analytical chemistry - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

analytical chemistry - ACS Publications - American Chemical a usefu...

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume 28, No. 4, Pari I Issued April 4, 1956 © Copyright 1956 by the American Chemical Society Director of Publications, A p p l i e d Journals, A C S C. B. LARRABEE Editorial Director A p p l i e d Journals, A C S WALTER J . M U R P H Y Executive Editor: J A M E S M . C R O W E Science Editor: L A W R E N C E T. HALLETT Production Manager: JOSEPH H . KUNEY Associate Editors Robert G . Gibbs, Stella Anderson, G . Gladys G o r d o n , Bertha Reynolds, Charlotte C. Sayre, Ruth Cornette, Katherine I. Biggs Assistant Editors Betty V . Kieffer, Sue Jones Editorial Assistants Fern S. Jackson, Ruth M . H o w o r t h , Lois J , Bennett, M a r i o n W i l b u r n , Marjorie W . Rynders, Joyce A . Richards, A n n W . Knox Staff Artist M e l v i n D. Buckner Contributing Editor

R. H. Miiller Advisory Board H . F. Beeghly, Harvey Diehl, Robert M . Fowler, Louis G o r d o n , W . W . H i l t y , Robert Kunin, Elmer E. Leininger, H . A . Liebhafsky, J . J . Lingane, Villiers W . M e l o c h e , O . D. Shreve, V . A . Stenger, A I Steyermark, P. W . West, J . H . Y o e

This M o n t h ' s C o v e r . The an­ nual summer symposium, spon­ sored by the Division of Analyti­ cal Chemistry and ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, with a record of eight highly successful meetings, moves to the West Coast for its ninth staging. The three-day meeting will be held on the campus of the University of California at Los Angeles, June 14 to 16. In keep­ ing with the objective of discuss­ ing analytical problems of cur­ rent major interest, this year's three separate sessions will be de­ voted to analysis of industrial wastes, rapid methods of analysis, and analytical problems in bio­ logical systems. A display of in­ struments by local manufacturers and supply houses will also be featured. For names of the topnotch analysts who will speak and for further details see page 17 A.



O n c e a g a i n a group o f outstanding analysts h a v e p r e p a r e d com­ prehensive reviews o f f u n d a m e n t a l developments in analysis. For the b e t t e r convenience o f the user the reviews a r e published this month in a special s e p a r a t e l y bound Part II. Also included as a service to the r e a d e r a n d the industry is a n ADVERTISED P R O D U C T S G U I D E . Consisting o f a classified list o f p r o d ­ ucts a d v e r t i s e d in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY as w e l l as a directory giving names, addresses, a n d outline o f c o m p a n y products, this G U I D E should p r o v e a useful r e f e r e n c e . For further details, see p a g e 3 7 A o f P a r t II



REPORT FOR M A N A G E ­ M E N T . Production Looks at the Analytical Chemist G . F. Dressel

MONTH 7 A 15 A .

23 A


35 A

INSTRUMENTATION . . . . R. H . M u l l e r

41 A

47 A




. . .

51 A



61 A


64 A


70 A


74 A

P a r t T w o ( S e p a r a t e l y Bound) Review of Fundamental Developments in Analysis Advertised Products Guide

559 37 A

Scientific and Technical Articles Reaction or Carbon Disulfide with Primary and Secondary Aliphatic Amines as Analytical Tool . . . F. E. Critchfield and J . B. Johnson Colorimetric Determination of Primary Aliphatic Amines by Copper-Salicylaldehyde Method . . . . F. E. Critchfield and J . B. Johnson Coulometric Titration of Ammonia with Hypobromlte G . M . Arcand and Ε. Η . Swift Coulometric Titrations with Electrically Released Ethylenediaminefetraacetic Acid C. N . Reilley and W . W . Porterfield Chelating Agents in Nonaqueous Titrimetry B, D. Brummet and R. M . H o l l w e g Amperometric Titration of Two- and Three-Component Mixtures of Metal Sons with (Ethylenedinitrilo)tetraaeetic Acid C. N . Reilley, W . G . Scribner, and Carrol Temple Film Thickness by X-Ray Emission Spectrography H . A . Liebhafsky and P. D. Zemany Determination of Iron by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry Robert Bastian, Richard Weberiing, and Frank Palilla Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide with Complexes of (Ethylenedinitrilo)tetraac«tic Acid and Nitrilotriaeetic Acid K. L. Cheng and P. F. Lott Spectrophotometric Determination of Carbonyl Sulfide in Petroleum Refinery Gases F. J . O'Hara, W . M. Keely, and H . W . Fleming Spectrosraphic Determination of Silica J . W . Anthony, R. J . Chandler, W . B. Huekabay, and C. T. Kenner Effect of Aging Solutions of Barium Chloride on Particle Size of Barium Sulfate E. J . Bogan and H . V . Moyer Determination of Triphosphate in Commercial Triphosphate and Detergents Built with Triphosphate . . . H . J . Weiser, Jr. Deuterization of Steroids and Their Use in Isotope Dilution Analysis S. L. Jones, I. D. Robinson, B. H . Arison, and N . R. Trenner Liquid Scintillation Technique lor Measuring Carbon-14-Dioxide Activity J . M . Passmann, N . S. Radin, and J . A . D. Cooper Particle Size Distribution and Number of Particles per Unit Mass of Some Fluorescent Powders . . . . Jan Rosinski, H . E. Glaess, and C. R. McCully Determination of Six-and Seven-Carbon Naphthenes in Catalytic Reformin3 F e f d ( A P I Committee Report) C. C . Martin and S. S. Kurtz, Jr., Chairmen Retention Volumes of Isomeric Hexenes and Hexanes in Gas Liquid Partition Chromatography Using Phthalate Esters as Liquid Phase L. J . Sullivan, J . R. Lotz, and C. B. Willingham Thermogravimetric Pyrolysis of 8-QuinolinoI and 5,7-Dihalo-8-quinolinol Chelates of Scandium, Thorium, and Uranium(VI) W . W . Wendlandt Color Reaction of Amino Acids with Alloxan, [satin, and Ninhydrin in Circular Paper Chromatography Abraham Saifer and Irwin Oreskes Analysis of Boron Tribromide and Its Addition Compounds W . J . Schuele, J . F. Hazel, and W . M . McNabb Available Oxygen in Manganese Dioxide M . J . Katz, R. C. Clarke, and W . F. Nye (Continued on page 4 A )

430 436 440 443 448 450 455 459

462 466 470 473 477 482 484 486 490 495

499 501 505 507

CONTENTS, continued


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Analytical Method for Thujaplicins Harold MacLean and J . A . F. Gardner Semimicrodetermination of Fluorine in Organic Fluoro Compounds . · Chaim Eser .jnd Asher Yarden Coulometric Titration of Arsenïc(IH) Solutions wih Cerium(IV) N . H . Furm