College Action Plan

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ICRGU 2018/19: College Action Plan The collaborative approach to studio-based joint teaching on the architecture programme which enables students to experience university in a secure setting (Expectation B3)

A.1 To review via the annual monitoring process and share outcomes with the Navitas Learning and Teaching network.

June 2017


S.1 Successful student outcomes

AAC minutes

CSMT minutes S.2 Module evaluation CLTB minutes

Actions complete – shared with Navitas Learning and Teaching Committee (14th Dec 2016).

Student Forum

The systematic consideration of student views that informs progression and transition arrangements (Expectation B4).

A.2 Continue to evaluate transition experiences through student and staff feedback. Action outcomes from evaluations via the College Learning and Teaching Board.

April 2017


S.3 Good progression rates to University

Navitas Learning and Teaching Committee AAC minutes

CSMT minutes S.4 Student satisfaction

CLTB minutes

Ongoing action to evaluate student transition experiences.

The College may wish to consider identifying the duration of the link tutor or subject specialists appointment as moderator to align with Chapter B7.

While the team acknowledged there is some good practice among the academics and this is shared across the network, there is scope for further development to embed digital literacy within the curricula, as identified in the Virtual Learning Strategy aims.

A.4 A four year term of office will be adopted as the expected duration for the link tutor role.

A.5 Upgrade MOODLE from existing version to the most up-to-date version. Embed digital literacy in ILSC.

June 2017

December 2016



S.6 AAC and JSPMB agreement for four year link tutors tenure.

S.7 MOODLE software updated to the most recent version. All academic staff trained in the new version. Digital literacy embedded in ILSC curriculum.

Navitas Learning and Teaching Committee AAC minutes

JSPMB minutes

RAA agreement has been amended to reflect the four year tenure of the link tutor role. JSPMB papers 20th Dec. 2017

CLTB minutes

Action A.5 completed. CET minute 8.12.2017

ILSC module guide

CLTB 12.12.2017

QAA report April 2018




Target Date


Develop students CV writing skills.

CV Writing Skills sessions delivered by the RGU Employability HUB

December 2018

Complete – will be an on-going annual activity

Student engagement with the RGU employment toolkit.

RGU employment toolkit demonstrated to ICRGU students.

July 2019

To be delivered in 201901 semester

Appropriate assessments adopted in all modules.

Review of course assessments tools and changes proposed as necessary.

July 2019

Complete – Annual Monitoring Reviews have been completed for all subjects. All actions from the Periodic Review have been completed.

All new staff to attend the assessment feedback workshop

July 2019

Ongoing Sessions will be delivered for all new staff in 201901

Appropriate feedback delivered to students

Using digital tools such as Turnitin to provide student feedback.

July 2019

Ongoing - Best practice session to be delivered in 201901

Course: Architecture

Improvement Identified


Target Date


Resilience and time/deadline management awareness

ILSC module to include a session on resilience and time/deadline management

September 2019

Ongoing – Session on reliance and time/deadline management timetabled for 201901 session


Target Date

Course: Computing Improvement Identified


Computing Information Systems module content to include designing the web for mobile devices Problem Solving 2 module content to be refreshed following the RGU curriculum update

Drafting new course content and gaining approval for delivery in 201903 Drafting new course content and gaining approval for delivery in 201903

September 2019

On-going – draft curriculum has been developed 21.1.2019

September 2019

On-going – draft curriculum has been developed 18 December 2019 – approval process to be scheduled for Spring 2019


Target Date


Change to course structure to reflect changes introduced at RGU.

Development of new second semester modules - Electrical and Electronics.

January 2019

Competent teaching staff require to be recruited for 201901.

Recruitment process to take place through the Navitas approved process.

January 2019

Complete – RGU will deliver the courses as part of an integrated approach with ICRGU tutor to deliver tutorial support. Complete – interviews have taken place and staff have been recruited for 201901.

Course: Engineering Improvement Identified

Course: Pharmacy/Life Sciences Improvement Identified Module development for new pathway

Competent teaching staff require to be recruited for 201901.


Target Date Development of module - Principles December 2018 and concepts of health improvement and promotion


Appoint new lecturer for - Principles December 2018 and concepts of health improvement and promotion

Complete – new module has been drafted and approved for delivery in 201901 Complete- An RGU lecturer will deliver the module

Course: Management/Accounting and finance

Improvement Identified


Target Date


Amend the modules delivered to match that of the year one course at RGU

Replace Management Concepts and Business Ethics Module with new Business Perspectives module Review deadlines for assessment submission for Pre-masters Recruitment process to take place through the Navitas approved process.

September 2018

Complete August 2018

June 2019


January 2019

Complete – all staff recruited for 201901 module delivery



Target Date


Language support Benchmark 94% ICRGU 87%

Consider offering some language support classes during the 201803 semester.

April 2019

Laboratories Benchmark 91% ICRGU 84.2%

Laboratories’ are provided by the university for Pharmacy and Engineering. A review of the spaces will take place in 2019. Three staff members are currently enrolled on the HEA associate course and 1 on the fellowship

April 2019

Ongoing - College will offer conversational language sessions during the enrichment hour. Ongoing

Assessment timing – pre-masters

Competent teaching staff require to be recruited for 201901.

International Student Barometer

Quality classes Benchmark 91% ICRGU 89.7%

April 2019

Ongoing - Management and peer observations to be implemented for all new staff in 201901.

Technology Benchmark 88% ICRGU 86.7%

Virtual learning Benchmark 93% ICRGU 90%

course. The peer review programme will continue. New premium Kahoot account has January 2019 been purchased for the college to use. Navitas IT to conduct a full audit of ICRGU IT equipment. Best practice MOODLE sessions and June 2019 Curriculum conversation sessions to be introduced.

Complete – IT conducted a full audit and upgraded equipment in December 2018. Premium Kahoot has been made available to all staff. Ongoing - All lecturers for the 201901 semester will be asked to update and maintain course Moodle pages. A session has been organised with Navitas Learning Design team to deliver a Moodle best practice session (along with UNIC) and a Curriculum Conversation session. Complete – The issue was raised at the Operations Advisory Committee. The University estates department have made the required repairs and an escalation plan is in place if future issues are identified.

Theatres and classrooms Benchmark 88% ICRGU 83.3%

Ensure heating and all facilities are serviced regularly to prevent constant changes to rooms and times.

December 2018

College Enhancement Team



Target Date


Develop students’ understanding of TURNITIN software

Offer sessions for the students with a TURNITIN expert user to help

February 2019

Ongoing – A session will be delivered in February for all students.

Academic Expectations

students get the most out of the software. Ensure that tutors in all subjects clearly explain the academic expectations and requirements at the beginning of the semester.

January 2019

Ongoing - All 201901 lecturers will be required to explain academic expectations and requirements in the first weeks of the semester. The College Director and Principal will deliver a presentation at orientation to outline the academic expectations and requirements to all students.