Centreville Baptist Church | 2018-2019

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Annual Family Report Centreville Baptist Church | 2018-2019


Dear CBC Family, This time of year—every year—is exciting for our church family as we prepare to start a new ministry year on July 1. There is an additional element this year that generates an even greater amount of excitement and anticipation. With the search for a new Worship Pastor and a new Lead Pastor well underway, we are about to embark on an exciting adventure. New pastoral leadership will bring new energy, new vision, new excitement, and new ministries which, I believe, will result in much fruit. These new leaders and ministry opportunities will take the investment of our resources—our time, our gifts, our money. The Ministry Year Budget is our financial plan in order to effectively invest our money to meet those ministry opportunities. Our Finance Ministry Team, staff, and elders have prayed, discussed, and worked to strategically allocate funds in a way that will help us maximize our opportunities to fulfill our God-given purpose—glorifying God by making fully devoted disciples! This new season will be met with mixed emotions, questions, and maybe even some concerns. Therefore, on Sunday, June 3, during the 9:15 and 10:45 am Community Group times, we will hold two Family Meetings, celebrating what God has done this year and looking forward to the 2018-19 ministry year. The meetings will be in the Fellowship Hall and will include time for questions. This Is to help you prayerfully prepare to vote on Sunday, June 17, for the 2018-19 Ministry Year Budget and affirm new elders, deacons, and deaconesses. This Family Report includes: • celebration - highlights of what God has done through CBC this year to help people connecti with God; with one another; and with the world • planning - highlights of what God is leading us to do in the next ministry year • investment - summary of the Ministry Year Budget for 2018-19 and • voting - key information you need in preparing to vote A great adventure is before us. God’s presence and provision will sustain us. As has often been said, “Where God guides, He provides.” That’s why Paul could confidently write to the Christians in Philippi and say, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) God does, indeed, supply but He supplies through His people. Therefore, prayerfully reflect on this report and plan to participate in one of the Family Meetings. Pressing On,


Who We A re MISSION Glorify God by making fully-devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. VISION Life is better connected STRATEGY Connect with God, Connect with One Another, Connect with the World

VALUES 1. MANY PEOPLES We value reaching and reflecting our community. We will be a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church that is many peoples, one body. 2. MISSION OVER PREFERENCE We value God’s Word and the mission God has given us, more than tradition, comfort, or preference or culture. We will do whatever it takes - without violating scripture - to reach people far from God. 3. TEAMS We value serving together in teams because we can accomplish more together than apart. We will equip leaders who will equip more leaders. 4. GENEROSITY We are spiritual contributors, not spiritual consumers. We will be a church marked by generosity and excellent stewardship of God’s resources. 5. RESTORATION We value being a place of respite where people find hope, restoration, and freedom. We will meet people where they are and journey with them toward wholeness in Christ. 3

Implementing our strategy Life is better Connected! Our strategy for being connected is to Connect with God, Connect with One Another, and Connect with the World. In the 2016-17 ministry year we focused on Connecting with God and this last year we focused on Connecting with One Another. Let’s take a look back and see what the year looked like!

HIGHLIGHTS FROM 2017-2018 Worship Connecting with God is a foundational priority at CBC and worship is an integral part of this connection along with prayer and discipleship. Our prayer is that every one attending a service will be drawn into the presence of God, free to worship Him with all our heart, soul, mind and body, and that our worship will glorify Him. As we wait on God’s timing and direction in who our next Worship Pastor will be, we are blessed to be led during our 9:15 service by Interim Worship Pastor Marty McCall and by Jim Combs as our Interim Worship Leader for the 10:45 service. 

A highlight this year was having the opportunity to worship in a packed worship center with Steven Curtis Chapman in concert!

For Christmas Eve service this year it was a blessing to be led by a combined team of our choir, orchestra, and bands from both the 9:15 and 10:45 services.

Kingdom Kids and Angel Choir shared with us Jingle Bell Beach at Christmas and The Agape League this spring—always special to see our youngest ones sharing the gospel in music and drama.


Community Life: Adults We believe that real life change happens in the context of authentic relationships. This is why the CBC family is made up of a network of community groups: 20 campus groups, 36 home, men’s, women’s and specialty groups with over 600 adults connected. CBC ministries that include lay counselors, Marriage Mentors, PLACE & Financial Peace University, also help equip our families and the church body overall. 

In January our CBC Equipping Summit on Resolving Conflict & Peacemaking addressed the topics of emotional awareness and active listening to help us maintain healthy relationships.

CBC Men had an amazing year! Sixty-five men were challenged to be Men of Valor at the CBC Men’s Fall Retreat. In November, a Veterans Appreciation Breakfast honored those who have served our country. The spring Big Bacon Breakfast focused on “Man’s Ultimate Challenge” and was a catalyst to bring men to the Car Show on our church grounds. Men’s small groups continue to be the core of ongoing discipleship in our men’s ministry as guys gather to grow as Christ-followers and as leaders.

