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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 7, No. 21 June 2, 2017

Connecting the World with God’s Love

THIS ISSUE: Vacation Bible School

St. Peter's will be a busy

place the week of June 12 as more than 700 children and volunteers gather for VBS.

Choirs to sing at Skeeters games You can support our choirs as they sing the National Anthem at three Skeeters baseball games this summer. One of our Church Without Walls projects was to build a community garden to support the patients of Christ Clinic. Our first harvest of onions was delivered to the clinic recently. Thanks to our talented gardeners, we hope to deliver corn and eggplant before too long. Christ Clinic provides health care to those who are uninsured or underinsured. Part of their health education program includes information on the benefits of good nutrition.

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

Family Fun Nights


amily Fun Nights offer a fun night out with your family on the first Sunday in June, July, and August. Each month will have a different theme with exciting games and activities for all ages. Cost is $20 per family and includes dinner. Our first Family Fun Night is June 4 from 6-8 p.m. To register, visit or contact Director of Children’s Ministries Elizabeth Bucher at (281) 492-8031.

Family VBS


amily Vacation Bible School, which is July 2628, will be an opportunity for you and your family to learn what it means to be a Super Family that follows God and Christ. Each night we will focus on virtues that make a regular family a Super Family: love, forgiveness, prayer, and fun. Family VBS is for all ages of children with their parents/grandparents. Nursery is available if requested during registration. Cost is $50 per family, which covers dinner, activities, games, and materials. Register at For information, contact Whitney Peper at wpeper@


This will be a wonderful day Dear Friends, I have been thinking a lot about giving thanks to God for our blessings, even during the difficult times. While doing some reading, I came across the story of a young woman who made the decision every day that it would be a wonderful day no matter what. Here is the story: A young woman woke up early one day; she was so excited. She said: THIS WILL BE A WONDERFUL DAY. She looked in the mirror to discover she ONLY HAD THREE HAIRS ON HER HEAD. She thought for a while and decided she Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor would BRAID her hair. She thought her BRAID WITH THE THREE HAIRS was so pretty. SHE HAD A WONDERFUL DAY. The next day the young lady awoke and said: THIS WILL BE A WONDERFUL DAY. She looked in the mirror to discover she had ONLY TWO HAIRS. She pondered awhile and decided she would PART HER HAIR DOWN THE MIDDLE. So she fixed her hair real pretty by PARTING IT DOWN THE MIDDLE. The Lord blessed her with another wonderful day. The next morning the lady was awakened to the sun shining so pretty. She thought to herself: THIS IS GOING TO BE A WONDERFUL DAY. She looked in the mirror and she ONLY HAD ONE HAIR LEFT on her head. She gave thought to what hairdo she would wear today. She decided to put her hair up in A PONYTAIL. She had a very wonderful day. The next day, she woke up, jumped out of bed, and said: THIS IS GOING TO BE A WONDERFUL DAY! The Lord made this day and I will rejoice. She went over to the mirror and to her surprise she had NO HAIR on her head. She stood and looked at herself and said: PRAISE THE LORD, I DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT WHAT I AM GOING TO DO WITH MY HAIR TODAY. And she had a wonderful day with no worries about her hair. As you know, I don’t have to worry about what to do with my hair. However, I would love to have the attitude of this young woman. No matter what, I want to be able to pray Psalm 103:1: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” Blessings,

Pat Favorite Bible Verses Once again the summer issues of the St. Peter's Connection will feature favorite Bible verses. Please share your favorite verse along with a few sentences about why it is your favorite. Submissions can be sent to [email protected].

Financial report from May 21 town hall meeting


t our town hall meeting on May 21, we discussed St. Peter’s financial position. I am sharing that information again in the hope that all of us will see the opportunity to demonstrate how the body of Christ can be overwhelmingly generous when called upon. In Luke 9, Jesus turns to the gathered crowds to share in feeding one another. The seemingly impossible is accomplished because of the faithful response from those who journeyed after Christ. With the developments at our West Campus, we also have a chance to respond. If every family in our church gives $10 more a week, or $280 over the rest of the year, we can continue to support the ministries as planned during 2017. May we all find ways to continue connecting the world with God’s love.


