Beautiful Point right index finger to chest. I. Point index finger toward chest. NOT...

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TIME Tap wrist twice

Beautiful Move hand around face clock-wise PLACETap thumbs together in front, tap thumbs together again near chest

CHILDREN Pat hand down then up, move outward and repeat

GATHERED Left palm facing upward against belly, right hand with thumb pointing toward ceiling is above and in front and above left fingers, wiggle Right fingers as you move right hand around the front of palm in a semi-circle (start in front of left fingers, finish at the back of wrist)

Jesus Middle finger touch center of each palm

BLESSED Both hands with fingers together (like holding the sides of tiny sandwich) on front of chin Move both hand outward and downward spreading fingers as if putting your hands on a head to give a blessing


Felt- use two hands in circular motion upward toward chest

Tears Point index finger near eye duct and drag down your face Saw-touch cheek then move hand outward

FACE Circular motion around face


FELTuse two hands in upward & outward circular motion toward chest

Little Ones (children) pat down then up once, then move hand outward and repeat motion


FEELS Two hands in upward and outward circular motion

ME Point right index finger to chest

I Point index finger toward chest

NOT Move fist/thumb outward


SIT Keep Rt. Fingers straighter than picture


REAL Place index finger on chin (like you as making the motion “shh”, but on your chin) and move it upward and outward

ME Point index finger to chest

LIVES Point index finger towards each other (like shooting a gun) and move upwards toward chin


FOLLOW-start with both hands in thumbs up gesture in front of chest fists pointing outward, move hands outwards and to the right at an angle across body, arms should end up straightened to the right. ( Not straight out front, not all the way to the right, but at a 45 degree angle).

FAITHFULLY-use open handed hand to touch forehead then move downwards and have both hands come together in the OK sign on top of each other tapping twice HEART-draw heart shape over heart with two hands GIVE

HIM-two arms pointing up toward heaven over RT shoulder


SAVIOR Used same sign as Jesus


ME-point finger to chest

NOW Move hands downward

HERE Move hands in forward and outward circular motion

BEAUTIFUL Move hands clockwise around face

PLACE Tap thumbs together in front then in back


TEACHINGS Push hands forward and backward twice




GUIDE Left hand, with thumb pointing toward celling, in front of chest, Right hand grabs left fingers and pulls left hand forward across body towards the right

WAY Push hands outwards straightening arms

LIGHTING PATHmove hands outwards in an S shape, like you are following a curvy path


WRAPPED Twist upper body

SAVIORS Used same as Jesus


FEEL Two hands in an upward outward circular motion

GENTLE Both hands open, palms facing downward about chest level, gently do up and down pushing motion


LIVING Point index finger towards each other (like shooting a gun) and move upwards toward chin


FOLLOW-start with both hands in thumbs up gesture in front of chest knuckles facing outward, move hands outwards and to the right at an angle across body, arms should end up straightened to the right. ( Not straight out front, not all the way to the right, but at a 45 degree angle).

WAY Move hands outward straightening arms

HOME Tap chin, then tap cheek

FATHER- tap forehead twice

ABOVE Right hand circular motion above left, like washing a plate