Clean Eating Tips for Success

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Clean Eating Tips for Success Pantry Makeover

Stay Hydrated

Give your pantry a quick makeover! Donate or toss the foods you know contain junky ingredients.

Hydration is key. Find plain old water bland? Jazz it up with some citrus, mint, or berries.

Prioritize Sleep

Eat Real Food

Are you giving your body enough time to reboot? Make a conscious effort to get more quality sleep.

YOU are responsible for the food you eat. Trade in processed snacks for real, whole food options.

Healthy Workspace

Nurture Relationships

Make your workplace a junk-free zone. Stock the office with fresh fruit, mixed nuts, and teas to drink.

Are your cravings triggered by a stressful relationship? Use your relationships to support you, not derail you.

Re-center Yourself

Be Active

Connect more fully to you. Cravings for crunchy foods in particular signal a restless mind. Try meditation or your own favorite method to re-center yourself.

Schedule in exercise and others physical activities like a walk, hike, or bike ride. You'll feel so great you won't want junk food.

Deconstruct Cravings Is stress, boredom, or other emotions driving your poor eating habits? Pay attention to this emotional connection as you construct healthier eating habits.

If yo u w a n t to sta rt fe e li n g b e tte r a n d cre a te L A ST IN G ch a n g e i n yo u r li fe , Email me at [email protected] Rx Nutrition and Wellness Facebook.Instagram.Pinterest