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April 2010 GENERAL CONFERENCE JEOPARDY SCRIPTURE MASTERIES: Moses 1:39 D&C 82:10 Alma 41:10 John 17:3 Matt 25:40 D&C 14:7 D&C 18:10 D&C 76:22 D&C 76:22-24 D&C 25:12

Helaman 5:12 Job 19:25-26 Moroni 10:4-5 D&C 19:15-19 Proverbs 4:5-6

2 Tim 3:1-5 JSH 1:15-20 Isaiah 53:3-5 I Cor 15:20-22 2 Ne 2:25

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT? 100 Bishop McMullin, the second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric quoted Ecclesiastes 12:13. Find it and read it and tell what was the subject of his talk. 200 Elder Holland met three beautiful LDS women in an airport who were all recently divorced. He then quoted Jacob 2:7 And also it grieveth me that I must use so much boldness of speech concerning you, before your wives and your children, many of whose feelings are exceedingly tender and chaste and delicate before God, which thing is pleasing unto God. What was the subject of his talk? Pornography, immorality and lust. 300 Elder Perry spoke about his mother working on her Relief Society lessons all over the dining room table. He said it was much more than what she could teach but her preparation was not wasted. She would also use it to teach her children. He then quoted Proverbs 22:6 and D&C 68:25. Find and read one of those scriptures that tells the subject of his talk! 400 Sister Beck said that this helps increase personal righteousness, strengthens the home, helps those in need and is a system of watchcare. What was the subject she was talking about? Relief Society 500 Elder Nelson shows baby pictures of his daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter but not his but showed four of his generations. What was his subject? The New Family Search

WHAT DID HE SAY? 100 Elder Anderson of the 70 spoke about the church in Haiti. He told how the two stake presidents and two stake RS presidents and the Mission President worked together to provide relief and hand our resources to church members. What did he say were two miracles? Not one missionary was harmed and all 9 chapels were undamaged (and were used as shelters for the 5000 Haitian members). 200 Pres. Ucthdorf told the story of a statue of Christ that was damaged during a bombing in WW2. The people mourned the statue because it was a symbol of faith. It was able to be reconstructed. What happened to the statue and what was on the made into a sign at the bottom of the statue? The hands could not be reconstructed so the sign says, “You are My hands.”




Elder Hallstrom told about Simonds Ryder who left the church because his name was misspelled in a mission call. In just ten months he went from being a new convert to part of the mob that tarred and feathered the prophet Joseph. What did he say resets the course of our lives? How we respond to trials. Elder Ballard quoted Pres. Joseph F. Smith who said: “It is not for you to be led by the women of the world; it is for you to . . . lead the women of the world in everything that is praiseworthy, everything that is Godlike, everything that is uplifting and . . . purifying to the children of men” (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 1914). Who did he direct his talk to? Mothers and daughters Elder Cook taught the in the last days, there would be earthquakes and the seas would go beyond their bounds. He then told the story of meeting with members in Samoa who lost loved ones from a tsunami. Tell the story of the stake president. The stake president saw the water coming and warned children to run and drove to get his 4 year old daughter. He had her in the car and was driving to his mother when wall of water hit the car and put them up in a tree 100 yards away. He secured his daughter and swam to get his mother who was clinging to a tree and took her to safety. Others were not successful and lost their lives. NOTE: Elder Cook then said, Higher ground can also be spiritual with having temple ordinances and a keeping higher standards of living.

SCRIPTURE STORIES! 100 Elder Andersen’s talk was based on the primary song, Tell me the stories of Jesus so we will teach our children. He told us if we think a child is not listening, don’t despair and quoted the story of Alma the younger and his problems. Find and read the verse he quoted to us in Alma 36:17. And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world 200 Elder Ballard quoted the Mutual theme for 2010. Quote or look up Joshua 1:9 and read it. 300 Pres. Packer told the story of Gideon’s army who was successful because “They stood every man in his place.” (Judges 7:21) Tell the story of how they were chosen. He selected them by how they drank water in a stream. Those who cupped their hands were who he called, not those who drank directly from the stream.



