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1. INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS………………………….…..…….. 3 2. SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST ........................................................................................................... 7 3. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 8 4. SCOPE OF SERVICES................................................................................................................. 11 5. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 11 6. EVALUATION PROCESS ........................................................................................................... 13 7. PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND GUIDELINES.................................................................... 13 8. DRAFT AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................ 18 9. EXHIBITS ..................................................................................................................................... 29 EXHIBIT B - Required Submittal Forms 10. APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 44 APPENDIX A – Contract Compliance Requirements APPENDIX B – Insurance Requirements 11. ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 53 ATTACHMENT A – List of Facilities ATTACHMENT B – Floor Plans ATTACHMENT C – Technical Requirements and Classification Worksheets ATTACHMENT D – System Specifications ATTACHMENT E – Cost Proposal Form

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RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 1. Services Required: This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) from qualified Proponents (“Proponent” or “Proponents”) by Clayton County (“County”) is to procure a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Material Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System. The detailed Scope of Services (“SOS”) is set forth in this RFP. 2. Solicitation Method: This solicitation is being conducted in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Clayton County Code of Ordinances. By submitting a Proposal in reference to this solicitation, a Proponent acknowledges that it is familiar with all laws applicable to this solicitation, including, but not limited to, the County’s Code of Ordinances, which laws are incorporated into this RFP by reference. 3. Minimum Qualifications: Each Proponent and team member shall have the minimum experience and qualifications set forth in this RFP. 4. Authority to Transact Business in Georgia: Each Proponent must submit documentation that demonstrates it is duly authorized to conduct business in the State of Georgia with its proposal. This requirement also applies to Joint Venture (JV) Team Members, Sub-Consultants and SubContractors. 5. No Offer by County and Firm Offer by Proponent: This solicitation does not constitute an offer by County to enter into an agreement and cannot be accepted by any Proponent to form an agreement. This solicitation is only an invitation for offers from interested Proponents and no offer shall bind County. A Proponent’s offer is a firm offer and may not be withdrawn except as provided in this RFP. 6. Proposal Duration: Proposals submitted in response to this RFP must be valid for a period of One Hundred and Twenty (120) calendar days from the Proposal Submission Deadline and must be marked as such. 7. Proposal Submission Deadline: Responses to this RFP must be received by the Clayton County Central Services Department, 7994 North McDonough Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236, no later than 3:00 p.m., E.T. on Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Any Proposal received after this time will not be considered. 8. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference: Each Proponent is required to attend a Mandatory PreProposal Conference scheduled for Wednesday, July 29, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. E.T. at the Clayton County Central Services Department, 7994 North McDonough Street, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236. Failure to attend may cause proposal to be deemed non-responsive. During the Pre-Proposal Conference, the general requirements of the project will be discussed. Any questions raised by potential Proponents will be discussed. Verbal answers to questions during the Pre-Proposal Conference will not be authoritative. Each Proponent must be fully informed

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regarding all existing and expected conditions and matters which might affect the cost or performance of the Services. It should be emphasized, however, that nothing stated or discussed during the course of this conference shall be considered to modify, alter or change the requirement of the solicitation documents, unless it shall be subsequently incorporated into an addendum to the solicitation documents. 9. Mandatory Site Visit: Each Proponent will be required to attend the Mandatory Site Visits to the six (6) County Library Branches that will follow the Pre-Proposal Conference on Wednesday, July 29, 2015 as follows: (1) Headquarters Branch at 11:00 a.m., (2) Riverdale Branch at 12:00 p.m., (3) Forest Park Branch at 1:00 p.m., (4) Morrow Branch at 2:00 p.m., (5) Jonesboro Branch at 3:00 p.m., and (6) Lovejoy Branch at 4:00 p.m. 10. Solicitation Questions; Prohibited Contacts: Any questions regarding this RFP should be submitted in writing to Debra B. Brewer, Director, Clayton County Central Services Department, 7994 North McDonough Street, Jonesboro, Georgia, 30236 or emailed to [email protected], on or before Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. E.T. Questions received after the designated period may not be considered. Responses made by the County will be provided in writing to all Proponents by addendum. It is the responsibility of each Proponent to obtain a copy of any Addendum issued for this solicitation by monitoring the County’s website at No Proponent may rely on any verbal response to any question submitted concerning this RFP. All Proponents and representatives of Proponents are strictly prohibited from contacting any other County employees, County Officials, Elected Officials or any third-party representatives of the County on any matter having to do with this RFP. All communications by any Proponent concerning this RFP must be made to the Clayton County Central Services Department. 11. Ownership of Proposals: Each Proposal submitted to the County will become the property of the County, without compensation to a Proponent, for the County’s use, in its discretion. The County shall not be liable for any proposal preparation costs incurred by Proponents. 12. Georgia Open Records Act: Information provided to the County is subject to disclosure under the Georgia Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. § 15-18-70 et. seq. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-1872(a)(34), “[a]n entity submitting records containing trade secrets that wishes to keep such records confidential under this paragraph shall submit and attach to the records an affidavit affirmatively declaring that specific information in the records constitute trade secrets pursuant to Article 27 of Chapter 1 of Title 10 [O.C.G.A. § 10-1-760 et seq.]”. 13. Insurance Requirements: The Insurance requirements for any Agreement that may be awarded pursuant to this RFP are set forth in Appendix B: Insurance. Proponent must provide a copy of a current certificate of insurance evidencing any existing commercial general liability policies issued for Proponent, if any. For purposes of this section, “Proponent” shall mean an individual, corporation or other corporate entity submitting a proposal in connection with this solicitation, including each joint venture partner if Proponent is a joint venture. 14. Applicable County Small Local Business Programs: The SLBE Programs applicable to this solicitation are set forth in Appendix A: Contract Compliance Requirements, included in this RFP. By submitting a Proposal in response to this solicitation, each Proponent agrees to comply with such applicable SLBE Programs. 15. Evaluation of Financial Information: The County’s evaluation of financial information RFP #15-05 RFID and AMH System for the Clayton County Library System

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concerning a Proponent and its consideration of such information in determining whether a Proponent is responsive and responsible may involve a review of several items of information required to be included in a Proposal. The County will review the Financial Information disclosed by Proponent and attached to this RFP. Further, if this RFP requires a successful Proponent that is awarded an Agreement pursuant to this solicitation to post some type of performance guarantee (e.g. letter of credit, guaranty agreement, etc.), a Proponent must submit with its Proposal a notarized letter from an appropriate financial institution indicating that it is willing to issue such performance guarantee for the Proponent if an Agreement is awarded to it Proponent. 16. Sub-contractors and Manufacturers: Proponents are required to submit, in writing, the addresses of any proposed subcontractors or equipment manufacturers listed in the Proposal and may be required to submit other material information relative to proposed subcontractors. County reserves the right to disapprove any proposed subcontractors whose technical or financial ability, or resources, or experience are deemed inadequate. 17. Examination of Proposal Documents: 17.1 Each Proponent is responsible for examining with appropriate care the complete RFP and all Addenda and for informing itself with respect to all conditions which might in any way affect the cost or the performance of any Services. Failure to do so will be at the sole risk of the Proponent, who is deemed to have included all costs for performance of the Services in its Proposal. 17.2 Each Proponent shall promptly notify County in writing should the Proponent find discrepancies, errors, ambiguities or omissions in the Proposal Documents, or should their intent or meaning appear unclear or ambiguous, or should any other question arise relative to the RFP. Replies to such notices may be made in the form of an addendum to the RFP, which will be issued simultaneously to all potential Proponents. 17.3 County may in accordance with applicable law, by addendum, modify any provision or part of the RFP at any time prior to the Proposal due date and time. 17.4 Each Proponent must confirm Addenda have been received and acknowledge receipt by executing the Acknowledgment of Addenda form provided with each Addendum. 17.5 The County may waive any technicalities and formalities. The County reserves the right to cancel the RFP in its entirety. 18. Oral Presentations and Product Demonstrations: Responsive Proponents may be required to make an oral presentation of their proposed solution to the County’s Evaluation Committee. Representatives of the Key Personnel as identified in the Proponents proposal, and those with decision making ability and authority speak on behalf of and to bind the Proponent, must be active participants in the oral presentation. If required, oral presentations will be held on September 21-25, 2015. The County will notify responsive proponents of the specific date, time and location for the presentation, and will supply an agenda or topics for discussion. 19. Award and Execution of Agreement: If the County awards an Agreement pursuant to this solicitation, the County will prepare and forward to the successful Proponent an Agreement for execution. All Proponents should thoroughly review the document prior to submitting a proposal. Any proposed revisions to the terms or language of this document must be submitted RFP #15-05 RFID and AMH System for the Clayton County Library System

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in writing with the Proponents response to the Request for Proposals. Since proposed revisions may result in a proposal being rejected if the revisions are unacceptable to the County, Proponent should review any proposed revisions with an Authorized Representative having authority to execute the Contract. Upon approval of the successful Proponent by the Clayton County Board of Commissioners, the County will provide the Proponent with two (2) unsigned agreements. The Proponent shall execute and return to the County two (2) signed agreements, with required insurance certificates and other documents as listed in this RFP or required by the County, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the contracts. 20. Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act: This RFP is subject to the Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 (“Act”), formerly known as the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act. Pursuant to Act, the Proponent must provide with its Proposal proof of its registration with and continuing and future participation in the EVerify Program established by the United States Department of Homeland Security. Completed Contractor Affidavit, Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act Forms must be submitted with the Proposal at the time of submission. Under state law, the County cannot consider any Proposal which does not include the completed forms. Where the business structure of a Proponent is such that Proponent is required to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service, Proponent must complete the Contractor Affidavit on behalf of, and provide a Federal Work Authorization User ID Number issued to, the Proponent itself. Where the business structure of a Proponent does not require it to obtain an EIN, each entity comprising Proponent must submit a separate Contractor Affidavit. It is not the intent of this notice to provide detailed information or legal advice concerning the Act. All Proponents intending to do business with the County are responsible for independently apprising themselves of and complying with the requirements of the Act and assessing its effect on County solicitations and their participation in those solicitations. For additional information on the E-Verify program or to enroll in the program, go to: Additional information on completing and submitting the Contractor Affidavit can be found preceding this form in this RFP. 21. Multiple Awards: The County reserves, in its sole discretion, the option to award to multiple Proponents. The award(s) will be based on the SOS in its entirety or by components. Multiple awards may be made on the total SOS or to components of the SOS. 22. Joint Ventures: Each party to a Joint Venture will be required to fully complete and submit the Required Submittal Forms unless otherwise indicated in this RFP. 23. Conflict of Interest: Proponents are advised to read and familiarize themselves with the conflict of interest provisions of this RFP. The County reserves the right to issue RFPs for specific projects that are independent of RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System. Except as stated in this RFP these Instructions, and the Notice to Proponents concerning Conflicts of Interests, successful Proponents under this RFP are not precluded from responding to such solicitations.

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RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST 1. 2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

Please use the following checklist to verify that all required information is included in your proposal. It is the sole responsibility of each proponent to ensure that their proposal is inclusive of all Submittals outlined below or elsewhere in this RFP. Failure to submit any of the items below may cause rejection of the Proposal. The proposal documents must be submitted as follows: one (1) Original Technical Proposal marked “Original” and nine (9) identical copies including all required attachments; and one digital version of the Technical Proposal in Adobe Portable Document Format (“PDF”) on a Compact Disk (“CD”) and labeled with the Name and Number of the RFP. The County assumes no liability for the differences in the information contained in the Proponents printed proposal submission and that contained on the CD. In the event of any discrepancy, the County will rely upon the information in the printed proposal submission. The Cost Proposal must be submitted in a Separate and Sealed envelope. Do not include Cost in the Technical Proposal. The County will not consider any proposal that does not include completed Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act Affidavit Form(s).



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


___________________________ Printed Name

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

_________________________ ________________________ Title Date

__________________________________________ Signature

______________________________________ Firm Name

_________________________________ ______________________________ Email Address

Phone Number

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RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System The Clayton County Board of Commissioners, Clayton County Government (the County) requests qualified firms with proven experience with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Material Handling (AMH) Systems to submit proposals. 1.


