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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 7, No. 4 October 7, 2016

Connecting the World with God’s Love


Bagging beans for Pick-a-dilly

Fall Fun

Don’t miss our fun fall events this month, including the Pumpkin Patch, the Pick-a-dilly Craft Fair, the Fall Family Festival, and Trunk or Treat.

Adoption Support St. Peter’s is forming a new group that will offer support to families involved in all stages of the adoption process.

The Agape and Miriam Circles of the United Methodist Women met last month to bag beans for bean soup that they will sell at the Oct. 15 Pick-a-dilly Craft Fair. The craft fair has been raising funds for UMW mission projects for 26 years.

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

Adoption support group forming

Remembering Stan Stanley


in the Katy area to honor Stan Stanley, who

t. Peter’s is excited to be a pilot church in our conference for adoption support for families at all stages of the adoption process. Adoptive families can share information and encouragement through monthly meetings of the Adoption Supportive Care Group on the third Monday of the month. We will begin Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. in S202. For information, contact Whitney Peper at [email protected].

Dear Friends in Christ, On Nov. 3, we will have an opportunity was a wonderful member of St. Peter’s and the Katy community for many years. On this day, we are asked to do something good in our neighborhood. It will be a day to “pay it forward.” Employers are being asked to allow their employees time on that day to participate in this special event. We are doing several things through our church to remember and honor Stan. I have told our church staff that they can take time

Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor

off to “pay it forward.” Also, we want to encourage members and families in the church to find a way to serve others in a special way that will honor Stan’s legacy of helping others. In children’s Sunday School on Nov. 6,

Trunk or Treat at St. Peter’s

we will have the children write down what they and/or their families did so we can recognize some of the ways


ome for some trunkor-treating fun Oct. 26 from 6-8 p.m. Our annual Trunk or Treat will feature decorated car trunks with games and treats, food trucks, popcorn, a photo booth, a dunking booth, and more! To sign up to have a trunk, please contact Whitney Peper at wpeper19@ We are accepting donations of candy in the bins located throughout the campus.

that this special event helped make the Katy community better—just as Stan did for so many years. I hope this will be a day that will further enable us to connect the world with God’s love. Perhaps it will even be a day we use as a teaching moment for our children to learn or relearn to help others. Let’s “pay it forward” on Nov. 3 as we remember Stan and as we witness to our community about the love of Christ. Blessings,


Volunteer with homebound senior adults

T 2

he Gathering Outreach Ministry provides fellowship and activity for homebound senior adults. We would love to have you as a Gathering volunteer. We meet the fourth Wednesday of each month. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Peggy Batig at (281) 384-5358.

Alzheimer’s Support Group


he Alzheimer’s Support Group will meet Oct. 17 at 1:30 p.m. in S209 for a time of caring and sharing. For more information, contact Beverly Deerhake at (281) 372-8389.

The KEYS senior adults recently traveled to the George Bush Library in College Station and the Star of Texas Museum at Washington on the Brazos. It was a wonderful trip and all 37 of us thoroughly enjoyed visiting the both of the museums.

Who can donate blood?


t. Peter’s next blood drive is Oct. 23 in the Scout House from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you’ve never donated blood before, you may have some questions about who can donate. If you have traveled outside of the United States you may be able to donate. Please bring dates and locations for everywhere you have been if you have traveled outside the U.S. or Canada within the last 12 months or if you have lived outside the U.S. or Canada during the last three years. A low iron level is the most common reason a person is not allowed to donate. Females must have an iron level of 38; males must have an iron level of 39. To donate double red blood cells, you must have a level of 40. You can sign up to donate in the Lobby on Oct. 9 and 16 or by contacting Marsha Asplin at [email protected].