Projected Giving Through April -- $1,035,785 Actual Giving Through April -- $1,040,953 Projection for 2017 -- $3,248,000

Starting Loan Balance -- $4,322,712 Current Loan Balance Through April -- $3,881,444 Remaining Pledge Balance Through April -- $2,379,854 Remaining Opportunity to Give -- $1,501,590

Favorite Bible Verses Luke 17: 20-21

Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he [Jesus] answered them, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Lo, here it is,’ or ‘There!’ for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.” Jesus makes clear that what he means by the kingdom of God is not something to wait for; rather, that it is here all along even if we don’t see it. As for who resides in the kingdom of God, Jesus says in the Beatitudes that the inhabitants include those who are poor in spirit, who hunger and thirst for justice, who grieve, who are sad, and who weep. In other words, just about all of us at one time or other are in need of care. These are the care receivers. If we are fortunate, we receive help getting through difficult times by those who minister to us. These are the caregivers. I look around the church and the community and see many examples of people giving and receiving care. That activity goes on everywhere and all the time. The question is what to call that activity. I call it the kingdom of God. —Ken Knowlton

Volunteers needed in Children's Ministries


hildren’s Ministries is looking for volunteers to serve in a variety of areas. There is truly something for everyone: Sunday School teachers, SPLASH and SPLISH SPLASH volunteers, and helpers at one of our two Children’s Ministries desks during any of the services on Sunday. Please contact Elizabeth Bucher at [email protected] to volunteer.

Can you help with Communion?


e need a volunteer for the Communion Setup/Cleanup Team to help at the 8:30 a.m. traditional service. Please contact Mark Liles at [email protected] if you would like to serve in this way.

Sanctuary volunteers


e need a few volunteers to help get the Sanctuary ready for the next Sunday worship services. If you can help, please contact Virginia Goff at virginiagoff75@gmail. com.


Worship leader staff changes

Confirmation 2017

T The Orange Show. On June 16, the KEYS will enjoy a unique view of Houston through tours of the Orange Show and the Beer Can House. The Orange Show was built with common building materials and found objects, a creative architectural maze of walkways, balconies, and brightly colored figures. The Beer Can House is a true monument to recycling. We will have lunch at Pappas Bar-B-Q and treats at The Chocolate Bar. The bus will leave St. Peter’s at 9 a.m. and return at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $10 plus your lunch and treats. Sign up at the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby. For more information, call Gaylene Taylor at (281) 599-1064. Brown Bag Bridge. Our winners for May were Willie Morillon, high, and Janice DeWitz, second high. Our next play date is June 8 at 10 a.m. in Asbury Hall.

had Brown will serve his last Sunday at St. Peter’s on June 11. Thad has been at St. Peter's for more than six years, first as worship leader to The Element and then as worship leader to the West Campus. He and his family are moving to Indiana. We are thankful for Thad’s leadership and service and wish him the best. We are excited to welcome Stephen Walker as our Director of Contemporary Worship. He will coordinate musicians and worship responsibilities for both The Element and West Campus starting June 11. Stephen has been serving as worship leader to The Element.

Support our choirs at Skeeters games


hree St. Peter’s choirs will be performing the National Anthem at Sugar Land Skeeters minor league baseball games this summer. The Men’s Ensemble will sing June 26 at 7 p.m., the Youth Choir will sing Aug. 1 at 7 p.m., and the Chancel Choir will sing Sept. 2 at 6 p.m. We encourage everyone to come out to Constellation Field to support our choirs. Tickets are $11 per person and must be purchased by June 16 for the June 26 game, by July 21 for the Aug. 1 game, and by Aug. 25 for the Sept. 2 game. Contact David Galasso at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031 for tickets and information.

