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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 6, No. 21 June 3, 2016

Connecting the World with God’s Love

THIS ISSUE: Church Conference

We will meet Sunday,

Fifth Sunday family worship

June 12, at 6 p.m. to discuss the purchase of land for our west campus.

Host homes needed We need homes for collegeage counselors for our T Bar M camp that will be at St. Peter’s this summer.

The fifth Sunday of the month is our special Family Worship time, when we encourage families to participate in worship together. All of our worship services on that day are designed to engage every age. This past Sunday, the children were able to donate books to the children at the Los Arcos Apartments in Houston.

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

St. Peter’s Blood Drive


ur next blood drive is Sunday, June 26, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Scout House. You can sign up to donate June 12 and 19 in the Lobby. All who donate will receive a Fandango Promo Code redeemable for $5 toward a movie ticket. You also can sign up or get more information by contacting Marsha Asplin at [email protected]. If you make an appointment by the afternoon of June 22 and donate on June 26, you will receive an additional 200 points to use at the Commit for Life Store.

Conference will address land purchase Dear Friends in Christ, On Sunday, June 12, at 6 p.m., we will have a called Church Conference to discuss and vote on the purchase of property for our west campus. As we approach this important meeting, I would like to share some information that I think will help us as we consider this decision. Most of you are aware that sometime around 2012 St. Peter’s committed to “Connecting the World With God’s Love” by helping form a United Methodist congregation in the rapidly growing west Katy area. This was done while I served as the District Superintendent for our district. At that time, this congregation was going to “mother” a church plant, which is the way

Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor

we describe how one church supports the formation of a new church. St. Peter’s would have sent a group of members to the new church as a way to get the new congregation off the ground. However, in 2013 St. Peter’s was going through a significant transition in leadership. It was at that time I was appointed to be the Lead Pastor. With the transition that was happening at the time, I did not feel we should send off two hundred

Church directories


ur church directories should be delivered by the week of June 20. Once they arrive, they will be available for you to pick up at the Information Desk in the Lobby on Sundays.

of our members, even if it was for such a good cause. At the same time, Scott Rawlings was told by our Annual Conference that he needed to complete the process of having his ordination recognized by the United Methodist Church before they would assign him to start a new United Methodist Church. After a great deal of prayer, I suggested to our leadership that we not continue with the idea of mothering a new church, but rather that we start a second campus of St. Peter’s. Our leadership, along with the District and Conference, got behind this strategy for reaching the residents of west Katy. Our second campus is off to a great start and still growing. We now have an opportunity to buy 11.5 acres of land that is ideally located for placement of our west campus. On June 12 we will be considering this opportunity and voting on whether this is what God is calling us to do at this time. Please be in prayer as we approach this significant decision for our church. More information will be provided in a church-wide e-mail that will be going out next week. I look forward to what God has in store for this great church! Blessings,



Prayer Quilt Ministry


he Prayer Quilt Ministry invites everyone to be a part of this important ministry that has distributed more than 800 quilts to people in need of comfort. There are many different tasks involved in putting these quilts together that don’t involve quilting experience, so anyone can participate. We will meet June 8 in S201 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information, contact Tereasa Reimer at (281) 395-4730.

Family Worship in The Element

New St. Peter’s staff announced


t. Peter’s is pleased to announce that all staff vacancies have been filled. Elizabeth Bucher has been promoted to Director of Children’s Ministries

effective May 15, reporting to Associate Pastor Kris Bagley. Eric Ballard has been hired as Assistant Director of Student Ministries, effective June 1, reporting to Jason Trice. Missy Chapman has been hired as the Program Coordinator – Children’s Ministries effective August 1, reporting to Elizabeth Bucher. Please welcome them to their new positions. Jerry Massey Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair

Family Fellowship Fun Nights


amily Fellowship Fun Nights, from 6-8 p.m. on the first Sunday night of each month this summer, will replace Family Vacation Bible School. Each night will have a theme and will include a craft, game, dinner, and movie and popcorn. Our first event is Sunday, June 5. The fee per family for June and August is $20 each night. Financial assistance is available if needed by calling Elizabeth Bucher at (281) 492-8031. In July we will have food trucks, so everyone will pay for their own food. Sign up for Family Fellowship Fun Nights at

Nursery hiring two workers


he Nursery is hiring two people to work in the Sunday School classrooms on Sundays from 9:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. You will be teaching the Sunday School lessons provided by our nursery coordinator to 2- and 3-year-olds. The children are separated into two classrooms by age. For information, contact Amanda McDaniel at [email protected] or (832) 492-1738.


Country Church Tour. The KEYS will visit churches in the small communities of Wallis, East Bernard, Frelsburg, and Ellinger on June 13. These beautiful churches have heavenly frescoes, beautiful stenciling, and other painted embellishments. Cost is $8 plus lunch. Sign up at the bulletin board in the Lobby. For more information, contact Barbara Allen or Jack Cudd at (281) 578-7627. Brown Bag Bridge. Please join us for our next play date on June 9 at 10 a.m. in Asbury Hall. Better Bodies. Our fitness group for senior adults will be moving to Westland Baptist at 1407 West Grand Parkway in June and July. We will continue to meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. All are welcome.


The Early Childhood Development Center finished up the school year with a week of special treats for the children—snow cones on the playground, pizza and ice cream, and a special ocean program with Oasis for Children. ECDC will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Learn to pray strategically


oin us for a women’s study this summer as we look at the book “Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer” by Priscilla Shirer. This study will show us how to use the power of prayer in all areas of our lives: identity, family, regrets, pressures, temptations, fears, attitudes, and more. We will meet June 21, July 5 and 19, and Aug. 2 from 6:30-8 p.m. in E225. You can register at or at the Information Desk. For information, contact Anne O’Quinn at annieroonie@

In Our Prayers PRAYERS

Katy and Houston area flood recovery, Mike Barnes, Lynn Bortka, Dennis Bowling, Faunelle Deaton, John Duffield, Cyndy Flory, Doug Folts, Caleb Gore, Art Henderson, Mike Ibarguen, Brian Jones, Oscar Jones, Rudy Koski, Ralph Lovell, Betty Marsh, Neil Pickthall, Anne Scruggs, Cheryl Swift, Barbara Thoen, Annabelle Turner, and Sha-

Pizza With the Pastors


re you thinking about joining St. Peter’s? Do you want to know more about this church and the United Methodist Church? If so, you are invited to attend our monthly Pizza With the Pastors June 12 at 12:15 p.m. in E106. Please contact Patty Campbell at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031 for more information.

ron Washington. SYMPATHY To Becky Gunderson and family on the death of her father. To Debbie King and family on the death of her father. To Ann Olson and family on the death of her brother. PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Tim and Alison Batig, John

Welcome to Our New Member Dan and Ashly Baker Roberto and Victoria Salinas

Belsha, Will Brandt, John Buck, Jeffrey Cabana, Skyler Cook, Austin Foster, Westley Freeze, James Gilbert, Tyler J. Gorcie, Dylan Greismeyer, Stephen Travis Harding,

ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE May 22 Traditional Worship 8:30 211 9:45 215 11:00 385 The Element 9:45 62 11:00 97 SPLASH 43 Living Stones 175 Living Stones Students/Kids 90 TOTAL 1, 278

May 29 Traditional Worship 8:30 166 9:45 202 11:00 391 The Element 9:45 95 11:00 93 Living Stones 158 Living Stones Students/Kids 84 TOTAL 1,189

Adam Higdon, Matthew Ivester, Mike Linn, Ryan Lueders, Blake Nunes, Cameron Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Matthew Platz, Shawn Platz, Hamilton Rencurrel, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Ben Saunders, Jacob Shinkle, John Simmons, and Jasen Wilson.