Provide comfort for breast cancer patients


mocks for Life gives soft, cheerful smocks to breast cancer patients to provide them with comfort and dignity during treatment. This ministry currently is in need of volunteers to sew the smocks. Smock kits can be picked up at the church office or the Quilt ’n Sew shop on Mason Rd. You can also call Jan Sidle at (281) 773-7321 to make arrangements to pick up or drop off kits from her home. Each kit includes the pieces to construct the smock, including instructions. We ask the volunteers who will be sewing to provide the thread, the time, and the love. If you can donate fabric, we are in need of 100 percent cotton in fun, vibrant colors with no metallics (glitter, gold/silver flecks) in 3 yards or more. Or monetary donations are always welcome to purchase necessary materials. We also welcome volunteers to join us the first Tuesday of the month to cut and assemble kits for sewing. We meet in Asbury Hall at 6:30 p.m. For more information visit

Communion volunteers


e need volunteers for the traditional worship Communion Setup/ Cleanup Team for the first Sunday of each month— one each at the 8:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m. services. Please contact Mark Liles at [email protected] if you can help.

Prayer Quilt Ministry


he Prayer Quilt Ministry creates quilts to give to those needing comfort. The quilts are prayed over by the group before they are delivered. There are many different things to do with no quilting experience needed. We invite anyone interested in this ministry to join us Oct. 12 in S201 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, contact Tereasa Reimer at (281) 395-4730.


Our new Stephen Ministry training class

Brown Bag Bridge. Our next play date is Oct. 13 at 10 a.m. in Asbury Hall. For information, contact Martha at mckit@comcast. net. Potluck Dinner. On Nov. 3, we will have a potluck dinner with an old-time hymn sing and games in Asbury Hall from 5-8 p.m. The cost is $5 and we can accommodate 82 persons. Meat (ham), drinks, bread, and paper goods will be provided. After you sign up at the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby and pay, then sign up for the covered dish you are bringing. Payment is due Oct. 23. Bring cards, dominoes, etc., to play. Contact Cindy McKinney at (281) 676-4621 if you have questions. Changes to Trip Sign-Up. Please be aware of the payment due date. You will receive only one reminder call for payment before you lose your position on the list. Also we ask that you indicate if you are a St. Peter’s member when you sign up so that non-church member friends may participate once members have had a chance to sign up.

Dear Friends, On Sept. 13, Stephen Ministry training began for a group of 10 lay people from St. Peter’s. This training for caring ministry was developed by Stephen Ministries St. Louis. Using it, congregations all over the world have implemented lasting programs of lay caring ministry. Over the next few months our Stephen Minister trainees will receive extensive training in Christian caring skills. Some of the areas they will cover in the training include listening effectively, dealing with feelings, confidentiality, using the resources of Christianity, being assertive, and a number of topics dealing with specific life crises. Throughout, the training will emphasize the theology of caring for the whole person. Following the training, these men and women will be commissioned as Stephen Ministers to carry out ministries of caring within our congregation and community, with people experiencing such problems as hospitalization, grief, depression, loneliness, and many other life crises. Working under the guidance and supervision of the Stephen Leaders, the Stephen Ministers will extend the capacity of our congregation to care. The people who are attending this Stephen Ministry training and committing to two years as Stephen Ministers are Victor Abili, Jim Basham, Joan Davidson, Michelle Dutra, Myk Fenstermacher, Kathey Huckabee, Kris Mooney, Carolyn Saunders, Laurel Tate, and Amy Voyles. Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers as they receive this training for caring ministry. If you have any questions about Stephen Ministry training and caregiving, please contact Kim Poer at [email protected]. Blessings,


Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor

Saturday, Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. More than 100 vendors will be located throughout the St. Peter’s campus. All proceeds will go to UMW missions.

Sponsored by the United Methodist Women


ECDC’S Fall Family Festival Oct. 22


amilies with small children will enjoy the Fall Family Festival sponsored by the Early Childhood Development Center Oct. 22 from 3-6 p.m. We will have pony rides, a petting zoo, balloon artists, face painting, inflatables, games, cake walk, food, and so much more. Cash and credit cards will be accepted for all attractions. All proceeds go directly to ECDC to benefit our children. Invite your friends and family for this fall celebration!