Elder Schwitzer told the story of Mary and Martha when Martha was cumbered about with much serving and spoke to the Savior who told her that Mary had chosen the better part. He said if we stop there in the scriptures we may make a different judgment about Martha. What was the later story of Martha in the scriptures that he then shared? When Lazarus died, Martha met the Savior who shared the doctrine of the resurrection by saying, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Mary also bore her testimony of the resurrection and also of the divinity of the Savior. Elder Vinas told us that we need to teach our children to avoid spiritual death. Then he told about Ammon and his brethren who went on missions and read us this verse about their teaching. Find and read Alma 21:23 And Ammon did preach unto the people of king Lamoni; and it came to pass that he did teach them all things concerning things pertaining to righteousness. And he did exhort them daily, with all diligence; and they gave heed unto his word, and they were zealous for keeping the commandments of God.

WHAT SHOULD WE DO? 100 Sister Beck talked about how to qualify for personal revelation. She said to keep the commandments, renew covenants and the importance of reading scriptures. What did she say we should do while we read our scriptures? Write down questions and record impression that come as we read the scriptures and pray. 200 Elder Christofferson spoke about why it is important for us to read and know the scriptures. He listed many reasons including it enlarges our minds and convinces us of errors, help us remember the Lord and our relationship with Heavenly Father, reminds us of what we knew I a premortal live, teaches us things we did not experience personally, teaches us things we do not know, it unmasks sin. If we ignore the word of God, we cease to believe in Him. He then told how the scriptures discredited the philosophy of an antichrist found in Alma 30. Name the antichrist. Korihor, who taught that there was no God but every man fared in life according to the management of the creature 300 Elder Bednar said we need to be watching vigilantly for spiritual warnings in our families and listed three things that can be help provide a warning system for parents on how their children are doing. Name one.: 1. Reading and talking about the book of Mormon with your children. 2. Bearing testimony of gospel truths. 3. Invite children to act and not just be acted upon (use moral agency well) 400 Pres. Eyring spoke about our opportunity to help God’s children back home to God and through the mists of sin that Satan Creates. He then quoted 3 Nephi 14:13. Find and read that scripture. 500 Elder Schwitzer told us we were not to judge others but at the same time we are to use excellent judgment. He then listed several ways that would help us develop making good judgment. Name one: 1. Put own standards in alignment with gospel of Christ. 2. Listen to the messages of a living prophet. 3. Cultivate with the Spirit a relationship of listening. 4. Keep the commandments

STORY TOLD! 100 Bishop McMullin - second counselor in the presiding Bishopric told the story of Cory ten Boom who survived a concentration camp in WWII while four members of her family did not. Tell her story. She learned forgiveness and gave talks about it. Her message was that God forgives all. Then, her faithfulness brought about a blessing. A man approached her who was one of her guards. He told her that he was now a Christian and sought forgiveness for cruel things he had done. He wanted her to forgive him. He held out his hand. She said it was a difficult thing she had ever had to do. She prayed and thrust her hand into the one stretched out to her . As she did, the current started in her shoulder and sprang into their joined hands and a healing warmth flood into their whole being. 200 Elder Christofferson told the story of a man who on October 6, 1536 was led from a dungeon in a castle to outside and was fastened to a post. He had time to utter a final prayer. What was, “Lord, open the king of England’s eyes” and then he was strangled. Who was the man and what was his offence? William Tyndale His crime was to translate and publish the Bible in English. THE REST OF THE STORY: He was a member of catholic clergy. Fluent in 8 languages. He was a devoted student of the Bible and observed ignorance of scriptures to common people. He said, “If God spares my life, I will one day make the boy that drives the plow in England to know more of the scriptures than the pope, himself.” In 1524, traveled to Germany under an assumed name and lived in hiding. With help of friends, able to publish translations. Bibles were smuggled into England and in great demand. Shared widely but in secret. Authorities burned all they could find. God did open King Henry VIII’s eyes and scriptures in English were publically available. In 1610, King James Version. We owe him a great debt of gratitude, and also those who recorded the scriptures. 300 Elder Foster told the story of gathering up cows along the Snake River in Idaho so they could be sent to Montana. The calves would get distracted and run over to trees to find shade and rest. When they got the cows there, three cows were pacing around looking for their calves. He knew where they would be but they could not get the calves to return. How did he get them to return and what was the point of his story? They let the mother cows out and the calves followed their mothers. We can never give up to those who stray and we must find lost ones and let them know they have a home, a family and a church waiting for them to return. 400 Elder Packer told a story about President Lee. A young man who was going to serve in Vietnam came to President Lee and asked Pres. Lee to give him a blessing. What did Pres. Lee tell him? Pres. Lee said his father should. He said his father would not know how to do it. He counseled him to go home and ask his Father and tell him how to do it. His father followed what to do and gave him a blessing. NOTE: Pres. Packer said that it is a father’s right to use his priesthood in his home for his children.