PURPOSE Proposer shall provide the Clayton County Library System (CCLS) with all things necessary for a fully operational, completely automated, and computer based Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System with a fully integrated Barcode and RFID enabled Automated Materials Handling (AMH) system.


BACKGROUND Currently the CCLS serves approximately 272,197 residents and has over 214,928 library card holders. Total circulation for the Library from July 2012 through June 2013 was over 1,000,000 items. Daily combined traffic in the County’s six (6) facilities is often more than 2000 per day. A list of library facilities and locations is included herewith as Attachment A and incorporated herein by reference. All locations are open six (6) days per week, Monday through Saturday, and the Headquarters Branch has extended hours of operation on Sunday in the months of September through June. The Library has 85 employees and approximately 506,579 items [books, DVDs, books on CD, music CDs, and other media] currently in the collection. The CCLS does not currently have a materials security system available. The Library uses the Evergreen Integrated Library System (ILS), which is the Georgia PINES database. It is a highly-scalable software which helps library patrons find library materials, and helps libraries manage, catalog, and circulate those materials. The Evergreen Client is installed on all staff machines and communicates with Evergreen server via http protocol. The Library Catalog System is browserbased and may be accessed from any internet capable computer or device. All publicly accessible desktop computers are virtual desktop machines. The normal resources allocated are one processor, 4 Gigabyte (BB) Random Access Memory and 40 GB hard drive.


OBJECTIVE 1.3.1. The Library wishes to acquire an RFID system for the six (6) libraries in the County system, and a 5 bin sorter. Floor Plans for each location are included in Attachment B. 1.3.2. A RFID and AMH System(s) designed to enable the Library to provide better

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service to customers and facilitate increased circulation without the need for additional staffing or other equipment. 1.3.3. A RFID system optimized for use in a library environment, efficient in its design through the elimination of redundant features, and expandable. 1.3.4. A RFID system capable of securing all materials, checking items in and out, providing efficient inventory of material. Provide self-checkout kiosks, and information and statistical report generation. 1.4.

TERM OF AGREEMENT The Contract shall commence within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed. The initial term of the Agreement and any renewal terms are collectively referred to as the “Term”. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) year, and may be automatically renewed for three (3) successive one (1) year terms upon the same terms and conditions. The services to be performed under this Agreement shall commence on the effective date of this agreement and terminate absolutely and without further obligation on the part of the County on December 31st of the year in which it was executed and on December 31st of each succeeding and renewed year, as required by O.C.G.A. § 36-60-13, as amended, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the termination provisions of this agreement.


CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1.5.1. All firms, sub-consultants and their employees are notified and advised to avoid potential conflicts of interests. Full and prompt disclosure of involvement in any project or services to other clients that may be in conflict with the financing, construction, operation and management of the County projects shall be made to the County in the technical response of the firm’s proposal, and in advancement of assignment so that real or potential conflicts of interest can be avoided. 1.5.2. The successful Proponent and any sub-consultants of the successful Proponent, including any joint venture partners, parent or subsidiary companies, or affiliates under common control will not be eligible to have a concurrent role in any project that the successful Proponent has the responsibility for during the term of the contract for the RFID and AMH System for Clayton County, Georgia. 1.5.3. In any circumstance where Proponent, including any joint venture partners, parent or subsidiary companies, or affiliates under common control, is providing Services or work under another contract with the County and a dispute, claim or conflict of interest arises between the County and such provider under this agreement or another contract, the County may in its sole determination and discretion, suspend all existing work under this Agreement

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and may or may not issue any further work to the Provider under this agreement unless and until such dispute, claim or conflict of interest is resolved to the County’s satisfaction. Should the County take such action, Provider shall not be entitled to any additional costs of any kind resulting from such action except that Provider may be paid for any authorized Services provided to the County under this Agreement prior to the effective date of the suspension of the work. This provision shall not be deemed exclusive and shall be supplemental to any rights and remedies available to the County under this Agreement, any other contract or as may be available under applicable law. 1.6.

SUB-CONSULTANTS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS 1.6.1. Consultant shall ensure the responsibility standards for each of its SubConsultants and Sub-Contractors as listed below and in each and every part of this RFP. Verification must include documentation that each SubConsultant or Sub-Contractor meets the responsibility criteria required to perform the work including any professional license, certification, insurance requirements of this RFP, any governmental agency having jurisdiction over the matter, or any law or regulation pertaining to the work or requirements. Contractor shall not furnish any statement, representation, or certification in connection with sub-consultants or sub-contractors that is materially false, deceptive, incorrect or incomplete. Failure of the Proponent to provide information concerning the responsibility of any sub-consultant or subcontractor may result in a finding that the Proponent is not responsible. 1.6.2. All proposed sub-consultants and sub-contractors shall be listed in the Proponents response. Proponent shall ensure that all proposed subcontractors have adequate personnel, past experience, adequate facilities, finances and business systems to perform the scope of services. The County reserves the right to approve all sub-contractors and sub-consultants. 1.6.3. Consultant shall have the responsibility of verifying the existence, authenticity and dates of expiration of all licenses required by all subconsultants and sub-contractors engaged in the work of this RFP. The lack of a valid license for Consultant or any sub-consultant or sub-contractor shall be grounds for default, and for immediate termination for cause with prejudice as it relates to the Consultant, and the removal of any unlicensed entity from the project. In the event Consultant, a sub-consultant or sub-contractor is required to be licensed or certified as a condition precedent to providing goods or services under this RFP, the revocation or loss of such license or certification may result in immediate termination of the Consultant’s contract effective as of the date on which the license or certification is no longer in effect. 1.6.4. All sub-consultants and sub-contractors must be approved by the County prior to performing. Consultant must receive written permission to add subconsultants or sub-contractors not initially submitted with Proponents response. Sub-consultants and sub-contractors shall not sub-contract any portion of their work pursuant this RFP without the written consent of the

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County. Failure of the Consultant to obtain from the County prior approval of each sub-consultant or sub-contractor performing work on the project may result in suspension of work by that subcontractor, removal of work performed by unapproved subcontractor(s) and all permissible sanctions against the Consultant. 2.


GENERAL The Library is seeking a turnkey RFID solution including an AMH system. Proponents must meet the minimum system specifications set forth in Attachment D, and the mandatory technical requirements set forth in Attachment C.


MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 2.2.1. Proponent’s Solution Proponent must propose a solution that provides at a minimum:

Real-time integration with the Library’s Integrated Library System (ILS).

RFID tags able to withstand wear, pressure or damage; and fully compliant with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 18000-3 Mode 1, and include both mandatory and optional commands specified in ISO 15693-3. It will also adhere to the ISO 28560-2 standard for North American libraries with ISO;

RFID tags that easily affix to the item, regardless of its medium;

Provide a Payment Card Industry (PCI) Pay Application Data Security Standard certified payment system;

Provide self-checkout kiosks with the ability to collect fees and fines, print receipts, and unlock Audio-Visual materials;

Provide free standing Self-Checks and the necessary all-in-one counter top self-checks;

Provide multiple security options for AV materials;

Provide RFID conversion for the Library’s existing staff circulation stations or the provision of new hardware;

Provide shelf-reading and inventory tools that can accommodate any collection size with ease;

ADA-compliant Library-customizable security pedestals;

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Supply adequate training at no charge to the County as part of the implementation process and any additional training and support as needed.

2.2.2. Product Requirements All products proposed by the Proponent must be:

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and FCC Part 15- Certified;

Compliant with SIP2, RS-232, TCP-IP Ethernet 10/100 and 802.11b (wireless);

Compliant with (CE) Mark to identify Proponent complies with all safety requirements established by the European Union, and CTick to indicate compliance with the applicable technical standards for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and establishes a traceable link between the device and the supplier responsible for placing it on the market;

Compliant with The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB), European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), The Federal Communication Commission (FCC), An Integrated Circuit or Monolithic Integrated Circuit (IC), The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and The Canadian Standards Association (CSA);

In adherence with European Union (EU) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment directives;

New and shall meet the manufacturer’s performance and appearance standards for new equipment. Any new equipment must include all retrofits. Demonstrator RFID equipment is considered used and is not acceptable for the purpose of this proposal. In addition, all RFID equipment supplied at the time of initial installation will be current models of latest technology.

Each piece of equipment and feature supplied by the successful Proponent will be expected to perform their intended functions, operate satisfactorily, and produce reports/data of acceptable quality for a minimum of 95% of the available work time. A Life Cycle estimate on all proposed equipment shall be required and submitted with Proponents proposal.

Any piece of RFID equipment or feature that does not meet the 95% measurement for any thirty (30) consecutive days (weekends included) during the contract period will be replaced with another piece of equipment of like capabilities which meets the approval of the County. The successful Proponent will have an adequate inventory of parts and equipment warehoused in North America

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for expedited shipments to the Library in case of repair or replacement and at no cost to the County.


Proponent shall provide electrical and data/power requirements for its proposed products, including minimum required specifications for computers and other related items.

EVALUATION PROCESS All Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the County’s Code of Ordinances and the criteria specified in this RFP. An Evaluation Committee will evaluate the Proposals using the following: Relative Weight


Scoring Value Maximum Points 5


Executive Summary


Technical and Management Approach



Experience and Performance on Other Projects



Experience and Qualifications of Proponent Team



Cost Proposal





Optional Oral Presentation and Product Demonstration Scoring Value Oral presentations/interviews and product demonstrations may be Maximum required before the final selection and award. Additional points for Points oral presentations/ interviews and product demonstrations will be added to the proponent’s total score. Oral Presentation/Interview 10 Product Demonstration



PROPOSAL FORMAT Proponents are required to submit their proposals in the following format: 4.1.1. Technical Proposal. The technical proposal shall include responses to all of the information requested in the RFP and shall be tabbed to identify the specific components. All forms required by the County or provided by Proponent should be included. Please do not include any cost of any kind in this section; and 4.1.2. Cost Proposal. The Cost Proposal Form affixed hereto as Attachment “E” must be completed in its entirety and returned in a Separate and Sealed

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Envelope with Proponents proposal. The Cost Proposal Form will become a part of the Agreement following negotiations, if any, pursuant to any award. The County may solicit Best and Final Offers, and discussions may be conducted with responsible proponents who submit proposals determined reasonably susceptible to being selected for award. 4.2.

CONTENTS OF TECHNICAL PROPOSAL The Proposal shall include responses to all of the information requested in this RFP. Brevity and specificity are encouraged. Concise presentation of pertinent information and organization of the submittal will be part of the evaluation. The County prefers a well-planned, straightforward business presentation with brief explanations. Proposals with verbose or disorganized responses will be judged accordingly. The Proposal format described herein may not fully capture the particulars of all the information requested by the RFP. Should there be any doubt as to where to place any information, use best judgment. The following is a more detailed description of the requirements of certain portions of the Technical Proposal. The Technical Proposal shall be tabbed and organized as follows, excluding the Required Form Submittals. 4.2.1. Letter of Transmittal. Letter transmitting the Proposal, identifying the team members and providing a designated point of contact, including name, title, address, email address, and telephone and fax numbers of one (1) individual to whom all future correspondence and/or communications should be directed by the County concerning this solicitation. The letter should include a narrative statement of the Proponents approach to providing the Services solicited in this RFP. 4.2.2. Executive Summary. The purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide an overview of the Proponents qualifications to accomplish the project. At a minimum, the Executive Summary must contain the following information: Complete legal name of the Proponent and the name of the legal entities that comprise the Proponent. The Proponent must provide the domicile where each entity comprising it is organized, including entity name, brief history of the entity, contact name, address, phone number, email, and facsimile number, as well as the legal structure of the entity and a listing of major satellite offices; The general and specific capabilities and experience o f t h e Proponents team. Each Proponent must identify examples where team members have worked together to complete a project and discuss how the team was formed and how the team will function as an integrated unit in providing services to the County; A description of the Proponents plan for complying with the County’s SLBE goals. This section should include detailed information regarding the essential subcontractors and sub-

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consultants the Proponent intends to use and should indicate the role and responsibilities these firms will be assigned; A declarative statement as to whether the Proponent or any member of the Proponent team has an open dispute with the County or is involved in any litigation associated with work in progress or completed in both the private and public sector during the past five (5) years; and Provide a summary of the other sections of the Proposal. All Sections should fit together into a well-organized highlight of the significant points of the Proposal. 4.2.3. Technical and Management Approach. Outline t h e proposed technical approach to a RFID and AMH system. Proponent should explain its approach in terms of organization, process, tools and techniques, staff and quality assurance/quality control. Description for Proponent’s proposed solution should include, but not limited to the following:

Circulation, self-checkout and check-in, automated materials handling, inventory management, and item security.