Baby Bottle Blessings continues through June 18


hrough Baby Bottle Blessings, you can be part of God’s work at Pregnancy Help Center of West Houston, which provides mentoring and support for parents facing a crisis pregnancy. Services also include parenting classes, adoption education, post-abortion healing classes, and the opportunity for parents to earn credit toward baby items, furniture, and clothing. Keep collecting your spare change in the bottles you picked up on Mother's Day. Our goal is to raise $1,000—just 100 families committing $10 each. On Father’s Day, June 18, you can return your bottles containing your contribution to crates located at the Information Desk in the Lobby or outside the entrance to The Element. Thank you for helping parents choose life for their babies and life in Christ for themselves.

Travel with choir to Salzburg

H 4

ave you ever wanted to sing in or visit the marvelous cathedrals in Salzburg, Austria; Vienna; and Prague? St. Peter’s is planning a trip to participate in the Salzburg Choral Festival June 26, 2018. You do not have to sing to be a part of this trip. Contact David Galasso at [email protected] to let him know if you are interested.

VBS starts a summer full of fun for kids, families

In Our Prayers

PRAYERS Lyle Asplin, Marci Barnes, Jim Basham, Tanya Bolog, Dennis Bowling, Gordon Buffington, Claire Cook, Lorkeshia Davis, Faunelle Deaton, Jenifer Franklin, Joe Hawkins, Art Henderson, Mike Ibarguen, Lin Johnson, Brian Jones, Oscar Jones, Lisa Leitch, Ralph Long, Ralph Lovell, Joe Mireur, Lou Moore, Neil Pickthall, Kathy Powell, Janice Remmele, Virginia Reper, Fay Smith, Cheryl Swift, and Annabelle Turner. JOY To Jack Kneale and Bekah Smith on the birth of their daughter Annabelle.


acation Bible School kicks off our summer activities on June 12 with more than 500 children and more than 200 volunteers flooding the St. Peter's campus from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. that week. This year's theme is Hero Central, which will encourage kids to discover their strength in God and realize that they are God's heroes through music, science, crafts, recreation, and Bible stories. While Vacation Bible School and T Bar M Camp are closed to new registration, there is still room to sign up for Family Fun Nights, Cooking with Friends, Lakeview Methodist Camp, Sunny Days, and Family Vacation Bible School. Information and registration for all our summer ministries is available at If you have questions, contact Elizabeth Bucher at ebucher

ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE May 21 Traditional Worship 8:30 9:45 11:00 The Element 9:45 11:00 SPLASH West Campus West Campus Students/Kids TOTAL

175 167 266 65 110 50 85 41 959

May 28 Traditional Worship 8:30 9:45 11:00 The Element 9:45 11:00 SPLASH West Campus West Campus Kids TOTAL

171 168 334 50 115 31 85 30 984

SYMPATHY To Dottie Mandagelo and family on the death of her greatgrandson. To Richard and Andrew McNamara and family on the death of their wife and mother, Mary K McNamara. To Richard Powell and family on the death of his brother. To Katherine Wickman and family on the death of her mother. PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Tim and Alison Batig, John Belsha, Will Brandt, John Buck, Jonathan Burdette, Skyler Cook, Austin Foster, Westley Freeze, James Gilbert, Tyler J. Gorcie, Dylan Greismeyer, Stephen Travis Harding, Adam Higdon, Mike Linn, Blake Nunes, Cameron Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Melissa Ouellette, Matthew Platz, Noah Platz, Shawn Platz, Hamilton Rencurrel, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Ben Saunders, Jacob Shinkle, John Simmons, Justin Simon, Theo Speas, Jason Steele, and Jasen Wilson.


