Connection Card
We will live out the Gospel by connecting people to Christ,
What is ONE by ONE? The One by One Initiative is a journey of growing our faith and generosity. For two years, many at Calvary have committed to give sacrificially in order to put our mission into action – living out the Gospel by connecting people to Christ, community and their calling. All giving is now credited to the ONE Fund (no more separate designations except for personal sponsorships). Specific goals and more details about the Initiative can be found at Total Commitments
If this is your first time here (or if your information has changed), please fill out this card and drop it in the offering plate or bring it to the Connection Center. We’d love to meet you - we’re so glad you came!
Date Pray for the One by One
Outstanding Commitments
Initiative. Commit to a day:
Give online. It’s easy to
set up electronic giving! Give by Text. Simply text your amount to 814-299-GIFT
Fulfilled Commitments
$4,718,340 Giving Last Month
69.4% toward goal
One Church: Many Locations
Saturday (pm)
Out of Town Guest
The Table* | Calvary Harvest Fields
Sunday (am)
College Student
Harvest Fields* | Calvary Harvest Fields
Grad Student / 20-30-something
Midtown* | The State Theatre
I am interested in a Life Group.
Penns Valley* | contact
[email protected]
10:00 Gray’s Woods* | Gray’s Woods Elementary School
I would like to serve.
Harvest Fields* | Calvary Harvest Fields
I made a commitment to Christ today.
Warriors Mark* | Camp Kanesatake
Please contact me.
Midtown | The State Theatre
Tear Here
* Calvary Kids programming available.
Church Office: The Lodge at Harvest Fields 201 Harvest Fields Dr., Boalsburg, PA 16827 Calvary Harvest Fields 150 Harvest Fields Drive Boalsburg, PA 16827 Downtown “Living Room”: CommonPlace 115 S. Fraser St. Hours: 10:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday
Community and their Calling.
October 2015
God-stories I have had a passion for orphan care from an early age. After college, I became a case manager at a foster care agency, believing that was where God was going to use that passion to fulfill His will in my life. He had other plans for that passion, which He gradually revealed—to my husband first, and then to me—over the next ten years. After much prayer, in 2009 we became foster parents, and two years later we adopted our two amazing children. During the past six years, God has captured the hearts of our son and daughter, and He has developed them immeasurably— physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we think about the struggles they have overcome so far, we are reminded of God’s perfect provision in all of our lives. Others sometimes express awe in us or our story, but the truth is that we don’t have unusual gifts or abilities. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called! He is constantly molding us and equipping us. It has not been an easy or perfect journey for any of us, but it has been an amazing joy to be a witness of our children’s transformation into kids
who truly love the Lord. We pray and believe that He will use them and their redemption stories to make a difference in our broken world. We are richly blessed! ~ Lori Hamilton, a Calvary Harvest Fields family member seeking to live a life without walls. As a Christ-follower, we’re all called to care for the orphan in some way. There are a variety of ways at Calvary to support children: mentoring, sponsoring (Calvary Global Kids), foster care and adoption. To learn more about orphans locally and globally, attend: Orphan Sunday | November 8 6:00pm at State College Assemby of God. An evening of worship, teaching and dessert by the Centre County Orphan Care Alliance. Q’s:
[email protected] God stories are places where we see God at work around us. Do you have a God-Story to share? Send to:
[email protected] Twitter: @CalvarySC or message us on Facebook. Read what God is doing: | 814.238.0822 |
[email protected]
Up Next
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Prayer Request
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First Saturday of the month: Saturday of Service |
[email protected]
AAKids: Safe, engaging children’s programming available during most Calvary services. AAYouth (Middle and High School Students): XStream. > Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30pm at Harvest Fields,
[email protected] > Warriors Mark Youth: Sundays, 6:30pm The Refuge Church (1300 Bald Eagle Ave.) AACollege: Calvary Elements.
