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Choosing a graduate school? Need to know who's doing research critical to yours?


The ACS Directory of Graduate Research

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All the information you need on chemical research and researchers at universities in the U.S. and Canada . . . in a single source. Includes listings for chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry, clinical chemistry, polymer science, food science, forensic science, marine science, and toxicology. Lists universities with names and biographical information for all faculty members, their areas of specialization, titles of all papers published within the last two years, and individual telephone numbers, FAX numbers, and computer addresses. Provides a statistical summary of academic chemical research—with information by department on numbers of full- and part-time faculty, postdoctoral appointments, graduate students, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees granted.

What you'll find inside . . . Information on... • 685 academic departments • 11,922 faculty members • 80,081 publication citations Listings f o r . . . • chemistry • chemical engineering • biochemistry • pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry • clinical chemistry • polymer science • food science • forensic science • marine science • toxicology 1677 pages (1995) Clothbound Price: U.S. & Canada $ 65.00 Export $78.00

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Analytical Chemistry News & Features, January 1, 1996