Design consultation options.

Tagging software and processes.

Assistance in the transition to RFID technology.

On-going support and maintenance, hands-on-training, and new technology.

Integration with the Evergreen ILS and interface with the Library’s existing automated library system using the Session Initiation Protocol 2 (SIP), National Information Standards Organization Circulation Interchange (NCIP) or BIC Library Communications Framework (BLCF) protocol.

A list of ILS systems that your proposed system is compatible with.

Proposer’s initiatives.


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Options for paying fines and fees at the self-checkout stations and the type of hardware/software is proposed, and options for utilizing credit card processing vendors.

Available reporting features, formats, and processes; and the statistics that can be seen for the performance statistics.

Describe the portable handheld reader feature for one full watt of power, an integrated bar code scanner and a simple method of inputting information.

Describe the portable handheld diagnostics for troubleshooting.

State the total number of AMH systems installed over the past five years, and the total number of installations performed.

Noise decibel levels and controls.

Ability to perform off-line transactions and maintain records of all items checked in when the ILS is offline.

Describe fire suppression capabilities.

Describe electrical and connectivity requirements.

Explain how the sorting system handles items with multiple parts and what happens when one part is missing.

Describe how exterior returns are protected from the elements.

Project implementation timeline for each major part of the implementation, such as tagging or installation.

Details of any materials that the Library will be expected to provide which are outside the provisions of the Proponents proposal.

Proponent must provide details of all guarantees and warranties that accompany its solution.

reader built-in

4.2.4. Experience and Qualifications of Proponent Team (Firms) Description of the proposed team and all proposed sub-consultants.

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Provide a delineation of the roles assigned to the team members and all proposed sub-consultants.

Provide an organizational chart of proposed team indicating the role each team member will fulfill (“11 x 17” sheet of paper allowed).

A statement declaring the type of business relationship the Proponent will use (i.e., a single company, joint venture, etc.)

Describe a back-up personnel plan in the event that key team members must be replaced during the course of the Services Agreement.

Describe team member’s experience working together and working in a blended, integrated team environment.

Describe team member’s experience working with the County.

Provide any other information on the Proponents team as may be applicable.

Submit five (5) references for similar work it has undertaken over the past ten (10) years, preferably within a library using the PINES ILS. This should include other county governments and other levels of government and provide contact information. The County may obtain references from any of the parties listed.

Identify experience in the design of modifications and upgrades of existing facilities and designing new pumping facilities. Identify the capacity and types of equipment utilized.

Specialty Sub-consultant. The Proponent shall identify any outside specialized consultants it intends to use as a sub-consultant or subcontractor. The Proponent shall submit information on the subcontractors and sub-consultants, which shall include: specialized sub-consultant’s resume, company history, address, details of experience with similar type of municipal or county projects during the last five (5) years, and copy of licenses and certificates required for all services to be provided under the scope of services.

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4.2.5. Experience and Performance on Other Projects Describe the Proponents experience and qualifications in providing a RFID and AHM System. Proponent must provide a narrative description of at least five (5) projects demonstrating capability and qualifications in all areas identified in the RFP and below. Each project should encompass the following: project owner, location, contact information, description of project work performed by various team members, major milestones, and planned cost and schedules versus actual completion cost and schedules. 4.2.6. Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE) Submit information on SLBE participation at the consultant, sub-consultant and sub-contractor levels on the Contract Compliance forms provided in Appendix “A” of the RFP. In the case of a JV only the Joint Venture team is to submit SLBE forms. Each Proponent may submit the estimated percentage amount of participation instead of the dollar amount for each SLBE sub-consultant or sub-contractor. 5.

DRAFT AGREEMENT The Draft Agreement is a standard County document which should be thoroughly reviewed by all Proponents prior to submitting a proposal. Refer to Information and Instructions to Proponents, Award and Execution of Agreement in this RFP. Proponents must submit any proposed Service Level Agreements, Software License Agreements, or any other agreements required by Proponent with their proposal for review and approval by the County.


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AGREEMENT RFP #15-05 RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) AND AUTOMATED MATERIALS HANDLING (AMH) SYSTEM FOR THE CLAYTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM This Agreement to provide a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System is made as of this _________ day of __________________ 2015, and entered into by and between Clayton County, Georgia, a political and legal subdivision of the State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as “County”) and __________________________, (hereinafter referred to as “Consultant”) a _______________ corporation authorized to conduct business in the State of Georgia, whose principal place of business located at ________________________________________. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the County used a Request for Proposal for a company to provide a Radio Frequency Identification and Automated Materials Handling System and; WHEREAS, the Consultant responded to the Request for Proposals (RFP) and represents that it is qualified, possesses the necessary expertise, knowledge, training and skills necessary to conduct and perform all requirements set forth in the Scope of Services, including providing of all materials, labor, and supplies as required to provide the Radio Frequency Identification and Automated Materials Handling System in compliance with the County’s rules, Georgia law and all specifications; and WHEREAS, County desires to enter into an Agreement with the Consultant to provide the required Services based upon its Proposal; and WHEREAS, Consultant has agreed to provide such Services for the compensation and terms provided herein; and NOW THEREFORE, the County and Consultant in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, the sufficiency and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I AGREEMENT TERM The initial term of the Agreement and any renewal terms are collectively referred to as the “Term”. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) year, and may be automatically renewed for three (3) successive one (1) year terms upon the same terms and conditions. The services to be performed under this Agreement shall commence on the effective date of this agreement and terminate absolutely and without further obligation on the part of the County on December 31st of the year in which it was executed and on December 31st of each succeeding and renewed year, as required by O.C.G.A. § 36-60-13, as amended, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the termination provisions of this agreement.

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ARTICLE II SCOPE OF SERVICES Consultant shall provide the Services as requested by the County on an as needed basis in accordance with the RFP and Scope of Services attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement. ARTICLE III LICENSES/PERMITS AND CUSTOMER PREMISES During the term of this Contract the Consultant shall maintain all licensing and permits required to provide Services. Failure to maintain such licensing shall be cause for termination of this Contract. Consultant shall obtain and maintain all permits, licenses, certifications and approvals as required by all regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over the assigned Services, including any regulatory agencies of the County. ARTICLE IV CONSULTANT’S PERSONNEL 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

The Consultant shall assign sufficient qualified personnel to provide the Services required by the County. Consultant shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to its responsibilities under this Contract. Consultant shall provide adequate equipment deemed necessary for the successful delivery of Services. Consultant shall assign personnel that possess the necessary skill sets to ensure proper installation and operation of the Services. The Consultant will assume all costs associated with the replacement of any Consultant personnel whose continued assignment is not in the best interest of the County. Without cost to the County, the Consultant agrees to remove any personnel who has engaged in a willful misconduct or had committed a material breach of this agreement. ARTICLE V CONSULTANT’S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES


5.2 5.3 5.4


The Consultant represents that the Consultant, its employees, and its consultants are possessed of the knowledge, training, skills, experience, and financial strength required to provide the services outlined in this Contract. Consultant warrants that the Services provided shall be installed and managed with the utmost regard to quality, cost, and service. Consultant further warrants that its integrity, reputation, skills and performance of the Services requested shall be of the highest caliber. The Consultant warrants that the quality of Services provided shall conform to the standards of practices and/or Services provided by other qualified providers in the RFID and AMH industry. The Consultant warrants that as of the date above written that: 5.5.1 It is duly organized and validly existing in good standing under the laws of the State in which it is organized, is qualified to do business in all jurisdictions in which it is

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operating, and has the power and authority to execute and deliver and to perform its obligations under this Contract and the documents to which it is signatory; and 5.5.2 The execution, delivery and performance by Consultant and its undersigned representative(s) of this Contract and other documents to which Consultant is a signatory do not require the approval or consent of any other person, entity or government agency and do not result in any breach of any agreement to which Consultant is a party or by which it is bound; and 5.5.3 The execution, delivery and performance by Consultant of this Contract and other documents to which it is a signatory have been duly authorized by all necessary action, and constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of Consultant, and is enforceable against Consultant in accordance with its terms; and 5.56.4 No action, suit or proceeding to which Consultant is a party is pending or threatened that may restrain or question this Contract, or any other document to which it is a signatory, or the enjoyment of rights or benefits contemplated herein. ARTICLE VI RECORDS MAINTENANCE/USE OF DOCUMENTS 6.1



Subject to Consultant’s reasonable security requirements and not more than once every twelve (12) months, County may, at its own expense, review Consultant’s relevant billing records pertaining to amounts billed to the County under the definitive agreement between the parties relating to these services for a period not to exceed the preceding 12 months, for the purpose of assessing the accuracy of Consultant’s invoices to County. Consultant’s obligation for retaining such records shall be for a term of three years from the end of the applicable contract. Such reviews shall take place at a time and place agreed upon by the parties. Consultant shall cooperate in any County billing review, providing Consultant billing records as reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of Consultant’s invoices. Consultant may redact from the billing records provided to County any information that reveals the identity or confidential information of other Consultant customers that is not relevant to the purposes of this review. Open Records. The Consultant acknowledges that all records relating to this Contract and the services to be provided under this Contract may be a public record subject to Georgia’s Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70, et seq.). Consultant shall cooperate fully in responding to such request and making all records, not exempt, available for inspection and copying as provided by law. Consultant shall notify the County immediately of any request made under the Open Records Act and shall furnish County with a copy of the request and the response to such request. ARTICLE VII PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT


7.2 7.3

The County reserves the right to enforce the Consultant’s performance in any manner prescribed by law or deemed to be in the best interest of the County in the event of breach or default of the Contract. The Consultant shall execute the entire work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract documents to be the responsibility of others. The Consultant accepts the relationship of trust and confidence established by the award of this Contract. The Consultant covenants with the County to utilize the Consultant’s best skill, efforts and judgment in furthering the interest of the County; to furnish efficient

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business administration and supervision; to make its best efforts to furnish at all times an adequate supply of workers and materials; and to complete the Services in the best way and most expeditious and economical manner consistent with the interest of the County. Consultant acknowledges that this Contract and any changes to it by amendment, modification, change order or other similar document may have required or may require the legislative authorization of the Board of Commissioners. ARTICLE VIII COMPENSATION


Consultant shall be paid at the rates set forth in the Cost Form affixed hereto as attached hereto as Attachment E.


Invoice shall be mailed directly to: Clayton County Board of Commissioners Finance Department P.O. Box 999 Jonesboro, GA 30237


A purchase order(s) or other mutually acceptable ordering document shall be generated by Clayton County Central Services to the Consultant for the services specified after all required documents have been received. ARTICLE IX INDEMNIFICATION

Contractor shall agree to indemnify, defend, save and otherwise hold harmless Clayton County, GA, its elected and appointed officials, departments, agencies, boards, authorities, directors, officers, employees, and volunteers against and/or from any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, liabilities, losses and expenses, including court costs, attorneys’ fees and any other costs associated and/or related in any way to any claim or litigation for or on account of any property damage, injury or death to any person or action related to such brought by any person and/or estate which may arise or which may be alleged to have arisen out of or in connection with the work covered by this contract, except to the extent that such loss results from the negligence of Clayton County, GA. This indemnity provision shall include activities required for compliance with all applicable environmental laws, ordinances and regulations in effect during the term of this Agreement and continue for a period of two years after termination thereof. The successful Contractor shall protect Clayton County from claims involving infringements of patents and/or copyrights. The unauthorized use of patented articles is done at the risk of the Contractor. This indemnity includes any claim or amount arising out of or recovered under the Workers’ Compensation laws of the State of Georgia or arising out of the failure of such vendor to conform to any federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or court decree. Contractor shall be responsible for primary loss investigation, defense and judgment costs where this indemnification is applicable. Contractor shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation and/or financial recovery of any kind in favor of Clayton County, Georgia, its departments, all elected and appointed officials, to include, but not limited to, its commissioners, directors, officers, agents, boards, volunteers and employees for losses arising or alleged to have arisen out of any work performed in relation to the contract.

