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St. Peter’s

CONNECTION VOL. 4, No. 1 August 2, 2013

Connecting the World with God’s Love

THIS ISSUE: VBS for the whole family Lay Delegates

Find out who they are, what they do and why their service is important to St. Peter’s.

School Supply Drive Help the children at the Parkview Village Apartments in Houston have a successful start back to school by donating school supplies.


t. Peter’s hosted 33 families July 28-30 for “Kick It Ol’ School” Family Vacation Bible School, a new addition to our Summer Ministries. During the three-night event, families learned that in a world that is always searching for “the next big thing,” some things never change and can never be improved upon. God, His Word, His Promises, and the Gospel will always continued on page 2

20775 Kingsland Blvd., Katy, Texas 77450 (281) 492-8031

Katy ISD cookie delivery time


t’s time for our annual back-to-school cookie delivery for teachers. To show how much St. Peter’s appreciates everything teachers do for the young people in Katy, we will deliver platters of cookies to many of the schools in Katy ISD. If you can help, please drop off your home-baked cookies on the morning of Aug. 18 by the Asbury kitchen. Volunteers are needed to assemble the trays that afternoon at 2 p.m. If you want to make sure cookies are delivered to your child’s school, volunteer to be a driver! A platter of cookies will be available on Aug. 19 for each school that has a volunteer to deliver it. If you can help deliver cookies, contact Susan Patrick at [email protected] or (281) 578-3601.

Walk across the room; change a person’s life Dear Friends, In the traditional worship services we are in the midst of a sermon series called “Just Walk Across the Room.” It is based on the book by the same title, which was written by Bill Hybels. Bill is the founding and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, Ill. Willow Creek has grown into a megachurch under Bill’s leadership. In this sermon series, we are considering the importance of sharing our faith with others. The book asks us to consider an important thought: “What if you knew that by simply crossing the room and saying hello to someone, you could change that person’s life forever? Just a few steps to make an eternal difference. It has nothing to do with methods and everything to do with taking a genuine interest in another human being.” In the rest of this sermon series, over the Dr. Pat Sparks, Senior Pastor next few weeks, we will look at the simple things that can be done to make a huge difference in someone else’s life. It doesn’t have to be embarrassing or difficult to share our faith with others. In fact, it is best done in our everyday interactions. We just need to be intentional about our efforts to “Connect the World with God’s Love.” I look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Grace and Peace,


Family VBS continued from page 1 Park at Taylor


chool will be starting in a few weeks and the number of guests and members coming to worship will increase. If you are able, we ask that you park in the Taylor High School parking lot. Thank you for your help!


remain unchanged. Volunteers (aka DJs) reinforced this concept through an 80s old school rock and roll concert environment. Each evening began with a family supper followed by a Go Fish Guys “concert” and ended with an “encore” time of worship. “Kick It Ol’ School was like no VBS we’ve ever had at St. Peter’s. It was loud and fun, and most important, gave us a unique opportunity to share eternal truths and point families to Christ in a memorable way,” said Shelley Eastland, FVBS co-director. Families explored various stations, including games and songs, missions, Bible study and crafts. “As much fun as it was, we just want to bring God glory,” said co-director Jody Cook. “I think we accomplished that by emphasizing the importance of studying the Bible and playing together as a family. We hope families continue to study God’s word and spend quality time together at home.”

Randy Rush accepts director position in The Woodlands


y now I am sure most of you have heard that Randy Rush has resigned his role as Executive Director at St. Peter’s. Randy was an integral part of many changes that have happened over the last year and a half, and he will be missed as we continue to move forward. I wish him well in his new venture! This is also an exciting time in our construction process. In the next week or so, walls will begin going up for our SPLASH expansion, and around the same time we should see a foundation for the Wesley expansion! All of the delay issues have been cleared up, so the process should move much more smoothly going forward. I also would like to remind everyone that a special e-mail, [email protected], is available for you to use. If you have a concern or question about anything on campus, please feel free to use that e-mail. It is a great tool that we use to track maintenance or setup requests, as well as stay in communication on the process of the request. My team and I strive to provide a campus that everyone can be proud of, so if we can help you please do not hesitate to contact us. If you need anything during this time of transition please let me know!

