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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 4, No. 8 November 8, 2013

Connecting the World with God’s Love

THIS ISSUE: The Painted Churches

Church Conference Celebrate the ways God has worked through the ministries of St. Peter’s during this past year.

Chili Cook-Off and Cake Auction Don’t miss this opportunity to sample award-winning chili and support Student Ministries’ mission in Jamaica.

In October, the KEYS senior adult group spent a fabulous day touring the Painted Churches near Schulenburg. They visited four churches, including St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, where the guide explained the history of the church. For more information about KEYS trips, please visit the KEYS bulletin board in the Lobby.

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

Conference is time to reflect on past year

The things we need to accomplish


me on this earth to accomplish a certain num-

lease make plans to join us Nov. 17 for our annual Church Conference at 3 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The Church Conference gives us an opportunity to celebrate the amazing things that God has done in 2013 through the ministries of this congregation. We will be sharing with District Superintendent Rev. Jay Jackson some of the ways we have been “Connecting the World with God’s Love” this year. We also will receive a report from our Lay Leadership Committee regarding the ministry teams for the coming year. Please plan to attend as we give thanks to God for an amazing year and envision the possibilities before us for 2014.

In the next issue ... Watch for our Advent and Christmas schedule in the next issue of the St. Peter’s Connection. Advent starts Dec. 1, the Sunday after Thanksgiving.


Dear Friends in Christ, The cartoon character Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes once said, “God put ber of things. Right now I’m so far behind I’ll never die.” Sometimes I suspect we all have the same feeling. During the Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas seasons, we can get so busy with the things we think we need to accomplish to prepare for these celebrations that we actually miss the celebration experience. This year I pray that we can keep our focus on the reason we have these special seasons. Let us truly experience giving thanks, let us truly prepare

Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor

ourselves for the coming again of our Savior, and let us celebrate the greatest gift ever given to us from God. As we do this, we may just realize we have accomplished the most important things we need to accomplish. I look forward to seeing you in church. Grace and Peace,


The Gathering

Each month The Gathering provides a day for those who are homebound to get out and enjoy music, games, lunch and companionship. It is also a time of respite for caregivers. If you are interested in more information about The Gathering, visit

Special needs mentors


s we begin to look forward to 2014, I need everyone’s help on a couple of issues. Normal room reservations at St. Peter’s run through the end of the calendar year, which is almost here. If you are in charge of a group that meets here and would like to continue the use of your room in 2014, you must let me know as soon as you can. Please e-mail me at cscott@stpkaty. org letting me know your intentions for 2014, and I will get you all squared away. Also, as we continue to expand, it becomes more important to let me know when you will not be using your room. We set up AC needs and room needs based on the calendar and often are left air-conditioning an empty room when a group does not show up. I simply ask that you let me know ahead of time about any dates when your group will not meet. Out in the construction areas, we are still moving along nicely. As of today we are about five to six weeks away from delivery on both the children’s addition and the Wesley addition. We continue to work through all of the tasks necessary to furnish our new spaces, but there will be items that we will not be able to provide right away. Most of these items are smaller and will not affect the functionality of the spaces. I know Kelly Johnson with Children’s Ministries and Jason Trice with Student Ministries have a list of needed items, so if you are interested in making a donation, I encourage you to check with them! If you ever need anything just let me know

Chris Scott

Building Operations Manager

SPLASH to celebrate Thanksliving


n Sunday, Nov. 24, SPLASH children’s worship will have a Thanksliving celebration with snacks, fellowship, children’s church commitment cards, and a special message about being thankful for what God has provided us. We are asking that all children who attend that day bring an unwrapped new toy to donate to Toys for Tots. For more information, please contact Whitney Peper at [email protected]. SPLASH meets each Sunday at 11 a.m. in Asbury Hall.

t. Peter’s Special Needs Ministry is looking for more volunteers to help with children and teens with special needs on Sunday mornings. We need help in the separate class for children with special needs, as well as volunteers to accompany children with special needs to Sunday School, SPLASH and student Sunday School. No experience is required, just a patient, calm, and loving heart. If you can help, please contact Sarah Morrison at (281) 300-7044 or [email protected].

ADHD support group meeting


he ADHD Support Group will meet Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Asbury Hall. Our speaker will be Fred Shafer, formerly executive director of special education for Katy ISD and for Region IV, who will present “Facilitating: Types, Purpose, and Benefits of Using Facilitation.” Join us for an informative and interesting evening and bring a friend. For more information, please call Laura Peddicord at (281) 392-6064.


Brown Bag Bridge. Our next play date is Nov. 14. Please contact Martha at (281) 395-4825 or mckit@ if you would like to join us.

Alzheimer’s Support Group


he Alzheimer’s Support Group will meet Nov. 18 at 1:30 p.m. in S209 for a time of caring and sharing. For more information, contact Beverly Deerhake at (281) 856-6217.

