * ) S3(r,r*), , TI(r,r*),and T3(r,r*) of Acridines. Figure 1 shows the absorption and fluorescence spectra of A-dg and 9-AA in alkaline water at 296 K, together with the phosphorescence spectrum of A-dg in a 1:l ethanol-methanol mixture at 77 K and the So-T1absorption spectrum of 9-AA in ethanol at 296 K. The energy level of Sl(r,r*) is evaluated from the mirror-image relation of the absorption and fluorescence spectra with an error limit of f l O O cm-l. The extent of the red shift of the Sl(r,r*) band parallels the conjugative effect of the substituent: 9-AA > 9-CA > 9-PA, 9-MA > A-hg, A-dg. As the energy of S3(r,r*) we adopted the position of the maximum of the lLb band. The energy levels of T1(r,r*) of acridines except for 9-AA are evaluated from the 0-0 band of phosphorescence. Since the phosphorescence of 9-AA was not observed, the energy level of T1(r,r*) was evaluated from the 0-0 band of the oxygen-enhanced So-Tl absorption in ethanol at 296 K: 16 100 cm-l.15 (13) W. H. Melhuish, Appl. Opt., 14, 26 (1976). (14) W. H. Melhuish, J. Phys. Chem., 64, 762 (1960).

Figure 2 shows the T-T absorption spectra of A-dg and 9-AA in alkaline water. The T-T absorption spectrum of 9-AA was measured with the triplet energy transfer method using 1,5-naphthalenedisulfuricacid as a sensitizer, because it was hard to observe by the direct excitation. The peak at the lowest wavenumber of the T-T absorption in the near-infrared region is assigned to the 0-0 band of the Tl(r,r*) T3(r,r*) transition, because no transient absorption is observed below. The energy level of T3(r,r*) is estimated from the phosphorescence or the So-T1absorption spectrum and the T1-T3 absorption spectrum, assuming that the energy level of Tl(r,r*) is not much changed from solvent to solvent (e.g., the Tl(r,r*) level of A-hg is 15840 cm-l in chloroform16and 15870 cm-' in a 1:l ethanol-methanol mixture and in a 4:l methylcyclohexane-n-pentane mixture7). The energy levels of Sl(r,r*), S3(r,r*),T1(r,r*), and T3(r,r*) are shown in Figure 3. (2) 7 , @ F , and the Radiative Transition Probability k, of Acridines. Table I shows 7 , @F, and kf of acridines in alkaline water at 298 K. The values of T and ipF are larger in the order of 9-CA < 9-MA < 9-PA < 9-AA. It is noted that the values of r, aF,and kf of A-d9are the same as those of A-hg. (3) Temperature Dependences of r and the Relative Triplet Yield of Acridines. Figure 4 shows the temperature dependence of 117. For all of the acridines, 117 increases with increasing temperature and the slope is steeper in the order of 9-AA < A-hg,A-dg < 9-CA < 9-PA < 9-MA. It is noticed that the plots of A-hg and A-dg intersect a t room temperature. Figure 5 shows the temperature dependence of the absorbance D of the T-T absorption immediately after flashing. Figure 6 shows the temperature dependence of DIT. D / r is associated with the rate of the intersystem ~ D / r decreases with crossing (see section 4). Both 1 / and decreasing temperature and approach the constant values l / r o and Do/roat low temperature. When 117, and Do/ro are subtracted from 117 and DIT, respectively, the resulting Arrhenius plots are linear as shown in Figure 7 and their slopes are nearly the same. Therefore, the temperature dependence of T is entirely interpreted by the temperature dependence of the intersystem crossing except for 9-AA. In the case of 9-AA, it is not certain whether


(15) Y. Nishida, K. Kikuchi, and H. Kokubun, to be submitted for publication. (16) D. F. Evans, J. Chern. SOC.,257, 1351 (1957).


Kasama et ai.