Chris Scott

Building Operations Manager

xecutive Director Randy Rush has accepted the executive director position at Christ Church United Methodist in The Woodlands. Randy joined the St. Peter’s staff in March 2012 after serving at Chapel Hill UMC in Oklahoma City. At St. Peter’s he has helped oversee our Multiply & Magnify expansion project as well as implemented policies and procedures for the operation of the church. Dr. Pat Sparks said, “We appreciate everything Randy has done for our church. He has made a positive impact on St. Peter’s, and we wish Randy and his wife, Linda, well as they make this move.”

Construction Updates


lease visit our Construction Update page at for photos and information to keep you up to date on the progress of our expansion project. Click on News and Events and then Construction Update.

The children’s Sunday School classes made 14 blankets to donate to Young Lives, which reaches out to young mothers in the Katy school district to offer them encouragement, guidance, and support and to bring the word of God to them.


Join one of our home groups


re you looking for a way to connect with others at St. Peter’s? Would you like to have an opportunity to learn more about the Bible in a comfortable environment where you can ask questions? If so, maybe a small home group is right for you. Home groups meet in a casual setting where you can fellowship with others and learn together. We currently have home groups for college and career, women, empty-nesters, singles, and married couples. E-mail Beth Smith at [email protected] for more information.

Share your lifechanging stories

What is a lay delegate?


ach year St. Peter’s sends delegates to the Texas Annual Conference in May to represent our church. These are laypeople (not clergy) who volunteer to meet for three days discussing and voting on the business of our conference. This year our lay delegates were John Campbell, Jim Miller, Joe Mireur and Patsy Stanley. This is the sixth year John has served as a delegate. He said this year’s theme, “Invest in the Young,” was timely given the decline and aging of the United Methodist membership. “With an average age of United Methodist membership in the mid-50s,” he said, “it is quite clear why we need to invest in the young.” Serving as a delegate showed John two things he especially likes about the United Methodist Church. The first was seeing more than 40 elders and deacons ordained or commissioned. He was impressed by the standards and process required for them to join our connection. “The second thing that Annual Conference has helped me realize over the years is how powerful it is that we are a connected church,” John said. “What I have come to appreciate is that when the churches in our conference (and all conferences) put their resources together, then we can do God’s work in a big way!” Joe was a first-time delegate. He said there is a systematic process to getting the various proposals presented and voted on. “The leaders have made great efforts to inform the delegates of the choices they will be voting on,” he said. “All the delegate has to do is read the material provided, pray about it and then vote his conscience.” This was the second year Patsy served as a delegate. “The speakers and music were wonderful,” she said. “It’s a great experience to learn things about your church and the way it’s run.” She said she would especially encourage young women to serve as delegates.


ach Sunday in traditional worship you hear a short story about how the ministries of St. Peter’s have impacted people’s lives. If you have your own life-changing story to share, you can submit it to Ashley Eidson at aeidson@ or mail it to the church office.


The foundation for the new SPLASH children’s worship space has been poured and walls should start going up soon. Work is progressing on the foundation for the Wesley Student Center addition, and you will soon see work starting in the Sanctuary.

In Our Prayers

PRAYERS Ray Britt, June Brown, Corkey Dial, John Duffield, Brian Jones, Don Kennedy, Betty Marsh, Annette Miller, Bill Pierce, Carey Reid, Hattie Tomlinson and Mary Zavesky. SYMPATHY To Kelly Peltier and family on the death of her sister. To Merrilynn Stockton and family on the death of her mother. To Donna Van Wyk and family on the death of her sister.

The children’s Sunday School classes continued their summer focus on missions with a lemonade stand. They used the proceeds of almost $250 to make a contribution to our mission trip to Ecuador. The children made, advertised and sold the lemonade between Sunday services.

Welcome to Our New Members Marion and Faunelle Deaton Dorise Funari WC and Phyllis Kleiber Mike and Cindy McKinney Brian, Sandy, and Erik Moses Glen, Dorothy and Megan Stroech

ST. PETER’S ATTENDANCE July 21 Traditional Worship 8:30 185 9:45 143 11:00 424 the element 9:45 100 11:00 120 SPLASH 62 TOTAL 1,034

July 28 Traditional Worship 8:30 233 9:45 184 11:00 430 the element 9:45 93 11:00 181 SPLASH 77 TOTAL 1,198