Pres. Uchtdorf told the story that after WW2 he could remember the church’s shipments that came and the smell of the clothing and sweetness of the canned peaches. He said some joined the church because of the goods they received and were called canned food Mormons. What was the point of his talk? Some members looked on them and thought they only joined because of the food. He said many stayed and tasted the sweetness of the Gospel and the caring embrace of the church and we must extend ourselves to others around us and help all fit in.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY FUNNY THING! 200 Elder Hales told the story of reading the newspaper while his grandson was there. The four year old came between him and the newspaper. What did the grandson ask that got a laugh? Grandpa are you in there?! 400 Elder Ballard said that she may not be a whiz at texting or have a Facebook page but has a wealth of knowledge. Who was he talking about? Your Mother! 600 Pres. Monson opened conference with the story of getting a kiss on his first date with his wife Frances. . . from her father. Tell the story that led to the kiss! 800 Elder Aoyagi told the story of being a new convert in Japan and then going to college but becoming less active. He talked about helping hands from his home ward who sent him a postcard with a scripture and invited him to return to church. He then prayed again about the book of Mormon and the confirmation came and his heart burned and his body shoot and he was filled with joy. That gave him a desire to return and serve a mission. Coincidentally, who was the person that wrote the postcard? His wife who he later married in the temple and has four children. 1000 What was the reason that Pres. Monson joined the Navy and not another branch of the armed services in WW II? His then girlfriend and current wife, Frances told him he was skinny and would look better in a Navy uniform. LISTS GIVEN 200 Sister Lant spoke of the children and their parents who were able to see the Savior in 3 Nephi and lived in peace for 200 years. She said that we need to prepare our children to also one day see the Savior and listed three things parents should do to prepare children. Name one: 1. Love the Lord with all our hearts. 2. Become a worthy example through living the gospel, 3. Teach our children the gospel and how to live its teachings. 400 Elder Cook said the Savior did three things at the last Supper to initiate ordinances and doctrines. Name one: 1. Ordinance of the Sacrament, 2. Overwhelming emphasis on teaching love. 3. Promised the Holy Ghost to the apostles at his direction after he was gone.


