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P. O. Box 2206 · W. Lafayette, IN 47906 (317)-463-2505 · telex 276141 BAS WLAF


Continuum Echelle Wavelength Modulated AA Sir: Professor Koirtyohann is to be commended for his recent REPORT (1) reviewing future needs in atomic absorption spectrometry. I was particularly pleased to note the reference to continuum échelle wavelength modulated atomic absorption (CEWM-AA) (2, 3) as "a system deserving of commercial development." Unfortunately, however, the REPORT seems to imply t h a t the development of C E W M - A A was accomplished solely at the University of Maryland. In point of fact, the development of C E W M - A A was a joint Villanova University-University of Maryland project under the joint supervision of myself (Villanova) and T. C. O'Haver (Maryland). T h e first C E W M - A A system was built at Villanova University by A. T. Zander, the University of Maryland graduate student first involved in the joint project. C E W M - A A itself is an extension of previous continuum source échelle monochromator work {4, 5) done at Villanova University in the mid-1970s. Literature Cited (1) Koirtyohann, S. R. Anal. Chem. 1980, 52 736 A. (2) Zander,A. T.; O'Haver, T. C; Keliher, P. N. Anal. Chem. 1976, 48, 1166. (3) Zander, A. T.; O'Haver, T. O; Keliher, P. N. Anal. Chem. 1977, 49, 838. (4) Keliher, P. N.; Wohlers, C. C. Anal. Chem. 1974,46, 682. (5) Keliher, P. N.; Wohlers, C. C. Anal. Chem. 1976,48, 140. P e t e r N. Keliher Department of Chemistry Villanova University Villanova, Pa. 19085

Just for the Record Sir: I was impressed by Roy Koirtyoh a n n ' s paper on the history of atomic absorption spectrometry (Anal. Chem. 1980,52, 736-44 A). It was well orga-



nized, and he must be congratulated. However, I must protest the implication in Table I t h a t from 1955-62 development of AA took place mainly in Australia and New Zealand. T h e U.S. was "an underdeveloped country" during this period, according to Koirtyohann. Sir Alan Walsh of Australia first started work on AA in 1952. In 1954 he exhibited a working model of an AA spectrometer at the Institute of Physics Exhibition of Scientific Instruments at Melbourne, Australia. T h e reaction was zero. In 1955 he published the first of several brilliant papers outlining almost completely the theory of A A and the required components of a working instrument. At t h a t time the scientific community relegated this information to the category "only of academic interest." In 1958 he gave his first paper in the U.S. at the Louisiana State University International Symposium at Baton Rouge, La., which was organized in those days by Phil West. Impressed by his lectures and the tremendous potential of the technique, I started research on AA at Esso Research and t h a t year built the first instrument in the U.S.—a modified Perkin-Elmer Model 13. A systematic study of analytical sensitivities, chemical interferences, solvent effects, background correction, multielement hollow cathodes, etc., was undertaken, and Esso began to use the method for routine analysis. Many lectures at local and national ACS and SAS meetings followed. By 1959 several laboratories in Australia were interested in trying out the method. CSIRO arranged for one small Australian manufacturer to make hollow cathode lamps, for a second to manufacture burners and mechanical items, and for a third to make electronic equipment. T h e monochromators were imported. About 1960 Sir Alan again visited Baton Rouge, followed by a visit to the Pittsburgh Conference, which in those days was still held in Pittsburgh. At a