Men’s Breakfast Group

Connecting the World With God’s Love Missions Team

Meeting at Whataburger 23540 Westheimer Pkwy. Thursdays at 8 a.m. All men are invited to

The next Missions Team meeting is June 6 at 7 p.m. in S101. We welcome anyone who is interested in planning ways for St. Peter’s to connect the world with God’s love through missions. Contact Nancy Taylor at [email protected] for more information.

Flood Recovery We continue to help those who have been affected by the recent flooding. We are working with the Texas Annual Conference Committee on

come for breakfast and

Relief on long-term recovery efforts. A wide variety of skill sets ranging

fellowship. This is a

from helping with the reconstruction of homes to aiding flood survivors

great way to get to

in finding resources available to them are needed. If you would like to

know other men at St. Peter’s. No reservations needed.

help, please sign up on the Missions page at If you would like to make a donation, please make your check out to St. Peter’s and put Houston Spring Storms in the “for” line.

Furniture and Appliance Donations

Can you help welcome our guests?


re you passionate about hospitality, welcome, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ? St. Peter’s is looking for more folks for our welcome and evangelism team. This team will be asked to welcome guests, to staff our Information Desk on Sunday mornings, and many other exciting welcoming and evangelism tasks. For more information, contact Nathan at [email protected].

Many Brookshire flood victims are still in need of help, especially as they try to replace furniture and appliances. If you have something you’d like to donate, please visit this link and complete the form: forms/igXOiWgocn. You will be contacted as soon as a recipient is found for these items.

Families needed to host camp counselors


e our partnering with T Bar M Discover 252 Adventure Camp this summer to provide a week-long camp for children on the St. Peter’s

campus. A team of college-age counselors will be a part of this camp, and we need host families who can give them a place to stay from July 16 to July 23. A minimum of three college students of the same gender will stay at each home; you are welcome to host more if you like. The host families will provide a basic continental-style breakfast each day and dinner most nights. We need to know if you can help as soon as possible so we can plan. To serve as a host family, contact Shelley Keating at Directorsummer-


[email protected] or Elizabeth Bucher at [email protected].

Daily Bible Reading June 6 – 12 MONDAY Psalm 33:1-12 TUESDAY Luke 15:1-10 WEDNESDAY Acts 3:17-26 THURSDAY Ephesians 2:1-10 FRIDAY Romans 6:1-14 SATURDAY Luke 7:36-50 SUNDAY John 4:7-42 June 13 – 19 MONDAY Psalm 13 TUESDAY Luke 18:18-30 WEDNESDAY Galatians 5:16-24 THURSDAY Philippians 2:12-18 FRIDAY 1 Timothy 4:6-16 SATURDAY 2 Timothy 2:1-13 SUNDAY 1 John 4

During our Family Worship Services last Sunday, children were able to participate fully in all aspects of worship, including prayer and reading scripture. Our next Family Worship Sunday will be July 31.


S u nday Worship 8:30 a.m.

Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

10:30 a.m.

Living Stones St. Peter’s West Campus at Cinco Ranch High School

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Worship The Element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar

Church Conference

Sunday, June 5 4:00 p.m.

Women’s Cancer Support


6:00 p.m.

Family Fellowship Fun Night

Lott Hall

Monday, June 6 Missions Team


Thursday, June 9 10:00 a.m.

We will have a called Church Conference on June 12 at 6 p.m.

Cooking With Kids begins 7:00 p.m.

June 12

in the Sanctuary to consider and vote on the purchase of

Brown Bag Bridge

Asbury Hall

12:15 p.m.

Pizza With the Pastors


6:00 p.m.

Church Conference


Sunday, June 12

Monday, June 13

land for our West Campus. At a church conference, every member of the congregation has a voice and a vote in the process.

Vacation Bible School begins

Our discussion will include in-

Triumph Sports Camp begins

formation about our vision for the future of our West Campus.

Tuesday, June 14 1:30 p.m.

KEYS Council


Finance Committee

Conference Room

Thursday, June 16 7:00 p.m.

More specific information will be in a congregational e-mail

Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available on our website.

that will be sent out this week.