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ARTICLE X CONSULTANT AS INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR In conducting its business hereunder, the Consultant shall act as an independent contractor and not as an employee or agent of the County. The selection, retention, assignment, direction and payment of the Consultant’s employee shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant. ARTICLE XI CONTROLLING LAW, VENUE The Contract Documents shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the State of Georgia without regard to its choice of law principles. 11.1


Jurisdiction and Venue. The Parties hereby submit and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State Courts of Clayton County, Georgia or in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and irrevocably agree that all actions or proceedings relating to this Agreement will be litigated in such courts, and each of the Parties waives any objection which it may have based on improper venue or forum non convenience to the conduct of any such action or proceeding in such court. Equitable Remedies. The Parties agree that, notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, due to the unique nature of either Party’s Confidential Information, there may not be an adequate remedy at law for a breach of the Section titled “Confidential Information”, which breach may result in irreparable harm to the non-disclosing Party. Accordingly, in such instance, the non-breaching Party shall be entitled to appropriate equitable relief in addition to whatever remedies it might have at law. ARTICLE XII ASSIGNMENT



Except as other provided herein, this Contract shall not be sold, assigned or transferred by Consultant by process or operation of law or in any other manner whatsoever, including intra-corporate transfers or reorganizations between or among a subsidiary of Consultant, or with a business entity which is merged or consolidated with Consultant or which purchases a majority or controlling interest in the ownership or assets of Consultant without the prior written consent of the County. Consultant may subcontract to an Affiliate or a third party work to be performed under this Contract or otherwise assign the rights and obligations hereunder to such Affiliate, but will remain financially responsible for the performance of such obligations. ARTICLE XIII NON-DISCRIMINATION


Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, during the performance of this Contract Consultant, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as part of the consideration of this Contract does hereby covenant and agree, that: 13.1 No person on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin shall be

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excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination; and 13.2 In the furnishing of products and the provider of services herein or hereon, no person on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, such activities, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination. ARTICLE XIV DEFAULT AND TERMINATION Termination by County. This Contract shall be subject to termination by the County at any time if, in its opinion, the Consultant fails to carry out the Contract provisions of any one or more of the following events: 14.1


14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6



The default by the Consultant in the performance of any of the terms, covenants or conditions of the Contract, and the failure of the Consultant to remedy, or undertake to remedy with sufficient forces and to the County’s reasonable satisfaction. The County shall provide the Consultant with notice of any conditions which violate or endanger the performance of the Contract. If, after such notice, the Consultant fails to remedy such conditions within ten (10) days, or such other term set forth in such notice, to the satisfaction of the County, the County may exercise its option in writing to terminate the Contract without further notice to the Consultant and order the Consultant to stop work immediately with no additional expense to the County. Consultant files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, including a reorganization plan, makes a general or other assignment for the benefit of creditors, is adjudicated as bankrupt or if a receiver is appointed for the benefit of creditors, is adjudicated as bankrupt or if a receiver is appointed for the property or affairs of the Consultant and such receivership is not vacated within thirty (30) days after the appointment of such receiver. Consultants’ failure to conduct services according to the approved specifications. Consultant’s failure to keep, perform, or observe any other term or condition of the Contract. Consultant’s performance of the Contract is unreasonably delayed. Should the Consultant fail to provide the or services when ordered, and in accordance with the Specifications and any other requirements contained herein, the County reserves the right to purchase services covered by this Contract elsewhere if available from an alternate source. Termination for Convenience. The County may, at its sole option, terminate the Contract with or without cause at any time upon ten (10) days’ written notice by certified mail to the Consultant without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have. The County reserves the right to terminate the Contract if funding is unavailable for the Services or if the Grant is terminated or expires. ARTICLE XV SLBE

Clayton County has implemented a Small Local Business and Procurement Non- discrimination Program to promote full and open competition in all government procurement and purchasing. Clayton County has set a standard goal for contracts (subject to a contract by contract review under §2-153(E) of the Clayton County Small Local Business and Procurement Non-Discrimination Ordinance). This project does not have an SLBE subcontracting goal. RFP #15-05 RFID and AMH System for the Clayton County Library System

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Entire Agreement. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and as of its Effective Date supersedes all prior or independent contracts between the parties covering the subject matter hereof for the services to be provided, and all representations, warranties, inducements, promises or contracts, oral or otherwise, between the parties not embodied in this Contract shall be of no force or effect. The County hereby engages the Consultant and Consultant hereby agrees, to perform the services hereinafter set forth in accordance with this Contract, consisting of the following documents: 16.2.1 Any amendments as mutually agreed and signed by both parties; 16.2.2 Any subsequent Change Orders as mutually agreed to and approved by County; 16.2.3 Consultant’s insurance certificates; 16.2.4 Consultant’s licenses and permits; 16.2.5 Consultant’s Proposal costs; 16.2.6 Consultant’s Affidavit of Compliance; 16.2.7 Exhibit A and B, Appendices A and B, and Attachments A-E;



16.5 16.6



Change Orders. The County and the Consultant hereby agree that no modifications or amendment to this Contract shall be binding upon the parties unless the same is in writing, conforms to the County’s policies and procedures governing change orders, and is signed by the County’s and the Consultant’s duly authorized representatives in the same manner as this Contract is executed. Severability. If a provision or term hereof shall be finally declared void or illegal by any court or administrative agency having jurisdiction, the entire Contract shall not be void, but the remaining provisions shall continue in effect as nearly as possible in accordance with the original intent of the parties. Headings. The headings used in this Contract are intended for convenience and reference only and do not define or limit the scope or meaning of any provision of this Contract. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be held to be in breach of this Contract because of any failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder if said failure is due to any act of God, fire, flood, accident, strike, riot, insurrection, war, or any other cause over which that party has no control. Such party shall give notice and full particulars of such Force Majeure in writing to the other party within a reasonable time after occurrence of the event and the obligation of the party giving such notice shall endeavor to remove or overcome such inability with all reasonable dispatch. Waiver. The waiver of any breach, violation or default in or with respect to the performance or observance of the covenants and conditions contained herein shall not be taken to constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach, violation or default in or with respect to the same or any other covenant or condition hereof. Notice. Any notice or consent required to be given by or on behalf of any party hereto to any other party hereto shall be in writing and shall be sent by (a) registered or certified United States mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, (b) personal delivery to the County (c) overnight courier service, or (d) delivered in person to the Consultant or its authorized representative on the work site. All notices sent to the addresses listed below

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shall be binding unless said address is changed in writing no less than two (2) weeks before such notice is sent. Future changes in address shall be effective upon written notice being given by the Consultant to the County or by the County to the Consultant’s authorized representative via certified first class U.S. mail, return receipt requested. Such notices will be addressed as follows: If to County, addressed to: Director Clayton County Central Services 7994 N. McDonough Street Jonesboro, GA 30236 And to: Clayton County Office of the Staff Attorney 112 Smith Street Jonesboro, GA 30236 Attn: Staff Attorney If to Consultant, addressed to: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 16.9

16.10 16.11

16.12 16.13

Dispute. Any disputes regarding the terms or conditions or performance under this Contract shall be amicably resolved if possible. If good efforts by both parties to resolve a dispute are unsuccessful, all disputes shall be resolved through litigation in the Clayton County Judicial circuit. Time is of the Essence. Time is expressed to be of the essence in this Contract. Consultant Affidavit and Compliance: Pursuant to the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act of 2006, Consultant understands and agrees that compliance with the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 and Georgia Department of Labor Rule 300-10-.02 are conditions of this Contract. Consultant further agrees that such compliance shall be attested by Consultant through execution of Consultant affidavit required by Georgia Department of Labor Rule 300-10-1-.07, or a substantially similar Consultant’s affidavit. Consultant’s fully executed affidavit is attached hereto and is incorporated into this Contract by reference herein. All permits, fees, arrangements for inspections, licenses, and costs incurred for the same shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant. All services provided shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations of local, state and/or national codes, laws and ordinances of all authorities having jurisdiction, shall apply to the Contract throughout and will be deemed to be incorporated into the Contract the same as though full set forth herein.


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, County and Consultant have caused their respective duly authorized representative to execute, seal and deliver this Contract, all as of the day and year first above written. CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA BY: Jeffrey E. Turner, Chairman Clayton County Board of Commissioners Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:

COMPANY OR SERVICE PROVIDER County Clerk BY: _____________________________________ Signature



Signature (Corporate Secretary)

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of:

,Notary Public This _____day of ____, 2015

Approved as to Form:

_______________________________ County Attorney

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EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES (to be insert with Executed Agreement)


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F5.1 W-9 FORM

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F5.2 NON-CONFLICT OF INTEREST By submitting a proposal in response to this solicitation, Proponent represents that in the preparation and submission of this proposal, said Proponent did not either directly or indirectly, enter into any combination or arrangement with any person, Proponent, Corporation or enter into any agreement, participate in any collusion, or otherwise take any action in the restraint of free, competitive bidding in violation of the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. Section I or Section 59.1-9.1 through 59.1-9.17 or Sections 59.1 – 68.6 through 59.68.8). Collusion and fraud in bid or proposal preparation shall be reported to the State of Georgia Attorney General and the United States Justice Department. Proponent certifies that to the best of its knowledge, no circumstances exist which shall cause a conflict of interest in performing services for Clayton County, and that no company or person other than bona fide employees working solely for our firm has been employed or retained to solicit or secure an agreement resulting from this Request for Proposals. Signature: Type Name: Title: Firm:

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F5.3 CORPORATE CERTIFICATE I, __________________________________, certify that I am the _____________________ (title) of the Corporation named as Proponent herein, same being organized and incorporated to do business










_____________________________who executed this Proposal on behalf of the Proponent was, then and there, _____________________________(title) and that said Proposal was duly signed by said officer for and on behalf of said corporation, pursuant to the authority of its governing body and within the scope of its corporate powers.

This ______ day of ____________________, 20 _____.

(Printed Name)


(Corporate Seal must be affixed above) ____________________________________________________________________________ Partnership, LLC and other entities: I, ______________________________________________, certify that I am authorized to sign to commit _________________________________ named a Proponent in the foregoing Proposal. That said company is formed under the laws of the State of _______________________. This ___ day of ___________, 20___.

(Printed Name)


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F5.4 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY – JOINT VENTURE (Separate Certificate to be submitted by each joint venture partner) I, _________________________, and (1) certify that: 1. I am the __________ (2) of _____________________________, (3) (hereinafter “Venturer”); 2. Venturer is a partner and participation in the joint venture having submitted the Request for Bid or Request for Proposal No. _________________________ for ______________________________________________________( 3. Venturer is organized and incorporated to do business under the laws of the State of _____________; and 4. Said Request for Bid or Request for Proposal No. ___________________was duly signed by said officer for and on behalf of said Venturer and the Contractor pursuant to the authority of the governing body of each and within the scope of its corporate powers. I further certify that the names and addresses of the owners of all the outstanding stock or ownership interest in Venturer as of this date are as follows: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ This ______ day of ______________________, 20____.

By: _______________________________ Signature of Person Executing Certification INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF THIS CERTIFICATE 1. Name of secretary (if Venturer is a corporation), or Manager or CEO (if Venturer is a LLP of Venturer. 2. Title of person executing Certification. 3. Name of joint venture partner.


