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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 3, No. 19 April 12, 2013

Connecting the World with God’s Love

THIS ISSUE: Walking to free slaves in Sudan Spring Style Show

The United Methodist Women present their annual style show featuring models from St. Peter’s.

New Jamaica Ministry This summer St. Peter’s will begin a program to tutor Hampstead students to improve their chances of going to high school.

More than 120 students and adults attended the 11th Annual Freedom Walk on April 7. Participants walked around the Nottingham Country neighborhood to raise awareness and money for Christian Solidarity International’s efforts to free people in Sudan from slavery. Walkers were joined by Pastor Heidi McGinness from CSI and civil rights activist Simon Deng. Pastor Heidi preached at all three of our traditional worship services and also introduced Simon before he spoke to the walkers in the evening. Simon captivated the audience and called them to take action on behalf of Sudan. All of the money raised for this year’s walk will go to free persons currently enslaved in Sudan. Thank you for your support of this worthy mission.

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

St. Peter’s Blood Drive April 28


ur next Blood Drive at St. Peter’s is April 28 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please sign up to donate at the table in the Lobby on April 14 or 21. All donors will receive a Commit for Life Blood Center T-shirt. For more information, contact Marsha Asplin at [email protected].


ake plans to attend one of our children’s summer programs. Vacation Bible School is June 10-14, Cooking with Kids is June 24-28, Sunny Days is July 8-12 and 15-19, and Family VBS is July 28-30. Registration is online at Registration dates are April 15-19 for the community and anyone else who hasn’t already registered. Please visit for complete information.


A Sunday of new beginnings Dear Friends, My family and I are so excited to become part of the St. Peter’s family. We want to thank you for the ways in which you have already started making us feel welcome. What an incredible journey it has been that brought me to this new beginning as your pastor. I am so happy to have this opportunity to serve with you as we seek to connect the world with God’s love! As you may know, I will transition into the role as pastor during the months of April and May. I will be preaching and participating in staff meetings during the month of April and my appointment will officially begin on May 1—although I will have a few obligations as the Southwest District Superintendent during the month of May. Obviously that is an unusual way to begin serving as the pastor of a church. Because of the way I will transition into this appointment, I will need to delay having “get acquainted” meetings. These small group gatherings will allow me to get to know you better, as well as giving me a chance to listen to your hopes and dreams for St. Peter’s. Please know that I am greatly looking Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor forward to these gatherings and that they will be placed on the calendar as soon as possible. This Sunday will not only be the beginning of my ministry with you, but it will also be the day of our groundbreaking service to mark the beginning of construction for the project made possible through the Magnify & Multiply campaign. I hope to see you this Sunday as we worship God and celebrate these new beginnings. Grace and Peace,


Groundbreaking and Ice Cream Social April 14


oin the celebration April 14 as we break ground for our Magnify & Multiply expansion from 4-5 p.m. in the east parking lot. We will have a short service including prayer and music as we symbolically begin our construction project. You are encouraged to bring your children to celebrate that the first part of the project will be a new meeting space for SPLASH and children’s classrooms. We also will be welcoming our new senior pastor, Dr. Pat Sparks, and his family to St. Peter’s. Please bring your favorite ice cream and toppings to Lott Hall and then gather in the parking lot.

Mothers’ Share Group

O from Executive Director Randy Rush


would like to express the appreciation of the entire St. Peter’s staff to our congregation and guests for the fantastic turnout on Easter Sunday. It is a joy and a pleasure to be associated with such an outstanding congregation, and we appreciate the opportunity we have to serve as your staff. We are all eagerly anticipating our groundbreaking ceremony this coming Sunday, April 14, at 4 p.m. We will gather around the former older children’s playground for some good old-fashioned music, “turning of the dirt” and some comments from our own Dr. Pat Sparks. Best of all, we will enjoy an ice cream social following the ceremony. Please join us as we celebrate the beginning of our building expansion. There will be shovels so that the children can participate. You will by now have noticed the activity surrounding our baseball field. Hoar Construction will be utilizing that area for staging materials and as their temporary headquarters during our construction project. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are positive you will be pleased with the results. As always, please let me know if there is anything I or the staff can do to make your St. Peter’s experience even better.

n April 18, Betty Courtin, a Harris County Master Gardener, will share her secrets on how to grow an easy, organic backyard garden with the Mothers’ Share Group. We meet from 9:30- 11:30 a.m. in E221 every Thursday, following the KISD schedule. Free child care is available, and everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, contact Melody at [email protected].