Girlfriend Getaway women’s retreat


re you looking for a way to meet other women at St. Peter’s? Girlfriend Getaway, our annual women’s retreat, is a great way to connect with women of all ages. This year’s retreat is Jan. 27-29 at Cathedral Oaks Retreat Center in Weimar. Karen Mayer Cunningham, a Christian comedian, author, and advocate for special needs children, will speak on “Joy for the Journey.” Cost is $150 for the weekend. Go to to register. For questions or to volunteer to help with the retreat (another way to make new friends!), please call Katie Miller at (281) 398-0740.

Open Hearts Support Group


e will meet Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in E225. Open Hearts is a support group for families and friends of LGBT persons. We offer a safe and affirming setting for those who desire understanding, education, and support. We welcome anyone to be a part of this group, whether you need support or can provide support. For more information, please contact Elaine Saunders at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031.

Welcome to Our New Members Michael and Nicole Shaw , Andre and Jennifer Walter, and Bill Wright and Laurel Tate ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE September 25 Traditional Worship 8:30 179 9:45 251 11:00 380 The Element 9:45 75 11:00 119 SPLASH 70 West Campus 172 West Campus Students/Kids 104 TOTAL 1,350

October 2 Traditional Worship 8:30 147 9:45 239 11:00 367 The Element 9:45 76 11:00 126 SPLASH 56 West Campus 163 West Campus Students/Kids 92 TOTAL 1,266

In Our Prayers

PRAYERS Marci Barnes, Lynn Bortka, Dennis Bowling, Lorkeshia Davis, Faunelle Deaton, Bob Harris, Art Henderson, Mike Ibarguen, Brian Jones, Maggie Jones, Oscar Jones, Ralph Lovell, Neil Pickthall, Janice Remmele, Virginia Reper, Fay Smith, Cheryl Swift, and Annabelle Turner. JOY To Juan and Catalina Chiquillo on the birth of their daughter Liana. To Jack and Carrie Cowen on the birth of their daughter Charlie. To Stefan and Amy Crichton on the birth of their daughter Lily. SYMPATHY To Teresa Bowling and family on the death of her brother. To the family of Anne Carder on her death. PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Tim and Alison Batig, John Belsha, Will Brandt, John Buck, Skyler Cook, Austin Foster, Westley Freeze, James Gilbert, Tyler J. Gorcie, Dylan Greismeyer, Stephen Travis Harding, Adam Higdon, Matthew Ivester, Mike Linn, Ryan Lueders, Blake Nunes, Cameron Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Matthew Platz, Shawn Platz, Hamilton Rencurrel, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Ben Saunders, Jacob Shinkle, John Simmons, Justin Simon, and Jasen Wilson.


Connecting the World With God’s Love Pick-a-dilly Craft Fair. The 26th annual Pick-a-dilly Craft Fair sponsored by the United Methodist Women is Saturday, Oct. 15, from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. There will be more than 100 indoor and outdoor craft booths featuring many unique gift and holiday items. Pick-a-dilly also features a silent auction, great food, and a bake sale. And you can enjoy the Student Ministries Pumpkin Patch while you’re here. Admission is free. Proceeds will benefit UMW mission projects. The Bible and Human Sexuality. The United Methodist Women invite all women to join them for their spiritual growth study “The Bible and Human Sexuality: Claiming God’s Good Gift.” This study explores the Bible and human sexuality as two essential components of our Christian faith and invites us to explore the complexity of the biblical text and our varied understandings of it in light of human sexuality. We will meet in E106 in two sessions: Oct. 19 at 9:30 a.m. and Nov. 9 at 9 a.m. For information, contact Griseida Garcia at (281) 232-3839 or [email protected].


