beltway park baptist church

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A Call Out to Men - Protect! David McQueen //May 6, 2012 MESSAGE RECAP

Men are called by God to be protectors. God’s perfect design for man is to be the one responsible for protecting others against harm, for leading the charge against the enemy, and for shepherding his family in spiritual growth through his own commitment to the one true God. He is faithful to empower us to live courageous lives when we seek Him and submit to Him alone.


1. What is the most courageous act of bravery you have experienced or seen in your life? What emotions did it stir in your heart?


1. Men, what are some tangible ways you can demonstrate your God given responsibility to protect those you love? 2. What are some of the tactics the enemy uses in our society to undermine and destroy God’s design for men as protectors?


1. Take a few minutes to read and ponder Ephesians 6:14-18. As a man or woman of God, what piece of the armor do you need to learn to “wear” with greater skill? 2. Men, in order to answer the call to protect, what changes are you being called by the Holy Spirit to make in your life? 3. Women, how are you being called to encourage, support, and pray for the men in your life so they can fulfill God’s perfect design as protectors?


We all have fallen short of God’s calling on our lives. However, the truth of God’s Word assures us we have a Father that desires to mercifully lead us into lives that bring eternal changes when we seek Him with all our heart. This week pray blessings, godly attributes, and encouragement over the men of the group. Here are some scripture passages to pray over them: Joshua 1:9, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Acts 5:29, 2 Timothy 2:22


Our Father is intimately involved with you and has a perfect plan for your life. In your desire to know Him better, humbly ask that He bring His incredible presence during your quiet time. Psalm 16:11 says, “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” As you meditate on the truth of this scripture, He is faithful to reveal His heart for you and how He wants to mold you into a man or woman of God. Be willing to listen to His heart, and, as you express confidence in His goodness, ask for the courage to step out into the destiny of His perfect design for you.


Summer is quickly approaching as the semester winds down. If your Life Group has not already begun to talk about what your group will do in the summer months, please begin to have those discussions. Our encouragement is to still meet in the summer, about 2-3 times a month, in order to foster deeper relationships and to stay connected. No formal agendas or lessons…simply enjoy getting to know one another better within a fun, lighthearted environment. CRITICAL DATES & INFORMATION: • GroupLink May Mixer: Sunday, May 20 at 10:50am in the Fellowship Hall • Last Sunday for Sermon Discussion Notes: May 20 • Watch the JUST LIKE YOU testimonies online & encourage others to do the same:

beltway park baptist church

4009 beltway south | abilene, tx 79606 |