PRAYERS FOR OUR MILITARY Johnathon Baker, Tim and Alison Batig, Jared Behne, John Belsha, Amanda Berg, Colin Binion, Patrick Boutall, Will Brandt, Ben Brice, Eric Brookover, Martin Busch, Randy Butcher, Sean Cain, Devin Camp, Darron Chamblee, Scott Chumbley, Daniel Clarke, Skyler Cook, Thomas Cotten, Patrick Couch, Parker Allen Dial, Kathryn Donnelly, Brandi and Josiah Fast, Westley Freeze, Daniel Fritz, Charles Fray, James Gilbert, Anita Marie Gilliam, Tyler J. Gorcie, Jason Gordon, Eric Graesley, Tye Grasshoff, David Gutierrez, George Harrison, Steven Heath, Jeff Hiser, Matthew C. Houghton, Matthew Ivester, Scott Lewis, Mike Linn, Ryan Lueders, Austin McCall, Jason McFadzen, Jake McMath, Mick McNaughton, Adam Miller, Joel Muhlnickel, Robert Near, Blake Nunes, Ryan O’Quinn, Neal Osburn, Austin Paynter/149th Division, Shawn Platz, Casey Pontious, Sherri Pontious, Hamilton Rencurrel, Taylor Richardson, Jack Ritchie, Don Rolleg, Jason Salter, Brandon Schumacher, Daniel Sewastynowicz, John Simmons, Morgan Smyth, Texas Military Forces, Shannon Thorthan, Bill Underwood, Kevin Van Winkle, Bert Walker, Tom Walsh, Matthew Weible, Michael Wendt, Max Weyermann, Leonard Will, Jasen Wilson, and Marine Co. 1157.


Breakfast for a Blessing


ou can support Christ Clinic in Katy by attending their Breakfast for a Blessing with honored guest Rep. John Zerwas, Sept. 20 at the Omni West Hotel from 7:30-9 a.m. Tickets are $40 each or you can sponsor a table. Reservation deadline is Aug. 20. You can purchase tickets by going to www. and clicking on Sponsors. St. Peter’s is a mission partner with Christ Clinic, which provides healthcare to those who are uninsured.

Helpers needed to set up Communion


olunteers are needed to help us set up and then remove the Communion elements from the altar in traditional worship the first Sunday of the month or every Sunday at the 8:30 a.m. service. If you can help, please contact Mark Liles at [email protected], (281) 578-1321 (home) or (713) 335-6775 (work).

Mission Focus for August Camp Connect school supply drive. Student Ministries is collecting school supplies for the children at Parkview Village Apartments in Houston. This is the same group of children our students spend a week with in the summer leading a Vacation Bible School at Camp Connect. This Sunday there will be a table in the Lobby with a complete list of the items needed in addition to a backpack and lunch box. All of the items should be placed in the backpack and returned to the Student Ministries office or placed on the floor underneath the Student Ministries bulletin board in the Lobby. If you would like to participate but prefer not to shop, you can purchase a Walmart gift card or donate money by placing it in the offering (please put Student Ministries School Supply Drive in the memo line of your check or on the envelope) or bringing it by the Student Ministries office. If you have any questions, please contact Heather at (281) 492-8031 or [email protected]. Donate Water for Moore, Okla., Mission Trip. If you would like to help with our mission trip, but are unable to go to Moore, you can donate bottles of water or Gatorade for our team (no large bottles, please). Bring your donations to the church office Monday through Thursday of next week. Thank you for your help.

Children’s Sunday School is on a mission


ach Sunday this summer in Sunday School, the children have been learning how to be the hands and feet of Christ by using their gifts and talents to serve in mission opportunities. The missions we are partnering with are U.M. ARMY, Texas Children’s Hospital, CAPS, KIDZ Club, St. Peter’s Care Team, Ecuador Mission Trip, Generation One, and Young Lives. Kindergarten through fourth grade learn about a different mission each week and participate in a hands-on activity associated with the mission. We have painted birdhouses, decoupaged crosses, made chew toys, assembled breakfast items, put together activity bags, made get well cards, sold lemonade, made baby blankets, and collected school supplies. On Aug. 11 we will be collecting school supplies for KIDZ Club. If you would like to help, you can donate No. 2 pencils, glue sticks, box of 24 crayons, box of 24 colored map pencils and plastic school boxes. We also are collecting gently used books appropriate for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Please bring your donations to the Children’s Information Desk or the Children’s Ministries office and label them Children’s Missions.