Katy Thanksgiving Feast. Every year, St. Peter’s joins with several local churches and ministries to host a Thanksgiving meal for those who might not otherwise have one. At the Feast, we also will offer our guests needed items. We will be collecting new/freshly laundered winter coats in October and non-perishable food items and diapers and wipes in November. Please visit for more detailed information on this and other ways you will be able to serve. Contact Kat Moore at [email protected] if you have questions. Disaster Relief Workday. About 20 people from the Disaster Relief Team attended the Sept. 10 workday. We continued work on Mr. S’s house, including removal of a tub and vanity, spraying for mold in the bathroom, and continuing with the installation of drywall and general cleanup throughout the rest of his home. Mr. S has continued with the general cleanup and repairs in between workdays. He removed the rest of the flooring and is going to keep working on the drywall. We may be able to install kitchen countertops and cabinets on our next workday. A second team began work on Mr. H’s double-wide trailer that was damaged in the April flooding. They were able to remove some of the flooring and start taking out insulation and drywall. They will continue with the demolition on the next workday, which is Oct. 22. If you can help, please sign up at

Daily Bible Reading Volunteer to help with the Pumpkin Patch •Pumpkin Unloading. Oct. 9 at 12:30 p.m. You supply the muscles and we’ll supply the pizza! All ages and abilities are invited to help. •Pumpkin Patch Volunteers. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and Sundays noon-7 p.m. Shifts are two hours. To sign up, click HERE and follow the instructions listed on the page. If you have any questions, or need assistance signing up, contact Heather at (281) 944-4929 or hharmison@ Thanks for helping fill this important need. Our annual Pumpkin Patch raises money to offset the cost of our high school senior mission trip to Jamaica.


onfirmation is under way! Boys and girls from the sixth-grade class began their confirmation journey on Sept. 18. They are being led by Pastor Scott Rawlings and Eric Ballard, West Campus Assistant Youth Director. The class meets on Sunday afternoons in Eric’s home. They are studying “Credo,” a Cokesbury-published curriculum. They will be digging deeper into the subjects of creation, sin, redemption, the Holy Spirit, the church, the sacraments, and what it means to be a member of The United Methodist Church, among numerous other topics. They will conclude their confirmation experience with a fun-filled weekend retreat at Carolina Creek in Huntsville.

Oct. 10 – 16 MONDAY Matthew 21:33-43 TUESDAY Exodus 3:7-22 WEDNESDAY Jeremiah 31:23-34 THURSDAY 1 Samuel 18:1-5 FRIDAY Hebrews 8:1-12 SATURDAY Hebrews 13:1-218 SUNDAY John 15:1-17 Oct. 17 – 23 MONDAY Matthew 22:1-14 TUESDAY Matthew 10:1-15 WEDNESDAY Matthew 10:16-23 THURSDAY Matthew 10:24-42 FRIDAY 2 Corinthians 11:7-12:10 SATURDAY 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 SUNDAY 2 Timothy 2:14-26


S u nday Worship 8:30 a.m.

Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

10:30 a.m.

St. Peter’s West Campus at Cinco Ranch High School

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar Sunday, Oct. 9 12:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 10:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15 9:00 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 4:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 1:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 3:00 p.m.

The Book of Daniel

Pizza With the Pastors Unloading Pumpkins

E106 Front Lawn

KEYS Council


Prayer Quilt Ministry S201 Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s Brown Bag Bridge

Asbury Hall

Pick-a-dilly Craft Fair


Women’s Cancer Support


Alzheimer’s Support Group Adoption Supportive Care Trustees

S209 S202 Conference Room

UMW Study E106 Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s Finance Committee Open Hearts Support Group

Conference Room E225

Fall Family Festival


Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available on our website.


he Abide Sunday School class, which meets at 11 a.m. in S203, is beginning a study on the Book of Daniel Oct. 9. Daniel covers the period when the temple was demolished and the southern kingdom, Judah, was being disciplined for their disloyalty to God by being exiled to Babylon. Daniel and his friends provide wonderful examples of faith-filled young men. The second half of the book helps us to understand the coming of the Messiah and God’s continuing grace. Please join us for lively discussion of this interesting book of the Bible.