Please help with U.M. ARMY items



e need your help with this year’s U.M. ARMY camp in Livingston, which is June 18-24. There are slips of paper with much-needed items on the Food Ladder in the Lobby. Simply take a slip and return the item by Friday, June 16. The items you purchase help make U.M. ARMY possible.

VBS is almost here; gift cards needed


acation Bible School is looking for help with some of their supplies. The Giving Tree in the Lobby has tags with gift cards you can donate to help. VBS is June 12-16. For more information, please contact Shelley Keating at [email protected].

Camp Connect

Students reach out to others this summer



unior and senior high students will spend time this summer helping our neighbors in Houston and Livingston. Our senior high students will participate in U.M. ARMY June 18-24 in Livingston, providing home repairs and maintenance for those who are unable to take care of these jobs themselves. The students also have the opportunity to grow spiritually and to develop their leadership skills through work and worship. Camp Connect is July 10-14 at the Parkview Village Apartments in south Houston. Each year our junior high students provide Vacation Bible School for the children living in this complex. They share God's love and Word with the children through stories, games, and crafts. Registration is at For more information, contact Jason Trice at [email protected].

Women's Studies "He Speaks to Me"


common question many Christians have is, “How can I know when God is speaking to me?” In “He Speaks to Me,” a women’s study by Priscilla Shirer, we will see how God spoke to Samuel and how we can discern his voice and respond. Join us Tuesdays, beginning June 6, at 6:30 p.m. in E225. Registration for this six-session class is at Books are available at LifeWay. For information, contact Anne O’Quinn at [email protected].

"Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath"


ne of the greatest challenges among women in our culture is taking time to stop from all our activities and busyness and just breathe. By neglecting time for tranquility, serenity, and repose, we limit our Christlikeness and miss out on some of God’s greatest gifts. It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. Please join us for the study “Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath” by Priscilla Shirer meeting Fridays beginning June 23 at 10 a.m. in S201. Register at Reservations for child care can be made at registration. Study books are $10 and can be purchased at LifeWay. Please bring your book to the first class.

Human trafficking phone bank resumes in July

Daily Bible Reading June 5 – 11 MONDAY Acts 2:1-21 TUESDAY Psalm 104:24-35 WEDNESDAY 1 Corinthians 12:3-13 THURSDAY John 7:37-39 FRIDAY Isaiah 8:16-22 SATURDAY Acts 6:1-7 SUNDAY Jeremiah 45:1-5 June 12 – 18 MONDAY Genesis 1:1-2:4a TUESDAY Psalm 8 WEDNESDAY 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 THURSDAY Matthew 28:16-20 FRIDAY Micah 7:1-7 SATURDAY Psalm 62 SUNDAY Romans 2:1-11


he St. Peter’s/Rescue Houston phone bank ministry continues to have an impact on fighting human trafficking. After a few short months, our group already has helped train and plant another Rescue Houston phone bank at Christ UMC in Sugar Land. The St. Peter’s Phone Bank will not meet in June, but will meet on July 12 and Aug. 9 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in E225. Summer schedules may afford some women who normally can’t contribute to the effort the opportunity to participate. Please join us before the next school year begins if you’re able. Contact [email protected] for more information.


S u nday Worship 8:30 a.m.

Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

10:30 a.m.

St. Peter’s West Campus at Cinco Ranch High School

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar Sunday, June 4 4:00 p.m.

Cancer Support Group


6:00 p.m.

Family Fun Night

Lott Hall

Missions Committee


"He Speaks to Me" Study


Brown Bag Bridge

Asbury Hall

Pizza With the Pastors


Vacation Bible School Starts


KEYS Council


Finance Committee

Conference Room

Monday, June 5 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 6 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 8 10:00 a.m. Sunday, June 11 12:15 p.m. Monday, June 12 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 13 1:00 p.m. Thursday, June 15 7:00 p.m.

Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available on our website.

Men’s Breakfast Thursdays 7:30 a.m.


23540 Westheimer

Join us!