Adoption Checklist - Our Tesco

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Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers We want you to be really clear on how you can support your colleagues who take adoption leave. Use this checklist to help ensure your colleague has a great pre-adoption and adoption leave experience. Please log into OurTesco and read the information that’s there so you feel confident in managing this.

Managers are responsible for:  Understanding what their colleague needs  Ensuring their colleagues feel supported throughout the adoption process and their leave

 Keeping in touch with their colleague throughout their leave  Preparing for and supporting their colleague’s return to work.

The Key Stuff:  Only 1 person, the primary adopter can have adoption leave. A partner can take paternity leave.

 The primary adopter can have paid time off to attend 5 pre-adoption appointments and their partner can take time off (unpaid) for 2 appointments

 Up to 50 weeks adoption leave can be shared between both partners as shared parental leave

 A colleague may be entitled to enhanced adoption pay. Login to OurTesco to work out what they’re eligible for

 Their “matching certificate” ensures they’re paid correctly so needs to be given

People Managers are responsible for:  Guiding managers on how they can make the experience for

to their People Manager asap

 They need to tell us when they want to start their adoption leave at least 28 days before they want their leave to start.

colleagues great

 Processing adoption benefits and pay and updating payroll and personnel systems.

 Ordering the family Quick Guide booklet

March 2016

 If they return to work within a total of 26 weeks, their job needs to be kept open for them. If they return after this we have to return them to a similar job with the same terms and conditions if their previous job is no longer available.

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers What to do when a colleague tells you they are Adopting Checklist Date:

Colleague’s Name 


Due Date 

People Manager As soon as Possible

Log into OurTesco and go to People Policies in the Working at Tesco section and familiarise yourself with our policy and process.

Log into OurTesco and go to People Policies in the Working at Tesco section and familiarise yourself with the information there.

Ask your People Manager for a copy of Your Quick Guide to all things Family at Tesco pocket guides (be confidential if necessary).

Give the manager a copy of the Your Quick Guide to all things Family at Tesco (RP2K691) pocket guides

Direct your colleague to OurTesco for more information and give them Your Quick Guide to all things Family at Tesco

Once a colleague is in ‘Stage Two or Three’ of the adoption process Start to plan for their adoption leave and make sure they’ve thought about how they want to use their year’s holiday.

Make any colleagues who are expanding the family aware of their shared parental leave option. You can do this informally by discussing whether or not it’s something they’d be interested in exploring

Check whether they think they’ll meet the minimum earnings level to qualify for adoption pay and if not, can we do anything to help this?

Towards the end of this stage they’ll receive a Matching Certificate from the adoption agency. They need to give this to you along with a Notification of Adoption Leave Form (printable from OurTesco)

4 Weeks before Adoption Leave is due to start Transfer them to the Maternity Payroll by completing the relevant form on Our Personnel System; transferring them on the HR/AM system or by completing the relevant OPS/Host form (make sure you make a note of their contact details as you won’t be able to view these when they transfers to maternity payroll)

March 2016

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers What to do when a colleague tells you they are Adopting

2 Weeks before Leaving

Carry out a Progress Review and Career Discussion

Have a handover meeting (if appropriate) – check if they need to return any equipment (we should aim to let colleagues keep their work equipment where possible) Try and get the team together when you say goodbye and wish them luck!

Don’t Forget  You may need temporary cover for the absence plan for this well in advance of the adoption leave start date

For times when you may need to provide some extra support 

 

If your colleague’s adoption fails after the placement, be supportive and confirm what they’re entitled to in terms of time off and pay. Consider whether spending a card or flowers is appropriate as this will be individual specific. Speak to your People Manager if you need some advice. The colleague should be given the opportunity to return to work as soon as possible if they wish but they can remain on adoption leave. Compassionate leave can be considered for surrogate parents where the surrogate miscarries, the baby dies or some other reason why the adoption does not proceed.

