Bible prophecy reveals that U.S. and Vatican will Trigger the

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Bible prophecy reveals that U.S. and Vatican will Trigger the Apocalyptic Events The Bible contains a prophecy of a last global crisis which will lead to the end of our world. The U.S. and Vatican will be the two main players in this final global crisis before the second coming of Christ. The U.S. will be the first nation in the world to enforce the 'mark of the beast' globally, and will play a key role in making all other countries follow her example. The Bible, in Revelation, chapter 13, unfolds the prophecy of the global crisis which will precede the end of civilization. Bible prophecies serve a double purpose - to impress on our minds the existence of a Yahuwah who is in control of all events and to warn us of future crises. Many of the Bible predictions have already come true to the very date foretold and world history confirms this. This compels us to take yet to be fulfilled prophecies seriously. It is only logical to assume that Yahuwah would not warn us of the 'mark of the beast' without providing sufficient evidence whereby we can identify what it is and which powers will be responsible for implementing the 'mark of the beast' on the world, and more importantly how to avoid receiving it. Our loving Eloah would not subject us to guesswork when our eternal destiny is at stake. The alarm that the Bible's most frightening forecast is yet to be fulfilled. They urge people worldwide to get prepared for this crisis. We do not identify ourselves with any existing denomination, or church but rather emphasize reliance on the Bible as our source of information. For further information, the article "New World Order" explains how the U.S. and Vatican will be the super powers involved in soon-coming events and how to avoid receiving the 'mark of the beast'. To read it, click here. If you have questions or comments click here. If you desire health counseling, tell us your problem and we will send you natural remedies for free. To cancel your subscription click on here where you can unsubscribe at the bottom left margin of our homepage. We pray that our website will increase your desire to study Yahuwah’s word and come closer to our Saviour, Yahushua the Anointed. Sincerely, The World’s Last Chance Team