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F5.5 ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM AND ENFORCEMENT ACT Contractor Affidavit under O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b) (1) By executing this affidavit, the undersigned contractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 1310-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance for services on behalf of __________________________ (name of public employer), has registered with, is authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, or any subsequent replacement program, in accordance with the applicable provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned contractor will continue to use the federal work authorization program throughout the contract period and the undersigned contractor will contract for the physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with subcontractors who present an affidavit to the contractor with the information required by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b). Contractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization are as follows: _______________________________________ ______ Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number _____________________________________________ Date of Authorization _____________________________________________ Name of Contractor RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System Name of Project Clayton County Board of Commissioners Name of Public Employer I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on __________________, 20___ in _______________ (City), ___________ (State). _____________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent _____________________________________________ Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON THIS THE ____ DAY OF ________________. 20___. __________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC

My Commission Expires: ____________________________

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F5.6 IILEGAL IMMIGRATION AND ENFORCEMENT ACT SUBCONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT under O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b) (3) By executing this affidavit, the undersigned subcontractor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91, stating affirmatively that the individual, firm or corporation which is engaged in the physical performance of services under a contract with (___________________________ (name of contractor)) on behalf of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners has registered with, is authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, or any subsequent replacement program, in accordance with the applicable provisions and deadlines established in O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91. Furthermore, the undersigned subcontractor will continue to use the federal work authorization program throughout the contract period and the undersigned subcontractor will contract for the physical performance of services in satisfaction of such contract only with sub-subcontractors who present an affidavit to the subcontractor with the information required by O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b). Additionally, the undersigned subcontractor will forward notice of the receipt of an affidavit from a sub-subcontractor to the contractor within five business days of receipt. If the undersigned subcontractor receives notice of receipt of an affidavit from any sub-subcontractor that has contracted with a sub-subcontractor to forward, within five business days of receipt, a copy of such notice to the contractor. Subcontractor hereby attests that its federal work authorization user identification number and date of authorization are as follows: ____________________________________________ Federal Work Authorization User Identification Number _____________________________________________ Date of Authorization _____________________________________________ Name of Contractor RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System Name of Project Clayton County Board of Commissioners Name of Public Employer I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on ________________, 20___ in ________________ (City), ___________ (State) _____________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Officer or Agent ____________________________________________ Printed Name and Title of Authorized Officer or Agent SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME ON THIS _____ DAY OF ___________. 20___. __________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC

My Commission Expires: _________________

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F5.7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS I______________________________________, as an authorized agent of _______________________ shall comply completely and promptly with all insurance requirements contained in the County’s RFP #15-05 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automated Materials Handling (AMH) System for the Clayton County Library System for Clayton County, Georgia pertaining to insurance and/or bonding. Proponent understands that it is required to share the County’s insurance and/or bonding requirements with the appropriate surety company(s) and/or insurance brokers, agents, underwriters, etc. prior to any award of a contract and to take all necessary steps to ensure compliance with the applicable bonding, insurance and endorsement requirements without delay. Proponent understands, acknowledges and agrees that its failure to fully comply with these requirements within five (5) days and more than ten (10) days of the date proponent receives a final contract from the County may result in the forfeiture of the bid guarantee submitted with its proposal and/or the disqualification of Proponent from further consideration for the contract. By executing this Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements, I represent that I am authorized to make the representations contained herein on behalf of _______________________. Further by signing below, I represent that _________________________understands and agrees to unconditionally comply with all requirements related to insurance and/or bonding contained in the County’s contract. Date: _____________, 20___. Corporate Proponent ___________________________________ Name: ________________________________ Title: _________________________________ _____________________________________ Notary Public (Seal) My Commission Expires: ____________

Non-Corporate Proponent ________________________________ Name: __________________________ Title: ___________________________ _______________________________ Notary Public (Seal) My Commission Expires: __________

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F5.8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROPONENT STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF CLAYTON BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority a Notary Public in and for the State of _________________, on this day personally appeared _______________________________ who, after having first been duly sworn, upon oath did depose and say; that the forgoing proposal submitted by _________________________ hereafter called “Proponent” is duly authorized agent of said company and that the person signing sad proposal has been duly authorized to execute the same. Proponent affirms that it is duly authorized to execute this proposal, that this company, corporation, firm, partnership or individual has not prepared its proposal in collusion with any other Proponent, and that the contents of this proposal as to prices, terms or conditions of said proposal have not been communicated by the undersigned nor by any employee or agent to any other person engaged in this type of business prior to the official opening of this proposal. The undersigned certifies that the prices contained in this proposal have been carefully checked and are submitted as correct and final and if proposal is accepted, agrees to furnish the articles and/or services listed and offered in this document at the prices and terms stated, subject to the conditions and specifications of this Request for Proposal. Proponent Information:




(Printed Name)

(City, State, Zip)


SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS ________ day of ____________________ 20___.

Notary Public in and for the State of


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F5.9 REFERENCE AND RELEASE FORM List at least five (5) references for the Prime proponent and each proposed subcontractor using a separate Reference and Release Form for each. Provide the information requested in the form below for the contact person who will verify the Proponents experience and ability to perform the type of services listed in the RFP. Company Name

Contract Period (Including Completion Date)

Contact Person Name and Title

Telephone Number (include area code)

Complete Primary Address


Email Address

Fax Number (include area code)

Project Name

Project Number


Zip Code

Project Description

Company Name

Contract Period (Including Completion Date)

Contact Person Name and Title

Telephone Number (include area code)

Complete Primary Address


Email Address

Fax Number (include area code)

Project Name

Project Number


Zip Code

Project Description

Company Name

Contract Period (Including Completion Date)

Contact Person Name and Title

Telephone Number (include area code)

Complete Primary Address


Email Address

Fax Number (include area code)

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Zip Code

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Project Name

Project Number

Project Description

Company Name

Contract Period (Including Completion Date)

Contact Person Name and Title

Telephone Number (include area code)

Complete Primary Address


Email Address

Fax Number (include area code)

Project Name

Project Number


Zip Code

Project Description

Company Name

Contract Period (Including Completion Date)

Contact Person Name and Title

Telephone Number (include area code)

Complete Primary Address


Email Address

Fax Number (include area code)

Project Name

Project Number


Zip Code

Project Description

REFERENCE CHECK RELEASE STATEMENT You are authorized to contact the references provided above for purposes of the RFP. Company Name_____________________________  Proponent  Subcontractor Authorized Signature ___________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________________________________ Page Two (2) Reference and Release Form

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F5.10 SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION FORM The Proponent shall identify all proposed subcontractors who will be performing work under the proposed Contract. The Proponent certifies that the following individuals, firms or businesses will be hired or awarded subcontracts for the indicated portions of the work in the event that the Proponent is awarded a Contract. Please list all proposed Subcontractors below: 1. TYPE OF WORK: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________, __________________, ______________, _________________ Street Address City State Zip 2. TYPE OF WORK: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________, __________________, ______________, _________________ Street Address City State Zip 3. TYPE OF WORK: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________, __________________, ______________, ___________________ Street Address City State Zip 4. TYPE OF WORK: ______________________________________________________________________________ Name ________________________, __________________, ______________, ___________________ Street Address City State Zip (Make additional copies as necessary)

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APPENDIX A; CONTRACT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS SMALL LOCAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE AND PROCUREMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION PROGRAM (SLBE) Clayton County has implemented a Small Local Business and Procurement Nondiscrimination Program to promote full and open competition in all government procurement and purchasing. Goals for participation of Small Local Business Enterprises (SLBEs) are set for specific NIGP codes on a contract by contract basis for each specific prime contract with subcontracting possibilities. Please note that there is no SLBE goal on this project. However, the County wants to ensure that Proposers are non-discriminatory in their process of selecting subcontractors. Clayton County also wants to encourage Proposers to utilize small, minority or woman-owned businesses whenever possible. All forms included in this section must be completed for a Proposal to be considered responsive. SLBE means a locally-based small business operating inside or outside of Clayton County, which meets the following criteria: 1. Demonstrates that the firm's gross revenues or number of employees averaged over the past three years, inclusive of any affiliates as defined by 13 C.F.R. § 121.103 et al., does not exceed the size standards as defined pursuant to 13 C.F.R. §121.201 et al. which can be found at:; 2. Demonstrates that the net worth of each owner does not exceed $750,000, exclusive of principal residence and the value of the SLBE; 3. Provides information regarding the ethnicity and gender of its original owners; 4. Demonstrates that the firm is located or has an office in Clayton County (inside Clayton) or in DeKalb, Fayette, Fulton, Henry or Spalding counties (outside Clayton). If a firm is locally-based in one of the counties mentioned above, is currently certified as a small business through the SBA, DeKalb County, Georgia Department of Transportation, or the City of Atlanta, and can provide evidence of its certification, the firm will be provisionally accepted as a SLBE, provided that they complete the official certification application for Clayton County within ten (10) business days following the proposal opening date and prior to contract award. If a firm meets these qualifications, but is not currently certified as a small business, then the firm must complete an application for certification with Clayton County no later than seven (7) business days following the deadline for proposal submission.

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Subcontractor participation is required to be submitted as part of the proposal submission by each proposer. Award of the contract is conditioned upon satisfaction of the SLBE and non-discrimination requirements. If the SLBE participation does not meet the goals, the Proposers will be required to submit evidence demonstrating that “good faith efforts” were made to meet the goal. SLBEs must perform a commercially useful function, which means performance or provision of real and actual services under a contract or subcontract with Clayton County Government. Factors such as the nature and amount of work subcontracted; whether the SLBE has the skill and expertise to perform the work for which it has been certified; whether the SLBE actually performs, manages or supervises the work; and whether the SLBE intends to purchase commodities and/or services from a non-SLBE and simply resell them will be considered in determining if the SLBE is performing a commercially useful function. This package contains the following forms that Proposers are required to submit along with their proposal: 1. Covenant of Non-Discrimination; 2. Statement of Successful Subcontractors; By signing the proposal, the Proposer is certifying that it has complied with the requirements of this program. Please contact the Contract Compliance Division for a list of certified SLBEs. SLBE PARTICIPATION GOAL (THERE IS NO GOAL FOR THIS PROJECT) PROCUREMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION PROGRAM In addition to the SLBE Program, Clayton County also has a compelling interest in providing equal business opportunities for all persons wishing to do business with it. Therefore, the County will also monitor and track minority and women-owned business (MWBE) availability and participation through Benchmarks. Benchmarks are not goals or quotas, but a method that enables the County to compare MWBE participation in procurement with expected participation rates based on availability within the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Each of the forms included in this package require the proposer to provide information on the race/ethnicity and gender of each subcontractor who the Proposer contacted or who contacted the Proposer, successful subcontractors, and those who were not selected. If MWBE participation falls short of the Benchmark, this triggers an inquiry to determine if the proposer was discriminatory in selecting subcontractors. As with the SLBE program, firms that are currently certified as a minority or woman-owned firm by an entity in the MSA will be provisionally accepted as an MWBE, provided that they complete Clayton County’s certification application within ten (10) business days following the proposal opening date and prior to contract award. There is no Benchmark established for this project. However, as indicated above, the County will track the race/ethnicity and gender of subcontractors listed by Proposers in their proposal.

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INSURANCE Preamble The following requirements shall apply to all work under the Agreement. Compliance is required by all Contractors/Consultants. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Clayton County (“County”) reserves the right to adjust or waive any insurance requirements contained in this Appendix B and applicable to the agreement. 1.

Evidence of Insurance Required Before Work Begins No work under the Agreement may be commenced until all insurance requirements contained in this Appendix B, or required by applicable law, have been complied with and evidence of such is compliance satisfactory to County as to form and content and has been filed with County. Contractor/Consultant must provide County with a Certificate of Insurance and Endorsements that clearly and unconditionally indicate that Contractor/Consultant has complied with all insurance requirements set forth in this Appendix B and applicable to the agreement. If the Contractor/Consultant is a joint venture, the insurance certificate should name the joint venture, rather than the joint venture partners individually, as the primary insured. In accordance with the solicitation documents applicable to the agreement at the time Contractor/Consultant submits to County its executed agreement, Contractor/Consultant must satisfy all insurance requirements required by this Appendix B and applicable by law, and provide the required written documentation to County evidencing such compliance. In the event that Contractor/Consultant does not comply with such submittal requirements within the time period established by the solicitation documents applicable to the Agreement, County may, in addition to any other Rights County may have under the solicitation documents applicable to the Agreement or under applicable law, make a claim against any bid security provided by Contractor/Consultant.


