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Division of Enterprise Operations Consolidated Agency Purchasing Services Post Office Box 7867 Madison, WI 53707-7867 Voice (608) 266-2605 Fax (608) 266-1977

Issued by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration on behalf of Department of Safety and Professional Services

Request for Information (RFI) #DS150605 Credentialing, Regulation and Enforcement System

Issue Date: December 26, 2014 Responses Due: January 30, 2015

This Request for Information (RFI) is issued solely for information and planning purposes, and does not constitute a solicitation. Responses to this RFI will not be returned. Responses to this RFI are not an offer and cannot be accepted by the State to form a binding contract. The State of Wisconsin is not liable for any cost incurred by the vendor in response to this RFI.

Questions and communications concerning this RFI will be directed to: Bruce Derge State Bureau of Procurement, CAPS Department of Administration Telephone: (608) 264-7658 E-Mail: [email protected]

Request for Information (RFI) #DS150605 Credentialing, Regulation and Enforcement System (CRES)

Table of Contents


Acronyms and Definitions Introduction Purpose of the Request for Information VendorNet Registration Calendar of Events Submitting a Response Vendor Response Format and Information Public Records Review of Responses

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Attachments Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information (Form DOA-3027) Vendor Information Sheet (Form DOA-3477)

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Acronyms and Definitions The following acronyms and definitions are used throughout this RFI and Attachments: Agency BI/analytic Big Bang Adoption CE Day DET DOA DSPS Department Gap End User IT ICE Phased Adoption REGOBJ RFB RFP Responder SABAPP Site State Vendor

Department of Safety and Professional Services Business Intelligence/Analytic. Set of techniques and tools for the transformation of raw data into meaningful and useful information for business analysis purposes. Is the adoption type of the instant changeover, when everybody associated with the new system moves to the fully functioning new system on a given date. Certified Education Calendar Day unless otherwise indicated Department of Enterprise Technology Department of Administration Department of Safety and Professional Services The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services A break in continuity Employees, public, staff Information Technology Integrated Credentialing and Enforcement System Is a strategy of implementing an innovation in an organization in a phased way, so that different parts of the organization are implemented in different subsequent time slots. Regulated Objects System Request for Bid Request for Proposal Any Vendor or Person responding to this RFI Safety and Buildings Division Application Locations for accessing the service The State of Wisconsin A company, consortium, or individual submitting a presentation or information in response to this RFI (also a Responder).

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Introduction Department Background The Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) was formed in 2011 by combining the Department of Regulation and Licensing and parts of the Department of Commerce. DSPS is responsible for ensuring the safe and competent practice of licensed professionals in Wisconsin. The Department also administers and enforces laws to assure safe and sanitary conditions in public and private buildings. It provides administrative services to the State occupational regulatory authorities responsible for regulation of occupations and offers policy assistance in such areas as evaluating and establishing new professional licensing programs, creating routing procedures for legal proceedings, and adjusting policies in response to public needs. The Department licenses and regulates more than 341 different types of credentials and permits. The Department also provides centralized administrative services to nearly 100 boards, councils, and advisory committees. The boards, councils, and advisory committees have varying levels of responsibility and professional oversight based on statutory provisions. DSPS is responsible for the issuance of 159 professional licenses, 75 professional trades’ licenses, and 107 types of objects that are approved to operate at specific Sites and facilities based on the submission, review and approval of the engineering plans. Existing Systems and Infrastructure DSPS is an established, mid-sized, central regulatory Department with set business processes and experienced personnel who are committed to meeting their legislative mandates. DSPS procures the services of the Department of Administration’s Division of Enterprise Technology (DET), which manages the State’s information technology (IT) assets. DET is responsible for information technology services and infrastructure for DSPS. The Department has built and maintains hundreds of internal systems, databases of all types, office application solutions and online portal and web services as well as interfaces to dozens of third-party applications and other Wisconsin agencies. While there are many legacy application systems that serve the needs of DSPS, there are three major primary systems that support its regulatory mandate. These systems are based on out-of-date technologies, and do not implement business processes consistently across DSPS. These primary systems are:

1. ICE – Integrated Credentialing and Enforcement System 

Manages the Department’s Regulated Professions, Examining Boards and Other Boards and Councils consisting of 159 professions

Includes processes for application submission, renewals, Certified Education (CE), examinations, payments, inspections, enforcement and compliance monitoring

Includes Board Member Management Functions

Maintains its own set of “customers” (individual or business entities)

One of three primary systems within DSPS

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2. REGOBJ – Regulated Objects System 

Manages the issuance of permits for 107 types of objects (such as boilers, buildings, elevators etc.) that are approved to operate at specific Sites and facilities

Each object may have up to dozens of attributes unique to the object type that specifies its size, shape, complexity, capacity, etc.