The Journal of Physical Chemistty, Vol. 85, No. 26, 1981

TABLE I: Physical Constants Related t o the Deactivation of Excited Acridines in Water (pH 12.7) at 296 K

A- hg







0.33 11.1 20.0 3.0 2.0 0.50 1900 1760-1 990 =770

0.31 11.5 30.3 2.7 0.6 0.61 1900 1820-2020 =770

0.26 6.5 21.7 4.0 0.6 3.9 2170 2 18 0-228 0 -720

0.38 9.5 22.7 4.0 0.4 72 2880 2310-2410 250-350

0.43 10.4 21.7 4.1 0.5 38 2780 2250-2350 350-450

0.81 16.4 18.2 5.3 k , -+ k , = 0.2





k, = 0.08 1830 4360


Flgure 3. Energy-ievei diagrams of acridines.


or not the temperature dependence of 7 is associated with that of the intersystem crossing, because it is hard to observe the T-T absorption by the direct excitation. The frequency factor A and the apparent activation energy AE obtained from the intercept and the slope of the Arrhenius plots together with 70 are listed in Table I. ( 4 ) Deactivation Mechanism of Acridines Other Than 9-AA. The values of A listed in Table I are much larger than the frequency factor of a temperature-dependent intersystem crossing process in aromatic hydrocarbons which is in the range of 106-10e s-l.17 Therefore, the temperature-dependent intersystem crossing of acridines is not attributed to the Sl(a,a*) T3(a,a*) transition. According to the spin-orbit coupling selection rule of El-Sayed,18the l(n,a*) 3(a,7r*)and l(a,a*) 3(n,a*) and transitions are much faster than the l(a,a*) 3(a,a*) ) The energy differences bel(n,a*) 3 ( n , ~ *transitions.






(17)J. B. Birks, "OrganicMolecular Photophysics",Vol. l, J. B. Birks, Ed., Wiley, London, 1973, p 41. (18) M. A. El-Sayed, J. Chem. Phys., 38,2834 (1963).

The Journal of Physical Chemistty, Vol. 85, No. 26, 1981

Deactivation Mechanism of Excited Acridines












0 U










40 30


1 / T XI03

4 0 30



(K" j

Figure 7. Plots of (0)In (1/7 - 1 / ~vs. ~ )l/Tand (0)In (0/7 -Do/~o) vs. l / T f o r (a) A d s , (b) 9-MA, and (c) 9-CA.


negligible compared with the S,(a,x*) + S2(n,x*) T3( x , x * ) transition. Hence, eq 1 and 2 are reduced to


+ k1 + k 2 + k4 exp(-AE4/RT) @sT = [k, + k2 + k4 exp(-AE4/RT)]~

1 / =~ kf + k d



l / T X 1 0 9 (K-I) Figure 5. Temperature dependences of relative triplet yields of acridines. 1


(3) (4)

At sufficiently low temperature where k4 exp(-aE4/RT) is negligible compared with kf kd kl kz,the following relations hold: 1 / 7 0 = kf + k d + k1 + kz (5)

+ + +

@STo = (k1

+ k2)TO


From eq 3 and 5 we obtain 1 / -~1 / =~k4 ~ exp(-aE4/RT)


The absorbance of the T-T absorption immediately after flashing is expressed as follows:

D = €~d[T1]= €Td@sTlabs

where eT is the molar extinction coefficient of the T-T absorption, d = 10 cm is the optical path length of the sample cell, and Iabs is the light quanta absorbed during the flash. From eq 4, 6, and 8 we obtain

l / T XIOa (K-1) Flgure 6. Plots of D / T vs. 1 / T for acrldlnes.

tween S l ( x , x * ) and T3(x,a*), AE(T3-S1), of acridines are close to their activation energies aE. Therefore, the most probable temperature-dependent intersystem crossing is the Sl(a,x*)+ S2(n,x*) T3(x,x*) transition. As the energies of Tz(n,x*) of acridines, we assumed 21500 or 23 500 cm-l, which were calculated for A-hg by Goodman and Harrell.19 The energy diagrams and possible deactivation processes of acridines are shown in Figure 3. According to this mechanism, and @ST are expressed as follows: 1 /= ~ kf kd + k1 + It2 + k3 exp(-a3/RT) k4 exp(-&/RT) (1)






[kl+ k~ + k3 exp(-A.%/RT) + k4 exp(-M4/RT)l7 (2)

where k d is the rate constant of the internal conversion from Sl(r,r*),aE3is the energy gap between S , ( r , x * ) and T3(x,x*), and AE4 is the total activation energy for the Sl(x,a*) S2(n,x*) T3(x,x*)transition. The frequency factor A of the S1(x,x*) + S2(n,x*) T 3 ( x , x * )transition is much larger than that of the direct S1(x,x*) T3(x,x*) transition. The latter was evaluated to be 3.7 X lo8 s-l in PVA.8 Therefore, the Sl(a,x*) T3(7,x*) transition is




- -

(19)L.Goodman and P. W. Harrell, J.Chem. Phys., 30,1131 (1959).