This ministry year has been fruitful and active in CBC Women! We have seen growth in our Military Wives Connection group including many women who do not regularly attend church. Our groups for mothers of young children, The Nest and The Perch, connect about 70 women, encouraging and uplifting one another during their current seasons of life. Over 100 women are active weekly in Bible Studies and even more through Bible Study Fellowship! At our spring retreat, 65 women focused on how Connecting with God spurs us on to Connect with One Another.

As a multi-ethnic church, we continue to highly value our three heartlanguage campus community groups (Chinese, Korean & Spanish.) Members of these groups also provide translation in our worship services for those who need or prefer to hear the message in their heart language.


Next Generation: Axios Students The vision of Axios Students is to create a safe and fun environment for students to find their identity in Christ, a place to belong in His church, and a purpose in using their God-given gifts and talents to serve the world. Check out these highlights from the 2017-18 year!


In May we welcomed our new CBC Student Director, Jason Harrop! Jason is already forming relationships and setting the vision for growth among our students and we look forward to what 2018-19 holds for our students!

62 students attended Fall retreat at Summit Lake, where Erik Bledsoe challenged our students to fall in love with Christ as they focus on growing as believers.

The spring leadership retreat at Massanutten Resort was attended by 21 high school students who were challenged by Lane Sebring to live a lifestyle of discipleship, and effectively engage our culture.

Our students love to serve! This year, we re-launched the Student Worship Band and Student A/V Team, where 24 students actively serve each week. Our student-led Prayer Team gathers before our time together each week to pray for any requests that students share.

Regular monthly events held throughout the year, like our Christmas party, costume party, talent show, ultimate Frisbee day, and a dodgeball tournament help students connect with one another and with the world by inviting their friends to church.

Next Generation: CBC Kids Our desire is to have a fun and exciting environment where kids have the opportunity to hear the message of the gospel and grow deeper in their relationship with God. Take a look at what took place this year in CBC Kids! 

We blasted off for an exciting adventure with 212 kids and over 100 volunteers at Vacation Bible School! The kids set a new record by donating over 200 pounds of food for the pantry at Western Fairfax Christian Ministries!

35 kids experienced Centri-Kid Camp at Skycroft Conference Center for an amazing week where they learned that the light of Jesus will guide us even in the darkest of times.

It’s been an incredible year for AWANA club, with over 110 kids participating and memorizing scripture passages every week. We had five students receive the Citation Award, the highest AWANA award, which requires memorizing over 800 verses, reading the entire Bible, and writing summaries for each book. Way to go!

Wednesday Life includes JUMP and Kids Choir for K-6 grade. Kids Choir presented two amazing musicals this year while our kids in JUMP learned about different missionaries in countries around the world such as Russia, Japan, and India. They also raised over $257 for the One Cup of Water program in Southern Asia providing a new water pump for a village in India.

At the 2nd annual CBC Kids Olympics, 86 kids, including 12 first-time guests, came for a fun afternoon of food and games as well as a presentation of the gospel message.

100 kids, including 34 first-time guests, participated in games and obstacle courses at our 2nd annual Nerf Night!

Most importantly we have seen 24 kids give their lives to Jesus Christ and 19 kids follow through with baptism this year!


Missions and Outreach Our mission – to glorify God by making fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ – begins with reaching the lost in our area and then radiates outward to the rest of the world. Check out how the CBC church family connected with others in our own community and around the world this year! Connecting with our local community 

Our Good News Club at London Towne Elementary School continues to be an exciting local ministry. Almost 60 children attending the club every Monday with about a dozen praying to receive Christ as their Savior this year! Through the Good News Club, CBC Kids has been able to invite London Towne kids to CBC Kids events. CBC Men held the Manger Build at the school instead of at CBC for the first time and CBC Women continues to minister to the school staff through blessing bags and other special ways. As part of Operation Serve, CBC provided the entire volunteer force for the school’s annual spring Fun Fair, allowing the LTES parents to spend the day with their kids. 

In the month of April, we held our first ever Centreville Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show. We had 65 vehicles shown and 600-700 people attend. We also had the INOVA Blood Mobile on site for those who wanted to donate blood. The show proved to be a great way to connect with our community.

With our community’s ever increasing international population, ESOL classes are a great way to connect with the world around us. English is our tool to connect with our students, but “love” is the true language our leaders speak at ESOL. This year there were 43 students registered in our ESOL ministry.

Each year, Operation Serve and our Clothing Giveaway continue to serve hundreds of people in our community. 250-300 shoppers attended each of our Clothing Giveaways.