Minimum Financial Security Requirements All companies providing insurance required by this Appendix B must meet certain minimum financial security requirements. These requirements must conform to the ratings published by A.M. Best & Co. in the current Best's Key Rating Guide - Property-Casualty. The ratings for each company must be indicated on the documentation provided by Contractor/Consultant to County certifying that all insurance requirements set forth in this Appendix B and applicable to the Agreement have been unconditionally satisfied. For all Agreements, regardless of size, companies providing insurance or bonds under the agreement must meet the following requirements: i) ii) iii) iv)

Best's Rating not less than A-VII, Best's Financial Size Category not less than Class VII, and Companies must be authorized to conduct and transact insurance contracts by the Insurance Commissioner, State of Georgia. All bid, performance and payment bonds must be underwritten by a

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U.S. Treasury Circular 570 listed company. If the issuing company does not meet these minimum requirements, or for any other reason is or becomes unsatisfactory to County, County will notify Contractor/Consultant in writing. Contractor/Consultant must promptly obtain a new policy or bond issued by an insurer acceptable to County and submit to County evidence of its compliance with these conditions. Contractor/Consultant’s failure to comply with all insurance minimum requirements set forth in this Appendix B and applicable to the Agreement will not relieve Contractor/Consultant from any liability under the Agreement. Contractor/Consultant’s obligations to comply with all insurance requirements set forth in Appendix B and applicable to the Agreement will not be construed to conflict with or limit Contractor/Consultant’s indemnification obligations under the Agreement. 3.

Insurance Required for Duration of Contract All insurance required by this Appendix B must be maintained during the entire term of the agreement, including any renewal or extension terms, and until all work has been completed to the satisfaction of the County and for three (3) years thereafter, at Contractor/Consultant’s sole cost and expense.


Notices of Cancellation & Renewal Contractor/Consultant must, notify Clayton County in writing at the address listed below by mail, hand-delivery or facsimile transmission, within 2 days of any notices received from any insurance carriers providing insurance coverage under this Agreement and Appendix B that concern the proposed cancellation, or termination of coverage. Risk Management Division Central Services Dept. 7994 N. McDonough St. Jonesboro, GA 30236 Fax No. (770) 473-5907 Confirmation of any mailed notices must be evidenced by return receipts of registered or certified mail. Contractor/Consultant shall provide the County with evidence of required insurance prior to the commencement of this agreement, and, thereafter, with a certificate and required endorsements evidencing renewals or changes to required policies of insurance at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of previously provided certificates.


Agent Acting as Authorized Representative Each and every agent acting as Authorized Representative on behalf of a company affording coverage under this contract shall warrant when signing the Certificate of Insurance that specific authorization has been granted by the Companies for the Agent to bind coverage as required and to execute the Certificates of Insurance as evidence of such coverage. Clayton County coverage requirements may be broader than the original policies; these requirements have been conveyed

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to the Companies for these terms and conditions. In addition, each and every agent shall warrant when signing the Accord Certificate of Insurance that the Agent is licensed to do business in the State of Georgia and that the Company or Companies are currently in good standing in the State of Georgia. 6.

Certificate Holder Clayton County Board of Commissioners, Clayton County, GA, 7994 N. McDonough St., Jonesboro, GA 30236, must be named as certificate holder. All notices must be mailed to the attention of Risk Management at 7994 N. McDonough St., Jonesboro, GA 30236.


Project Number & Name The project number and name may be referenced in the description section of the insurance certificate.


Additional Insured Endorsements Form CG 20 26 07 04 or equivalent The County must be covered as Additional Insured under all insurance (except Worker’s Compensation and Professional Liability) required by this Appendix B and such insurance must be primary with respect to the Additional Insured. Contractor/Consultant must submit to County an Additional Insured Endorsement evidencing County’s rights as an Additional Insured for each policy of insurance under which it is required to be an additional insured pursuant to this Appendix B. Endorsement must not exclude the Additional Insured from Products - Completed Operations coverage. The County shall not have liability for any premiums charged for such coverage. The Endorsement must include the following verbiage: “Clayton County , GA, its appointed and elected Officials, departments, agencies, boards, commissions, officers, agents, employees and volunteers as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of the activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor/Consultant.”



Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement The Workers’ Compensation policy must contain a Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement in favor of Clayton County including the following verbiage, “Clayton County, GA, its appointed and elected Officials, departments, agencies, boards, commissions, officers, agents employees and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by or on behalf of the Contractor/Contractor.” Mandatory Sub-Contractor/Consultant Compliance It is the sole responsibility of the general Consultant to ensure all subcontractors working under the general Consultant have separately procured any and all types and limits of insurance that is required under any and all pertinent local, state, federal, ordinances or resolutions that are suitable for the particular trade that the sub-Contractor/Consultant is performing. It is also the sole responsibility of the general and/or prime Contractor/Consultant to ensure any and all subContractor/Consultant or Proponents carry types and limits of insurance not less than those listed herein and that the sub-Contractor/Consultant and/or Proponents carry and/or procure endorsements to waive all subrogation rights against and name “Clayton County, GA, its appointed and elected Officials, departments, agencies,

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boards, commissions, its officers, agents, employees and volunteers” as additional insureds per this Appendix B. The contract created by the award to the successful Proponent shall not be sold, not be assigned or transferred, in whole or any part hereof, by Proponent by process or operation of law or in any other manner whatsoever, including intra-corporate transfers or reorganizations between or among a subsidiary of Proponent, or with a business entity which is merged or consolidated with Proponent or which purchases a majority or controlling interest in the ownership or assets of Proponent without the prior written consent of County.



Self- Insured Retentions, Deductibles or Similar Obligations Any self-insured retention, deductible or similar obligation will be the sole responsibility of the contractor.


Task Order Evidence of compliance with insurance requirements must be provided on a Task Order basis prior to the issuance of any Notice to Proceed. Additional Insurance Requirements may be mandatory for particular Task Orders as required.


Coverage Limits Coverage provided by the Contractor/Consultant shall not be limited to the liability assumed under the indemnification provisions of the Contract.

Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance Contractor/Consultant must procure and maintain Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance in compliance with the applicable Workers’ Compensation Act(s) of the state(s) wherein the work is to be performed or where jurisdiction could apply in amounts required by statutes in the following limits to cover each employee who is or may be engaged in work under the Agreement: Workers' Compensation. . . . . . . . Statutory Employer's Liability: Bodily Injury by Accident/Disease $300,000 each accident Bodily Injury by Accident/Disease $300,000 each employee Bodily Injury by Accident/Disease $300,000 policy limit


Commercial General Liability Insurance Contractor/Consultant must procure and maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance on form (CG 00 00 01 or equivalent) in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence subject to a $2,000,000 aggregate. The following is the minimum insurance and limits that the Contractor/Consultant must maintain. If the Contractor/Consultant maintains higher limits than the minimums shown below, County requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the Contractor. Any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of insurance and coverage shall be available to County. The following indicated extensions of coverage must be provided:   

Contractual Liability Broad Form Property Damage Premises Operations

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      D.

Medical Expense Independent Contractor/Consultants/Sub-Contractor/Consultants Products – Completed Operations Explosion, Collapse and Underground (XCU) Liability Additional Insured Endorsement* (primary& non-contributing in favor of the Clayton County) Any other type of liability for which this Agreement applies.

Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance Contractor/Consultant must procure and maintain Automobile Liability Insurance in an amount not less than Minimum State of Georgia Requirements Bodily Injury and Property Damage combined single limit. The following indicated extensions of coverage must be provided: Owned, Non-owned & Hired Vehicles If Contractor/Consultant does not own any automobiles in the corporate name, nonowned vehicle coverage will apply and must be endorsed on either Contractor/Consultant’s personal automobile policy or the Commercial General Liability coverage required under this Appendix B.


Technology Errors and Omissions Technology Errors and Omissions Insurance Each Claim Annual Aggregate

$2,000,000 $2,000,000

Coverage to Include:  Systems analysis  Software design  Systems programming  Data processing  Outsourcing including outsourcing development and design  Systems design, consulting, development and modification  Training services relating to computer software or hardware  Management, repair and maintenance of computer products, networks and systems  Marketing, selling, servicing, distributing, installing and maintaining computer hardware or software  Data entry, modification, verification, maintenance, storage, retrieval or preparation of data output In the event that the professional liability insurance required by the Contract is written on a claims-made basis, Contractor/Consultant warrants that any retroactive date under the policy shall precede the effective date of the Contract; and that either continuous coverage will be maintained or an extended discovery period will be exercised for a period of two (2) years beginning at the time work under the Contract is completed. RFP #15-05 RFID and AMH System for the Clayton County Library System

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The policy shall cover professional misconduct or lack of ordinary skill for those positions defined in the Scope of work of the contract. F.

Network Errors and Omissions Each Claim Annual Aggregate

$1,000,000 $1,000,000

Coverage to include:  Hostile action or a threat of hostile action with the intent to affect, alter, copy, corrupt, destroy, disrupt, damage, or provide unauthorized access/unauthorized use of a computer system including exposing or publicizing confidential electronic data or causing electronic data to be inaccessible;  Computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms and any other type of malicious or damaging code;  Dishonest, fraudulent, malicious, or criminal use of a computer system by a person, whether identified or not, and whether acting alone or in collusion with other persons, to affect, alter, copy corrupt, delete, disrupt, or destroy a computer system or obtain financial benefit for any party or to steal or take electronic data;  Denial of service for which the insured is responsible that results in the degradation of or loss of access to internet or network activities or normal use of a computer system;  Loss of service for which the insured is responsible that results in the inability of a third party, who is authorized to do so, to gain access to a computer system and conduct normal internet or network activities;  Access to a computer system or computer system resources by an unauthorized person or an authorized person in an unauthorized manner; and  Loss or disclosure of confidential information no matter how it occurs. In the event that the professional liability insurance required by the Contract is written on a claims-made basis, Proposer warrants that any retroactive date under the policy shall precede the effective date of the Contract; and that either continuous coverage will be maintained or an extended discovery period will be exercised for a period of two (2) years beginning at the time work under the Contract is completed. The policy shall cover professional misconduct or lack of ordinary skill for those positions defined in the Scope of Work of the contract. Non-limitation on the Contractor’s/Consultants Liability The obligations for the Contractor/Consultant to procure and maintain insurance shall not be construed to waive or restrict other obligations and it is understood that insurance in no way limits liability of the Contractor/Consultant whether or not same is covered by insurance. Use of Premises The Contractor/Consultant shall confine its apparatus, material and the operations of its workers to limits/requirements indicted by law, ordinances, permits, codes and any restriction of Contractor/Consultant and shall not unreasonably encumber the premises with its materials or supplies.

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Indemnification Contractor shall agree to indemnify, defend, save and otherwise hold harmless Clayton County, Georgia, its elected and appointed officials, departments, agencies, boards, authorities, directors, officers, employees, and volunteers against and/or from any and all lawsuits, claims, demands, liabilities, losses and expenses, including court costs, attorneys’ fees and any other costs associated and/or related in any way to any claim or litigation for or on account of any property damage, injury or death to any person or action related to such brought by any person and/or estate which may arise or which may be alleged to have arisen out of or in connection with the work covered by this contract, except to the extent that such loss results from the negligence of Clayton County, Georgia. This indemnity provision shall include activities required for compliance with all applicable environmental laws, ordinances and regulations in effect during the term of this Agreement and continue for a period of two years after termination thereof. The successful Contractor shall protect Clayton County from claims involving infringements of patents and/or copyrights. The unauthorized use of patented articles is done at the risk of the Contractor. This indemnity includes any claim or amount arising out of or recovered under the Workers’ Compensation laws of the State of Georgia or arising out of the failure of such Proponent to conform to any federal, state or local law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation or court decree. Contractor shall be responsible for primary loss investigation, defense and judgment costs where this indemnification is applicable. Contractor shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation and/or financial recovery of any kind in favor of Clayton County, Georgia, its departments, all elected and appointed officials, to include, but not limited to, its commissioners, directors, officers, agents, boards, volunteers and employees for losses arising or alleged to have arisen out of any work performed in relation to the contract.