Wednesday Night Dinner 5:00 – 6:30 p.m., Lott Hall April 17 Pulled pork, beans, macaroni salad, bread and fudge pie Kid’s meal: same

April 24 (Last dinner until September) White barbecue chicken, squash casserole, biscuits and blueberry crunch Kid’s meal: chicken tenders, green beans and a cookie Healthy option of shrimp salad is available by reservation. Adults: $6 with reservation, $8 for walk-ins; kids: $3 Reservations should be made by Sunday at midnight at or at the Information Desk.

Substitute as an office volunteer


re you looking for a way to connect the world with God’s love and connect with others at St. Peter’s? The church office needs substitute volunteers to answer the phone and greet visitors. No experience is necessary. If you would like to help in this way, please call the church office at (281) 4928031.


New Jamaica ministry gives students chance to get high school education

T Driver Safety Program. The KEYS Senior Adult Group is sponsoring an AARP Driver Safety Program April 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in E106. Terry Richardson is the instructor. Cost is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members and must be paid by check made out to AARP. You can sign up at the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby. Baseball Outing. We will head to Sugar Land Thursday, May 16, to watch the Sugar Land Skeeters and the Bridgeport Bluefish. Tickets are $12. The deadline for sign-up and payment is April 21. A sign-up sheet and additional information are at the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby.

Children needed for worship video


ur media ministry, Sharing Grace, is looking for eight children, ages 3 to 17, to be featured in a Mother’s Day Video to be shown in traditional worship. If your child would be interested, please contact Shawne Moore at [email protected].


his year marked our 19th year of ministry in Jamaica. The community of Hampstead has been such a blessing to St. Peter’s, and it’s with great joy that we announce that St. Peter’s will be traveling to Jamaica a second time this year.

With the blessing of the Missions Team, St. Peter’s will be sending a team to Jamaica the week of July 29 to launch a two-week summer school program. We will provide funds to pay for teachers, a cook, lunch for 100 students, and classroom materials. Each afternoon after school, the team will be offering Vacation Bible School activities. We also are looking at a potential work project at the nearby preschool. A good education is vital in Jamaica. Students take a test in the sixth grade that determines which high school they are placed in. Students who score low on the test are not offered high school and complete their schooling in the eighth grade. It is our hope that through this summer school program, we can greatly increase the number of students in Hampstead who are able to continue on to high school. This year we will be taking a small team on a discovery trip. Our goal is to ensure that the program is a success and to determine the needs going forward. We hope this program will grow and become an annual trip that utilizes our former students with a passion for Jamaica as well as the many adults in our congregation who are involved in education. Thank you for supporting the Hampstead community for so many years, and please pray for this new program. We think that God is up to something big in Hampstead and are so glad to partner with these people in ministry.

United Methodist Women

Spring Style Show Thursday, April 25 7 p.m. in Lott Hall

Come see spring fashions modeled by St. Peter’s members and staff at the United Methodist Women’s annual dessert style show “The Perfect Mix of Sass and Class” Thursday, April 25, at 7 p.m. in Lott Hall. Fashions will be provided by Cobblestone Cottage and will be available for purchase, with a portion of the sales price going to UMW missions. Models are Rae Ann Beck, Jody Cook, Marydith Donnelly, Melissa Gargani, Michel Hendon, Jennifer Hollingshead, Kelly Johnson, Dorothy Kennedy, PK Loeffler, Sarah Loving, Kelly Sanders and Peggy Woodward. Entertainment will be Barbara Jennings’ “One Woman Broadway Show.” Coffee, tea and dessert will be served. Tickets are $10 and are available in the Lobby on Sundays or from any UMW member. Centerpieces also will be for sale. All proceeds from this event benefit UMW missions. For more information, contact Chariine Grace at (281) 579-8380.

ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE 183 369 1,156 894 239 235 71 3,147

April 7 Traditional Worship 8:30 9:45 11:00 the element 9:45 11:00 SPLASH TOTAL

PRAYERS Bree Burke, Jerry Dewitz, Corkey Dial, Brian Jones, Futaba Kioka, Betty Marsh, Mary McIntosh, Carey Reid, Cheryl Swift, and Mary Zavesky. SYMPATHY To Lisa Crofton and family on the death of her father. To Trixie Jobe and family on the death of her son.

