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Case Study : Debenhams plc DC


Sherburn-in-Elmet, Yorkshire, UK. // September 2011

Project information Project name and location

Debenhams Distribution Centre, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Yorkshire, UK.


July 2011

Building type and size

Distribution Centre 60,000 sq.metres

Suspended services

Lighting – busbar and fitting


Gripple Catenary Kits

Gripple Ltd. The Old West Gun Works, Savile Street East, Sheffield, S4 7UQ, England. Tel +44 114 275 2255 : Fax +44 114 275 1155 : Email‘[email protected]

Project outline Debenhams has 167 department stores in the UK, Ireland and Denmark. It has 29,000 employees and 12million sq.ft of trading space. With this new DC, it will add a further 680,000 sq.ft to its remit and a welcome 800 jobs for the Selby area. Key to its location on one of the largest Industrial sites in North Yorkshire, is its easy access to the A1(M) and it joins companies like DHL, Eddie Stobart, Sainsbury’s and Kingspan.

The building was a typical distribution centre. Lighting needed to be suspended between the purlins at specific positions. Traditionally, in this type of build, channel would be used.

Alternatively, a GF bracket can also be used to attach the catenary wire to a purlin, also available from Gripple

The scenario would be : ordering several tonnes of channel and threaded rod, shipping it to site, moving from the delivery vehicle to the storage area, then transferring to the cutting area, then onto the scissor lift, all in order to span the purlins to achieve the require positions for the luminaires. By opting to use the Gripple Catenary system, almost every step in this chain was eradicated – with impressive results. 1/. Freight CO2 emissions were minimised as the Gripple Catenary system is massively smaller and lighter than channel and rod. 2/. Product CO2 emissions are also reduced – as the mode of manufacture for the Gripple products uses much less energy than traditional channel & rod. 3/. Health & Safety on site was improved. Handling of large, heavy materials was negated. There was no cutting, therefore, no hazard from hot works, and the time spent working at height was slashed. 4/. Installation time is a fraction ofGripple what it Hanger was. 5/. It looks good and does not obscure any natural daylight from the skylights entering the DC.

The Gripple Catenary system creates an overhead line from which multiple hanging points can be attached. It is secured at both ends using the Gripple Lockable, either by looping around a purlin, or to an eyebolt, by means of the Gripple GF bracket Multiple Gripple C-Clip’s can then be attached anywhere along this line. It has a ‘twist-on/twist-off’ mechanism so positioning is easy and adjustable. C-Clips are available in lengths from 1 to 10 metres as standard, offering versatility throughout The Gripple Catenary system can be used to support many types of services from lighting to signage to ductwork

Electrical Sub-Contractor … “Using the Gripple Catenary system allowed us to make-up time on the job. This was a God send, as it enabled us to get back on schedule following earlier delays that were outside our control. This labour saving benefited our company directly. We managed to drastically reduce the installation time by using the Gripple Catenary System instead of spanning purlins with channel. The system was so easy to use and Gripple even helped us with the layout”

Visit for more Gripple case studies

Gripple Ltd. The Old West Gun Works, Savile Street East, Sheffield, S4 7UQ, England. Tel +44 114 275 2255 : Fax +44 114 275 1155 : Email‘[email protected]