D / T - &/TO =




The results shown in Figure 7 are satisfactorily explained with eq 7 and 9: A and At3 correspond to k4 and AE4, respectively. Values for k d k, k 2 are listed in Table I. (5)Deactivation Mechanism of 9-AA. The deactivation mechanism of 9-AA is rather different from that of other acridines. hE(T3-SJ = 4360 cm-I is much greater than AE = 1830 cm-l, so that the participation of T 3 ( x , x * )to the deactivation of S l ( x , x * )is negligible. A purely conjugative substituent causes generally a small-to-moderate blue shift for the n x* transition and a large red shift for the x T* transition.20 Since the NH2 group has a large conjugative effect, it is possible that the energy level of T2(n,x*) is higher than that of S 1 ( x , x * ) .The value of A = 8 X 1O1O s-, is greater than the frequency factor of a temperature-dependent intersystem crossing processes in aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, the temperature dependence of 117 of 9-AAmay be attributed to the S1(x,x*) T2(n,x*) transition and the energy of T,(n,x*) was evaluated to be 24930 cm-'. 1/7 is expressed as follows:

+ +

- -


= kf

+ kd + k1 + k 2 exp(-AE2/RT)


(20) L. Goodmann, 1. G. Ross, and H. Shull, J. Chem. Phys., 26,474 (1957).


The Journal of Physical Chemistty, Vol. 85, No. 26, 1981

TABLE 11: Physical Constants Related to the Deactivation of Excited Acridinium I o n s in Water (pH 1.2) at 296 K


A999d,H+ CAH+ MAH’ PA”

0.66 33.9 1.9 1.1

0.73 36.5 2.0 0.7


0.77 28.3 2.7 0.8

0.72 32.3 2.2


0.73 32.3 2.3 0.8


AAH’ 0.96 18.2 5.3 0.2

Kasama et al.

tation, the rate constant k d of the internal conversion from S1(r,r*)can be evaluated with the relation kd = (1- @F)T. Values for kd are listed in Table 11. From Table I1 it is noticed that (i) k d of A-hgH+ is greater than that of A-dgH+while kf of A-hgH+is the same as that of A-d9H+and (ii) k d of A-hgH+is also greater than k d values of the other acridinium ions. These results may be explained on the basis of the energy-gap law: 22 in the weak coupling limit the transition probability of the nonradiative decay process is dominated by the accepting modes with the highest vibrational frequency; that is, the C-H stretching mode and thus a marked isotope effect will be revealed. Since k d is remarkably affected by substitution at the 9 position, it is expected that the C-H vibration at the 9 position plays an important role in the S1(r,r*) So nonradiative decay process. Since values for k d kl k , of acridine derivatives are not greater than kd values of their acridinium ions, it may be concluded that the vibronic coupling between Sl(r,r*) and S2(n,r*) in acridines does not cause a remarkable increase of the Sl(r,r*) So internal conversion. The fact that values for kd k , k , of A-hgare greater than kd 4kl + k 2 values of other acridines may also be attributed to the C-H vibration at the 9 position as in the case of kd of acridinium ions. (7) Consideration of the Temperature-Dependent Intersystem Crossing. The energy levels S1(r,r*),S2(n,r*), S3(r,r*),and T3(r,r*) of A-dg are -100 cm-l lower than those of A-h9,but the relative energy gaps of these levels are not essentially changed. On the other hand, the frequency factor 5.0 X lo1’ s-l of A-hgis not so different from 6.1 X loll s-l of A-dg. These results show the absence of a deuterium effect on the S2(n,r*) T3(r,r*) transition. In the case of 9-MA and %PA, the activation energy is greater than the energy gap between S,(r,r*) and T3(r,r*) so that the activation energy is attributed to the energy gap between S l ( r , r * ) and S2(n,r*). In the case of A-h,, A-d,, and 9-CA, on the other hand, the activation energy is the same as the energy gap between S l ( r , r * ) and T3(r,r*)so that the energy level of S2(n,r*)is close to T3(r,r*).Therefore, the energy gap AE(S3-S2) between S2(n,r*) and S3(r,r*) is evaluated as listed in Table I. Judging from the spectral shift shown in Figure 1, AE(S3-S2) of 9-CA seems to be less than aE(S3-S2)values of A-h, and A-d,. It should be noticed from Table I that k4 increases with decreasing AE(S3-SZ). This fact shows that the vibronic interaction between S2(n,r*)and S3(r,r*)causes the remarkable increase of intersystem crossing from S2(n,r*) to T3(r,r*). If AE(S3-S2) is relatively small, S2(n,r*)will be strongly distorted along out-of-plane vibrational coord i n a t e ~ .This ~ ~ distortion ~~~ can lead to a large increase in the vibrational factor for intersystem crossing. On the other hand, the electronic factor for the S2(n,r*) T3(r,r*)transition decreases slowly with decreasing aE(S3-SJ on account of the mixing of Sz(n,r*)and S3(r,r*).17 Consequently, the product of the electronic and vibrational factors increases with decreasing AE(S3-SJ. Lim et al. have studied the substitution effect of the T1(r,r*) So phosphorescence in monocyclic diazine.25 They found that, upon methyl substitution of monocyclic


