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CASE STUDY DeliverCareRx – Data Driven Print Solution

ASC DELIVERS THE GOODS FOR MAIL DELIVERY PHARMACY DeliverCareRx’s (DCRX) mission is to help chronically ill customers comply with their prescription regimen by providing free home delivery and refill processing of the medications they have been prescribed. DCRX understands the importance of prescription management and maintaining overall wellbeing to customers, healthcare providers and insurance companies. Because a large portion of its new patient generation is sourced through direct phone, mail or web contact with potential customers, it reached out to an industry leader to help it acquire, qualify and manage prospective customer data and maximize successful customer enrollments.

DATA-DRIVEN SOLUTIONS FOR TODAY’S MARKETERS DCRX is a fully licensed pharmacy, serving patients in the upper Midwest. DCRX knows how important paying attention to the little things is to overall health. After all, it has carved its place in the competitive mail delivery pharmacy arena by helping its customers get what they need when they need it. So when it came time to reach out to new customers, the company looked to American Spirit Corporation to deliver.

Collaborating to Serve an Underserved Market Recognizing an unmet need, DCRX set its sights on becoming the mail delivery pharmacy for an underserved market. While the company has the capacity to take on new business, it needed help acquiring it. Working closely with DCRX and its creative agency, ASC proposed an aggressive data acquisition plan that met the client’s growth target by year-end. Each group has distinct roles and has remained in constant communication to assure seamless execution of the program.

DCRX’s mission is to help chronically ill customers comply with their prescription regimen by providing free home delivery and refill processing of the medications they have been prescribed. Because a large portion of its new patient generation is sourced through direct phone, mail, or web contact with potential customers, it reached out to an industry leader to help it acquire, qualify, and manage prospective customer data and maximize successful customer enrollments.  “DeliverCareRx has set some significant customer acquisition goals. We believe in their product and commitment to serving their patients, but it has taken collaboration from strategy to data to creative to mailbox to deliver not just conversions, but a service promise to an audience that deserves it.“ – D. Nugent

801 SE 9th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55414 P: 612-623-3333 F: 612-623-9314

Replicating Success

When is the best time to engage an allergy sufferer?  Through the use of proprietary data analysis tools, ASC can help clients pinpoint the best time to reach specific audiences. Data was used to determine which prospects suffer from seasonal allergies, so that messaging about having their allergy medication delivered right to their door arrives just before they need it.

ASC worked with DCRX to build on the mail delivery pharmacy’s strengths and past successes. By analyzing the data of DCRX’s existing patients, ASC was able to develop an existing customer profile and “clone” that profile to specifically target similar prospective consumers in its geographic markets. ASC also took into account how the consumers were contacted in the past. Tapping into ASC’s vast in house data resources, DCRX was able to focus on its most promising prospects with the messages they needed to hear. Real-time data analysis provided by ASC meant that messages and audiences could be adjusted to proactively meet the consumer prospect needs.

Turnkey Marketing Tools: Data driven print solutions allow you to do more with less When it comes to coordinating a complex marketing strategy, sometimes less is more. In this case, working with American Spirit Corporation meant that DCRX had access to a suite of integrated services.

Project Coordination A dedicated ASC support team meant that DCRX had simplified access to all offerings provided by ASC. From data discovery through production and back-end responder analysis, the team collaborated to ensure that the actions of one part of the team supported the others.

Data Analysis, List Sourcing, and Responder Modeling American Spirit Data Solutions, a division of American Spirit Corporation, mined existing client data for statistical relevancies, applied overlays and built a model using deciles that pulled forward consumers with the most propensity to not only respond to an offer, but become a loyal customer.

Optimized Print Production The ASC print production platform enabled on press imaging and automation that reduced process steps and cost.

Postal Management and Call Center Balancing ASC knows the postal landscape and pays close attention to both cost metrics and mail delivery times. Controlling postage cost is critical and delivering a balanced level of call activity is just as important. Collaborating with ASC allows marketers full line of sight to make informed marketing decisions. Developing solutions to meet stated goals, testing the theory and seeing the gains ultimately allows ASC clients to confidently invest in their acquisition program.


ASC PROVIDES ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Before working with ASC, DCRX was purchasing lists from brokers at a much higher cost—often purchasing lists that have been called by many competitors in the recent past resulting in much lower enrollment yields By utilizing propensity models to create customized data lists from the source (not purchasing from brokers), DCRX is able to increase/maximize the potential leads in a given geographic region.

Results      

Better cost of acquisition (data price efficiency) Larger data set than the typical retail data buyer Increased call center efficiency by attracting fewer unqualified leads Increased response rate from 3 percent to 6 percent Increased completed inbound calls from 50 percent to 80 percent Increased net sales rate from 0.15 percent to 0.91 percent, a 6-fold increase

AMERICAN SPIRIT CORPORATION ASC is a marketing service provider offering consumer agencies and corporate clients much more than ink on paper. From data solutions to effective print management and proprietary online tools that drive conversions, the ASC platform meets and exceeds client expectations daily.