THIS WEEK AT SCC Sunday: Valentine’s Banquet, 5:30 PM
Tuesday: GEM - 9:00 AM
Women’s Bible Study in Sutton - 7:00 PM
Emily Brown’s house
Wednesday: Quest - 7:00 PM
Youth Group - 7:00 PM
Adult Study & Prayer - 7:15 PM
Thursday: Men’s Bible Fellowship, 6:30AM at CRC
Women’s Bible Study, 9:30AM at
Sharon Nunnenkamp’s house
Men’s Bible Study, 7:00 PM at SCC
Saturday: WINGS Make Some, Take Some Event
9:00 AM at SCC
NOTES Today’s Passage:________________________
SUNDAY SCHOOL INFO Nursery for infants & toddlers
Classes for ages 2 years - 12th grade (downstairs)
Adult classes:
New Members Class - Pastor Paul (upstairs) Storyline of Scripture - Pastor Rick (downstairs)
ORDER OF SERVICE Announcements
Call to Worship
Praise & Worship
10,000 Reasons
Scripture Hebrews 3:12-4:2
Hymn #365 Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Prayer & Praise
Missionaries of the Month:
Keith & Rhonda Johnson - CRU
Gary & Brenda Bennett - Village Missions
Today’s Message
Pastor Paul Nauman
{Children’s Church will be dismissed before the message.}
Hymn #371
God Is So Good
All are invited to join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following the service.
FEBRUARY 10, 2019 Pastor Paul & Kathy Nauman
605 South K Road, Giltner NE 68841
Home: 402.849.2631
Church: 402.737.3333
Pastor Rick & Alyssa Bartek
PO Box 144
Henderson, NE 68371
Cell: 402.366.3242 stockhamcommunitychurch
Pre-Service Prayer: 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Night Activities: 7:00 p.m.
Verse of the Month: Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen. (Revelation 7:12)
Attributes of God Pamphlet
THE VALENTINE’S BANQUET will be TONIGHT at 5:30 PM. All adults are welcome! Please sign up in the foyer.
Knowing who God is, his character and his nature, can be discovered through learning about his attributes. The more we know God, the more our love can grow and mature. Attributes of God: Basic Beliefs About Who God Is, gives 20 key traits of God: loving, just, kind, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful, eternal, faithful, and more. Each attribute of God comes with explanation, application, Bible references, and questions for reflection and study.
This resource can be found in the spinner rack at the Welcome Center in the Fellowship Hall.
THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Sunday - Gail Rath, Emmett Ehly Monday - Naomi Campbell, Kay Lindquist, Kim Kliewer, Harry Kliewer, Rick Bartek, Megan Huenefeld Tuesday - Sandy Kliewer Wednesday - Brandon Hofmann, Rick & Mary Boardman Thursday - Lacie Hogan Friday - Chris Klein Saturday - Ralph Klein, Dan Wilson, Bréley Hunnicutt, Micah & Chelsie Veleba …………………………………………………………..
Last week the Youth continued to dig into the Apostle’s Paul’s letter to the Colossians by looking at chapter 3:1-17. We would encourage you to ask the youth how this text applies to their life.
GEM will meet this Tuesday, February 12, 9:00 AM at SCC. It will be our Panel of Moms meeting, including open discussions with several “seasoned moms” to gain insight, wisdom, and encouragement from them.
2019 DEACON BOARD Clayton Kliewer Andy Leichleiter
Benton Reutzel Jerry Leach
AJ Bergen Justin Gimpel Ken Griess
2019 TRUSTEE BOARD Isaac Schelkopf James Huenefeld Jeff Ochsner Trent Schelkopf
Ted Ehly
WANT TO HELP THE YOUTH GROUP? Sign up in the foyer if you would be willing to provide a meal or dessert for their Wednesday night study. Thank you!
MAKE SOME, TAKE SOME, EAT SOME, TREAT SOME! Women IN God’s Service (WINGS) – February event will be Saturday, February 16, 9:00–10:30 AM. Come enjoy some great fellowship while we put together some soups and casseroles. You will be able to take home a couple of meals prepared and ready to bake or serve. We also encourage you to take an extra one to give away to someone in need, or just as a random act of kindness! Please sign up on the attendance sheet in the foyer as well as the “ingredients” list.
Other WINGS events coming up:
March – Coffee with residents at Sutton Nursing Home
April – “Baby Shower” for Wellspring
Pregnancy & Health Center
Next Week
Kirt & Mykelin Watson
Tom & Arlys Kliewer
Ken & Carol Griess
February 24
Dan & Pam Hastings
Jerry & Karen Leach
Dave & Jeanette Althouse
Dena Grantham, Melinda Ehly
Ron Mostek, Dellene Friesen
Julie Wilson, Lindsey Mierau
Bob & Sharon Nunnenkamp
Fred & Carole Matteson
Gail Rath
Children’s Church
Gwen Ochsner
Lorainne Griess
Tiffany Eggleston
NEW ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES will begin next week, February 17! Pastor Paul will teach through Luke in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Rick will be downstairs, teaching How to Study the Bible through the book of Colossians. If you are interested in a binder for Pastor Rick’s class, please let him know! Sunday School is a great way to hear additional teaching and to deepen your relationships; take advantage of these opportunities!
NEWS • If you have a prayer request for the prayer chain, contact Pastor Rick. If you would like to be added to the prayer chain (either by automated phone call, email, or text) contact Megan Huenefeld.
• If you are a new attender or need to update your information, please fill out an information card that is located in the pew and drop it in the offering plate!
• Please have bulletin info to Megan Huenefeld (text/call 402.694.8708 or email
[email protected]) by noon on Wednesdays.