Fashions from Cobblestone Cottage Dessert, coffee and tea Tickets are $10

Easter, March 31 Sunrise Service Traditional Worship 8:00 9:30 11:00 the element 9:30 11:00 SPLASH TOTAL

In Our Prayers

219 233 408 80 123 90 1,153

PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Johnathon Baker, Tim and Alison Batig, Jared Behne, John Belsha, Amanda Berg, Colin Binion, Patrick Boutall, Will Brandt, Eric Brookover, Martin Busch, Randy Butcher, Sean Cain, Devin Camp, Darron Chamblee, Scott Chumbley, Daniel Clarke, Skyler Cook, Thomas Cotten, Patrick Couch, Joel de Sola, Parker Allen Dial, Kathryn Donnelly, Brandi and Josiah Fast, Westley Freeze, Daniel Fritz, Charles Fray, James Gilbert, Anita Marie Gilliam, Tyler J. Gorcie, Jason Gordon, Eric Graesley, Tye Grasshoff, David Gutierrez, George Harrison, Steven Heath, Jeff Hiser, Matthew C. Houghton, Matthew Ivester, Scott Lewis, Mike Linn, Ryan Lueders, Austin McCall, Jason McFadzen, Jake McMath, Mick McNaughton, Adam Miller, Joel Muhlnickel, Robert Near, Blake Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Neal Osburn, Austin Paynter/149th Division, Casey Pontious, Sherri Pontious, Hamilton Rencurrel, Taylor Richardson, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Jason Salter, Brandon Schumacher, Daniel Sewastynowicz, John Simmons, Morgan Smyth, Texas Military Forces, Shannon Thorthan, Bill Underwood, Kevin Van Winkle, Bert Walker, Tom Walsh, Matthew Weible, Michael Wendt, Max Weyermann, Leonard Will, Jasen Wilson, and Marine Co. 1157.


United Methodist Women

Style Show. Join us April 25, at 7 p.m. in Lott Hall. Fashions are by Cobblestone Cottage. Tickets are available in the Lobby or from any UMW member for $10. All proceeds benefit UMW missions.

Alzheimer’s Support Group


he Alzheimer’s Support Group will meet April 15 at 1:30 p.m. in S209 for a time of caring and sharing. For more information, contact Beverly Deerhake at (281) 856-6217.

Open Hearts Support Group


he Open Hearts Support Group for families and friends of gays and lesbians will meet April 18 at 7 p.m. in E225. We offer a safe and affirming setting for those who desire understanding and support as they seek to come to terms with a loved one’s homosexuality. For more information, please contact Elaine Saunders at (281) 492-8031 or [email protected].


Monthly Mission Activities Generation One. This organization is committed to the spiritual growth and physical rebuilding of the impoverished areas of the Third Ward of Houston. They are involved in repair, rebuilding and restoration in this community. They direct a tremendous amount of time, love, and education toward the youth through tutoring, mentoring, Bible study, sports and life skills classes. Volunteers are needed in a variety of areas. Visit the Missions table in the Lobby on Sunday to see how you can help. Church Without Walls Needs Your Help. Church Without Walls, which is June 9, is the day we worship God by going into the community to serve others. We are looking for leaders for several of the projects we have already defined. We are also seeking ideas for new projects for this event. If you have an idea for community outreach that can be developed into a two- to four-hour project, we would like to know about it. Contact Bill Land at (281) 492-8031 or [email protected] if you have a passion to lead one of our projects or would like to propose a new project.

Donate to the Vacation Bible School Giving Tree


acation Bible School is coming June 17. We are requesting donations of items to make our week a success. Please consider supporting our Children’s Ministries by going to the Giving Tree in the Lobby and taking a tag with complete instructions. Thank you for your support! If you have questions or need more information, please contact Director Sarah Loving at [email protected].

Rediscover Jesus with Gen Acts


he Gen Acts Sunday School class would like to invite you to rediscover Jesus with Philip Yancey’s DVD series, “The Jesus I Never Knew.” With a fresh perspective on his teaching, miracles, death and resurrection, this encounter with the living Jesus will radically transform your life and stretch your faith. Please join us Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in S201. For more information, contact Joel Allard at [email protected] or (832) 752-7029.