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Forest Park Branch 4812 West Street Forest Park, GA 30297 Phone: 770.347.0160

Headquarters Branch 865 Battle Creek Road Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 Phone: 770.473.3850

Jonesboro Branch 124 Smith Street Jonesboro, GA 30236 Phone: 770.478.7120

Lovejoy Branch 1721 McDonough Road Hampton, GA 30228 Phone: 770.472.8129

Morrow Branch 6225 Maddox Road Morrow, GA 30260 Phone: 404.366.7749

Riverdale Branch 420 Valley Hill Road SW Riverdale, GA 30274 Phone: 770.472.8100

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ATTACHMENT C TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS The following are mandatory technical requirements that must be met to remain eligible for consideration. You must clearly show that your product or service meets these mandatory technical requirements, or your proposal will be rejected as non-responsive. Proponent may recommend alternatives to the County standard server environment described below for our consideration; however, any proposed solution must meet all detailed technical requirements described herein. I.

Environment Standards County standard server environment includes the following: Environment / Description



VMware Virtual Servers


Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 2012 R2


SQL Server 2012

Development Languages

C# .Net

Web Server


Enterprise storage solution

IBM N Series

Solution Requirements A. Contractor must provide a solution with the following criteria: 1. All necessary software executables needed to provide the proposed solution, 2. All software licenses needed for the application and software executables, 3. All software licenses for any relational database management system, 4. Maintenance and support agreements for: a. Contractor maintenance of source code; b. Rights to software upgrades including minor and major releases at no additional cost; c. Phone technical support with remote support functionality; and d. Onsite assistance as required. B. System Requirements 1. System must be compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 (or higher) on end-users’ workstations; 2. Web portal features must be multi-browser and multi-platform compatible: Microsoft IE (9+), Google Chrome (latest), Mozilla Firefox (latest), Apple Safari (5+); 3. Relational database environment must be SQL, MySQL, or DB2; and 4. Any public accessible web portal must be configurable for branding purposes.

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C. Security and Permissions Requirements 1. The County uses Active Directory (AD) for authentication of all users, and the proposed solution should integrate with AD to accomplish user authentication. Multiple user logons to reach multiple functions within the system will not be accepted. 2. Solution must provide for security administrator functions that all for separate controls to view, add, change, approve, and query access. 3. Solution will provide a role and permission-based security model. D. Data Retention Requirements 1. Information stored in the system is the County. The County must be able to apply its own retention policies to data stored in the system. The County intends to keep this information within the proposed solution but must be able to transfer it to the County in a non-proprietary format for backup purposes.

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CLASSIFICATION WORKSHEETS Contractor Information Security Pre-screening Checklist 1. Please describe what level of access provided to Contractors staff: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 2. Are policies established for pre-employment background, criminal history, or identity verification checks?

☐ Yes ☐ No

3. Are security logs maintained for access to data or applications?

☐ Yes ☐ No

4. Please describe any information services, security services or network services that are outsourced or sub-contracted: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ☐ Yes ☐ No 5. Are outsourced or sub-contracted services audited? 6. What information, if any, does the Contractor collect about a user’s identity, computer, or location? This may include such areas as name, computer IP address, computer make, Internet Service Provider, and similar: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ A. What is the purpose of the information collection? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ B. Can users or the County opt-out of information collection?

☐ Yes ☐ No

C. Does the Contractor distribute the information to any third parties? If so, please explain: ☐ Yes ☐ No ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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D. Does the information or user tracking continue after logged out of ☐ Yes ☐ No the application or system? If so, please explain: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 7. Does the Proponent offer a mobile device version or allow mobile access?

☐ Yes ☐ No

A. What information about the mobile device is collected? ____________________________________________________________ B. Are the mobile devices’ geo-location data collected, accessed, stored or transferred?

☐ Yes ☐ No

C. Does the mobile version include information about the Proponents ☐ Yes ☐ No privacy policy or practices? 8. Will data from other clients be co-mingled on the Proponents systems ☐ Yes ☐ No with County data, whether by server, by database, by storage, etc.? A. If yes, then describe how the County information will be secured and protected? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 9. Describe the Proponents application and data storage backups routines and schedules _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Approvals Authorized Representative (PRINT NAME)


Authorized Representative (Signature)


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Contractor Information Technology Contract Requirements Checklist 1. Would the Proponent be willing to contractually agree to ☐ Yes ☐ No turnaround times for requests regarding the preservation, identification, collection/extraction of our data? 2. Does the Proponent agree to the contract with County specifically ☐ Yes state that the data belongs to the County and not to the Proponent?

☐ No

3. In the event of contract termination, contractual disagreements, or ☐ Yes failure to make timely payments, will the Proponent agree that the contract will maintain the data still belongs to the County and not to the Proponent?

☐ No

4. If the Proponent terminates their business operations, what happens to the County’s data? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. How would the Proponent respond to any third-party subpoenas or requests (such as Open Records Act requests) for County data? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ A. What sort of notification would you provide to the County upon receiving the request for data? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ B. When a subpoena is part of a criminal investigation, the Stored Communications Act may impact the notification. How would this apply to your notification to the County? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Approvals Authorized Representative (PRINT NAME)


Authorized Representative (Signature)


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Proponent Data Retention Schedule Checklist 1. Please describe the retention schedule for data stored in the Proponent’s system or application ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. What processes does the Proponent provide to allow data owners to apply their own data retention schedules? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Approvals Authorized Representative (PRINT NAME)


Authorized Representative (Signature)


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SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS The following sections list key components and features necessary for efficiently achieving the functionality required. Proposers should indicate if system meets the minimum specifications as noted below: Y – Yes: The System meets minimum specification. N – No: The System does not meet this specification. If there is an alternate functionality, please note any exceptions. Any exception to the specifications must be clearly stated. Proposals for systems in an Alpha or Beta phase of development will not be considered. SPECIFICATIONS RFID Tags


1. RFID tags can be electronically programmed with unique information. 2. Tags that have been tested for over 100,000 read/write cycles and be guaranteed for the life of the items to which they are applied. 3. Provide tags that operate at 13.56 MHz. 4. Provide tags with a minimum memory of 1,024 bits. 5. Provide tags that use NXP SLI-x chip. Tags will be tested to ensure they meet the required standards. Please provide tag samples with Proponent’s submittal. 6. All data on the RFID tag, including the item identifier field, must be fully rewriteable. 7. Allow the option to lock and unlock item bar code number. 8. Enable the security status to be stored directly on the tag and must trigger an immediate alarm if an item not charged is read by the detection systems. 9. Provide both security and inventory control functionality. 10. Adhesive-backed and one piece (tag and label integrated into one piece) to adhere to library materials without addition of an adhesive cover label.

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1. Have portions of memory that can be locked (for item number) and portions that can be reprogrammed (branch and/or shelving location code). Each memory portion must be able to be locked independently of other portions or not be locked at all. 2. Offer tags in clear, white blank, generic library or library-customized versions. 3. Use an anti-collision algorithm that does not limit the number of tags which can be simultaneously identified and read. 4. Use a low acid, or neutral pH, non-contact (delayed set time) adhesive. 5. Provide custom printing option for tags to be imprinted with a bar code or the Library’s logo. Imprinted RFID tags that have a fewer than three week turnaround. SPECIFICATIONS Conversion Station


1. Conversion of an existing collection requires no more than a computer, bar code scanner, and RFID reader/antenna in addition to software, all of which can be placed on mobile cart, so that the complete operation can be performed in the stacks. 2. Provide two label dispensers, one for standard print item tags and one for media item tags. 3. Easy to use and able to convert at a rate of at least 350 items per hour. 4. During tagging process, system that automatically interrupts if bar code scanner fails to scan all digits in the bar code. 5. Have a visible scan line to facilitate correct placement of material on the conversion station. 6. When tag programming errors occur, the system will react in real-time using sound and visual alerts. 7. Able to weed items by uploading and reading a weed list (a list of items to be removed from the Library) during the conversion process, to automatically alert staff to weed an item upon scanning the bar code, rather than applying an RFID tag.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Conversion Station


1. Integrally designed on a compact cart with wheels for easy conversion in the narrow library aisles. 2. Battery operated, not requiring an AC connection to operate. 3. Function in standalone mode, not requiring an interface with the integrated library system. 4. The tagging station that performs an immediate confirmation read of a programmed tag to ensure that the tag has been written exactly as intended. 5. Tag programming application that performs a confirmation read of tags in one-at-a-time or multiple mode, so the staff can see all data programmed onto tags. 6. Handle varying bar code locations and orientations. 7. Convert items from a list (when an optical bar code is unavailable or unreliable). 8. Log all items that have been programmed by an ID number. Have the option to save a cumulative list of all item IDs written to RFID tags in a file. SPECIFICATIONS Circulation Staff Workstations 1. Mount in, on, or under the work surface of a circulation station.


2. A bar code reader that operates concurrently with an RFID reader. 3. Used for charge and check-in of library materials. 4. Simultaneously process multiple RFID-tagged items for check- in/out. 5. Provide a displayed count of the number of items processed simultaneously to ensure complete check-in/out transaction processing. 6. Staff application that works with all types of ILS clients: Windows-based, Java-based, webbased, etc. without using SIP, SIP2, or NCIP.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Circulation Staff Workstations 1. Provide an antenna that is (less than ½”) thin and provides easy installation.


2. Provide an antenna that is made of clear acrylic as to allow for matching the décor and placement on the existing counter tops. 3. Hardware that consists of antennas that provides side-shielding, full shielding, and extra-large antennas with full shielding. 4. Readers must function when positioned under existing Library slate, granite, wooden or laminate-topped desks. 5. RFID read range of 8 inches minimum for book tags. 6. Provide a dual function: capable of processing RFID tags or bar codes in the same circulation transaction. 7. Readers that are able to read tags and display the information. 8. Software that will not require SIP to interface with ILS and allow staff to use the same screen to which they are accustomed. 9. The library’s standard ILS checkout and check-in screens will remain open and fully operational at all times, while still receiving valuable updates/notifications about patron transactions at self-checkout stations. 10. Secure item within one second of discharging the item. 11. Offer system and/or methodology for handling holds. 12. Ability to read, program, and reprogram RFID tags. 13. Not require mouse activations to process most items (Exceptions made for configuration changes, error handling, or tag reprogramming situations). 14. Handle varying bar code locations and orientations. 15. Work with a weed list (a list of items to be removed from the Library), to automatically alert staff to weed an item upon scanning the bar code, before applying an RFID tag.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Circulation Staff Workstations 16. RFID client software that is capable of running in Windows XP/7 at a non-administrative level.


17. RFID staff application client interface that is not intrusive to the ILS staff client. Will take only a small amount of screen real estate to remain easily accessible in a small application window. 18. When checking items into the ILS, station will display shelving location codes (if they have been programmed into the tags). 19. Does not require a separate staff application that is modeled on the patron self-checkout application and is optimized for staff use.

SPECIFICATIONS Self-Checkout Stations 1. Provide application-specific software for the patron self-checkout stations


2. Interface with the Library’s existing automated library system using the SIP2, NCIP or BIC Library Communications Framework (BLCF) protocol. 3. Connect through the Library’s Ethernet network via an RJ-45 connector and/or secured wireless network. 4. Able to read item-specific identification numbers, communicate to the host circulation system to update the Library’s inventory, and turn security off. 5. Able to read the type of cards currently in the library, which are PINES, and should be able to facilitate a migration to other technologies as needed. 6. Multiple self-checkout form factors available, including build-in, freestanding, countertop, and height adjustable for ADA requirements. 7. Release station can check out multiple items in a stack and not just one at a time.

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SPECIFICATIONS Self-Checkout Stations 8. Ability to print out all information for a patron transaction on a single receipt. Such receipt should be customizable to incorporate library identity, hours, transaction type, items loaned/renewed, and fees (if any) that have been paid and/or are outstanding.


