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Frank 11. Mayo of the U. S. Rubber Co. has been elected chairman of the North Jersey Section of ACS, to assume office July 1. He succeeds H. F. Wakefield of the B a k é l i t e Corp. George L. Royer of (he Calco Chemical Division, American Cyanamid Co., was n a m e d chairmanF R Mayo elect., and Sidney ' ' B. Beddow of Esso Standard Oil Co. and George N. Vacca of Bell Telephone Laboratories were re-elected secretary and treasurer, respectively. Dr. Mayo, a resident of Nutley, N. J., received the B.S. degree in 1929 and the Ph.D. degree in 1931 from the University of Chicago. In 1931-32 he was an Eli Lilly fellow at t h e University of Chicago, and in 1933—35 a research chemist with VJ. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co... Inc.

operating divisions before July 10. The price is $1.00, and proper remittance must accompany each order. Nonmembers of the cooperating divisions may order copies by sending remittances directly to C. G. Kirkbride, Secretary, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Houdry Process Corp., P. O. Box 427, Marcus Hook, Pa.

Microchemical Standardization

The Committee for the Standardization of Microchemical Apparatus of the Division of Analytical and Microchemistry has finished the work for the Report on Recommended Specifications for Microchemical Apparatus—Carbon-Hydrogen, Dumas Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Halogen. In the future the committee will turn its attention to those items for which there have been no recommended specification*. The following will be considered: Kjeldahl apparatus Carius apparatus Wet combustion apparatus—including Van Slyke manometric

Preprints of Papers for Nomenclature Symposium A one-day Symposium on the Nomenclature of Hydrocarbons will be held during the September meeting of the Society in Atlantic City. This symposium is the culmination of several years' effort on the part of the nomenclature committees of the Divisions of Organic and Petroleum chemistry and is being sponsored jointly by the Divisions of Chemical Education, Chemical Literature, Organic Chemistry, and Petroleum Chemistry. The papers to be presented will explain the various existing systems for the nomenclature of hydrocarbons, with numerous illustrations and explicit instructions in the use of each system. Examples of bad nomenclature practice will be cited, and in many cases the author's recommendations for improvements will be given. All of the papers will be preprinted in their entirety by the Division of Petroleum Chemistry and distributed prior to the meeting to members of the division. T h e preprints will be neat, paper-bound booklets of approximately 132 pages and will include a more complete exposition of nomenclature practices than is available anywhere in one volume. Those who are not members of the Division of Petroleum Chemistry may obtain copies of the preprints by placing an order with the secretary of any of the coV O L U M E

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Abderhalden (pistol) driers Pressure regulators Weighing devices Semimicro nitrometers, absorption tubes, etc. Apparatus for group determinations— methoxyl, methylimide, acetyl, etc. Where a number of different articles are used to do the same job, the committee will recommend specifications for the one most widely used and for one or two of the others, since it is not the function of the committee to recommend apparatus but to recommend specifications for the various pieces so that the article will be identical regardless of where purchased. The committee requests recommendations and suggestions of those working in the field of micro-, semimicro, or ultramicrochemistry. Suggestions should be sent to the chairman, Al Steyermark, Microchemical Department, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley 10, N. J. Other members of the committee include H. K. Alber, V. A. Aluise, E. W. D . Huffman. J. A. Kuck, J. J . Moran, and C. O. Willits.

DRYMET ANHYDROUS SODIUM A granular, free-flowing alkali with the following properties: Formula Na2Si03 Molecular weight . 122.06 Melting point . . . 1 0 8 8 C Na20 51% pH in a 1 % solution 12.75 Quickly and completely soluble in water up to a concentration of 3 5 %


D R Y M E T is t h e m o s t highly concentrated form of metasilicate available because it contains n o water of crystallization. U n i q u e a m o n g alkalies— it c o m b i n e s strength with buffering action which prevents abrupt changes in p H . If you use alkali—investigate the advantages of D R Y M E T . DRYMET is available for immediate shipment.

