APPLIED SCIENCE LABORATORIES, packing . , . $25/25g; $40/50g; $60/...

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...must have been something he ate! . . . the p r o b l e m n o w is: What was it? Up until recently, pesticide analysis has been a l o n g , drawn-out, tedious affair. W i t h commercial supports, a D.C. 2 0 0 column has generally required 3 to 4 weeks of conditioning at 250° C, or 9 6 hours of conditioning at 2 5 0 " C, then pretreatment w i t h m i l l i g r a m quantities of pesticides, and finally several hundred analyses before an endrin peak equivalent to that b e l o w is obtained.

Pesticide mix (3 njj. each) of ( I ) aldrin, (2) d i eldrin and (3) endrin on 10 w t . % D . C . 200: silicone (12,500 cstks.) on 100/120 GAS-CHROM 0 . Radium detector. Carrier gas rate: 120 m l / m i n . The chromatograph shown is an analysis by GC of a standard mixture of high purity a l d r i n , d i e l d r i n , and endrin at A p p l i e d Science. The column packing was D.C. 2 0 0 silicone on GAS-CHROM Q. The results look quite g o o d , but are not unique or new EXCEPT FOR ONE THING! The sample was the FIRST INJECTION made after the column was CONDITIONED FOR ONLY 24 HOURS at 250° C and 20 psig. and then for 2 0 HOURS at 2 0 0 ° C and 30 psig. Much, much easier to use GAS-CHROM Q. For more extensive results and discussion, send for our GAS-CHROM Newsletter, V o l . 6, No. 2 ( A p r i l , 1965). One more thing — the packing used for that analysis above — w e have it in stock — pretested packing . , . $25/25g; $40/50g; $60/100g.

APPLIED SCIENCE LABORATORIES, INC. Post Office Box 4 4 0 · State College, Penna. 16801 Telephone (Area 814) 2 3 8 - 2 4 0 6 West Coast Office: Unit M · 5 1 4 0 W. 106th St. · Inglewood, Calif. Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card

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