On Oct. 17 six women from St. Peter’s attended the 76th Walk to Emmaus. This three-day event is a time to grow deeper in your understanding of and relationship with Christ, while enjoying good food, old and new friends, and a spiritual journey that will last a lifetime.

Open Hearts Support Group


his support group for families and friends of gays and lesbians will meet Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. in E225. We offer a safe and affirming setting for those who desire understanding, education and support. For more information, please contact Elaine Saunders at (281) 944-4924 or [email protected].

Join St. Peter’s men for breakfast on Thursdays


ll men of St. Peter’s are invited to join us each Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at Red Oak Grill, 2004 S. Mason Rd., for fellowship, food

and fun. No reservations are needed and you are welcome to bring any male guests. We look forward to seeing you!


St. Peter’s west campus opens next fall

Prayer time for our new extension campus


group of St. Peter’s members is meeting to pray for our new extension campus in West Katy. We will meet in S208 on Nov. 20 at 10 a.m. Childcare is available by contacting Kelly Peltier at [email protected]. If you cannot be at this meeting, we encourage you to set aside this time wherever you are to pray for the extension campus.

Wednesday Night Dinner 5:00 – 6:30 p.m., Lott Hall Nov. 13 Last Wednesday Night Dinner of the fall Beef stew, cornbread and apple bake Kid’s meal: pizza, corn and Gogurt Healthy option of a turkey burger available by reservation. Adults/Kids: $6/$3 with reservation Make reservation by Sunday at midnight at or by 12:15 p.m. Sunday at Information Desk.

Welcome to Our New Members Thomas Bentley, Mike and Cyndy Flory, Mike and Denise Harrell, Jared and Kara Metcalf, James and Ashley Shuler, Geoffrey and Beverly Smith, and Jason and Joanna Williams

ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE October 27 Traditional Worship 8:30 173 9:45 173 11:00 382 the element 9:45 124 11:00 126 SPLASH 74 TOTAL 1,052

November 3 Traditional Worship 8:30 254 9:45 239 11:00 366 the element 9:45 159 11:00 161 SPLASH 88 TOTAL 1,267

In Our Prayers

PRAYERS Ray Barrett, Ray Britt, John Duffield, Jane Ellis, Brian Jones, Don Kennedy, Betty Marsh, Bill Pierce and Joyce Tomlinson. SYMPATHY To Rosemarie Foster and family on the death of her father. To Joe Moore and family on the death of his grandfather. To Bonnie Woodrow and family on the death of her mother. PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Johnathon Baker, Tim and Alison Batig, Jared Behne, John Belsha, Amanda Berg, Colin Binion, Patrick Boutall, Will Brandt, Ben Brice, Eric Brookover, Martin Busch, Randy Butcher, Sean Cain, Devin Camp, Darron Chamblee, Scott Chumbley, Daniel Clarke, Skyler Cook, Thomas Cotten, Patrick Couch, Kathryn Donnelly, Brandi and Josiah Fast, Westley Freeze, Daniel Fritz, Charles Fray, James Gilbert, Anita Marie Gilliam, Tyler J. Gorcie, Jason Gordon, Eric Graesley, Tye Grasshoff, Dylan Greismeyer, David Gutierrez, George Harrison, Steven Heath, Jeff Hiser, Matthew C. Houghton, Matthew Ivester, Scott Lewis, Mike Linn, Ryan Lueders, Austin McCall, Jason McFadzen, Jake McMath, Mick McNaughton, Adam Miller, Joel Muhlnickel, Robert Near, Blake Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Neal Osburn, Austin Paynter/149th Division, Shawn Platz, Hamilton Rencurrel, Taylor Richardson, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Jason Salter, Brandon Schumacher, Daniel Sewastynowicz, John Simmons, Morgan Smyth, Texas Military Forces, Shannon Thorthan, Bill Underwood, Kevin Van Winkle, Bert Walker, Tom Walsh, Matthew Weible, Michael Wendt, Max Weyermann, Leonard Will, Jasen Wilson, and Marine Co. 1157.


Club 45 raises funds for Christmas gifts


ourth- and fifth-graders from Club 45 assembled and sold more than 100 “Jars of Love” containing homemade cookies, cocoa and marshmallows last Sunday. The group raised $450 to buy Christmas gifts for the Camp Connect children from the Parkway Village Apartments. Thanks to everyone who supported this Club 45 mission project.

Get help with your job search


he Job Search Assistance program, which helps those who are looking for employment or job change, meets Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in S205 through Nov. 20. John Caudill will present information on search tactics, networking, resumes and interviewing, which will address both general and individual specific job searches. Come join this wonderful small group where more than 30 people have already found new jobs! For information, contact John at (281) 600-8138 or [email protected].


