CHURCH NOTES – February 11, 2018

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CHURCH NOTES – February 11, 2018 (Tel) 704-372-6836

Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, North Carolina (Fax) 704-372-6910 (Website)

TODAY BSA SCOUT SUNDAY Please welcome members of Troop 99 and Pack 99 and their families as they worship with us. THE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held during worship. 2018 GIVING ENVELOPES are now available in the Spire hallway. Please note they are no longer labeled. Please pick up

a box if you would like to use them for your giving.

SUNDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY The journey through the Bible continues with Paul’s missionary journey. Join Mary Bowman at 5pm in the parlor. Contact Mary with any questions, [email protected].

NOTES OF INTEREST FEBRUARY 14 ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES Join us in the Chapel for a time of prayer and imposition of ashes after

you drop your children off at the CDC or on your way to work. Stop in anytime between 7:45 and 8:30am. We will have an evening service at 5:30pm in the sanctuary. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY Join Rush Otey in the parlor on Wednesdays at 11am for the study of “Psalms We Never Memorized”. All are welcome. The study will conclude on March 21. DAUGHTERS OF FAITH The weekly young women’s Bible study with Lori Raible meets on Wednesdays at 11am in the

Old Session room. All are welcome. Childcare is provided as needed with advance RSVP to Lori, [email protected]. ROOM IN THE INN Selwyn hosts each Monday night through March 26, and provides our homeless neighbors three meals and a warm, safe place to sleep. There are many ways to be involved from preparing and serving dinner, packing lunches, providing breakfast, transporting guests in the evening and/or morning, serving as an overnight host, donating supplies and more. Volunteer through

LENTEN SUNDAY SCHOOL SERIES All adult Sunday School classes will participate in "Compassion in Action", a six-week series that will focus on compassion and service as spiritual disciplines. On February 18, Selwyn members Ashley Armistead and Denise Pineno will share the inspiring stories of Let Me Run and HEART Math Tutoring. We will continue the theme on February 25 when School Board member Margaret Marshall and new Montclaire principal Leora Itzhaki speak. Plan to join us from 9:30 to 10:15am. CHURCH WIDE RETREAT REGISTRATION Join us for the retreat April 20-22, 2018 at Montreat. This is an intergenerational family event. For more information and to register online go to LECTURE AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Reverend Dr. Walter Brueggemann, author and one of the most influential Bible interpreters of the 21st century, will present the Willard Lecture at First Presbyterian Church on March 4, at 5pm. The topic will be God, Money, Neighbor: The Economics of Compassion, exploring the Bible’s take on an economy based on abundance rather than scarcity. He contrasts a tendency in today’s culture to extract wealth from the vulnerable with an alternative practice that calls us to envision an economy based on grace and gratitude. Tickets are available online, BUILDING FUTURES, A SYMPOSIUM ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING Join Habitat Charlotte for a free event on Thursday, March 15, 6:30pm, as they feature Dr. Tererai Trent, an internationally renowned scholar, humanitarian, educator and author. Dr. Trent has a compelling story and exemplifies the goal of Building Futures: to foster learning and inspiration towards understanding the role of affordable housing. The Dale F. Halton Theater, Overcash Building (CPCC) will open at 6pm. You are asked to register as seating is limited,

YOU ARE INVITED TO A FREE MOVIE SCREENING Resilience chronicles the identification of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and their impact on the medical and mental health of individuals exposed to them. It portrays cuttingedge brain science, and multi-disciplinary interventions to disrupt or ameliorate the impact of adverse childhood experiences. Presbyterian Psychological Services and Jewish Family Services, supported by the Winer Family Foundation, host this screening at the Discovery Place Auditorium on Thursday, March 22 from 6- 8pm. Seating is limited. Please RSVP at THE 2018 FLOWER CALENDAR is available in the Spire hallway. Individuals and families are encouraged to sign up in

honor or memory of people, occasions, committees or groups. Additional information can be found on the calendar. AA MEETINGS Selwyn is the host site for two weekly Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. The times are Mondays, noon-1pm in the Bates House and Wednesdays, 8-10pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend.

PRESBYTERIAN DISASTER ASSISTANCE Help support hurricane recovery efforts with your gift. Make your check to SAPC and mark for disaster relief. Please give generously and join us in praying for those who are suffering. IN CASE OF SEVERE WEATHER Tune to WSOC-TV or WBTV for information on service or meeting cancellations in

case of severe weather. Please note there are separate listings for Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church and the Selwyn Avenue Child Development Center. In case of snow or ice on the weekends we will make every effort to hold Sunday morning worship at 10:30 a.m. but will cancel Sunday School and other events or meetings. We will also put closing and cancellation messages on the Church’s voice mail system. During the week the Church Office will follow the CMS closing schedule. If there are power outages at the Church, both the CDC and Church will be closed. The flowers in the sanctuary today are given to the Glory of God and in honor of Caroline Thompson’s 18th birthday with much love from John, Rebecca and Annie.

THIS WEEK AT SELWYN Sunday, February 11

9:00 Chancel Choir (S) 9:30 Sunday School for All 10:30 Worship and Congregational Meeting (S) 12:00 Administration Group (P) 5:00 Sunday Evening Bible Study (P) 5:00 Middle School Youth (BH) 6:30 High School Youth (BH) Monday, February 12

12:00 AA Meeting (BH) 5:00 Room in the Inn (B) 7:00 Boy Scouts (SH)

Tuesday, February 13

5:30 GSA Brownie/Juniors (SH) 7:00 International Mission Focus Group (P) Wednesday, February 14

7:45 Ash Wednesday Service (Chapel) 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study (P) 11:00 Daughters of Faith (OS) 5:00 Chancel Choir (S) 5:30 Ash Wednesday Service (S) 6:30 Handbell Choir (B) 8:00 AA Meeting (FH) Church Notes deadline is each Monday by 9am. Next Spire deadline is Monday, February 26 by 9am.

Friday, February 16

7:00 Men’s Group (BH) Saturday, February 17

6:30 Just Friends (Lohr) Sunday, February 18

9:00 9:30 10:30 11:30 11:30 11:30 5:00 5:00 6:00 6:30

Chancel Choir (S) Sunday School for All Worship with Communion (S) Prayer Shawl (P) Congregational Life Group (OS) Children’s Council (B) Sunday Evening Bible Study (P) Middle School Youth (BH) Youth Group Dinner (FH) High School Youth (BH)