[email protected] | > Wednesdays, 7:00-9:00pm, Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Room 124 > Thursdays, 7:30-9:30pm, CommonPlace Senior EXIT (Graduating college students). |
[email protected]
OCTOBER Sunday, October 4, 12:00pm-4:00pm at Calvary Harvest Fields:
4 Grand Opening Fall Fest | Bring a friend and celebrate the Grand Opening of Harvest Fields. Open to the community. Giant inflatables for teens and adults, carnival activities and safari bounce house for kids, field games, bubble ball soccer and more! Q’s:
[email protected] or
Monday, October 5, 6:30pm-8:15pm at Calvary Harvest Fields: Financial Peace University | A course by Dave Ramsey on how to save money, budget, eliminate debt, and experience the joy of giving. Runs 9/28-11/23 Cost $93. Q’s? or
[email protected] (814.280.3089)
Tuesday, October 6, 7:00pm at New Hope Church (318 S Atherton St.): Bridges: Connecting Christians with Muslims | Learn more about Islam in this DVD series. $15 for the book. Q’s and to register:
[email protected]
Friday, October 9, 6:30am-8:30am at Calvary Harvest Fields: TGIF | A morning for men to strengthen and encourage each other. Part One: 6:307:15am- Breakfast, devotionals by Calvary men. Part Two: 7:30-8:15am - Topical study or presentation (more breakfast!). Come for one or both parts. Q’s: Kevin Maxfield at
[email protected] or Oct. 9, 16; Nov. 6, 13, 20
AAGrad Students/20-30somethings: ThirdPlace. AAMen: TGIF on three Friday mornings of the month, see AAWomen: a variety of Bible studies and events, see
GROUPS & CLASSES AALife Groups (LG): a group of four or more people who meet regularly for food, fun, a study of practical and Biblical topics, prayer and serving others.
Featured Events OPEN HOURS at THE COMMONS Come on out to The Commons at Calvary Harvest Fields to take in the view, meet up with friends and let the kids play in the Challenge Trail Play Space. Q’s:
[email protected] Tuesdays and Wednesdays | 9:30am - 11:30am Thursdays | 11:30am - 1:30pm WALK in your CALLING Calvary is committed to helping you walk in your calling. We’re offering two catalyst weekend experiences to help you do just that!
AA Faith Life & Work: November 6-7. Learn how to take your faith
AA Leadership Advance: January 15-17, 2016. Discover how God has uniquely wired you! Includes StrengthsFinder and DISC assessments. Earlybird Deadline: 12/14, $99.
Do you have a God-story you’d like to share?
Sunday, October 11, 6:00pm at Calvary Harvest Fields: FLOOD the Valley | Calvary-wide prayer gathering with a time of worship, sharing God stories and small group prayer. Childcare available. Q’s:
[email protected]
18 Sunday, October 18, 2:00pm at Grace Lutheran Church.
CROP Hunger Walk | Registration: 1:30pm. A 5K route to fight hunger and poverty. 75% of the funds go to Church World Service; 25% of funds raised go to the State College Food Bank. Q’s: Jim Campbell:
[email protected] or 237-0676
20/21 Tuesday or Wednesday, October 20 or 21, 7:30-9:30pm at CommonPlace:
Senior EXIT Workshop | Finding a Church after College. There’s no perfect church, and no church is quite like the next. Join us as Pastor Steve Lutz discusses what look for. Bring your honest questions! Registration required.
23 Friday, October 23, 9:00pm at CommonPlace:
XStream 5th Quarter | Join us at CommonPlace after the State High football game for games, food, and fun. We’ll wrap up around 10:30. Q’s:
[email protected]
25 Sunday, October 25:
Faith Life & Work | Deadline to register. See opposite page or
Sunday, November 1, 6:00pm at Calvary Harvest Fields: FLOOD the Valley | Calvary-wide prayer gathering with a time of worship, sharing God stories and small group prayer. Childcare available. Q’s:
[email protected]
6/7 Friday - Saturday, November 6-7 at The State Theatre and Calvary Harvest Fields: Faith Life & Work | See opposite page or
Sunday, November 8, 6:00pm at State College Assemby of God: Orphan Sunday | Learn about opportunities to care for children locally and globally.
Tear Here
with you in every aspect of life - from work to home to play. Inspirational keynote speakers and breakout sessions tailored to your interests including higher education, corporate business, health and wellness, a Mom panel and more! Undergrads: $40, Professionals: $60. Final deadline: October 25.
How can we pray for you?