March 2016

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers When the colleague is on Adoption Leave 10 Weeks Before Due to Return

Don’t Forget Ensure they continue to feel part of the team and are considered in relevant discussions (e.g. talent, vacancies)  Keep in touch with them – as agreed  Include them – they’re still a team member so invite them to team days, social events etc. as appropriate  If you move roles, tell them and give their new manager a full handover Keeping In Touch Days/Shared Parental In Touch Days Make your People Manager aware of any Keeping-In-Touch days (10) or Shared Parental In Touch days (20) worked (remember these days can be used to attend work e.g. meetings, training while on adoption leave but must be over three hours of work) so that we can pay them correctly or record a day off in lieu. Changes to the role If there are any significant changes while a colleague is on adoption leave make sure you inform them If adoption leave/shared parental leave will go over the end of the holiday year, in March ask them what they’d like to happen with their earned holidays – Inform your People Manager what holidays to pay/carry over by the beginning of March

 

Keeping In Touch Days/Shared Parental In Touch Days Check if our colleague is planning to use any Keeping-In-Touch days (10) or Shared Parental In Touch days (20) and ensure they are processed and paid correctly, or a day off in lieu is recorded

Have a conversation with them about their plans to return to work (make sure you’re clear on what role they are returning to) If there has been a change of structure, ensure you take advice from your People Manager regarding this

Go to OurTesco complete the Maternity Returning to work training module

March 2016

Talent Meetings Ensure they are included in talent conversations and considered for suitable vacancies if appropriate. Remember if they return within 26 weeks we must give them the same job they were doing before their leave so this must be kept available for them.

Process holidays in line with the colleague’s wishes before the April pay cut-off THIS NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED TO PAYROLL BEFORE THE PAYROLL CUTOFF IN MARCH OR THEY WILL BE PAID TO THEM AUTOMATICALLY If they are returning after 26 weeks and the role is unavailable for them to return to, inform their manager and agree what alternative role they will do (this role must have the same terms and conditions as the role carried out before the leave) In a redundancy situation where the job no longer exists we are legally obliged to do everything we can to provide a suitable role. If there are circumstances where we cannot fulfil this obligation contact the employment policy team for advice.

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers When the colleague is on Adoption Leave 8 Weeks Before Due to Return 

Prepare for the colleague’s return e.g. activate swipe cards, arrange re-training, provide information on new ways of working, organise job shadowing, a handover etc. It’s good to have a miniinduction prepared

If they request to return to work on a different working pattern, follow the Flexible Working process available on OurTesco in the People Policies section or from your People Manager.

☐ If taking less than 52 Weeks’ Leave 

March 2016

Transfer them back from maternity payroll by completing the relevant form on Host/MyActions/Workforce Central/Ethaf (Payroll will automatically do this for colleagues returning at the end of their 52 weeks’ leave)

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers LEAVE RETURNER AND SHARED PARENTAL LEAVE

Colleague’s Name

Return Date

Note: If the colleague wishes to return to work before they have used their 52 weeks’ adoption leave, they need to give us 8 weeks’ notice of this. It is ok if they give you less notice providing the business can accommodate this. When

The Manager


Arrange some time with them to welcome them back to work, run through any re-familiarisation, re-training, introduce them to new team members etc.


If you have agreed holidays with them (e.g. because they are phasing their return to work) then confirm this to your ETHAF or HR/AM administrator to process.


If they are returning to work on a different shift pattern, confirm this to your ETHAF or HR/AM administrator to process.

Weeks 1 - 2


Set objectives with them.

Weekly (for first 4 weeks)


Hold a return to work review with them to confirm they are is settling in ok and has everything they need.

As required


If you have agreed a different working arrangement with them, discuss this regularly with them (as part of the progress reviews) to check that this is working well for them. The team and the business.

