Big Idea: Jesus is our source of Life. Memory Verse: And Jesus said

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Big Idea: Jesus is our source of Life. Memory Verse: And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35-51 A man named John Wesley once wrote that many Christians have just enough religion to be miserable. What do you guys think that means? (let them give answers) Many Christians are like this crowd was- missing God’s gift of life through Jesus. They weren’t experiencing abiding life (we’ll talk more about what abiding life means later). We all need God’s help to understand who Jesus really is and what He offers us. We need God’s help all around. Who gives life? (let kids answer, hopefully they will say God) Right! Jesus gives us life, He is our life SOURCE. Jesus fixes the crowd’s attention back onto Himself and explains that it is necessary to have faith in Jesus. While they are still focused and He has their attention, He begins to tell them again that He is the bread of life. Jesus references the bread that was providing for the Israelites in the wilderness, and mentions that this bread is far more superior (better than, more important) than that bread. The crowd responds well and wants to receive this bread. Sooooo Jesus grants their request and tells them that He is the bread. Jesus reminded them how important it was to believe in the one whom Jesus had sent. Because they were Jews, they knew the importance of faith. They considered themselves loyal to Moses. But then they realize that Jesus is not talking about Moses, but is rather speaking of Himself. They want Jesus to prove Himself to them. However, in this instance it is good because they are willing to entertain the idea that Jesus was in the same league as Moses. They were being somewhat openminded. However, the results are not as good as expected. They are not necessarily asking Jesus to perform another sign or wonder, but rather asking what Jesus IS doing. Their questions were in the present tense. Rather than “what will you do?” they are saying “what work are you DOING”

Jesus decides that He needs to clear up the Jew’s interpretation of Scripture. They are seeing Moses as a person in authority, they are putting him on a pedestal. When, in fact, they should not be giving credit to Moses for the bread, but rather to the Father who is in Heaven because He is the one who provided the bread for them. He then mentions that the giving of bread was not in the past, but is present. It’s not “has given”, but rather “gives”.

He focuses their attention on the real giver. Who is God. He focuses their attention on the fact that God gives the bread. He is doing a unique work. Jesus is far more than the giver of bread like Moses was; He is the bread itself. Jesus says that the bread is that which comes from heaven. AND THE CROWD STILL ISNT GETTING IT. The crowd is like, “welllll give us this bread all the time. We want an unending supply of bread!” So Jesus just keeps on explaining. What a patient guy! He states that God doesn’t only give this bread to Israel, but to the whole world. He is not only concerned with the Jews, but also the Gentiles. The need is not only for nutrition, but for life itself. The world, apart from God, is dead. Our need is EXTREME. Apart from Jesus we have no real life. So Jesus reveals Himself as the bread. As always, Jesus’ revelation of Himself means revelation of His relationship with the Father. Jesus says “I am the bread of life” (ask for other names of Jesus- the light, the life, the gate, the Good Shepherd, the resurrection, the way, the truth, the true vine) He claims to be what everyone needs to have life and to continue living. Jesus promises that when we go to Him we will never hunger or thirst. Does he mean that you and I will never have to eat or drink again if we accept Jesus??? NOOO. He is saying that He is all we need. We do not only need to come to Jesus, but we must have faith. BELIEF+TRUST=FAITH Jesus wants all to be saved. He wants everyone to experience the gift of salvation. He has made it open to everyone! It is a mystery how salvation can be open to everyone yet still dependent on the will of God. You cannot separate the two. You cannot say that God has chosen specific people to receive His gift, and you cannot say that God has no part in choosing who may receive His gift. We must rely on His grace- He is at work within us. Without Christ abiding in us (the Holy Spirit) we cannot do anything that is pleasing to Jesus. He is our life source. Jesus then turns the tables. He points to the crowd and reveals a truth about them. He mentions that some have seen Him and His signs yet do not believe. They saw with their physical eyes, but did not have the faith to see that He was indeed from the Father. They do not receive the benefits that Jesus has laid out for them. The light comes to reveal not only God’s presence, but also the heart. The passage tells us that those who come to the Son will not fail to do so, they will always reach Him if they are seeking to find Him. The passage also tells us a comforting fact. It says that when we go to Jesus, He will never drive us away. Salvation is a matter of sharing a relationship with Jesus. Those who share a life with Jesus do not live a life characterized by rebellion.

How do we know whether we are one of those who are of God? Lots of people have struggled with this question. At the end of it, it comes down to trusting God with our salvation. Because Jesus longs that all are saved, we can trust that we are included in that. We must trust Him for that grace, and live our lives accordingly. Then we are assured because our confidence is entirely in Him. Our job is to receive, trusting him for the ability to receive and the obedience that is part of the life of salvation. The Christian life is both a resting in God and a supreme effort. Jesus' complete obedience is fundamental to his relationship with the Father. In this he is the model of true discipleship. Not only will he not drive them away, but nothing else will be able to tear them from him. The security is complete. As Paul says, nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39). Neither an evil impulse from within God (as if such a thing existed) nor evil forces from within or without ourselves can thwart God's gracious gift of eternal life in the Son. This gift is already experienced in this life, but is not for this life only. Jesus concludes this section by combining both the present and the future aspects of salvation: For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life.

Big Idea: ________________________ is our _________________________ _____________________________. Memory Verse: And _____________________ said unto them, I am the _________________________of ________________________: he that _______________________ to me shall never_________________________; and he that ___________________________on me shall never ______________________. John 6: ____________

Big Idea: ________________________ is our _________________________ _____________________________. Memory Verse: And _____________________ said unto them, I am the _________________________of ________________________: he that _______________________ to me shall never_________________________; and he that ___________________________on me shall never ______________________. John 6: ____________