Being positive is an attitude

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Being positive is an attitude There are numerous blogs, articles, quotes and other publications that continually remind us of the benefits of being positive. It seems to me, however, that many people don't understand the message or are simply not interested in heeding good advice. So what's wrong? I can understand – to some extent – the person who, through a negative attitude, gets the attention she or he is seeking and who, therefore, has no desire to change. But, honestly, aren't these people a minority in today's society? What's wrong with smiling a little more? Is it for fear of being labelled as a clown or a joker? In reality, most people prefer to spend time with happy, smiling people rather than with people who complain all the time. Is it hard to keep on smiling when everything around you is going wrong? Of course it is! But the situation is not going to improve if you keep on complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. The trouble, or problem, will neither lessen nor go away. So, why not try with a smile? Be positive! Most people will confirm that a positive attitude has helped them through tough times. It has been proven time, and time again, that much more can be achieved with a positive mind-set. As Henry Ford said, ‘If you say you can or you cannot, you are always right’. Athletes are coached to think positive, possibly to improve on their best results or to recover from an injury. What is more contagious than a smile? As far as I'm concerned, nothing; a smile evokes an immediate reaction, everything else takes time to absorb. For me, happiness is a journey, not a goal. It is the accumulation of all the small, daily things that happen to you, your family and/or your friends. It is what brings a smile to your face. Isn’t Pharell Williams smiling when he sings ‘Happy’?

Rainbow Resources Group | Bd. Brand Whitlocklaan 87/93 box 8 | 1200 Brussels | Belgium Email: [email protected] | Tel. +32 2 735 41 54

Being positive is an attitude

What else, other than a smile, reflects that you are a positive person? Your body language If you stand, or sit, straight with uncrossed arms and you look people straight in the eye, but not arrogantly, you will appear more self-assured, approachable and positive. Your choice of words The words and phrases you use to qualify the statements you make in conversations will mirror your feelings – positive or not, you decide. Your general attitude Do you complain, constantly disagree, only offer negative criticism, or do you simply never try to make an effort? Your behaviour will have a negative influence on the people around you, but nobody will be more affected than you! Being positive is an attitude, a state of mind that you can achieve with or without the help of a coach. Nobody said it's easy, but the rewards are incredible and the journey is well worth the effort! I will never forget watching a video about the ‘Seattle Fish Market’ and the lessons I learned from it. The quote that made the strongest impact on me was: ‘you decide in the morning how your day is going to be’. You can make it a great day! Sounds good! You can, and you will, make every day a great day! "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely“

– Roald Dahl.

Rainbow Resources Group | Bd. Brand Whitlocklaan 87/93 box 8 | 1200 Brussels | Belgium Email: [email protected] | Tel. +32 2 735 41 54