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Congratulation, you are now over half way through your set-up process and nearing the testing stages of reviewing your new innovative online marketing tools. This week you are at Step 3 of video production –


Approve animated pre-valuation video(s) Approve animated post-valuation video(s) Approve animated win-back instructions video

animation approval. This is when you get to see every

Approve animated service video(s)

video brought to life through animation.

Approve animated area video(s)

Because of the time you have dedicated to the detail

Choose properties for pre-valuation website

of each video, through the scripting and storyboarding

Choose properties for iPad presentations

stages, you can now sit back, relax, and enjoy watching your new marketing tools. You can offer any feedback to your videos through RedBooth or direct with your dedicated Account Manager, but remember that you are not able to make any changes to your scripts or storyboard designs at this stage. Now that your valuation video marketing tools are

useful links

ready, you will need to select three property video examples, of sold properties, to play on both your iPad presentation, and pre, post, and win back valuation websites.

Compass Point Business Park, Stocks Bridge Way, St. Ives, Cambs. PE27 5JL t: 0845 521 5221 w:

vaulation website example how to use iPad presentations

reference guide 1. choose properties for pre-valuation website

When a potential vendor clicks through from the valuation email stationery (pre/post and win-back) to the valuation microsite, the relevant video will play. Beneath the video, there are three buttons for you to populate these using properties from your portfolio.

4. approve animated area videos

As your area videos will be mainly image-based, we fast-track them through to our animation department to piece together the final video. Once the video has been created, we will forward a link to you for final approval prior to it being uploaded onto the TV site.

They can be examples of the types of property you market, price banded or a certain postcode. Once you have decided which three properties you wish to use, please send them through so we can ensure that they are implemented within the buttons in time for you going live!

2. choose properties for iPad presentation

After you have approved your iPad slide order, we will be asking you to supply us with further property reference numbers, so that we can add these to the relevant slides. We require three properties per office (these can be the same as those used for your valuation sites, for sales and lettings (if you have included lettings within your contract for marketing products) Once these properties have been provided, we will implement them within the presentation and supply the .key files for you to upload onto the iPad presentation.

3. approve animated corporate videos

Once your storyboards have been approved, they will then be forwarded to our animation department, to piece together the final video, with the images, voiceover and effects. As the videos are completed, we will forward them to you for your final approval. As all of the other stages will have received approval before this stage, we WILL NOT amend any of the videos until after you have gone live. We will, however, amend any effects that you are unhappy with prior to you going live. Once the videos have been finished, we will upload them to the TV site for you to view.

Compass Point Business Park, Stocks Bridge Way, St. Ives, Cambs. PE27 5JL t: 0845 521 5221 w: