Bulletin February 10-11, 2018

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Bethany Lutheran Church

8:00 & 10:00 a.m. • February 11, 2018 • Transfiguration of Our Lord We INVITE all; We GROW in faith; We GO to share God’s love and grace.

Hymn Sing (8:00) “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service” #712 “Children of the Heavenly Father” #781 “For the Beauty of the Earth” #879 Gathering Songs “We Will Glorify” “Glorify Thy Name” Welcome Call to Worship Confession and Forgiveness Opening Hymn “Shout to the Lord” #821 Apostolic Greeting Prayer of the Day Special Music “We Believe” HS Praise Team Reading 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Bible, 939 (Spark, 1280) Children’s Song “This Little Light of Mine” #677:1 Children’s Message Pastor Grant Gospel Acclamation “Alleluia” Gospel Reading Mark 9:2-9 Bible, 820-821 (Spark, 1111) Message HS Youth and Pastor Grant Hymn of the Day “Come to the Mountain” Prayers “Open Our Eyes, Lord” Sung Response Sharing of Peace Offering “Mozart Allegro” BELLZ Text Giving Available: 715-303-3484 Offertory “What Shall I Give” Offertory Prayer Words of Institution / The Lord’s Prayer Distribution Hymns “Lamb of God” Glorify Medley Spencer Page and Cady Buchli “Here I Am, Lord” #574 Prayer after Communion Announcements / Blessing Sending Song “Shine, Jesus, Shine” #671 Dismissal

Bethany Lutheran Church

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 35 W. Messenger Street • Rice Lake, WI 54868 • Church Office: 715-234-9028 Facebook: Bethany Lutheran - Rice Lake, WI Email: [email protected] Worship Schedule: Saturdays 5:30 PM; Website: www.bethanyricelake.org Sundays 8:00 & 10:00 AM Live Radio Broadcast: Sundays 8:00 a.m. WJMC 96.1 FM & 1240 AM

Live Streaming: Sundays 10:00 a.m. on Bethany’s website Cable Broadcast: Channel 69, 97 & 992 Sundays 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM; Thursdays 7:00 PM

The WeekAhead • February 11 - 17, 2018 Sunday






7:45 AM Hymn Sing/SA 8:00 AM Worship 9:00-9:55 Sunday School 9:00-10:00 AM BP Screening/LI 9:10-9:55 AM CrossTalk/GR Good NewsBreak Deadline 8:30 AM Strong Women/107-109 9:30 AM Bible Lands Safari/CR 12:00 PM Green Team/CR

1:00-4:00 PM Quilting/QR 5:30 PM Executive Committee/LI 6:00 Property/CR

7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study/CR 8:00 AM Bethany Belles 9:30 AM Staff Meeting/CR 12:00 PM Lunch Box/FH 12:00 PM Alzheimer’s Support/CR

12:00 PM Pastors Book Club/105 1:00-3:00 PM Bandage Rolling/QR 2:00-4:00 KnitTogether/NA 4:30-7:00 PM Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper/FH 5:30 PM Personnel/CR

8:30 AM Strong Women/107-109 12:00 PM Ash Wednesday Worship/SA Wednesday 12:30 PM Lenten Lunch/FH 1:00 PM Bethany 1/CR 3:45-4:15 PM 5th-6th Grade Bells 4:15-5:00 PM 7th-8th Grade Bells 5:00 PM Lenten Supper/FH



15 Friday 16 Saturday 17

10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM High School Praise Team/SA 11:00 AM Club 9 4:00 PM Red Cedar Symphony Recital/SA

5:30 PM Vesper Bells 6:00 PM Ash Wednesday Worship/SA 6:30 PM Bethany Choir 6:30-8:30 PM Parent’s Night Out 7:00 PM A Living Testament/SA 7:30 PM HS Youth Group/YR

11:15 AM & 1:00 PM Nursing Home Communion Services 7:00 AM Men of Bethany at Maxine’s 9:00 AM-1:00 PM EPIC Synod Event/GR,CR,QR,107-109,FH 5:30 PM Worship/GR

Main Level: CR-Conference Room GR-Gathering Room LI-Library NA-Narthex SA-Sanctuary NS-Nursery Lower Level: LL-Luther Lecture FH-Fellowship Hall QR-Quilting Room YR-Youth Room Upper Level: 3F-3rd Floor

Liturgical Acknowledgments: From Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright © 2017 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS006893.

