BAIRD -ATOMIC, in 2 additional seconds. Work with short-lived radio...

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mablo value to the analyst. He re­ ported on the pneumatic tube facilities of the Ford Nuclear Reactor at the University of Michigan, which deliver a sample to a hood 3 seconds after the olid of irradiation and subsequently de­ liver a prepared counting sample to the detector in 2 additional seconds. Work with short-lived radioisotopes is limited therefore only by the time required for radiochemical separations. Some rapid .separations which have been devised are for the 3.8-minute \'anadium-52, 4.4minute rhodium-104, 5.2-minute eopper-li(i, 2.3-mimite silver-108, 4.2-minute thallium-20(>, 5.8-minutc titanium