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Welcome to Valley Forge where we love God & others, learn Christ-like discipleship, and live a spirit-filled abundant life
Sunday April 21, 2019
This Week at Valley
Today 21st ———————
7:00am SUNRISE SERVICE followed by breakfast at Fellowship Hall. 9:45am SUNDAY SCHOOL with the D6 Family Theme ”From Death to Life”. 10:45am MORNING WORSHIP with Children’s & Praise Choirs singing and Pastor Randy preaching. 6:00pm
SERVING TODAY @ 10:45am Cradle Roll: Marie Turbyfill, Lacey Turbyfill Toddlers: Jordan & Casey Lovelace Floater: Chloe Lyons Van: Brian Arrowood (423) 483‐5734 Shu le: Zachary Harris, Benji Whitehead NO VOLUNTEERS SERVING TONIGHT @ 6:00pm
Wednesday 24th ———— 6:30pm YOUTH CHOIR PRACTICE in Youth Center.
AWANA CLUBS for youth through 6th grade with classes in the lower level.
Wednesday 24th ———— 7:00pm
FORGE AHEAD MEMBERSHIP 601 for those who are registered in the class in Room 116. CTS SANCTUARY CLASS with prayer, praise, singing, and Mark Guinn speaking. SERVING WEDNESDAY CTS @ 7:00pm Van: Kevin Pitman (423) 957‐1671
Saturday 27th —————— 9:00am
Next Sunday 28th ———— 9:30am
FORGE AHEAD MEMBERSHIP 601 for those who are registered in Youth Center Conference Room. 9:45am SUNDAY SCHOOL with the D6 Family Theme ”Seeking The Savior”.
10:45am MORNING WORSHIP with Children’s & Praise Choirs singing and Southern Raised Band. 4:50pm
TEACHERS & ASSISTANTS APPRECIATION DINNER in YRC. This includes all teachers & assistants for Sunday School, Awana, & Wed. CTS. FORGE CONNECT 6:00pm EVENING WORSHIP with special singing and David Mar n Jr. preaching.
Events & Activities MAY 2 (Thursday) MENS FELLOWSHIP at Fellowship Hall with hamburger & hotdog cookout beginning at 6:30pm. FORGE CONNECT MAY 16 (Thursday) WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP DINNER at the Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm. Dawn Jennings, Pastor’s wife of First FWB Church, Eliz., will be speaking. FORGE CONNECT MAY 19 (Sunday) SPRING GRADUATE RECOGNITION during the Morning Worship Service. Please submit name, school, & degree (if applicable) by May 12. FORGE CONNECT JULY 12, 13 (Friday — Saturday) WOMEN’S MINISTRY to “Going Beyond Live” with Priscilla Shirer and to The Billy Graham Library in Charlo e, NC. We will leave the church at 8:00am on Friday & return Saturday at 10:00pm. Cost is $70. Space is limited. FORGE CONNECT
News & Opportunities REBECCA RAE BURLESON daughter of Sco & Lynsey Burleson, & brother Parker, was born Tuesday, April 16 at 9:30am. She was 20 3/4” long and weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL supplies needed: Barrells, burlap, burlap sacks, saddles, cowboy hats/boots, old wooden tables and chairs, western décor, lanterns, and other western items. Please have in YRC by May 29. Please tag items with owners name for return a er VBS.
News & Opportunities
ALL MEMBERS AND ATTENDEES are invited to sign the Bible located in the foyer. This will be placed in the founda on of “The Forge” during construc on. THANK YOU… the ACT Mission Team Dessert Auc on Sunday Evening a er the service was a huge success. 53 desserts were donated and auc oned for the team with $6,289 in total proceeds. THANK YOU… for all who volunteered, a ended and helped serve lunch during the Holy Week Service here Wednesday. 103 a ended the service as Rev. Ray Amos (Pastor of First United Methodist Church, Eliz.) preached and special music by Gabe Short.
THE COTTAGE PRAYER GROUP consis ng of Sco Farmer, Jeff & Sherry Underwood, Mark Wishon, and Pastor Mark visited Bob & Pat Ray and Peggy Po er at Ivy Hall Nursing Home last Wednesday during CTS. KEITH HAYES has been a faithful van driver for many years, but due to current health condi ons will be stepping aside un l further no ce. Thank you for your service. VAN DRIVERS that currently serve the families of our church with transporta on for each service…
Brian Lynn Gary Kevin David Arrowood England Holder Pitman Snyder
Mike White
Contact Us VALLEY FORGE FWB CHURCH 1503 Riverview Drive Elizabethton, TN 37643 Phone:(423) 542‐5344 Hours: M—F (8am‐5pm) Website: www.valleyforgechurch.com App: valleyforgechurch.com/app
My Worship & Serving SERVING NEXT SUNDAY @ 10:45am Cradle Roll: Sco & Jennifer Farmer Toddlers: David & Heather Odom Floater: Beth Hilbert Van: Mike White (423) 725‐4650 Shu le: Jordan Lovelace, Shaun Julian
SERVING NEXT SUNDAY @ 6:00pm Cradle Roll: Carrie Murray, Taylor Owens Toddler: Anna Rose, Ellen Albury Floater: N/A Van: Mike White (423) 725‐4650
Prayer Please pray for the bereaved families of Gina Dotson (niece of Nancy Smith), Aaron Po er (cousin of Mark Po er), & Sandra Roark (sister‐in‐law of Bea Snyder).
Stewardship Sunday School: 372 Morning: 645 Evening: 268 Wed. CTS: 230 Youth: 113 Offering: $21,022.75 Weekly Budget Target: $18,128.58
Happy Birthday! 4/21 4/22 4/23 4/24 4/26 4/27
Jim Such Victor Deloach, Joel Elijah, Cindy Harris, Lance Harsh, Jonathan Huff, Maggie Odom, Nate Pippin Charles Lacey, Pamela Miller, April Pearson, Mark Po er Mikala Campbell Sherry Freeman, Ane e LeVeau, Sandra McKinney, Jessie Whitehead, Phil Williams Blaine Tolley, Gail Weems
Happy Anniversary! 4/25 Richard & Myra Norris 4/27 Josh & Haley Carr
Contact Of The Week CHARLES LACEY (Happy Birthday) 108 Price Road Elizabethton, TN 37643