+ +



+ +



Flgure 8. Absorption and fluorescence spectra of (a) A-d9H+ and (b) ~-AAH+.

where AE2 is the energy gap between Sl(r,r*) and T2h a * ) . At low temperature where k2 exp(-AE2/R7‘j is negligible compared with kf + kd + k,, eq 10 is reduced to 1/70

= kf + kd

+ k1


From eq 10 and 11 we obtain 1 / -~1 / =~k 2~ exp(-AEz/RT)


Hence, A and A E of 9-AA correspond to k2 and AE2, respectively. k d + k l is listed in Table I. It is noteworthy that the T-T absorption of 9-AA is hard to observe by the direct excitation even a t 330 K where k2 exp(-AE2/RT) = 3 X lo7 s-l; that is, the deactivation process knT from T2(n,r*)may be much faster than the T2(n,r*) Tl(r,r*) transition: knT >> kZl. The details of knT are not clear. When the deactivation process from T2(n,r*)participates also in acridines other than 9-AA, kz in eq 4 and 6 should be corrected as k2k,,/(k,, + knT). (6)Deactivation Mechanism of Acridinium Ions. Figure 8 shows the absorption and fluorescence spectra of A-dgH+ and 9-AAH+ in acidic water at 296 K, from which the energy levels of S1(r,r*)and S2(r,r*)are determined. The phosphorescence could not be observed for the acridinium ions. But the T1(r,r*) energy levels of A-h,H+, 9-MAH+, and 9-AAH+ were determined to be 16 180, 15 870, and 18730 cm-l, respectively, from the 0-0 bands of the oxygen-enhanced So TI absorption spectra.21 The values of aF,kf, and 7 of acridinium ions in water a t 296 K are listed in Table 11. Figure 4 shows the temperature dependence of 117. It is obvious that values of 117 for acridinium ions depend scarcely on temperature in contrast to those of acridines. Since the T-T absorptions of acridinium ions are not observed by direct exci-




(21) The So TIabsorption spectra of acridines and acridinium ions will be published elsewhere.




(22) R.Englman and J. Jortner, Mol. Phys., 18, 145 (1970). (23) H. C. Longuet-Higgins, “Advances in Spectroscopy”, Vol. 11, H. W. Thompson, Ed., Interscience, New York, 1962, p 429. (24) R. M. Hochstrasser and C. A. Marzzacco, “Molecular Luminescence”,E. C. Lim, Ed., W. A. Benjamin, New York, 1969, p 631. (25) S.L. Madej, S. Okajima, and E. C. Lim, J.Chern. Phys., 65,1219 (1976).