Mission Focus for November Living Water Mission Trip. St. Peter’s will be taking another mission team to El Salvador Feb. 15-22 to drill a water well. In Katy, Texas, we do not worry about where our water comes from or what is in it. However, many people around the world do not have that luxury. This is a great mission experience, which will bring safe drinking water to a village in El Salvador. We currently have several open places on our 12-person team. The trip cost is $1900 with a $500 deposit due now. For more information, please contact Bill Land at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031, ext. 366. Thanksgiving Feast. St. Peter’s will be participating in the annual Katy Community Thanksgiving Feast on Thanksgiving Day. Our menu item this year is 1,200 hot rolls. In addition, we have committed to donate 85 fleece blankets. We will be serving about 1,000 people at First UMC, Katy. Please go to the Missions page at to sign up to make a donation or volunteer on Thanksgiving Day. Donate Baby Supplies. Missions is supporting the upcoming Girlfriend Getaway mission project. We are collecting donations of baby items that will be assembled into packages at the women’s retreat to support the Pregnancy Help Center and their partnership with Young Lives, a support group for teenage mothers in Katy. Needed items are diapers, wipes, baby powder, diaper rash ointment, baby oil, or various other baby products. Please visit the crib in the Lobby for more details or to return your donations. For any questions about missions, please contact Bill Land at bland@ or (281) 492-8031, ext. 366.

Blood drive brings in 107 units


hank you to everyone who donated blood at our Oct. 27 blood drive. We had 94 people screened, 84 donors and a total of 107 units or blood products donated. These included six first-time donors and 18 walk-ins. Our next blood drive is Jan. 5. Watch for sign-up dates in December or contact Marsha Asplin at [email protected] or (281) 492-0472.

The church office needs your help


re you looking for a way to connect the world with God’s love? Do you want to learn more about St. Peter’s or meet the church staff? The church office needs a volunteer to answer the phone and greet visitors on Tuesday afternoons. We also need substitute volunteers mornings or afternoons, Monday through Thursday. No experience is necessary. If you can help, please call Marcia Churns at (281) 578-6654.

Daily Bible Reading Chili Cook-Off and Cake Auction Nov. 10. Student Ministries invites you to our annual cook-off Sunday, Nov. 10, at noon in the Wesley Student Center. During the event you can sample chili and vote on your favorite one to win. The ballots are $1 per vote. We will provide hot dogs and beverages for sale. The Cake Auction will have a variety of fun, decadent, Jamaica-themed desserts for you to bid on. The funds raised at the cook-off will support our 20th mission trip to Hampstead, Jamaica.

Fall Fun at St. Peter’s

Nov. 11 – 17 MONDAY Acts 17:16-34 TUESDAY John 11:1-44 WEDNESDAY 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 THURSDAY Matthew 25:1-13 FRIDAY Matthew 25:1-13 SATURDAY Colossians 4:2-18 SUNDAY 1 Thessalonians 5 Nov. 18 – 24 MONDAY 2 Thessalonians 2 TUESDAY 2 Thessalonians 3 WEDNESDAY John 4:31-38 THURSDAY Matthew 25:14-30 FRIDAY John 1:43-51 SATURDAY Luke 8:22-56 SUNDAY Acts 17:1-9


Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m.

St. Peter’s United Methodist Church 20775 Kingsland Blvd. Katy, Texas 77450

Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m. Traditional Worship the element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship the element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar Sunday, Nov. 10 12:00 noon Chili Cook-Off and Cake Auction Wesley 12:15 p.m. Pizza With the Pastors E106 6:30 p.m. ADHD Support Group Asbury Hall Tuesday, Nov. 12 1:30 p.m. KEYS Council E225 7:00 p.m. Lydia Circle S203 Women of Joy Parlor Wednesday, Nov. 13 9:00 a.m. Prayer Quilt Ministry S201 10:00 a.m. UMW Board Meeting E106 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Dinner Lott Hall 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Nights at St. Peter’s Various Thursday, Nov. 14 10:00 a.m. Brown Bag Bridge Asbury Hall Sunday, Nov. 17 3:00 p.m. Church Conference Sanctuary 4:00 p.m. Women’s Cancer Support Group S209 Monday, Nov. 18 1:30 p.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group S209 6:30 p.m. Trustees Meeting Conference Room Tuesday, Nov. 19 7:00 p.m. Missions Committee E106 Wednesday, Nov. 20 9:00 a.m. UMW Agape Circle E106 10:00 a.m. Extension Campus Prayer Time S208 Thursday, Nov. 21 7:00 p.m. Open Hearts Support Group E225 Friday, Nov. 22 6:00 p.m. Friday Night Friends Asbury Hall Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available on our website.

Ways you can serve Bring fresh water to a village. Join our Living Water Mission Trip Feb. 15-22 to drill a water well in El Salvador. For more information, contact Bill Land at [email protected]

Pray for our new campus. Gather with others on Nov. 20 at 10 a.m. in S208 to pray for our extension campus in West Katy.

Mentor special needs children and students. Help those with special needs on Sunday mornings in Sunday School and children’s worship. Contact Sarah Morrison at [email protected].

Volunteer in the church office. Answer the phone and greet visitors during the week. Contact Marcia Churns at (281) 578-6654.