9. Self-checkout unit that is able to be remotely monitored from any staff station within the Library that also is connected to the ILS in the same network. 10. Display ILS system information relating to the patron or item status. 11. Option available to enter patron PINs on the touch screen in addition to scanning library cards. 12. Self-checkout system software and hardware that can meet ADA guidelines, and includes features, such as a large touch screen interface, user-selectable high-contrast interface, and large type size. 13. Provide station that can block both patrons and items that are blocked by the library’s ILS. Notification of block that can be done in the form of a pop-up window that appears on a designated staff computer. 14. The system can easily handle multiple item check-outs without having to select the number of items on the reader. Self-checkout software that can confirm the number of items being checked out before the transaction has been completed. 15. Station that has the ability to provide customized receipt messages in the patron’s language of choice. 16. Ability to perform offline transactions and maintain records of all bar codes checked out when the ILS is offline, and then upload transactions when the ILS is back online.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional Self - Checkout Stations


1. Provide a dual function – capable of processing RFID tags or item bar codes in the same transaction. 2. Provide checkout station that can automatically request that the patron scans the item’s bar code, allowing checkout even if the tag is missing, damaged, or unable to detect an RFID tag in an item. 3. Monitoring of transactions and the status of each kiosk can be done via a web-based system, which can monitor one self-checkout or many across a library system. 4. Simultaneously process multiple RFID-tagged items. 5. Capable of reading item bar codes located in various locations. 6. Self-checkout units that can customize messages based on patron and item status. 7. Instructions that can customized and configured by library staff. This will include logo, wording, and colors without altering HTML code. 8. Patrons can choose and alternate between a number of themes and options to enhance selfcheckout usage. Themes also include easy-to-use steps for children. 9. Able to display at least four language options on self-checkout unit banners, instructions, and messages. 10. Option to print no receipt, comprehensive receipt, or have the receipt emailed. 11. A “running receipt” available on screen indicating which items have been successfully checked out and which items patron has unsuccessfully attempted to check out. 12. Turn on/off the security features on RFID tags to allow secure library operation during offline situations.

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SPECIFICATIONS Security Case Unlocking 1. Self-checkout stations that can provide the option of media security case unlocking, including One-Time and Kwik Case, both as a built-in system and as a freestanding release unlocking station. SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Security Case Unlocking



1. Release station can check out multiple items in a stack and not just one at a time.

SPECIFICATIONS Fines & Fees 1. Capable of interfacing with credit card processing vendors.


2. The Library can set fines and fees thresholds, which will block a patron attempting to check out items once the maximum threshold has been exceeded.

SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Fines & Fees


1. Fines and fees capability that can integrate into the self-checkout kiosk. 2. The fines and fees system that can print a separate credit/debit card and/or cash receipt from the checkout receipt.

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SPECIFICATIONS Reporting, Management & Configuration Tools


1. Provides a comprehensive messaging and monitoring solution that allows staff to receive alerts in real-time for activity at self-checkout stations, kiosks, and security gates. 2. Provides customer and item transactions by day of the week and hour of day, item count by item type and item status, total item counts across each and every unit, and fines/fees transactions (whether by card or cash) at all self-checkouts, whether in one branch or across a system. 3. Self-checkout unit that can be remotely monitored from any staff station within the Library that also is connected to the ILS in the same network. 4. Staff can monitor the status of individual or multiple self-checkout stations, AMH systems, or security gates within a site or system-wide, and can be alerted to the status of each station, including if patron requires assistance, receipt paper is running low, station has gone offline or any other issues that will require personal staff intervention. Staff can perform this function by logging in to a web interface on any computer with internet access.

SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Reporting, Management & Configuration Tools 1. Self-checkout unit that can be remotely monitored from any computer with internet access. 2. Monitoring of transactions and the status of each kiosk or other connected system component can be done via a web-based system, which can monitor one self-checkout or many across a library system. 3. Staff can run and view diagnostic logs for each self-checkout station or AMH system to ensure they are operating properly by logging in to a web interface on any staff station. SPECIFICATIONS Detection System



1. Have a read range of no less than eighteen inches (18”) in either direction of each gate. 2. Use 13.56 MHz ISO 15693-3/ISO 18000-3 mode 1 RFID technology.

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3. Security pedestals that do not damage or erase magnetic material. 4. Security pedestals that can perform bi-directional patron counting. 5. Provide software alerts for staff indicating as to the reasons gates are alarming in real-time, including title of item(s) and whether or not it was properly checked out. 6. Gate software must provide comprehensive reporting tools. 7. Provide item security even when the Library’s ILS or network is off-line or not functioning. It should not require contact with the ILS to verify every item passing through the gate. 8. Alarm on “active” tags in library materials only when activated by exiting patrons. 9. Offer multiple installation options. 10. Provides accompanying software with gates that allows the Library to monitor foot traffic, be alerted to security issues, and verify whether items have been checked out properly or not. SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Detection System


1. Gate system that match current gate systems that are currently installed in the library to ensure that all staff are familiar with the system, and are able to diagnose and resolve issues at all branch locations. Available in a clear design, with a base color that can be customized. 2. Detection systems that can be shielded from external interference, from light fixtures, elevator motors, and all other things that could interfere with the transmissions. 3. Detection system that include a patron counter which can be reset by library staff.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Detection System


4. Pedestals that have the option to remotely access patron counter statistics and reset to zero via an Ethernet connection to the library’s network. 5. Gate systems that have an integrated radar patron counter and not IR counters. 6. Able to issue visible and audible warnings. 7. Self-diagnostics to ensure that the system is operating correctly. 8. Gate systems that operate in a standby mode for energy savings and activate to full power when a person enters the radar people counter detection zone. 9. Provide the distances at which the security gates need to be installed from other RFID or electronic items and/or metal shelving so as not to incur interference. SPECIFICATIONS Portable Handheld Reader


1. Incorporate an ergonomic design to aid user in reading shelves at all levels, be easy to use and be relatively non-stressful to wrist, arm, shoulder, and elbow. For ergonomic purposes, reader not to weigh more than 1.75 lbs. 2. Battery life allows user to work for at least seven hours before charging or changing batteries. 3. Ability to download/upload bar codes to the Library’s circulation system. Data transfer via USB bar code is preferred. 4. Provides an audible tone and visible indicators that verify item has been identified. The audible tones can be adjustable by the user. 5. Able to scan shelves by waving a wand along the base of book shelves without having to stop for each item.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Portable Handheld Reader


1. Provide an easy-to-use, generously sized touch screen display. 2. Provide one (1) full watt of power, an integrated bar code scanner, and a simple method of inputting information. 3. Provide RFID antenna that is at least six inches long to ensure maximum read capacity. 4. Supports bar code scanning to be able to read items that may not be tagged with RFID. 5. Has a built-in diagnostics for troubleshooting. 6. Can be used with Bluetooth technology. 7. Capacity to read multi-line, fixed-length-field, or delimited-field records from an electronic file containing shelf or search lists and create a portable database for use in a portable handheld RFID reader. 8. Accommodates data collection simultaneously with other functions. 9. Directs the user to items on “pull” lists and provide a method to keep track of which items have been found and not found. 10. Accommodates data collection of up to one million items to collect and store identifiers of items scanned and store those items in user-defined categories for upload. 11. Able to automatically save scanned item data for upload into the ILS’ inventory module without requiring a memory card to transfer data from the reader to a computer. 12. Provides assistance to user with sorting items on a shelf or cart. 13. Provides assistance to user with item searches. 14. Identifies items on multiple user-defined search lists (such as missing, claims returned, billed, lost and paid, inventory). 15. The search capability can be active during data collection, sorting, pulling, and finding functions, with option to turn it off if desired. 16. Provides assistance to user with finding items on hold (reserve) or weed lists or other userdefined lists available from the circulation system.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Portable Handheld Reader


17. Allows user to identify individual items that have not been properly checked out and have caused an alarm of the detection system. This capability allows the user to scan items on library carts or shelves to identify individual items that have not been properly checked in before re-shelving. 18. Validates item identifier (bar code) data from input lists and provide a log of errors found. 19. Creates PC files containing lists of collected data, lists of items pulled, and lists of items not pulled. 20. Operates without cords and/or cables and have a flexible swivel or movable RFID antenna for easier use. SPECIFICATIONS Optional - RFID-Enabled Book Drop


1. Book return enables returned item to be identified in the ILS as having been returned and will then update the patron account in real time. 2. Capable of printing a report for all items returned during a session and for returned items that are on hold. 3. Provides an audible alarm to alert staff when an item on hold has been returned. 4. Provides an option of attaching a receipt printer that prints individual tickets for items on hold. 5. Able to process library materials without danger of damaging or erasing magnetic media (e.g. video cassettes). 6. Station that has “store and forward” capability that will capture information even when the library’s server is down. Able to operate in offline mode during loss of ILS host communications or network outages. 7. Capable of operating in a wireless mode.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - RFID-Enabled Book Drop


8. Patrons are not required to swipe their library cards at the book drop. 9. Patrons allowed to use the book drop and behave the way they normally would with a nonRFID drop. 10. Items can be returned in any orientation. 11. Provides an option for patron receipt printing. Patrons returning items can sort them by patron (for example, one family member can return all the family’s items without having to separate them and provide patron authentication for each family member). A single printed receipt for all items read can be available. 12. Does not require a touch screen or patron computer interface in order to operate. 13. Provides an option for one bin return or two bin sorting. The two-bin version can separate items into those that can be re-shelved and those that require special handling (items on hold, items with missing or damaged tags, etc.). SPECIFICATIONS Automated Materials Handling


1. Items can be checked into the circulation system in real-time. 2. Sorting software can interface with library’s database through SIP in order to separate holds from other items. 3. Offers upgrade programs to ensure that the Library is able to grow as needs dictate. 4. Provides detail buttons, stops, or pulls available to staff in the case of an emergency. 5. Offers a trade-in program permitting the Library to upgrade to a larger system if needed.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Automated Materials Handling


1. Able to sort materials into a minimum of one bin, and be capable of adding additional bins at a later time. 2. In the process of sorting, tags’ security can be reactivated. 3. Provides an option for printing holds tickets for each item on hold as it is accepted into the system, listing the item title and information on the requesting patron. 4. Offers a number of different sorting interfaces, including drop-and-go and touch screen. 5. Sorting equipment can integrate seamlessly with a standard book return chute or a touch screen interface. System can work with a standard book drop without modifications. 6. Provides RFID, bar code, and EM sorting systems. 7. Capable of checking in materials through item barcodes. 8. The proposed solution can connect through the Library’s Ethernet network via an RJ-45 connector. 9. Sorting system can process up to 2,000 or more items per hour. 10. Sorting system can be equipped with anti-tamper solutions. 11. Automated sorting equipment can be capable of distributing returned items into separate bins according to criteria established by the library using information provided from the library’s database or from the RFID tag. 12. Ability to perform off-line transactions and maintain records of all items checked in, when the ILS is offline, and then upload transactions when the ILS is back online. System is capable of sorting even when the Library’s server is down.

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SPECIFICATIONS Optional - Automated Materials Handling


13. The sorting system can either accept all items – sending them to the Exceptions bin – or reject items that are not identified and return them to the patron. 14. Staff can change sort criteria within the sorting software as needed or required. 15. Sorting software can distribute items that have no RFID tag or damaged RFID tags into a separate bin. 16. System can provide bin-full lights. 17. AMH software can have the ability to push configuration changes across one site or across a system.


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Installation and Implementation Fee (include cost for training)


Unlimited System License and Configuration Fee



Annual License Fee (per year)



Annual Maintenance Fee (per year)



Conversion Station – lease for 6 months


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

RFID Book Tags RFID Book Tags RFID Book Tags CD/DVD Hub Tag Full Coverage CD/DVD Tags Circulation Staff Workstations Freestanding Self-Checkout Countertop Self-Checkout Detection System – Security Pedestal Software Configuration Single Aisle Security Gates Dual Aisle Security Gates Triple Aisle Security Gates Portable Inventory Handheld Reader RFID-Enabled Book Drop Sorting System – Small/Standard Wheeled Return Sorting System – Large Wheeled Return Bin

14 15 16 17 18 19 20



one-time fee

350,000 Credit Card Size 10,000 2X2 2000 Clear 2X2 6000 3000 20 4 3 23 2 5 1 1 1 1 1

Proponents shall provide all costs requested by the County on this sheet. All Costs proposals shall be signed and dated. The County will not compensate the Proponent for any costs not included in its Cost Proposals unless a change order is issued for work required to complete the Project. The County may solicit Best and Final Offers, and discussions may be conducted with responsible proponents who submit proposals determined reasonably susceptible to being selected for award.

__________________________________________ Printed Name

_____________________________________ Title

______________________________________ __________________________________________ Signature Date ___________________________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME

RFP #15-05 RFID and AMH System for the Clayton County Library System

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