At our fall Family Service Project we provided Thanksgiving meals for 44 families and placed 533 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in cartons for shipping to children all across the world.

CBC had the great opportunity to serve as a Clothing Distribution Center for those who were displaced by the two Centreville fires on May 2, 2018. We were already collecting clothes for our spring Clothing Giveaway, when Western Fairfax Christian Ministries (WFCM) contacted us about distributing clothes to those displaced by the fires. We answered the call by moving up our efforts by one week and opening our doors to the fire victims as well as those from our community who wanted to serve and donate clothing. We thank God that we had the opportunity to serve our community in this way! Connecting with others around the world 

At the request of our missionary partners and churches, we send out short-term mission teams to help these partners fulfill their mission strategy. In the last year, we have sent short-term mission teams to Haiti, Spain, Russia, Montenegro and East Stone Gap, VA. These teams served through teaching English, training leaders, leading camps, kid’s ministry, construction and relational evangelism.

Our Global Mission Offering goal was met which meant $150,000 was sent to missionaries and ministries around the world through the International Mission Board, North American Missions Board and CBC unreached people groups Missions teams. This is in addition to the money we send to support missionaries as part of our budgeted funds.


L OOK ING F ORWARD Connecting with God, Connecting with One Another, Connecting with the World. This is our strategy for how the mission and vision will be accomplished. During the 2018-19 ministry year our main focus will be on Connecting with the World, while still continuing to help individuals and families connect with God and one another as part of our overall strategy.

Worship Each week we focus on our Worship Services as we seek to corporately connect with God in worship through music and teaching. Members of our worship teams pray together and practice weekly as they prepare to lead us in worship each week. In 2018-19 we will be seeking God’s direction for who will be called to serve as our next Worship Pastor. This will be an exciting time for CBC so pray for this decision and also pray about being involved in our Worship Ministry!

Community Life and Next Generations 

 


In January, our 2019 CBC Equipping Summit will focus on outreach with a hands-on workshop focused on building relationships with our neighbors and sharing our faith with internationals all around us. Couples mark your calendar for March 30 for the Love and Laughter Date Night featuring Jeff and Debby McElroy. This is a perfect opportunity to invite friends! CBC Men will focus next year on helping men grow by providing increased training opportunities for men to become both everyday disciples and disciple makers. CBC Men are also seeking to begin more men’s small groups as the foundation for authentic manhood and community outreach. New this year for CBC Women—Pray4School will be August 28. This event will give us an opportunity to join together to uplift the students and schools in our community. CBC Women—invite your friends and neighbors to our in-home summer Bible Studies, Fall Kick-Off Breakfast, Ladies Night out, and other events throughout the year! This summer, Student Life Camp is in Philadelphia, PA. This new venue includes a missional component that will encourage our students to connect with each other and invest in their faith through serving others in the community.

The Student Ministry will focus on connecting with the world by revamping the Sunday morning service, Wednesday programs, and our outreach events. We will provide students with the opportunity to use their Godgiven gifts and talents to serve and reach their friends with the Gospel. As we empower students to take ownership of the student ministry, we can create an environment that is conducive for students to connect with their friends by sharing with them the hope we have in Christ. In the coming year CBC Kids is making it a priority to reach out to our local community. We have fun, new outreach events to look forward to including a special fall outreach in October and an afternoon of winter games in December. Be in prayer for CBC Kids this coming year as we continue to connect our kids with God, one another, and the world.

Missions and Outreach This coming year the focus of our church will be “Connecting with the World.” We will sharpen this focus with the theme of loving our neighbor. With this in mind here are some goals for the next year—how will you be involved?  We have two events planned that will be perfect opportunities for invitations to friends and neighbors!  October 5—Comedian Michael Jr. will be here providing lots of laughter and godly inspiration. Invite friends and plan to attend!  March 30—Invite couples you know to attend Love and Laughter Date Night featuring Jeff and Debby McElroy!  CBC will continue to serve our community through our Community Group outreach partnerships, local ministry partnerships and servant evangelism ministries such as Operation Serve, Clothing Giveaway and our Family Service Project. Our relationship with London Towne ES will be a focus again next year and we pray even more children will learn about Jesus!  We will continue to leverage our facilities to host events that connect our community to CBC, including several Fairfax County Police Academy and Fire Academy Graduations throughout the year where our worship center is filled with guests. 11

MINISTRY YEAR BUDGET Ministry area leaders prayerfully drafted a Ministry Year Budget for the coming year based on several inputs. First, our elders provide ongoing direction and guidance on CBC's spiritual focus and ministry priorities. Additionally, ministry leaders present goals for the next year along with budget requirements. Our leaders also receive input from the CBC family through our quarterly family meetings, ministry activities, and many informal channels. The ministry area leaders consider all this input through our mission, vision, and strategy, continuously seeking God's will for our ministries through prayer. The following table summarizes our Budget for 2018-19 ministry year. The proposed total represents a decrease of approximately 3% from this year's plan. The Finance Ministry Team has reviewed the 2018-19 plan, and recommended approval to the elders. Our elders have reviewed and approved the plan, and will submit it to the congregation for approval on June 17.