Altar Flowers Donate flowers for Sunday worship in honor or memory of a loved one by going to and clicking on “Giving and Resources.”


Daily Bible Reading

We have two great trips coming up that will provide high school students with an opportunity to be introduced to Bible study and reinforce relationships for students who are already involved. High School Girls’ Bible Study Beach Trip. We will be heading to Galveston Aug. 9 and 10, leaving at 9:30 a.m. Friday and returning about 5 p.m. on Saturday. Come for sweets, treats, sand, sun, friends, surprises, fun, crafts, glitter and Jesus! The cost is $40 and includes everything. RSVP ASAP. Spots will fill fast! Contact Heather at (281) 944-4929 or [email protected]. High School Guys’ Mystery Trip. This will be the greatest trip you know nothing about! We will leave Friday, Aug. 9, and return Saturday, Aug. 10. Cost is $75 and includes everything. Sign up today because spots will fill up fast! Contact Jeremy Galasso at (281) 492-8031, ext. 323, or [email protected].

Time to get ready for Wednesday nights


t’s not too early to start thinking about fall. We have an exciting lineup of adult classes and student and children’s activities planned for you on Wednesday nights beginning Sept. 11. The evenings begin with Wednesday Night Dinners for everyone. Adults can register online now for “The Bible in 90 Days,” “Embraced by God” (women), “The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?” “Overwhelmed by God,” “The Book of Romans” (men), “Therefore,” and “Disciple II.” Your children can register for We4 or KIDS JAM children’s choir. Junior high students are invited to Rooted, which begins Aug. 28 (no registration required). Other classes for adults and Bible studies and worship for senior high students are offered on other nights of the week. Complete information and registration is available at

Aug. 5 – 11 MONDAY 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 TUESDAY Colossians 1:1-14 WEDNESDAY Revelation 19:1-10 THURSDAY Romans 8:31-39 FRIDAY 2 Samuel 7:18-29 SATURDAY Romans 4 SUNDAY James 1:1-12 Aug. 12 – Aug. 18 MONDAY 2 Peter 1:1-11 TUESDAY Acts 12:1-11 WEDNESDAY John 17:1-19 THURSDAY Romans 9:1-5 FRIDAY 1 Chronicles 29:10-22 SATURDAY Luke 10:1-12 SUNDAY Luke 22:14-30

Are you hurting? Click below to learn how people have received help from Stephen Ministries. To connect with a Stephen Minister at St. Peter’s, contact Kim Meyers at [email protected] or (281) 492-8031.

Stephen Ministries


Sunday Worship

St. Peter’s United Methodist Church 20775 Kingsland Blvd. Katy, Texas 77450

8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion

9:45 a.m. Traditional Worship the element Contemporary Worship Sunday School for All Ages

11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship the element Contemporary Worship SPLASH Children’s Worship Sunday School for Adults

St. Peter’s Events Calendar

Ways you can serve

Sunday, Aug. 4

Volunteer in the church office.

4:00 p.m.

Women’s Cancer Support


6:00 p.m.

Katy Manor VBS

Off Campus

Katy Manor VBS

Off Campus

Katy Manor VBS

Off Campus

Set up and pick up Communion elements. If you can help, please

Brown Bag Bridge

Asbury Hall

Pizza With the Pastors


contact Mark Liles at markliles@att. net, (281) 578-1321 (home) or (713) 335-6775 (work).

9:30 a.m.

Grace Notes Women’s Ensemble


1:30 p.m.

KEYS Council


Prayer Quilt Ministry


Bake and deliver cookies to Katy teachers. Bring your home-

Finance Committee

Conference Room

baked cookies to church on Aug. 18. Contact Susan Patrick at spatrick8@ or (281) 578-3601 if you can deliver cookies on Aug. 19.

Monday, Aug. 5 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8 10:00 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 11 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13

Wednesday, Aug. 14 9:00 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 7:00 p.m.

Detailed weekly calendars of St. Peter’s events are available at the Information Desk in the Lobby and on the St. Peter’s website.

We need someone who can volunteer Tuesday afternoons as well as substitutes to fill in for regular volunteers. If you are interested, please call Marcia Churns at (281) 578-6654.

Donate drinks for the Moore Mission Trip. Bring your donations of water or Gatorade to the church office this week. The team leaves for Oklahoma on Aug. 11.