AI - the new branch of HR Trends

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ANDRIES Mélanie - BETTETINI Doreen - BOUSY Morgane M1MRH - Mr James Martin


AI - the new branch of HR Trends

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the set of theories and techniques used to create machines capable of simulating intelligence. It corresponds to a set of concepts and technologies rather than to an autonomous discipline. Others, noting the unclear definition of AI, including the CNIL, define it as "the great myth of our time". Often classified in the cognitive sciences group, she uses computational neurobiology, mathematical logic and computer science. She is looking for problem-solving methods with high logic or algorithmic complexity. By extension it designates, in everyday language, devices imitating or replacing man in certain implementations of his cognitive functions. Its aims and development have always aroused many interpretations, fantasies or worries, expressed in both science fiction narratives and films as well as in philosophical essays. The term "artificial intelligence", created by John McCarthy, is often abbreviated as "AI". It is defined by one of its creators, Marvin Lee Minsky, as "the construction of computer programs that perform tasks that are, for the moment, performed more satisfactorily by human beings because they require high level mental processes such as: perceptual learning, memory organization and critical reasoning ". There is therefore the "artificial" side 1

ANDRIES Mélanie - BETTETINI Doreen - BOUSY Morgane M1MRH - Mr James Martin

achieved by the use of computers or elaborate electronic processes and the "intelligence" side associated with its goal of imitating behavior. This imitation can be done in reasoning, for example in games or the practice of mathematics, in the understanding of natural languages, in perception: visual (interpretation of images and scenes), auditory (understanding of spoken language) or by other sensors, in the control of a robot in an unknown or hostile environment. While they are broadly consistent with Minsky's definition, there are a number of different definitions of AI that vary in two fundamental ways: ● definitions that link the definition of AI to a human aspect of intelligence, and those that link it to an ideal model of intelligence, not necessarily human, called rationality; ● definitions that insist that AI is intended to have all the appearances of intelligence (human or rational), and those that insist that the inner workings of the AI ​system must also resemble that of the human being and be at least as rational

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence for businesses Benefits of AI in the job​​: It could replace the man as well, she could perform arduous or dangerous tasks. Moreover, she would not present any physical constraint, (need of food, rest ...) which makes that she would always be in activity and in the service of the Man. Benefits in everyday life​​: It would allow to perform all the household tasks, (cleaning, shopping, cooking, gardening ...) in the future AI can surely have a human appearance for social contact. Advantages in traveling​​: Today, there are already vehicles that can move alone with cameras and sensors distributed on them.

Computational benefits​​: The first advantage of AI is the limitation of calculation errors. Indeed thanks to all the algorithms, it is easier to use a computer to solve calculations. This 2

ANDRIES Mélanie - BETTETINI Doreen - BOUSY Morgane M1MRH - Mr James Martin

is faster and more efficient. While for a very long calculation, the man may be wrong many times and take a lot of time, the computer will give the answer quickly. Nevertheless, this is only the principle of a calculator but in addition evolved.

Advantages in the field of medicine​​: These AI will be reproductions of the Man, so we can consider that they will be designed with prostheses that could be used for people who have lost a limb to be able to return to a normal life.

Artificial intelligence in the assault of companies

Artificial Intelligence transforms businesses

Companies of all sizes have already integrated AI into their production process. It is now found especially in machines and in planning software. AI is one of those elements that shape the industry of tomorrow, industry 4.0. The benefits are colossal since according to a study the productivity of these companies could increase by 40% by 2035. The production is optimized thanks to machine learning which allows robots to carry out calculations of all kinds in real time to adapt the cadence, increase the machine occupancy rate, support an operator on the production line, manage stocks optimally ... AI accelerates production, increases productivity, reduces costs and delays.


ANDRIES Mélanie - BETTETINI Doreen - BOUSY Morgane M1MRH - Mr James Martin

To save time and reduce costs, artificial intelligence has entered French banks. Crédit Mutuel and ​Orange​​, for example, have adopted the famous IBM platform. Artificial intelligence has been put in place to help their account managers respond to emails and improve their knowledge of auto, home and savings insurance offers. Specifically, the Watson software has been installed on two virtual assistants able to instantly answer the questions of the account managers on these offers, thus avoiding long research on the internal database. Watson has also been integrated into the messaging of advisors, in order to be able to select urgent emails and propose tailored responses to personalize. On the financial side, the mutual credit estimates that the investment is profitable: the deployment of Watson costs 40 million euros over five years to Crédit Mutuel, and the latter estimates that the software releases "​200,000 man days, an economy of 60 million euros.​ ”