Church History in Prophecy II

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CHURCH HISTORY IN PROPHECY II NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH PROPHECY Revelation 1-3 The book of Revelation was written to “the seven churches of Asia.” There were more churches in this area but Jesus wrote specifically to these churches because they represented the typical churches at the time and had the characteristics of the Church going forward from the end of the first century down to the time that Christ would take His Church out of this world. Ephesus – (30 A.D. Thru 95 A.D) – The Church was overly concerned with organization and doctrine to the point of leaving their love for Christ. Smyna – (95 A.D. Thru 312 A.D.) - Represents the persecuted and martyrs of the time of this Church. Pergamos – (312 A.D. Thru 590 A.D.) Represents the apostate Church at the time of Constantine. Thyratira – (590 A.D. Thru 1517 A.D.) Represents the dark period of the Church when the Roman Catholics were in power and mixed pagan worship within the Church. Sardis - ( 1517 A.D. Thru 1750 A.D.) - Represents the dead Church period because although called the reformed period the Church was tied to the state. Philadelphia - ( 1750 A.D. Thru 1900 A.D.) - Represents a high time for the Church when they sent out thousands of missionaries all over the world to preach the Gospel. Laodicea – ( 1900 A.D. To present) – Represents the Church of today which is apostate, dead for the most part, worldly, cultic and blind toward the truth of scripture. NEGATIVE ENDTIME CHURCH PROPHECY Mat. 24:10; II Thes. 2:3 Both Jesus and Paul prophesied that many followers and churches would fall away into great apostasy. Apostasy - ( a defection, or falling away, abandonment of the faith). II Timothy 3:5 Paul reveals the source of the great apostasy when he tells us that the time would come when religious leaders would look right but that they would begin to deny the truth of the word. The assault on the integrity of God's Word in the early twentieth century opened the Church to apostasy. I Timothy 4:1 Paul prophesied that during the latter days of the Church would turn away from truth and many would turn to evil spirits and doctrines of devils. Along came Mormonism and then Jehovah Witnesses false teachings. Today in many big modern churches ancient forms of spiritism is practiced. II Timothy 4:3-4 The time has come when most people in churches are not fundamental in their doctrine. Heresy is found on the internet, television, radio and all social media devices. People are putting their faith in false shepherds that insist that it is always God's will to heal everyone, that God wants all believers to be healthy, wealthy and wise and if you aren't it is because you lack faith in God. POSITIVE ENDTIME CHURCH PROPHECY I Thessalonians 4:13-18 Rapture -The Church has God's promise that before the Tribulation Christ will call out His Church from the clouds. The dead in Christ will be resurrected and given glorified bodies, those alive on earth will be changed to immortal bodies and together we will be taken to glory. II Corinthians 5:9-10 Rewards – All believers will be judged by Jesus for rewards, not sin, based on our service in this life on earth for the Lord. Revelation 19:6-9 Celebration – After the Rapture and Judgment for rewards all of the Church will celebrate its union with Christ at the Marriage supper of the Lamb. Revelation 19:11-21 Second Coming – The Church returns to earth with Jesus and witness His triumph over the Antichrist and his forces. Revelation 20:1-10 Millennium – Believes will be scattered all over the earth to reign with Jesus for a thousand years over the believers who lived for God to the end of the Tribulation. John 14:1-4; Rev. 21:2, 9-10 New Jerusalem – Just as Jesus promised His disciples before He left them, He has been “preparing a place” for His bride. This will be our eternal home with Jesus.