CARLE INSTRUMENTS, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

CARLE INSTRUMENTS, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications) INSTR...

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A sampling of w h y gas chromatographers w o r l d - w i d e are switching to Carle Micro Volume Valves VALVES THAT WORK P u r g e a b l e h o u s i n g s are a v a i l a b l e It takes imagineering to design valves w i t h all M i c r o V o l u m e Valves if absothat produce sharp peaks required lute elimination of the slightest confor analysis of complex samples . . . t a m i n a t i o n by a t m o s p h e r i c gases t o e l i m i n a t e g h o s t i n g a n d o t h e r (even to parts per b i l l i o n levels) is sampling induced anomalies . . . and required. offer unexcelled reliability for repetiOPERATION UNDER A WIDE tive, routine analysis. RANGE OF C O N D I T I O N S The w o r l d - w i d e acceptance of Carle Constructed of stainless steel and M i c r o V o l u m e Valves in research c e r a m i c a n d g l a s s - f i l l e d Teflon®, laboratories and their availability as Carle Valves operate at temperatures original equipment on chromatoup to 250°C and at pressures w e l l graphs of leading manufacturers are over 100 psi. the ultimate proof these small bore, zero dead volume valves work. VALVES A N D OPTIONAL FEATURES FOR VIRTUALLY ALL H O W SHARP PEAKS ARE GC SAMPLING A N D SWITCHING ACHIEVED T o t a l absence o f u n s w e p t areas, APPLICATIONS r o t a r y s h e a r - s e a l i n g o f s l i d e r s t o You have a choice of twelve standard body, small internal diameter con- porting arrangements w i t h additional necting tubes and porting (less than custom designs for special applica1/32" throughout the entire system) t i o n s . T h r o u g h a c o m b i n a t i o n of e l i m i n a t e p o s s i b i l i t i e s f o r v a l v e - optional p l u m b i n g configurations or by c o m b i n i n g more than one valve, induced peak broadening. hundreds of different f l o w patterns STATICALLY A N D DYNAMICALLY can be established in the chromatoLEAK-FREE PERFORMANCE graphic system. The patented valve design combines the smallest internal volume avail- ACTUATE AUTOMATICALLY able w i t h a unique kinematic loading D e s i g n e d to p r e v e n t d a m a g e t o principle. Even after extended use, valves through the use of precisely these valves are essentially leak-free. adjusted air cylinders, Carle A u t o In fact, a mass spectrometer leak matic Actuators provide rapid, posidetector must be used to detect any tive actuation not obtainable w i t h electrically operated solenoids. leakage.

AUTOMATE SINGLE VALVE APPLICATIONS The economical Series 2000 Single Valve Programmer allows sampling or c o l u m n switching at the predetermined o p t i m u m time. Benefits include greater precision and unattended operation. AUTOMATE MULTIVALVE GC SYSTEMS Multivalve systems of t w o or more valves can be completely automated as the 2100 Series Programmer takes over to perform the most complex analyses . . . for programs w i t h total time intervals ranging from one m i n ute to an hour or more. A N D WE HELP Y O U ACHIEVE O P T I M U M PERFORMANCE The realization that many chromatographers faced similar problems led to the publishing of the first and recently the second e d i t i o n of " I M A G I N E E R I N G W I T H CARLE M I C R O V O L U M E VALVES." The solutions to 23 key valving situations are contained in this valuable reference guide, available at no cost. Write today for your free copy of "Imagineering." W e w i l l also include complete technical details on all of our valving and related instruments. IMAGINEERING WITH CARLE

Series 2100 Programmer


"Bird Book"

Automatic Valve

Micro Volume Valve

and Actuator

Purged Valve

Series 2000 Programmer

C A R L E I N S T R U M E N T S , INC.

1141 EAST ASH AVENUE, FULLERTON, CALIFORNIA 92631 (714) 879-9900 See the Latest New Carle Products at the Pittsburgh Conference - Booths 217 & 218 Circle No. 90 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1969


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