Assessment Planning Checklist

Current Skill Set. Conclusions/Implications. Social/Communication Skill Set. Expressive Communication. (What existing expressive communication behavio...

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Assessment Planning Checklist Identify Assessment Team Members and Their Roles Name


Arrange for Family Involvement Family’s Primary Concerns

Tasks for the Family

Select Appropriate Assessment Instruments Instrument

Who will Administer

Conduct Informal Observations Contexts/Materials/Targeted Skills/Data


Conduct Structured Observations Contexts/Materials/Targeted Skills/Data


Request Evaluations by Specialists Specialist

Type of Evaluation

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Skills and Implications Current Skill Set

Conclusions/Implications Social/Communication Skill Set Expressive Communication (What existing expressive communication behaviors should be supported and what new ones should be targeted?)

Receptive Communication (What communications does the child understand and how can we most effectively communicate with this child?)

Social Interaction (What social interactions maximize the child’s opportunities for communication with adults and peers?)

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Skills and Implications Current Skill Set Conclusions/Implications Sensory and Motor Skills Related to Communication Hearing (What adaptations are needed to support the use of hearing for expressive and receptive communication?)

Vision (What adaptations are needed to support the use of vision for expressive and receptive communication?)

Motor/Fine Motor Skills (What adaptations are needed to support the motor behaviors needed for expressive and receptive communication?)

Child Attributes Preferences (What activities, materials, and people encourage this child’s communication?)

Temperament (What pace, degree of novelty, and length of engagement best fit this child’s temperament?)

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