Different permitting process and data structures from ICE, follows a design that includes: o





Regulated Objects




Plan Reviews




Permit to Operate



Shares customers with SABAPP below

One of three primary systems within DSPS

3. SABAPP – Safety and Buildings Division Application 

Manages 81 trades including contractors, plumbers, mechanics, etc.

Very similar in functional scope to ICE but uses unique business processes and functions

Shares “customers” (individual or business entities) with REGOBJ above

One of three primary systems within DSPS

Purpose of the Request for Information The purpose of this RFI is to gather information about commercial-off-the-shelf products for credentialing, regulation and enforcement (licensing software system) to replace the three systems above into one integrated system. Information on implementation and training services is also being requested. The information received in response to this RFI may aid in the development of a Request for Proposal (RFP) leading to the selection of a licensing software system, implementation and training services. The State is interested in responses from firms utilizing or representing existing web-based licensing software systems. The State is not interested in having a system developed to meet its needs in this area. The State may request demonstrations from responding vendors for the purpose of developing RFP criteria. This request for information shall not result in a contractual relationship.

VendorNet Registration Only Vendors registered with the State of Wisconsin’s VendorNet (the State’s purchasing information and Vendor notification service) will receive automatic future official notice of Request for Bid (RFB) or Page 5 of 9

Request for Proposal opportunities. VendorNet is available to all businesses and organizations that want to sell to the State. Anyone may access VendorNet on the Internet at to get information on State purchasing practices and policies, goods and services that the State buys, and tips on selling to the State.

Calendar of Events Listed here are the specific dates of actions related to this RFI. The actions with specific dates must be completed as indicated unless otherwise changed by DSPS. In the event DSPS finds it necessary to change any of the specific dates, it will do so by issuing amendments to this RFI which will be posted onto VendorNet. DATE December 26, 2014 January 9, 2015 January 16, 2014 JANUARY 30, 2015

EVENT __________ RFI issued Deadline for submitting written questions Estimated date for State responses to written questions RFI RESPONSES DUE

DOA Office hours are 7:45 am - 4:30 pm CST, Monday - Friday, except when the building is closed on State Holidays. Questions must be submitted to bruce.derge@wi,gov by the date in the RFI Calendar of Events. Amendments, revisions, or supplements to this RFI will be posted on VendorNet.

Submitting a Response Interested vendors should submit a response answering the questions on pages 7-9 Vendor Response. The total Vendor Response document should not be in excess of 30 pages. Vendor responses may be submitted electronically (preferred) in either Office 2010 or Adobe Acrobat formats. The responses to the requested information and any supplemental materials should be returned to the address below no later than January 30, 2015. Instructions Respondents must submit: ● ● ●

One (1) original hard copy One (1) identical copy of the original hard copy One (1) CD/DVD-ROM or flash drive containing all of the materials of the response in either Microsoft Word (Version 2003 or better) or Adobe Acrobat (Version 9.0 or better) format.

All submitted responses, both hard copy and electronic, must be individually marked with the following: ● ● ●

“Original” or “copy” (for the hard copies only) Each response, hard copy or electronic, is numbered (e.g., 1 of X, 2 of X, etc.) Each response is clearly marked with the Responder’s name.

The RFI response must be returned to the following address no later than January 30, 2015. Common Carrier: Department of Administration State Bureau of Procurement, CAPS ATTN: Bruce Derge 101 E. Wilson St.; 6 Floor Madison, WI 53703

US Postal: Department of Administration. State Bureau of Procurement, CAPS ATTN: Bruce Derge P.O. Box 7867 Madison, WI 53707-7867 Page 6 of 9

All responses must be packaged and sealed. Mark the outside of the sealed package with the following: Vendor: [name] Request for Information #DS150605 Due Date: January 30, 2015 Attention: Bruce Derge The State will not be responsible for responses not received by the due date. All responses must be received by the above office and will be date stamped when received. Responses not so stamped by the due date may be considered late and disqualified. No faxed responses will be accepted. E-mailed responses will be accepted but only as an attachment and not in the body of the email. E-mail your response to: [email protected] Responses to this RFI will not be returned unless specifically requested. Responses to this RFI are not an offer and shall not result in a contract. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI.

Vendor Response Format and Information Interested Vendors should submit a written response that complies to this RFI with the following format and information requests as listed below:     

Responses should be typed and single spaced. Responses should be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch paper bound securely. Responses should be organized by an underlined title for each separate category, numbering each question and restating each entire question that is being requested. The vendor’s response providing information should be located directly under the Agency’s question requesting this information. The entire document should not be longer than 30 pages.