Children’s Ministries seeking nursery coordinator


hildren’s Ministries is currently looking for someone to serve as our nursery coordinator. If you are interested in this 20-hour/week part-time position, please contact Kelly Johnson at [email protected] or (281) 4928031, ext. 310, by April 15.

Daily Bible Reading

Senior Recognition. This year on May 5 we will honor your high school senior at either the 8:30 a.m. traditional service or the 11 a.m. element service. Please e-mail [email protected] with your choice. Senior Celebration Dinner, May 5, 5 p.m. in Lott Hall. As part of our Senior Celebration, we will create a video to be shown at the dinner. Please e-mail three photos of your senior to [email protected] by April 15. Remember to include the FULL name you want presented on the video. The photo choice is up to you. Many people send in one young, one now and one at church event. If you are unable to e-mail photos, please stop by the Student Ministries office to scan your photos. Contact Jeremy Galasso at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031, ext. 320, with any questions.

Summer Camps. U.M. ARMY Mission Camp; June 23-29; students currently in 9th-12th grades, college students, adults; cost: $215; Student Life; July 22-26; students currently in 6th-12th grades; cost: $350; deadline: April 29. Camp Connect; July 8-12; students currently in 6th-8th grades; cost: $75; deadline: May 17. Scholarships are available. A deposit of $75 is required to hold your spot. Adult volunteers are needed. Register at Call (281) 492-8031, ext. 319, or e-mail hharmison@ for more information.

Blessing of the Bikes


Apr. 15-21 MONDAY Deut. 6:1-8 TUESDAY 1 Tim 6:11-16 WEDNESDAY Amos 5:18-24 THURSDAY Acts 3:12-19 FRIDAY Ps. 4 SATURDAY 1 John 3:1-7 SUNDAY Luke 24:35-49 Apr. 22-28 MONDAY Ezek. 34:1-10 TUESDAY Ezek. 34:11-22 WEDNESDAY Ezek. 34:23-31 THURSDAY Acts 4:5-12 FRIDAY Ps. 23 SATURDAY 1 John 3:16-24 SUNDAY John 10:11-18

f you are riding in the MS150, bring your bike to the courtyard on April 17 at 6:30 p.m. for a special blessing. All riders also are invited to eat at Wednesday Night Dinner that night for no charge. See page 3 for reservation information.

Tell us what you think about Wednesday dinners


he Wednesday Night Dinner Crew is requesting your help in determining the direction of future dinners. Please go to and fill out the short survey on the Wednesday Night Dinner page. You also can fill out a paper survey at the cashier’s table on Wednesday nights. Only one survey per person please. Thank you for helping us better meet the church’s needs concerning Wednesday Night Dinner.


Sunday Worship

St. Peter’s United Methodist Church 20775 Kingsland Blvd. Katy, Texas 77450

8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m. Traditional Worship the element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship the element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar Sunday, April 14 12:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Monday, April 15 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 21 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 24 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 26 6:00 p.m.

Ways you can serve

Pizza With the Pastors E106 Groundbreaking and Ice Cream Social Lott Hall Alzheimer’s Support Group Trustees

S209 Conference Room

Wednesday Night Dinner Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s

Lott Hall Various

AARP Driver Safety Training Mothers’ Share Group Finance Committee Open Hearts Support Group

E106 E221 Conference Room E225

Women’s Cancer Support Group Worship Committee

S209 Conference Room

Church Council Women of Joy

E106 S203

The Gathering Wednesday Night Dinner Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s

Asbury Hall Lott Hall Various

Mothers’ Share Group UMW Style Show

E221 Lott Hall

Friday Night Friends

Asbury Hall

Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available at the Information Desk in the Lobby and on the St. Peter’s website.

Generation One. Volunteer to help in Third Ward neighborhoods. Contact Bill Land at [email protected]. Vacation Bible School. Volunteer at VBS or donate supplies through the Giving Tree. Contact Sarah Loving at [email protected]. Spring Style Show. Support United Methodist Women missions by attending their fashion show. Contact Charline Grace at (281) 579-8380. Church Without Walls. Volunteer to lead one of our projects or suggest a project of your own. Contact Bill Land at [email protected]. Donate Blood. Sign up to give your life-saving blood on April 28 at the St. Peter’s Blood Drive. Contact Marsha Asplin at [email protected] for an appointment.