Author Index

Author Index AJ Aldridge137-138. Air-soil pathway, Defense...

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Downloaded by on April 10, 2018 | Publication Date: July 5, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0431.ix001

Author Index Aldridge, Andrew J., 90 Benes, Carol M., 176 Berkman, Linda, 120 Bottrell, David W., 169 Chenu, Marie T., 162 Coakley, William, 82 Crcnca, Jacqueline Α., 162 Decker, James, 217 Droppo, J.G.,Jr., 193 Fang, R Y., 145 Frank, Anthony M., 90 Greathouse, Daniel, 217 Hadden, W.James, Jr. Hickey, James P., 90 Hoopes, B.L., 193 Hushon, Judith M., 1,206

Law, Keith, 120 Lennon, Mark, 120 Mateo, John, 82 Mikroudis, G . M . , 145 Morlino, Michael R., 139 Muir, Warren R., 176 Olivero, Ramon Α., 69 Pamukcu, S., 145 Pandit, Nitin, 82 Passino, DoraR. May, 90 SchaumJohnL, 176 Schmuller, Joseph, 52,139 SegnaJohnJ., 176 Stunder, Mark, 39 Young, JohnS., 176 Yunnan, Dan, 25

Affiliation Index Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company, 69 Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 193 Roy F.Weston, Inc., 1,82,146,206 The Hampshire Research Institute, 176 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 25,69.82,176,193,217 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 90

CDM FederalPrograms Corporation, 52,139 CH2MHÎ11,162 Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc., 139 Eastern Research Group, 120 GEOMETTechnologies, Inc., 39 Intelligent Advisors, Inc., 82,90 Lehigh University, 146

Subject Index Activation, definition, 53,55 Activation function, definition, 55 Aeration basin design performance limiting factor, example of POTW EXPERT'S use, 137-138 Air-soil pathway, Defense Priority Model, 213 AIWARE, description, 64 Analysis, expert systems to support, 69-80 Aquatic toxicity of contaminants, prediction by expert system, 91-104 Architecture, expert system to diagnose performance limiting factors at POTWs, 126

Activated sludge process description, 140 influencing factors, 140 operator expertise required, 140 use of Activated Sludge Advisor Prototype, 141-145 Activated Sludge Advisor Prototype (ASAP) construction of decision diagram, 141 development, 141-142 future directions, 143,145 goal, 141 implementation, 142-143,144f knowledge acquisition, 141 question screen, 143,144/* useof Hypertext, 142-143,144/· user interface development, 142-143

Β Backpropagation, description, 57,59 225

Hushon; Expert Systems for Environmental Applications ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.