J. Phys. Chem. 1981, 85,4153-4157

y $ & - ;y$$+ +

+ +





-jy&+ IH)

Figure 9. Vibrational modes of a2 symmetry.

diazine, the energy level of Tz(a,n*) becomes lower while that of Tl(n,a*) becomes higher; that is, the energy gap between Tl(n,a*) and T2(a,n*) in methylated diazines is much smaller than that of parent diazine. With decreasing


of the energy gap between these states, both the quantum yield and the lifetime of the phosphorescence decreases remarkably; that is, the Tl(n,a*) So nonradiative decay is enhanced. This result is consistent with our result. Acridine and 9-substituted acridines have CZUsymmetry. The symmetries of Sl(a,a*),S2(n,x*),and S3(a,a*)are IA1, lB1,and IBZ,respectively. Therefore, the inducing vibrational mode of the vibronic coupling between Sz(n,a*)and S3(a,a*)is the out-of-plane vibrations of a2symmetry as shown in Figure 9. On the basis of the resonance Raman scattering study of pyrazine,26it was concluded that the bending vibrations such as 1 , 2 , 4 , and 5 shown in Figure 9 contribute selectively to the vibronic coupling between S2(n,r*)and S3(a,n*). As regards 9-AA, the temperature-dependent intersystem crossing was attributed to the S1(a,r*) T2(n,a*) transition. However, it is still unknown why the deactivation process from Tz(n,a*) is much faster than the Tzh a * ) Tl(a,a*) internal conversion. In order to make clear the deactivation mechanism of excited 9-AA, further studies are in progress.




(26) M. Ito and I. Suzuka, Chem. Phys. Lett., 31,467 (1975),

Electronic Energy Transfer from Organlc Triplet States to Chromium( I I I ) Complexes. The Role of Steric Effects, Spectroscopically Forbidden Excited States, and “Plateau Regions” for Quenching Frank Wllklnson” and Chris Tsiamls Department of Chemistry, University of Technology, Loughborough,Leicestershire, United Klngdom (Received: Juk 27, 198 1)

Rate constants have been measured for quenching by chromium(II1)tris(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate), Cr(dpmI3, of the triplet states of organic donors as a function of the donor triplet energy. A non-diffusioncontrolled “plateau” region has been established for quenching of low-energy donors consistent with quenching via exothermic energy transfer to low-lying nondistorted doublet states. A sudden rise in quenching efficiency when the singlet-triplet transition in the donor reaches 2 pm-l is attributed to energy transfer to produce the higher nondistorted 2Tzgstate of Cr(dpm)B,confirming previous theoretical estimates for the energy of this state. The reduction in quenching efficiency of Cr(dpm), compared to that of chromium(II1)tris(acetylacetonate), C r ( a ~ a c )is~shown , to be due to lower transmission coefficients for exchange energy transfer due to the steric effect of the tert-butyl groups in C r ( d ~ r n ) ~ .

Introduction Recently Balzani et al.’ have applied their general classical treatment for vertical and nonvertical energy transfer2 to literature data for the rate constants (k,) for quenching of the triplet states of anthracene, acridine, and naphthalene by 11Cr(II1) complexes. They point out that each complex has approximately the same value of k independent of the triplet being quenched. Since all of &ese complexes have lowest excited states with energy ,?VEg) lying well below E(3D*),the energy of the triplet donor being quenched, this indicates that low values of k , are associated with low transmission coefficients for energy (1) V. Balzani, M. T. Indelli, M. Maestri, D. Sandrini, and F. Scandola, J . Phvs. Chem.. 84. 862 (1980). (2jV. Balzani, F. Bolletta, &d F. Scandola, J.Am. Chern. SOC.,102, 2152 (1980).

transfer to give metal-centered states. Some years ago3 we showed that tris(acetylacetonato)iron(III), F e ( a ~ a c ) ~ , quenches organic triplet states with different efficiencies and, when the logarithms of the measured quenching constants are plotted against the energy of the triplets being quenched, there is a good correlation, with the quenching efficiency rising in a series of steps as the energy of each known excited state is reached. This effect was also observed for quenching due to energy transfer to tris(dipivaloylmethanato)iron(III), Fe(dpm),, but with the “plateau” values being much lower because of the increased steric blocking by the tert-butyl groups as opposed to the methyl groups in the ligand which reduces the overlap of orbitals on the donor and acceptor thereby resulting in less (3) F.Wilkinson and A. Farmilo, J.Chem. SOC., Faraday Trans. 2,72, 604 (1976).

0022-3654/81/2085-4153$01.25/00 1981 American Chemical Society