Ministry Year 2018-2019 Ministry Plan Summary Ministry Area Senior Leadership Ministry Support & Guest Assimilation CBC Cares Mission & Outreach Adult Community Life Young Adults & Next Gen Worship & AV Administration & Operations Debt Personnel Capital Expenditure Fund Total

17-18 Budget 18-19 Budget % Change 4,550 12,700 179% 37,100 70,900 91% 25,150 15,150 -40% 238,820 170,000 -29% 29,450 28,750 -2% 87,025 80,975 -7% 27,300 35,700 31% 611,500 604,300 -1% 612,000 612,000 0% 1,631,578 1,565,185 -4% 16,000 32,000 100% 3,320,473 3,227,660 -3%

The pie chart on the next page is based on the same data as the table above, but with personnel costs integrated into the appropriate ministry areas. Overall, CBC maintains a strong financial position as demonstrated by these and other financial benchmarks taken from leading Christian accounting and leadership resources:


 Total personnel costs are 48% of the total budget, within recommended  

norms of 45%-55%. Annual debt is 19% of the total budget, below the recommended cap. Our operating cash reserves totaled $1.4M as of March 31, 2018, well beyond the recommended two month cash reserve minimum.

Administration & Operations, 33%

Debt, 19%

Capital Expenditure Fund, 1%

Senior Leadership, 7.5%

Worship & AV, 8%

Ministry Support & Guest Assimilation, 4%

Young Adults & Next Gen, 10%

Adult Community Life, 7%

Mission & Outreach, 10%

CBC Cares, 0.5%

Despite the overall strength of our financial posture, our elders, finance ministry team, and ministry area leaders have reduced the proposed budget by 3% from this year's budget. The budget also aligns with our giving trends. Our elders, ministry area leaders and finance team believe this Ministry Year Budget will support our ministry priorities, and keep CBC growing spiritually toward our mission and vision. We look with excitement toward our new Lead Pastor sharing his vision for CBC and leading the CBC family as we seek to reach our neighbors for Christ. While we will never waiver from our commitment to Scripture, CBC will - by God's grace - continue to grow in our ability to reach many peoples with the gospel of Jesus, helping believers become fully devoted disciples of Jesus. 13

PREPARING TO VOTE In accordance with Scripture, a plurality of elders lead CBC through the ministries of prayer and teaching God's word, as well as an ongoing dialogue with the CBC family. The CBC family votes to affirm our elders, deacons, deaconesses and other major decisions such as our annual Ministry Year Budget. On June 3 we are holding two CBC Family Meetings at 9:15 and 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall. This CBC Family Report is designed to help you ask questions, provide input, and pray for the coming ministry year. This report and our CBC family meetings prepare CBC's members to prayerfully vote on June 17. On June 17, members will receive ballots to cast the following votes: affirm the 2018-19 Ministry Year Budget as approved by our Finance Ministry Team and our elders; affirm new elders, deacons and deaconesses, approve new members, approve the minutes from our last congregational meeting, and affirm the lead pastor candidate. We will distribute ballots as people enter the worship center. Prior to the service starting, we will officially open a congregational meeting in accordance with our bylaws. We will officially close the meeting at the end of our special 6:00 pm evening service. Otherwise, our morning worship services will be the same as always with worship and teaching. We have found that this approach gives a much larger percentage of the church family an opportunity to engage in this process.

If you have questions about whether you are a member and can therefore vote, or any other questions about this process, please contact the church office


2018-19 Elder Team Returning: Larry Brickwedde Joe Brown Gary Corrick Mark Hillis Jim Lewis Sam Martinez Joe Moles Rit Pangburn

Nominees for 2018-19: Ed Fruit Patrick Melbourne Aubrey Ralph Terry Tinsley Tim White

2018-19 Deacon/Deaconess Team Returning: Andy Atwell Gary Avery Tom Blair Rick Campbell Jason Herndon Tom Howe Cliff Johnson Gordon Middleton Dan Nostheide Bob Plummer Dale Thoman

Nominees for 2018-19: Jackie Anderson Kelly Chestnut Maureen Hall Jason Herndon Carolette Melbourne Gordon Middleton Paul Pitts Nathan Poe Margaret Short


15100 Lee Highway, Centreville VA 20120 www.cbcva.org [email protected] 703.830.3333 facebook.com/centrevillebaptist twitter: @cbcva and @billyrosscbc