Day 1

Log into OurTesco where there is lots more essential information in the People Policies section under Working at Tesco

March 2016

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers LEAVE RETURNER AND SHARED PARENTAL LEAVE

Colleague’s Name

Return Date


People Manager As soon as Possible

Provide the Progress Review and Career Discussions forms to your People Manager

Make sure that your colleague has transferred onto maternity payroll – any queries call 7891 68555 or email [email protected]

Get the Progress Review and Career Discussion forms from the manager. Confirm the talent matrix rating.

When the child goes to live with them

Let the team know and arrange for flowers and a card to be sent

Shared parental leave requests Overview

Request form received

Agree the request

Continuous leave requested Ask for more information (Letter 5) if you wish to investigate eligibility

Discontinuous leave requested

A colleague can submit up to 3 requests

March 2016

Agree to the request Meet with colleague to discuss this

Agree alternative leave dates with the colleague (Letter 3) Reject the request

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers LEAVE RETURNER AND SHARED PARENTAL LEAVE

Colleague’s Name

Return Date

Our colleagues who are primary adopters should give you Forms A and C, Dad’s/partners should give you Forms B and C

Check that the colleague is entitled to Shared Parental Leave by using the checklist on OurTesco

If there are any queries regarding eligibility, please email [email protected]

If you would like to contact the partner’s employer, please discuss this with your People Manager

Do we need additional information to check that we’ve been provided with the correct information? Use Letter 5. Email [email protected] for help if needed

Email [email protected] for help regarding rationale for refusal if needed.

Holding the meeting to discuss leave You can simply send Letter 2 to your colleague to agree to their request for continuous leave.

Consider all options with the manager before refusing a request for discontinuous leave – try to accommodate requests.

Hold a meeting to discuss a request for discontinuous leave with the colleague within 14 days of receiving Form A or B.

Provide the manager with the relevant template letter.

You may wish to discuss the options with your People Manager before you hold the meeting

The colleague may have already thought about solutions to any problems you anticipate so discuss these openly to see if a sensible agreement can be reached. You can:  Agree to the request in full Inform your PM and confirm in writing  Agree a different period of leave with the colleague Inform your PM and confirm in writing  Decline the request Inform your PM and confirm in writing A maximum of three requests/variations can be made (if discontinuous leave is refused, and they withdraw their request, this doesn’t count as one of their three requests)

March 2016

Common reasons for refusing are valid business reasons such as:  The leave will fall around peak periods/increased trading times  You have important planned events at the time they wish to be on leave  You will not be able to cover their role for the time they are off work  Team impact – is anyone else off sick, on leave at the same time  Customer impact

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers LEAVE RETURNER AND SHARED PARENTAL LEAVE

Colleague’s Name

Inform your PM of the outcome of the meeting

Return Date

Find out from the manager what Leave has been agreed and, in the week the colleague ends their maternity leave/starts shared parental leave: Stores - complete Payroll Form ‘Shared Parental Leave’ on Host/MyActions and submit for each week taken as shared parental leave, process the colleague as ‘Time In Lieu’, Code TL-500 on HRAM, and C on ETHAF Office - complete Payroll Form ‘Shared Parental Leave’ on the payroll hub site and submit to [email protected] for each week taken as shared parental leave process the colleague as ‘Time IN Lieu’, code C on ETHAF DC’s - complete Payroll Form ‘Shared Parental Leave’ stored in the Central Forms Folder on the Top 1500 shared drive and submit to [email protected] for each week taken as shared parental leave, process the colleague as ‘Time off no pay’ on WFC Shared parental leave  If a colleague wants to change their mind after submitting Form A/B they can if: Form A/B was submitted before the birth of the baby and retracted within 6 weeks of the birth of the baby The mum’s/adopter’s partner dies They provide 8 weeks’ notice to us of a change (this counts as another 1 of their 3 requests) If a baby is born early (and your colleague had booked shared parental leave to be taken during the first 8 weeks then they can vary their leave and it doesn’t count as one of their 3 requests

March 2016

☐ ☐

Adoption Checklist for Managers & People Managers

Colleague’s Name:


March 2016

March 2016