Vendors submitting a response to this RFI should answer the following questions. Additional information regarding your commercial-off-the-shelf product for credentialing, regulation and enforcement (licensing software system), and implementation and training services information is welcome. COMPANY INFORMATION 1. Introduce your organization:  Parent company  Ownership structure  Number of years in business  Organizational size and structure  Number of facility locations and where  Number of employees  Number of customers  Any additional relevant information regarding your organization 2. Identify contact information for individual(s) at your organization to respond to questions that DSPS personnel may have regarding information on the products and services you offer. 3. List any relevant websites for your company and what these websites offer. Page 7 of 9

4. Provide the name(s) of your software product. 5. Describe your software product and services strategies plus include which markets are being served. 6. Include information regarding any strategic partnerships or alliances with other technology or service organizations. 7. Identify major customers that use your software/services and would be willing to serve as a reference. Please provide the appropriate contact information for these customers. We are especially interested in State governments. Large corporate client references are also acceptable. TECHNICAL INFORMATION 8. Provide technical specifications for the licensing software system that is being offered. Include all approved hardware platforms, operating systems, and data architectures required to support this software. 9. List any additional software that is required for use with your system operations. For example; web browsers, browser plug-ins, system extensions, databases, and etc. 10. Describe your product’s ability to integrate with existing financial or third-party vendor systems. List any legacy systems that have been successfully integrated with your system software. 11. Does your organization provide hosting services? If yes, please explain the features, pricing models and privacy policy for these hosting services. 12. Describe how your software system operates in response to increased user demand, data demand or load. 13. Provide screen shots or an evaluation login that will allow access to both customer and vendor pages of your licensing software system. 14. Describe the levels of security and authorization built into your software system. 15. Describe your software systems upgrade and support plan. 16. Describe your client support and escalation process. SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITY 17. Describe the functionality of your licensing software system. 18. Describe how your software system can be customized or tailored by the End User. 19. Describe your mobile solutions capabilities, for example can your application be used with existing tablets and smart phone devices. 20. Describe how the public/customers can access the system. 21. Describe the software system capabilities regarding the automated management of work tasks by agency staff. 22. Describe the BI/analytic capabilities of your software system. 23. Describe the reporting capabilities of your software system. Include standard and customized reporting features. Please provide examples of these reports. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 24. Is your software system implementation performed in-person or remotely? 25. Is implementation handled in-house or do you work with third- party service providers? If not inhouse, list and describe any third parties service providers that you are presently working with. 26. Is your software system implementation conducted by anyone or organization outside of the United States? 27. Describe your implementation strategy of the licensing software system, for example Big Bang Adoption, Phased Adoption, or other. 28. Provide projected timeframes for implementation and deployment for a project of this magnitude as described above in the Introduction section and as based upon previous customer implementation projects. 29. Describe your project management, planning, requirements, design, build/construction, migration of legacy data, testing and training capabilities.

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30. Describe any potential customization of your software product that will be needed to meet our operational requirements. OTHER INFORMATION 31. Describe your pricing/funding model, including ongoing annual maintenance and support costs. 32. Describe the benefits and/or savings that will result from implementing your licensing software system. Any product life-cycle cost data. 33. Describe any potential software system Gaps.

Public Records All materials submitted in response to this RFI will become the property of the State and will become public records after the RFI review process is completed. If the Vendor submits information in response to this RFI that it believes to be trade secret materials, then under Wisconsin public records law, the Vendor must: Clearly mark all trade secret materials in the response at the time the response is submitted; Include a statement with the response justifying the trade secret designation for each item; and Defend in any venue any action seeking release of the materials it believes to be trade secret, and indemnify and hold harmless the State, its agents and employees, from any judgments awarded against the State in favor of the party requesting the materials, and any and all costs connected with that defense. In submitting a response to this RFI, Responder agrees that this indemnification survives as long as the trade secret materials are in the possession of the State. The State is required to keep all basic documents related to its contracts, including responses to RFIs, for a minimum of five years. All information received in response to this RFI that is marked “proprietary” (via the attached form DOA-3027 Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information) will be handled accordingly.

Review of Responses An agency Credentialing, Regulation and Enforcement System (CRES) software system project committee has been assigned to review RFI responses. Upon completion of the RFI process, DSPS may seek clarification from Responders. Please note that the State will not communicate when the RFI is complete. See Section 3 above for VendorNet notification of future procurement opportunities.

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