Elder Carlson spoke about the safety we get from keeping the commandments. He then listed three reasons why we don’t keep the commandments and then told scripture stories to illustrate. Give one of the reason or a story. 1. They do not apply to us (the story of Jeroboam and being the king), 2. They are not important (the story of Naaman). 3. They are too difficult to obey (Lehi’s family getting the plates). 800 Elder Scott said the Savior faced three challenges in completing the atonement. Name one: 1. The enormous responsibility that there was no way for us to repent and his Father’s plan would have failed and His children under control of Satan. 2. He had to feel the consequences of all that mankind would encounter. 3. He had to endure the vicious attack of Satan while pressed to the limit. 1000 Elder Martino said that there are five things that we can learn from the last hours of the Savior’s life that will help us as we face trials. Name one of the five: 1. He sought not to do his will but the will of his Father, which we must do. 2. When faced with trials, not complain or murmur. 3. When we face challenges seek greater help from God. 4. Learn to serve and think of others, even in times of trial. 5. Forgive others and do not seek to pass the blame of our situation to them. WORDS OF OUR PROPHET 200 Pres. Monson talked about the atonement and Gethsemane and said that no mortal could understand what Christ did for us, but Christ described it for us. Find and read: D&C 19:18. 400 Pres. Monson told the story written to him from a father of seven who wrote about his son Jason. Tell the story about Jason’s testimony in the faith of Christ. Jason was 11 when he first became ill and recurred several times. After his 15 th birthday, he went into the hospital. His father found him in the hospital with his eyes closed. Not knowing if asleep or awake, he talked to him. He told Jason that in his current difficult position he didn’t want him to lose faith in Christ. Jason then opened his eyes, and said “Never,” in a clear resolute voice. Jason then closed his eyes and said no more. His father wrote in this simple declaration, Jason expressed most powerful testimony of Christ as his declaration of never was imprinted on my soul. It was the last time he heard his testimony of Christ. Jason passed away two weeks later. 600 President Monson said that just in the past three months the Humanitarian Program has helped out people in French Polynesia, Philippines, Mongolia, Arizona, Portugal, Uganda, Haiti and Chile as well as other areas of the world. How old is the Humanitarian program? 25 years and we would continue to strive to be the first on the scene of disasters. 800 Pres Monson quoted a scripture that he said was the story all of his life. Find and read: Proverbs 4:5-6. 1000 Pres. Monson used for his talk a question asked by Job in Job 14:14. Find and read the question and tell how Pres. Monson changed it at the end of his talk. If a man die, shall he live again? And changed it to: If a man die, HE SHALL live again!

GENERAL AUTHORITIES 200 Name President Monson’s Counselors? Pres. Eyring and Pres. Uchtdorf 400 Name two members from the Quorum of the 12? 600 Who is the acting president of the Quorum of the 12? Pres. Packer 800 How many years has it been since the church was organized? 180 years. 1000 What general board was reorganized during conference? Primary General Board ALTERNATIVE QUESTION: Name a native country other than the US that a member of the 70 who spoke was from? SCRIPTURE MASTERIES 200 Elder Bednar said a testimony is personal knowledge that certain eternal facts are true and it brings us revelation and accountability. Then he quoted this SM on truth/ask God. Find that scripture mastery, Moroni 10:4-5 400 Elder Anderson spoke about the earthquake in Haiti and to all the suffer and mourn, who are worried, afraid or discouraged. He ended his talk by quoting the scripture mastery that talks about a sure foundation. Find that scripture mastery. Helaman 5:12 600 Elder Hollstrom told the story of his grandparents who lost a daughter carrying twins, yet they turned to the Lord in their grief and lived righteous lives and at age 90 died within hours of each other. They he quoted the scripture mastery on the Fall and joy. Find that scripture mastery. 2 Nephi 2:25 800 Elder Martino told us that we should face trials like the Savior without complaint or murmur. He quoted 1 Nephi 19:9 to describe what Nephi save in vision of the Savior’s suffering. Find and read that scripture. 1 Ne. 19: 9 And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his longsuffering towards the children of men. 1000 Elder Christofferson said that the scriptures tutor us in moral values and integrity, responsibility, selflessness and charity. He then quoted the SM on wickedness and happiness. Find that scripture mastery Alma 41:10 FINAL JEOPARDY: During the statistical report, the auditor told us the church’s auditing department followed the counsel of dispending tithing and church funds. Without looking in the Doctrine and Covenants, what section did he say that is found in? 120