Text Giving Available: 715-303-3484

February 3 & 4, 2018 Attendance Offering: General - $16,206.27 Building - $2,008.00 Thank you for your participation in & support of the life & mission of Bethany Lutheran! Weekly Attendance


Prayer Ministry New Prayers for Members: Ongoing Prayers for Members: Roxann Anderson • Virgie Anderson • Loran & Ruth Barta • Harold Blonk • June Brunette • Mark Carlsen • Marian Chinnock • Jim & Shirley Hagen • Pat Havenor • Dagmar Jacobson • Joyce Johnson • Judy Markgren • Pastor Philip Mueller • George Muschinske • Ryan Pelle • Slim Peterson • Randy Read • Jim Sockness • Jeanette Thompson • Virginia Tronstad • Lana Van Holt • Bill Weber New Prayers for Family & Friends of Members: Bob Carlson Ongoing Prayers for Family & Friends of Members: Clara Kern • Laura Mackrill • Adeline Meier • Troy Miller • Stephanie Zahrbock • Josie Zahurance Active Military Duty: Tanner Cernick • Cody C. Davis • Tanner Ely • Joey Korbel • Samuel Krebs • Jonathan Marsh • Mike Rath • Abby Ring

You may make prayer requests for the Prayer Chain by calling the Prayer Chain Coordinator, Lynn Sulackow, at 715-418-3110 or the church office at 715-234-9028. Email [email protected] to become part of our Prayer Chain E-mail Group. Because of privacy rules, hospitals do not contact churches with patient information. Please let the pastor or the church office know about special care needs. We would love to respond and be with you in this time. Also, please let us know if your situation changes.

Congregational Leaders & Staff Ministers: All Members • Ministry Team: Grant Aaseng, Lead Pastor; Luci Sesvold, Associate Pastor; Philip K. Mueller, Teaching Pastor • Director of Worship, Music & Education: Amy Brekke • Congregational Education and Youth Ministries Lead: Angie Buchli • Director of Business: Dawn Paul • Communications & Publications Specialist: Leah Hullinger President: Beth Brown • Other Council Members: Lucas Amundson, Paul Baribeau, Julie Bever, Mike Diercks, Rachel Engel, Chick Feather, Michael Husak, Wendy Markgren, Roger Martin, Jennifer Nelson, Dave Wilson

Bethany Announcements Join Dave Henningsen and friends at 9:10 a.m. between services in the Gathering Room for CrossTalk. February 11: Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald presents “The Drug Problem in Barron County” February 18: “Baptism and Temptation” from The Way: Following in the Footsteps of Jesus

Online Bible Study

2018 Lent Schedule

The next session of Pastor Luci’s online Bible study will begin the week of February 19. Please contact her by February 12 if you are interested in participating!

Ash Wednesday is February 14 - services at 12:00 & 6:00 p.m. - meals at 12:30 & 5:00 p.m. -

Parent’s Night Out!

February 14 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Child care provided by the Houston Youth Gathering group. Minimum suggested donation of $20.

Mid-week services 12:00 & 6:00 p.m. - February 21, February 28, March 7, March 14 and March 21 -

The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus

Lenten study series resource Copies are available for purchase for $10 from the office or you may purchase a copy on your own. The all-congregation study begins on Sunday, February 18.

Women’s Ensemble Join us for two rehearsals, then sing on Bold Women Sunday, February 25. Rehearsals in Choir Room on Sundays, February 11 & 18 from 9:15 - 9:45 a.m. RSVP Amy Brekke at [email protected] or 715-651-6991.

Pastor Grant Aaseng Cell: 715-205-8789

Pastor Luci Sesvold Cell: 715-225-0979

Souper Bowl of Caring

Thank you for your generous support! Because of our Bethany family, the youth will be donating $390.25 and 95 food items to the We Share Food Pantry from the Souper Bowl of Caring collection.

Our kids are Growing in Love! Bethany raised $773 for our local youth! Your loving support means that every student at the Rice Lake Middle School will receive a carnation on Valentine’s Day with a caring message. It also means that food insecure children will know that they will have food during the weekend because $323 was sent to the Rice Lake Backpack Program. “Thank you to the entire Bethany Congregation! It may seem like a small thing to receive a carnation, but I believe our kids will really appreciate the gesture.” -- Josh Tomesh, RLMS Principal

Hannah Circle Hannah Circle has been rescheduled to February 22, 2018.

Thank you to the high school students for assisting with the 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. worship services today. The second Sunday of each month will be lead by different Bethany youth.

Cinnamon Roll Weekend February 10-11, 2018

High school youth will be selling cinnamon rolls before and after all services on February 10 - 11 to raise money for their 2018 National Youth Gathering trip to Houston,TX in June. Cost: 4/$6

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 13 Serving 4:30-7:00 p.m. Free-will donation to help support our youth going to the Houston Youth Gathering in June.

Mission Jamaica Second Suitcases Mission Jamaica is collecting boys athletic shorts and toiletries for second suitcases that will be taken down by another team from someplace else. The items can be placed in the collection box in the Narthex. Please bring your donations by the end of February as Mission Jamaica will be sending the items to the other teams in early March.

Thank You for Your Support! Thank you for all your generous support for our Houston group! Sending 45 people to Houston is a huge undertaking and we are about half way to the $63,000 we need. We will be hosting a variety of fund raisers throughout the spring: Cinnamon Roll Sales, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Parent’s Night Out on Valentine’s Day, Palm Sunday Breakfast, Easter Breakfast and more. There are opportunities for everyone. Thank you again for all of the support! This is such an amazing opportunity for our youth!